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运用灰色系统关联度分析方法,对江苏省的造船产业、修拆船产业以及船舶配套产业的产值与总产值进行了关联度分析。序列图及量化结果均表明,江苏船舶产业是以造船产业为主,而船舶配套产业与修拆船产业跟不上造船产业的发展,整个船舶产业发展不平衡,产业结构不合理。然后运用区位熵分析法对江苏与全国船舶产业进行对比分析,与全国平均水平相比,江苏造船与船舶配套产业略占有优势,但修拆船产业较薄弱。最后针对分析结果,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

The shipping industry in Nigeria since the early 1990s has been experiencing a continuous disastrous downturn. Nigerian shipping companies' participation in international shipping has continued to be very limited. Their presence and impact is hardly felt in the world's shipping industry. Both the national carriers (that is shipping companies with national carrier status) and other indigenous private shipping companies have vessel as well as management problems. These problems have led to the poor performance of the Nigerian shipping industry for over a decade now. The carriers in the industry are not attaining for the country the gains that are supposed to emanate from shipping. This paper points out the importance of shipping to a nation, identifies the problems the country's shipping companies are facing and proffers solutions that include merging of the companies to have strong financial standing and a competitive edge.  相似文献   

李源  秦琦  祁斌  沈苏雯  刘方琦 《船舶》2016,(1):1-15
文章对2015年世界经济、航运、造船市场进行回顾,并对2016年市场发展予以展望。2015年,不同经济体的经济增长分化迹象日趋明显;油船:航运市场和新造船市场一枝独秀;箱船:航运市场低迷,运力过剩,然而2015年订单飚升(主要指超大型集装箱船),但2016年难以再现;干散货船及海工:市场低迷,订单严重下滑。新船价格持续下降。预计2016年世界经济总体略优于2015年;航运市场贸易量同比将出现增长,但难以抗衡2016年运力的大幅增长,市场供求仍失衡;预测2016年新造船市场逊于2015年,散货船、集装箱船和油船存在局部性机会,海工市场维持弱势。  相似文献   

祁斌  李源  秦琦  沈苏雯 《船舶》2010,21(1):1-8
对2009年世界船舶市场的发展进行了回顾,并对未来一两年的船舶市场进行了展望。2009年上半年,伴随着世界经济衰退,不论是建造市场还是航运市场,总体趋势依旧向下。下半年,随着全球经济开始复苏,航运市场有所起色,而建造市场依旧低迷,全年新船订单量同比下降超60%。2010年全球经济虽将有所恢复,运力需求也将随之回升,但根据目前手持订单,2010年依旧将有大量运力投入运营,市场总体仍不太乐观。  相似文献   

沈苏雯  祁斌 《船舶》2019,30(1):1-16
回顾了2018年世界经济、航运、造船市场,并对2019年进行展望。2018年世界经济平稳复苏,航运市场整体趋势向好,新船订单吨位量小幅上升;2019年世界经济风险偏于下行,航运市场将在压力中前行,各细分市场"几家欢喜几家愁",世界新造船市场呈现弱复苏态势,绿色和智能是市场增长的主要动力来源。  相似文献   

Many studies on national shipping attribute the declines in national fleets of developed economies to the lack of comparative advantage, but little has been done so far to identify factors contributing to countries’ shipping comparative advantage using a systematic approach. Although shipping markets are highly international and competitive, it is not clear whether tonnage owned by countries is governed by country-specific factors. This paper seeks to explain variations in nationally owned fleet across shipping nations. The main variable of interest is national fleet tonnage owned by country of domicile as opposed to registered tonnage. The results of econometric analysis using data from 84 shipping nations indicate that various country-specific factors do indeed contribute to variations in fleet tonnage across shipping nations, albeit at different levels of significance. Financial market development, external trade, ship registration, shipbuilding and shipping history appear to have the most significant impact, followed by the level of development and technology and maritime policy. Based on the results of analysis, implications for policy and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了中国造船和航运业发展状况,指出在金融危机下,挑战与机遇并存。并提出健康发展五大措施——产业升级、安全监管、海事服务、造船业发展、国际交流与合作。  相似文献   

随着绿色生态观念的深入发展和IMO对环保要求的日益严苛,“绿色船舶”和“绿色航运”已成为未来造船业和航运业发展的主旋律,本文对绿色船舶概念和内涵进行了深入的阐述,介绍了国内外绿色船舶及其相关技术发展现状,分析了绿色船舶的发展趋势。  相似文献   

阐述了两年来的中国和世界海运经济发展,介绍了中国航运和造船业现状和两年来的发展,回顾了这两年世界经济发展进程中发生的一系列事件及其对航运业和海运贸易的影响,指出最严峻的挑战是如何应对此次造船订单和产能危机,总结了可能面对的挑战与机遇  相似文献   

This paper provides a qualitative analysis of the proposal to ‘reintroduce cabotage’ onto New Zealand's coasts. New Zealand's coastal shipping trade was opened up to international competition in 1995. The analysis is principally based on a stakeholder analysis of the 83 submissions received by the Shipping Industry Review team, as part of the Government's study to identify ways to increase participation in New Zealand's shipping industry. The stakeholders included New Zealand and international shipping companies, unions, industry associations, freight service providers, manufacturers and producers. The main conclusion drawn from the stakeholder analysis was that to reintroduce cabotage onto New Zealand's coasts would appear to have an overall net negative impact on the New Zealand economy at this stage. However, the Shipping Industry Review team ‘was divided on the implementation of cabotage’, and a force-field analysis was undertaken subsequently based on the author's stakeholder impact analysis and the Review team's list of pros and cons of reintroducing cabotage. This force-field analysis also supported the author's earlier conclusion. However, the almost ‘complete absence of statistics’ relating to the commercial activities of the shipping industry in New Zealand places severe limits on the analysis.  相似文献   

