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Validation of a schedule‐based capacity restraint transit assignment model for a large‐scale network
This paper describes the application of a capacity restraint trip assignment algorithm to a real, large‐scale transit network and the validation of the results. Unlike the conventional frequency‐based approach, the network formulation of the proposed model is dynamic and schedule‐based. Transit vehicles are assumed to operate to a set of pre‐determined schedules. Passengers are assumed to select paths based on a generalized cost function including in‐vehicle and out‐of‐vehicle time and line change penalty. The time‐varying passenger demand is loaded onto the network by a time increment simulation method, which ensures that the capacity restraint of each vehicle during passenger boarding is strictly observed. The optimal‐path and path‐loading algorithms are applied iteratively by the method of successive averages until the network converges to the predictive dynamic user equilibrium. The Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway network is used to validate the model results. The potential applications of the model are also discussed. 相似文献
William H. K. Lam Jing Zhou Zhao-han Sheng 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》2002,36(10)
This paper proposes a new formulation for the capacity restraint transit assignment problem with elastic line frequency, in which the line frequency is related to the passenger flows on transit lines. A stochastic user equilibrium transit assignment model with congestion and elastic line frequency is proposed and the equivalent mathematical programming problem is also formulated. Since the passenger waiting time and the line capacity are dependent on the line frequency, a fixed point problem with respect to the line frequency is devised accordingly. The existence of the fixed point problem has been proved. A solution algorithm for the proposed model is presented. Finally, a numerical example is used to illustrate the application of the proposed model and solution algorithm. 相似文献
Younes HamdouchH.W. Ho Agachai Sumalee Guodong Wang 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》2011,45(10):1805-1830
In this paper, we propose a new schedule-based equilibrium transit assignment model that differentiates the discomfort level experienced by sitting and standing passengers. The notion of seat allocation has not been considered explicitly and analytically in previous schedule-based frameworks. The model assumes that passengers use strategies when traveling from their origin to their destination. When loading a vehicle, standing on-board passengers continuing to the next station have priority to get available seats and waiting passengers are loaded on a First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) principle. The stimulus of a standing passenger to sit increases with his/her remaining journey length and time already spent on-board. When a vehicle is full, passengers unable to board must wait for the next vehicle to arrive. The equilibrium conditions can be stated as a variational inequality involving a vector-valued function of expected strategy costs. To find a solution, we adopt the method of successive averages (MSA) that generates strategies during each iteration by solving a dynamic program. Numerical results are also reported to show the effects of our model on the travel strategies and departure time choices of passengers. 相似文献
This paper addresses a general stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) traffic assignment problem with link capacity constraints. It first proposes a novel linearly constrained minimization model in terms of path flows and then shows that any of its local minimums satisfies the generalized SUE conditions. As the objective function of the proposed model involves path‐specific delay functions without explicit mathematical expressions, its Lagrangian dual formulation is analyzed. On the basis of the Lagrangian dual model, a convergent Lagrangian dual method with a predetermined step size sequence is developed. This solution method merely invokes a subroutine at each iteration to perform a conventional SUE traffic assignment excluding link capacity constraints. Finally, two numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed model and solution method. 相似文献
A reliability‐based traffic assignment model for multi‐modal transport network under demand uncertainty

In densely populated and congested urban areas, the travel times in congested multi‐modal transport networks are generally varied and stochastic in practice. These stochastic travel times may be raised from day‐to‐day demand fluctuations and would affect travelers' route and mode choice behaviors according to their different expectations of on‐time arrival. In view of these, this paper presents a reliability‐based user equilibrium traffic assignment model for congested multi‐modal transport networks under demand uncertainty. The stochastic bus frequency due to the unstable travel time of bus route is explicitly considered. By the proposed model, travelers' route and mode choice behaviors are intensively explored. In addition, a stochastic state‐augmented multi‐modal transport network is adopted in this paper to effectively model probable transfers and non‐linear fare structures. A numerical example is given to illustrate the merits of the proposed model. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Takamasa Iryo 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》2011,45(6):867-879
