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Predicting the duration of traffic incidents sequentially during the incident clearance period is helpful in deploying efficient measures and minimizing traffic congestion related to such incidents. This study proposes a competing risk mixture hazard-based model to analyze the effect of various factors on traffic incident duration and predict the duration sequentially. First, topic modeling, a text analysis technique, is used to process the textual features of the traffic incident to extract time-dependent topics. Given four specific clearance methods and the uncertainty of these methods when used during traffic incidents, the proposed mixture model uses the multinomial logistic model and parametric hazard-based model to assess the influence of covariates on the probability of clearance methods and on the duration of the incident. Subsequently, the performance of estimated mixture model in sequentially predicting the incident duration is compared with that of the non-mixture model. The prediction results show that the presented mixture model outperforms the non-mixture model.  相似文献   

Traffic incidents are a principal cause of congestion on urban freeways, reducing capacity and creating risks for both involved motorists and incident response personnel. As incident durations increase, the risk of secondary incidents or crashes also becomes problematic. In response to these issues, many road agencies in metropolitan areas have initiated incident management programs aimed at detecting, responding to, and clearing incidents to restore freeways to full capacity as quickly and safely as possible. This study examined those factors that impact the time required by the Michigan Department of Transportation Freeway Courtesy Patrol to clear incidents that occurred on the southeastern Michigan freeway network. These models were developed using traffic flow data, roadway geometry information, and an extensive incident inventory database. A series of parametric hazard duration models were developed, each assuming a different underlying probability distribution for the hazard function. Although each modeling framework provided results that were similar in terms of the direction of factor effects, there was significant variability in terms of the estimated magnitude of these impacts. The generalized F distribution was shown to provide the best fit to the incident clearance time data, and the use of poorer fitting distributions was shown to result in severe over‐estimation or under‐estimation of factor effects. Those factors that were found to impact incident clearance times included the time of day and month when the incident occurred, the geometric and traffic characteristics of the freeway segment, and the characteristics of each incident. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The statistical analysis of highway incident duration has become an increasingly import research topic due to the impact that highway incidents (vehicle accidents and disablements) have on traffic congestion. In addition, there is a growing need to evaluate incident management programs that seek to reduce incident duration and incident-induced traffic congestion. We apply hazard-based duration models to statistically evaluate the time it takes detect/report, respond to, and clear incidents. Two-year data from Washington State's incident response team program were used to estimate the hazard models. The model estimation results show that a wide variety of factors significantly affect incident times (i.e. detection/reporting, response, and clearance times), and that different distributional assumptions for the hazard function are appropriate for the different incident times being considered. It was also found that the estimated coefficients were not stable between the two years of data used in model estimation. The findings of this paper provide an important demonstration of method and an empirical basis to assess incident management programs.  相似文献   

Traffic incidents constitute a major cause for non-recurrent roadway congestion. This paper proposes a stochastic-programming model for clearing asymmetrical incidents in a network as quickly as possible. A response to an incident is asymmetric when the workloads among response vehicles are uneven due to real-time scheduling considerations. This is to be contrasted with a static (often conservative) allocation of vehicular resources. Such asymmetry, and the attendant efficiency, is attributable to additional services performed while a vehicle takes care of emergent incidents nearby. Other vehicles are simply too far away to be helpful. We articulate a fundamental principle of incident management in a theorem and three corollaries. An elegant (yet practical) corollary suggests that an operator should not dispatch additional response vehicles (say from a depot) when the shortest travel-times to an incident are longer than the remaining work time available from vehicles already at the scene. Otherwise, the maximum number of required vehicles should be dispatched. When executed over all instances of reported incidents on a rolling time horizon, the rule yields the optimal plan. The model is applied toward a network in Central Arkansas for peak and off-peak traffic. It shows that it can properly balance the service requirement of reported incidents with potential ones. Meanwhile, a certain reliability level can be guaranteed by our model—a threshold that can be tightened or relaxed at will. The fast solution time of this linearized model allows for real-time application in the field, as verified by a simulation performed on a Central Arkansas highway network.  相似文献   