胡云平  张常汉 《中国水运》2006,6(4):159-162
随着世界船舶工业的东移,针对目前“长三角”的船舶工业结构中投资规模过大及重复投资,资本密集的大型修造船坞、硬件设施缺乏,低水平的行业内部恶性竞争,结构优化不合理,专业化、特色化的产业链发展格局有待进一步优化,船舶检验质量有待提高等问题,提出“长三角”区域船舶工业合理发展的结构优化建议。  相似文献   

孟宪海  祁斌  秦琦  明慧 《船舶》2007,(1):1-8
总结了近一年来世界经济的发展,在此大背景下对2006年的船舶行业进行了总结和回顾,并对未来市场进行预测.世界船舶行业在2006年出现一个显著特征,即在航运市场回落的情况下船舶建造市场出现了前所未有的兴旺景象,船舶交易出现价高量大的场面.究其原因,船厂任务已饱满、受新规范影响,成本进一步提高以及对后市航运市场看好等原因起到主要作用.鉴于目前订单情况及航运市场现状,预测未来船价还将保持高位运行,航运市场运力将得到进一步快速扩增,甚至会出现供大于求的局面,不过崩盘的可能性不会太大.  相似文献   

2011年,上海航运产业基金管理公司的成立,将为船舶、航运业开辟新的融资途径。该文首先分析了上海航运金融服务现状,分别介绍了传统的船舶融资方式与新型的船舶融资方式,其次进一步分析船舶基金的三种国际典型模式,最后结合中国船舶产业基金,分析了上海航运产业基金的问题及发展。  相似文献   

This paper provides a qualitative analysis of the proposal to 'reintroduce cabotage' onto New Zealand's coasts. New Zealand's coastal shipping trade was opened up to international competition in 1995. The analysis is principally based on a stakeholder analysis of the 83 submissions received by the Shipping Industry Review team, as part of the Government's study to identify ways to increase participation in New Zealand's shipping industry. The stakeholders included New Zealand and international shipping companies, unions, industry associations, freight service providers, manufacturers and producers. The main conclusion drawn from the stakeholder analysis was that to reintroduce cabotage onto New Zealand's coasts would appear to have an overall net negative impact on the New Zealand economy at this stage. However, the Shipping Industry Review team 'was divided on the implementation of cabotage', and a force-field analysis was undertaken subsequently based on the author's stakeholder impact analysis and the Review team's list of pros and cons of reintroducing cabotage. This force-field analysis also supported the author's earlier conclusion. However, the almost 'complete absence of statistics' relating to the commercial activities of the shipping industry in New Zealand places severe limits on the analysis.  相似文献   

船舶模块化设计与制造的现状及发展方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李永旺  姚寿广  陈宁 《江苏船舶》2005,22(3):5-7,13
综述了造船模式的发展历程,展望了未来造船模式的发展方向,指出了船舶舾装模块化是提高造船生产率的有效途径。文中分析了我国总体造船水平相对落后的现状及问题,阐述了应用成组技术和大力开展模块化设计和制造技术研究的关键及实现途径。  相似文献   

中国企业进入船舶电子及导航设备产业之形势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈汝军 《中国水运》2006,6(11):13-14
通过对世界造船业的形势及我国造船业发展状况进行分析,得出船舶配套设备落后是我国目前造船工业发展瓶颈的结论:分析了中国企业进入船舶电子及导航设备产业的形势;确认中国企业应该进入船舶电子及导航设备产业,为中国造船业及中国经济的发展作出贡献;并给出中国企业进入船舶电子及导航设备产业之基本设想。  相似文献   

祁斌  秦琦  明慧  孟宪海 《船舶》2008,19(1):1-9
对2007年来的世界经济发展及在此大背景下的船舶行业进行了总结和回顾,并对未来市场进行预测。2007年的世界船舶行业较2006年有所不同,不论是航运市场还是建造市场,散货船可谓独挡一面,出现了前所未有的兴旺景象。集装箱船市场稳步发展,表现好于预期,而油船市场则不尽人意,不过其建造市场却出现了量缩价涨之势。鉴于目前的市场情况,未来各船型的发展趋势将各有所向,而受新规范出台、美元疲软、材料设备成本增加、船台吃紧等因素影响,预计未来船价还将在高位运行。总体来说,虽然对航运市场运力的持续快速增长将带来一些影响,但未来一段时期内船市总体仍将保持较兴旺的局面。  相似文献   

李源  秦琦  祁斌  沈苏雯  周羽欢 《船舶》2011,22(1):1-9
回顾了2010年世界船舶市场的发展,并对未来船舶市场进行了预测。随着世界经济的复苏,2010年航运市场出现反弹,虽然全年呈现震荡格局,但整体好于2009年,散货船、油船、集装箱船年平均运价均高于上年,特别是集装箱船年平均运价比上年高出一倍多。与此同时,三大船型建造市场出现轮动效应,上半年散货船引导造船市场,下半年行情有所下滑,油船订单则从第二季度开始增加,而沉寂许久的集装箱船建造市场在下半年也开始出现大量新订单。预计2011年的船舶市场将难以维持2010年的繁荣局面,但集装箱船建造市场和海工装备有望延续2010年下半年出现的良好市场行情。  相似文献   

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