This study provides an example in which the dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) assignment of a congested road network with bottlenecks is non-unique. In previous studies, the uniqueness of DUE assignments with the bottleneck model has been shown in limited cases such as single-origin and single-destination networks. Consequently, it is still an important issue whether or not uniqueness is a general property of DUE assignments. The present study describes a network in which multiple patterns of link travel time are found, thus providing a negative answer to this question. The network has a loopy structure with multiple bottlenecks and multiple origin-destination (OD) pairs. Given a certain demand pattern of departure times for vehicles leaving their origins, a non-convex set of equilibria with a non-unique pattern of link travel times is shown to exist. 相似文献
This study proposes a generalized multinomial logit model that allows heteroscedastic variance and flexible utility function shape. The novelty of our approach is that the model is theoretically derived by applying a generalized extreme-value distribution to the random component of utility, while retaining its closed-form expression. In addition, the weibit model, in which the random utility is assumed to follow the Weibull distribution, is a special case of the proposed model. This is achieved by utilizing the q-generalization method developed in Tsallis statistics. Then, our generalized logit model is incorporated into a transportation network equilibrium model. The network equilibrium model with a generalized logit route choice is formulated as an optimization problem for uncongested networks. The objective function includes Tsallis entropy, a type of generalized entropy. The generalization of the Gumbel and Weibull distributions, logit and weibit models, and network equilibrium model are formulated within a unified framework with q-generalization or Tsallis statistics. 相似文献
In this study, to incorporate realistic discrete stochastic capacity distribution over a large number of sampling days or scenarios (say 30–100 days), we propose a multi-scenario based optimization model with different types of traveler knowledge in an advanced traveler information provision environment. The proposed method categorizes commuters into two classes: (1) those with access to perfect traffic information every day, and (2) those with knowledge of the expected traffic conditions (and related reliability measure) across a large number of different sampling days. Using a gap function framework or describing the mixed user equilibrium under different information availability over a long-term steady state, a nonlinear programming model is formulated to describe the route choice behavior of the perfect information (PI) and expected travel time (ETT) user classes under stochastic day-dependent travel time. Driven by a computationally efficient algorithm suitable for large-scale networks, the model was implemented in a standard optimization solver and an open-source simulation package and further applied to medium-scale networks to examine the effectiveness of dynamic traveler information under realistic stochastic capacity conditions. 相似文献
This study developed a methodology to model the passenger flow stochastic assignment in urban railway network (URN) with the considerations of risk attitude. Through the network augmentation technique, the urban railway system is represented by an augmented network in which the common traffic assignment method can be used directly similar to a generalized network form. Using the analysis of different cases including deterministic travel state, emergent event, peak travel, and completely stochastic state, we developed a stochastic equilibrium formulation to capture these stochastic considerations and give effects of risk aversion level on the URN performance, the passenger flow at transfer stations through numerical studies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Thanks to its high dimensionality and a usually non-convex constraint set, system optimal dynamic traffic assignment remains one of the most challenging problems in transportation research. This paper identifies two fundamental properties of the problem and uses them to design an efficient solution procedure. We first show that the non-convexity of the problem can be circumvented by first solving a relaxed problem and then applying a traffic holding elimination procedure to obtain the solution(s) of the original problem. To efficiently solve the relaxed problem, we explore the relationship between the relaxed problems based on different traffic flow models (PQ, SQ, CTM) and a minimal cost flow (MCF) problem for a special space-expansion network. It is shown that all the four problem formulations produce the same minimal system cost and share one common solution which does not involve inside queues in the network. Efficient solution algorithms such as the network simplex method can be applied to solve the MCF problem and identify such an optimal traffic pattern. Numerical examples are also presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed solution procedure. 相似文献