Network area-wide impacts due to major traffic incidents can be assessed using a microsimulation approach. A VISSIM microsimulation model for a motorway network has been developed and is used to quantify impacts of a major incident in terms of associated costs. The modelled results reveal that a 65% capacity reduction results in 36% more incident-induced delay when compared with the application of a 50% capacity reduction assumption for a two-hour incident clearance duration that blocked one lane of a two-lane motorway. Additionally, an incident which caused a full blockage incurred 40 times more associated impact costs when compared with a major incident which caused a one lane blockage. A 23% cost saving can be achieved by clearing one lane of a fully blocked two-hour major traffic incident after 90 minutes, while a 37% cost saving can be achieved by clearing all blockages after 90 minutes.  相似文献   

Incidents are notorious for their delays to road users. Secondary incidents – i.e., incidents that occur within a certain temporal and spatial distance from the first/primary incident – can further complicate clearance and add to delays. While there are numerous studies on the empirical analysis of incident data, to the best of our knowledge, an analytical model that can be used for primary and secondary incident management planning that explicitly considers both the stochastic as well as the dynamic nature of traffic does not exist. In this paper, we present such a complementary model using a semi-Markov stochastic process approach. The model allows for unprecedented generality in the modeling of stochastics during incidents on freeways. Particularly, we relax the oftentimes restrictive Poisson assumption (in the modeling of vehicle arrivals, vehicle travel times, and incidence occurrence and recovery times) and explicitly model secondary incidents. Numerical case studies are provided to illustrate the proposed model.  相似文献   

Mobile communication instruments have made detecting traffic incidents possible by using floating traffic data. This paper studies the properties of traffic flow dynamics during incidents and proposes incident detection methods using floating data collected by probe vehicles equipped with on-board global positioning system (GPS) equipment. The proposed algorithms predict the time and location of traffic congestion caused by an incident. The detection rate and false rate of the models are examined using a traffic flow simulator, and the performance measures of the proposed methods are compared with those of previous methods.  相似文献   


Incidents are a major source of traffic congestion and can lead to long and unpredictable delays, deteriorating traffic operations and adverse environmental impacts. The emergence of connected vehicles and communication technologies has enabled travelers to use real-time traffic information. The ability to exchange traffic information among vehicles has tremendous potential impacts on network performance especially in the case of non-recurrent congestion. To this end, this paper utilizes a microscopic simulation model of traffic in El Paso, Texas to investigate the impacts of incidents on traffic operation and fuel consumption at different market penetration rates (MPR) of connected vehicles. Several scenarios are implemented and tested to determine the impacts of incidents on network performance in an urban area. The scenarios are defined by changing the duration of incidents and the number of lanes closed. This study also shows how communication technology affects network performance in response to congestion. The results of the study demonstrate the potential effectiveness of connected vehicle technology in improving network performance. For an incident with a duration of 900?s and MPR of 80%, total fuel consumption and total travel time decreased by approximately 20%; 26% was observed in network-wide travel time and fuel consumption at 100% MPR.  相似文献   

Traffic incidents are recognised as one of the key sources of non-recurrent congestion that often leads to reduction in travel time reliability (TTR), a key metric of roadway performance. A method is proposed here to quantify the impacts of traffic incidents on TTR on freeways. The method uses historical data to establish recurrent speed profiles and identifies non-recurrent congestion based on their negative impacts on speeds. The locations and times of incidents are used to identify incidents among non-recurrent congestion events. Buffer time is employed to measure TTR. Extra buffer time is defined as the extra delay caused by traffic incidents. This reliability measure indicates how much extra travel time is required by travellers to arrive at their destination on time with 95% certainty in the case of an incident, over and above the travel time that would have been required under recurrent conditions. An extra buffer time index (EBTI) is defined as the ratio of extra buffer time to recurrent travel time, with zero being the best case (no delay). A Tobit model is used to identify and quantify factors that affect EBTI using a selected freeway segment in the Southeast Queensland, Australia network. Both fixed and random parameter Tobit specifications are tested. The estimation results reveal that models with random parameters offer a superior statistical fit for all types of incidents, suggesting the presence of unobserved heterogeneity across segments. What factors influence EBTI depends on the type of incident. In addition, changes in TTR as a result of traffic incidents are related to the characteristics of the incidents (multiple vehicles involved, incident duration, major incidents, etc.) and traffic characteristics.  相似文献   

Traffic delay caused by incidents is closely related to three variables: incident frequency, incident duration, and the number of lanes blocked by an incident that is directly related to the bottleneck capacity. Relatively, incident duration has been more extensively studied than incident frequency and the number of lanes blocked in an incident. In this study, we provide an investigation of the influencing factors for all of these three variables based on an incident data set that was collected in New York City (NYC). The information about the incidents derived from the identification can be used by incident management agencies in NYC for strategic policy decision making and daily incident management and traffic operation. In identifying the influencing factors for incident frequency, a set of models, including Poisson and Negative Binomial regression models and their zero‐inflated models, were considered. An appropriate model was determined based on a model decision‐making tree. The influencing factors for incident duration were identified based on hazard‐based models where Exponential, Weibull, Log‐logistic, and Log‐normal distributions were considered for incident duration. For the number of lanes blocked in an incident, the identification of the influencing factors was based on an Ordered Probit model which can better capture the order inherent in the number of lanes blocked in an incident. As identified in this study, rain is the only factor that significantly influenced incident frequency. For incident duration and the number of lanes blocked in an incident, various factors had significant impact. As concluded in this study, there is a strong need to identify the influencing factors in terms of different types of incidents and the roadways where the incidents occured.  相似文献   

Establishment of effective cooperation between vehicles and transportation infrastructure improves travel reliability in urban transportation networks. Lack of collaboration, however, exacerbates congestion due mainly to frequent stops at signalized intersections. It is beneficial to develop a control logic that collects basic safety message from approaching connected and autonomous vehicles and guarantees efficient intersection operations with safe and incident free vehicle maneuvers. In this paper, a signal-head-free intersection control logic is formulated into a dynamic programming model that aims to maximize the intersection throughput. A stochastic look-ahead technique is proposed based on Monte Carlo tree search algorithm to determine the near-optimal actions (i.e., acceleration rates) over time to prevent movement conflicts. Our numerical results confirm that the proposed technique can solve the problem efficiently and addresses the consequences of existing traffic signals. The proposed approach, while completely avoids incidents at intersections, significantly reduces travel time (ranging between 59.4% and 83.7% when compared to fixed-time and fully-actuated control strategies) at intersections under various demand patterns.  相似文献   