Braess' paradox illustrates situations when adding a new link to a transport network might lead to an equilibrium state in which travel times of users will increase. The classical network configuration introduced by Braess in 1968 to demonstrate the paradox is of fundamental significance because Valiant and Roughgarden showed in 2006 that ‘the “global” behaviour of an equilibrium flow in a large random network is similar to that in Braess' original four‐node example’. Braess' paradox has been studied mainly in the context of the classical problem introduced by Braess and his colleagues, assuming a certain type of symmetry in networks. Specifically, two pairs of links in those networks are assumed to have the same volume‐delay functions. The occurrence of Braess' paradox for this specific case of network symmetry was investigated by Pas and Principio in 1997. Such a symmetry is not common in real‐life networks because the parameters of volume‐delay functions are associated with roads physical and functional characteristics, which typically differ from one link to another. This research provides an extension of previous studies on Braess' paradox by considering arbitrary volume‐delay functions, that is, symmetry properties are not assumed for any of the network's links and the occurrence of Braess' paradox is studied for a general configuration. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Evaluating the benefits of a combined route guidance and road pricing system in a traffic network with recurrent congestion 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
When drivers do not have complete information on road travel time and thus choose their routes in a stochastic manner or based on their previous experience, separate implementations of either route guidance or road pricing cannot drive a stochastic network flow pattern towards a system optimum in a Wardropian sense. It is thus of interest to consider a combined route guidance and road pricing system. A road guidance system could reduce drivers' uncertainty of travel time through provision of traffic information. A driver who is equipped with a guidance system could be assumed to receive complete information, and hence be able to find the minimum travel time routes in a user-optimal manner, while marginal-cost road pricing could drive a user-optimal flow pattern toward a system optimum. Therefore, a joint implementation of route guidance and road pricing in a network with recurrent congestion could drive a stochastic network flow pattern towards a system optimum, and thus achieve a higher reduction in system travel time. In this paper the interaction between route guidance and road pricing is modeled and the potential benefit of their joint implementation is evaluated based on a mixed equilibrium traffic assignment model. The private and system benefits under marginal-cost pricing and varied levels of market penetration of the information systems are investigated with a small and a large example. It is concluded that the two technologies complement each other and that their joint implementation can reduce travel time more efficiently in a network with recurrent congestion. 相似文献
This paper presents a real-time traffic network state estimation and prediction system with built-in decision support capabilities for traffic network management. The system provides traffic network managers with the capabilities to estimate the current network conditions, predict congestion dynamics, and generate efficient traffic management schemes for recurrent and non-recurrent congestion situations. The system adopts a closed-loop rolling horizon framework in which network state estimation and prediction modules are integrated with a traffic network manager module to generate efficient proactive traffic management schemes. The traffic network manger adopts a meta-heuristic search mechanism to construct the schemes by integrating a wide variety of control strategies. The system is applied in the context of Integrated Corridor Management (ICM), which is envisioned to provide a system approach for managing congested urban corridors. A simulation-based case study is presented for the US-75 corridor in Dallas, Texas. The results show the ability of the system to improve the overall network performance during hypothetical incident scenarios. 相似文献
Jin-Su Mun 《运输规划与技术》2013,36(5):443-466
Abstract A route-based combined model of dynamic deterministic route and departure time choice and a solution method for many origin and destination pairs is proposed. The divided linear travel time model is used to calculate the link travel time and to describe the propagation of flow over time. For the calculation of route travel times, the predictive ideal route travel time concept is adopted. Solving the combined model of dynamic deterministic route and departure time choice is shown to be equivalent to solving simultaneously a system of non-linear equations. A Newton-type iterative scheme is proposed to solve this problem. The performance of the proposed solution method is demonstrated using a version of the Sioux Falls network. This shows that the proposed solution method produces good equilibrium solutions with reasonable computational cost. 相似文献
This paper investigates the multimodal network design problem (MMNDP) that optimizes the auto network expansion scheme and bus network design scheme in an integrated manner. The problem is formulated as a single-level mathematical program with complementarity constraints (MPCC). The decision variables, including the expanded capacity of auto links, the layout of bus routes, the fare levels and the route frequencies, are transformed into multiple sets of binary variables. The layout of transit routes is explicitly modeled using an alternative approach by introducing a set of complementarity constraints. The congestion interaction among different travel modes is captured by an asymmetric multimodal user equilibrium problem (MUE). An active-set algorithm is employed to deal with the MPCC, by sequentially solving a relaxed MMNDP and a scheme updating problem. Numerical tests on nine-node and Sioux Falls networks are performed to demonstrate the proposed model and algorithm. 相似文献