The early warning of incidents on urban arterial roads in a congested city can reduce delay, accidents and pollutant emission. Freeway incident detection systems implemented in recent years may not be suitable for arterial incidents. Arterial incident detection is more difficult. The traffic flow on an arterial road is not conserved from the upstream end of a road link to the downstream end because urban traffic does turn in and out of side‐streets, car‐parks and local residences. Roadside friction such as kerbside parking and shopping traffic also tends to create apparent incidents which are in fact frequent and normal events. This paper develops a definition for an arterial incident and describes a case study on an arterial road in Melbourne, Australia. The study shows that detectors upstream of an incident are more useful for incident detection than downstream detectors. It also identifies occupancy and speed as the appropriate parameters to characterise and detect arterial incidents.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of traditional incident detection is often limited by sparse sensor coverage, and reporting incidents to emergency response systems is labor-intensive. We propose to mine tweet texts to extract incident information on both highways and arterials as an efficient and cost-effective alternative to existing data sources. This paper presents a methodology to crawl, process and filter tweets that are accessible by the public for free. Tweets are acquired from Twitter using the REST API in real time. The process of adaptive data acquisition establishes a dictionary of important keywords and their combinations that can imply traffic incidents (TI). A tweet is then mapped into a high dimensional binary vector in a feature space formed by the dictionary, and classified into either TI related or not. All the TI tweets are then geocoded to determine their locations, and further classified into one of the five incident categories.We apply the methodology in two regions, the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Metropolitan Areas. Overall, mining tweets holds great potentials to complement existing traffic incident data in a very cheap way. A small sample of tweets acquired from the Twitter API cover most of the incidents reported in the existing data set, and additional incidents can be identified through analyzing tweets text. Twitter also provides ample additional information with a reasonable coverage on arterials. A tweet that is related to TI and geocodable accounts for approximately 5% of all the acquired tweets. Of those geocodable TI tweets, 60–70% are posted by influential users (IU), namely public Twitter accounts mostly owned by public agencies and media, while the rest is contributed by individual users. There is more incident information provided by Twitter on weekends than on weekdays. Within the same day, both individuals and IUs tend to report incidents more frequently during the day time than at night, especially during traffic peak hours. Individual tweets are more likely to report incidents near the center of a city, and the volume of information significantly decays outwards from the center.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a research case study that examined the distribution of travel time of origin–destination (OD) pairs on a transportation network under incident conditions. Using a transportation simulation dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model, incident on a transportation network is executed under normal conditions, incident conditions without traveler information availability, and incident conditions assuming that users had perfect knowledge of the incident conditions and could select paths to avoid the incident location. The results suggest that incidents have a different impact on different OD pairs. The results confirm that an effective traveler information system has the potential to ease the impacts of incident conditions network wide. Yet it is also important to note that the use of information may detriment some OD pairs while benefiting other OD pairs. The methodology demonstrated in this paper provides insights into the usefulness of embedding a fully calibrated DTA model into the analysis tools of a traffic management and information center.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new methodology is presented for real-time detection and characterization of incidents on surface streets. The proposed automatic incident detection approach is capable of detecting incidents promptly as well as characterizing incidents in terms of time-varying lane-changing fractions and queue lengths in blocked lanes, lanes blocked due to incidents, and incident duration. The architecture of the proposed incident detection approach consists of three sequential procedures: (1) Symptom Identification for identification of incident symptoms, (2) Signal Processing for real-time prediction of incident-related lane traffic characteristics and (3) Pattern Recognition for incident recognition. Lane traffic counts and occupancy are the only two major types of input data, which can be readily collected from point detectors. The primary techniques utilized in this paper include: (1) a discrete-time, nonlinear, stochastic system with boundary constraints to predict real-time lane-changing fractions and queue lengths and (2) a pattern-recognition-based algorithm employing modified sequential probability ratio tests (MSPRT) to detect incidents. Off-line tests based on simulated as well as video-based real data were conducted to assess the performance of the proposed algorithm. The test results have indicated the feasibility of achieving real-time incident detection using the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Traffic congestion has been a growing issue in many metropolitan areas during recent years, which necessitates the identification of its key contributors and development of sustainable strategies to help decrease its adverse impacts on traffic networks. Road incidents generally and crashes specifically have been acknowledged as the cause of a large proportion of travel delays in urban areas and account for 25% to 60% of traffic congestion on motorways. Identifying the critical determinants of travel delays has been of significant importance to the incident management systems, which constantly collect and store the incident duration data. This study investigates the individual and simultaneous differential effects of the relevant determinants on motorway crash duration probabilities. In particular, it applies parametric Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) hazard‐based models to develop in‐depth insights into how the crash‐specific characteristic and the associated temporal and infrastructural determinants impact the duration. AFT models with both fixed and random parameters have been calibrated on one year of traffic crash records from two major Australian motorways in South East Queensland, and the differential effects of determinants on crash survival functions have been studied on these two motorways individually. A comprehensive spectrum of commonly used parametric fixed parameter AFT models, including generalized gamma and generalized F families, has been compared with random parameter AFT structures in terms of goodness of fit to the duration data, and as a result, the random parameter Weibull AFT model has been selected as the most appropriate model. Significant determinants of motorway crash duration included traffic diversion requirement, crash injury type, number and type of vehicles involved in a crash, day of week and time of day, towing support requirement and damage to the infrastructure. A major finding of this research is that the motorways under study are significantly different in terms of crash durations; such that motorway 1 exhibits durations that are on average 19% shorter compared with the durations on motorway 2. The differential effects of explanatory variables on crash durations are also different on the two motorways. The detailed presented analysis confirms that looking at the motorway network as a whole, neglecting the individual differences between roads, can lead to erroneous interpretations of duration and inefficient strategies for mitigating travel delays along a particular motorway.  相似文献   

There has been rapid growth in interest in real-time transport strategies over the last decade, ranging from automated highway systems and responsive traffic signal control to incident management and driver information systems. The complexity of these strategies, in terms of the spatial and temporal interactions within the transport system, has led to a parallel growth in the application of traffic microsimulation models for the evaluation and design of such measures, as a remedy to the limitations faced by conventional static, macroscopic approaches. However, while this naturally addresses the immediate impacts of the measure, a difficulty that remains is the question of how the secondary impacts, specifically the effect on route and departure time choice of subsequent trips, may be handled in a consistent manner within a microsimulation framework.The paper describes a modelling approach to road network traffic, in which the emphasis is on the integrated microsimulation of individual trip-makers’ decisions and individual vehicle movements across the network. To achieve this it represents directly individual drivers’ choices and experiences as they evolve from day-to-day, combined with a detailed within-day traffic simulation model of the space–time trajectories of individual vehicles according to car-following and lane-changing rules and intersection regulations. It therefore models both day-to-day and within-day variability in both demand and supply conditions, and so, we believe, is particularly suited for the realistic modelling of real-time strategies such as those listed above. The full model specification is given, along with details of its algorithmic implementation. A number of representative numerical applications are presented, including: sensitivity studies of the impact of day-to-day variability; an application to the evaluation of alternative signal control policies; and the evaluation of the introduction of bus-only lanes in a sub-network of Leeds. Our experience demonstrates that this modelling framework is computationally feasible as a method for providing a fully internally consistent, microscopic, dynamic assignment, incorporating both within- and between-day demand and supply dynamics.  相似文献   

Incident clearance time is a major performance measure of the traffic emergency management. A clear understanding of the contributing factors and their effects on incident clearance time is essential for optimal incident management resource allocations. Most previous studies simply considered the average effects of the influential factors. Although the time-varying effects are also important for incident management agencies, they were not sufficiently investigated. To fill up the gap, this study develops a non-proportional hazard-based duration model for analyzing the time-varying effects of influential factors on incident clearance time. This study follows a systematic approach incorporating the following three procedures: proportionality test, model development/estimation, and effectiveness test. Applying the proposed model to the 2009 Washington State Incident Tracking System data, five factors were found to have significant but constant (or time independent) effects on the clearance time, which is similar to the findings from previous studies. However, our model also discovered thirteen variables that have significant time-varying impacts on clearance hazard. These factors cannot be identified through the conventional methods used in most previous studies. The influential factors are investigated from both macroscopic and microscopic perspectives. The population average effect evaluation provides the macroscopic insight and benefits long-term incident management, and the time-dependent pattern identification offers microscopic and time-sequential insight and benefits the specific incident clearance process.  相似文献   

Advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) allow the transportation community to foresee dramatic improvements for the incoming years in terms of a more efficient, environmental friendly and safe traffic management. In that context, new ITS paradigms like Cooperative Systems (C-ITS) enable an efficient traffic state estimation and traffic control. C-ITS refers to three levels of cooperation between vehicles and infrastructure: (i) equipped vehicles with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) adjusting their motion to surrounding traffic conditions; (ii) information exchange with the infrastructure; (iii) vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Therefore, C-ITS makes it possible to go a step further in providing real time information and tailored control strategies to specific drivers. As a response to an expected increasing penetration rate of these systems, traffic managers and researchers have to come up with new methodologies that override the classic methods of traffic modeling and control. In this paper, we discuss some potentialities of C-ITS for traffic management with the methodological issues following the expansion of such systems. Cooperative traffic models are introduced into an open-source traffic simulator. The resulting simulation framework is robust and able to assess potential benefits of cooperative traffic control strategies in different traffic configurations.  相似文献   

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