Congestion pricing is one of the widely contemplated methods to manage traffic congestion. The purpose of congestion pricing is to manage traffic demand generation and supply allocation by charging fees (i.e., tolling) for the use of certain roads in order to distribute traffic demand more evenly over time and space. This study presents a framework for large-scale variable congestion pricing policy determination and evaluation. The proposed framework integrates departure time choice and route choice models within a regional dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) simulation environment. The framework addresses the impact of tolling on: (1) road traffic congestion (supply side), and (2) travelers’ choice dimensions including departure time and route choices (demand side). The framework is applied to a simulation-based case study of tolling a major freeway in Toronto while capturing the regional effects across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The models are developed and calibrated using regional household travel survey data that reflect the heterogeneity of travelers’ attributes. The DTA model is calibrated using actual traffic counts from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and the City of Toronto. The case study examined two tolling scenarios: flat and variable tolling. The results indicate that: (1) more benefits are attained from variable pricing, that mirrors temporal congestion patterns, due to departure time rescheduling as opposed to predominantly re-routing only in the case of flat tolling, (2) widespread spatial and temporal re-distributions of traffic demand are observed across the regional network in response to tolling a significant, yet relatively short, expressway serving Downtown Toronto, and (3) flat tolling causes major and counterproductive rerouting patterns during peak hours, which was observed to block access to the tolled facility itself. 相似文献
Travel information continues to receive significant attention in the field of travel behaviour research, as it is expected to help reduce congestion by directing the network state from a user equilibrium towards a more efficient system optimum. This literature review contributes to the existing literature in at least two ways. First, it considers both the individual perspective and the network perspective when assessing the potential effects of travel information, in contrast to earlier studies. Secondly, it highlights the role of bounded rationality as well as that of non-selfish behaviour in route choice and in response to information, complementing earlier reviews that mostly focused on bounded rationality only. It is concluded that information strategies should be tailor-made to an individual's level of rationality as well as level of selfishness in order to approach system-optimal conditions on the network level. Moreover, initial ideas and future research directions are provided for assessing the potential of travel information in order to improve network efficiency of existing road networks. 相似文献
Recently there has been much interest in understanding macroscopic fundamental diagrams of stationary road networks. However, there lacks a systematic method to define and solve stationary states in a road network with complex junctions. In this study we propose a kinematic wave approach to defining, analyzing, and simulating static and dynamic traffic characteristics in a network of two ring roads connected by a 2 × 2 junction, which can be either an uninterrupted interchange or a signalized intersection. This study is enabled by recently developed macroscopic junction models of general junctions. With a junction model based on fair merging and first-in-first-out diverging rules, we first define and solve stationary states and then derive the macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) of a stationary uninterrupted network. We conclude that the flow-density relationship of the uninterrupted double-ring network is not unique for high average network densities (i.e., when one ring becomes congested) and unveil the existence of infinitely many stationary states that can arise with a zero-speed shockwave. From simulation results with a corresponding Cell Transmission Model, we verify that all stationary states in the MFD are stable and can be reached, but show that randomness in the retaining ratio of each ring drives the network to more symmetric traffic patterns and higher flow-rates. Furthermore we model a signalized intersection as two alternate diverge junctions and demonstrate that the signalized double-ring network can reach asymptotically periodic traffic patterns, which are therefore defined as “stationary” states in signalized networks. With simulations we show that the flow-density relation is well defined in such “stationary” states, and asymptotic traffic patterns can be impacted by signal cycle lengths and retaining ratios. But compared with uninterrupted interchanges, signalized intersections lead to more asymmetric traffic patterns, lower flow-rates, and even gridlocks when the average density is higher than half of the jam density. The results are consistent between this study and existing studies, but the network kinematic wave model, with appropriate junction models, is mathematically tractable and physically meaningful. It has offered a more complete picture regarding the number and type of stationary states, their stability, and MFD in freeway and signalized networks. 相似文献