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文章介绍了船东满意度的定义,提出了在船舶售后服务过程中提高船东满意度的理念,说明了提高船东满意度的意义,阐述了提高船东满意度的方法,可供相关部门参考和探讨。  相似文献   

张守真  韩欣 《中国船检》2009,(11):76-78,140
随着市场经济体制的建立和ISO 9001标准的实施,大多数企业已经确立了以顾客满意为导向的经营战略.组织依存于顾客、以顾客为关注焦点、顾客第一等理念正逐渐成为企业管理者的行动准则.  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后,随着经营航权、租赁码头、船舶代理对外资航运公司的开放,竞争会进一步达到白热化阶段.本文从以顾客为导向的营销理念出发,从提高顾客让渡价值、让顾客满意、培养忠诚的客户这三个阶段来探讨提高企业竞争力,赢得顾客,从而获得适当的利润和公司的长远发展的途径.  相似文献   

近期在学习企业经营与管理战略理论时,多次读到介绍“CS”经营战略的文章,结合学习国务院颁发的《质量振兴纲要(1996~2010年)》(下称《质量振兴纲要》),以及中国长江航运集团《关于贯彻<质量振兴纲要>的实施意见》,笔者从交通运输企业质量管理实际出发,提出《提高服务质量意识与实施“CS”经营战略》这一命题,兼谈水运企业如何学习贯彻《质量振兴纲要》。 所谓提高服务质量意识,是指企业在生产与管理的全过程中,以质量为纲,要求全体员工以提高产品与服务质量为中心,把质量意识上升到效益观念与企业生存及发展的高度来认识。产品质量的好坏,服务质量的优劣,反映了一个企业的管理水平、生产水平、技术水平、职工队伍素质,是企业务方面各环节工作质量的综合反映。产品与服务质量提高了,就意味着企业经济效益与社会效益的提高。 所谓“CS”经营战略,是指企业的生产经营管理与服务活动要以“CS”为中心(Customer Satisfation的缩写,意为顾客满意度)。此战略把顾客要求作为企业开发产品的源头,在产品功能、价格、服务等环节以便利顾客为原则,最大限度地使顾客感到满意,并及时跟踪研究顾客的满意程度,依此确立与改变企业经营目标,调整生产环节,以稳定与提高顾客的满意度,保证企业在激烈的市场竞争中占据  相似文献   

物流企业顾客服务绩效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾客服务可定义为:①一种管理活动;②实际业务绩效水平;③整体经营理念。将顾客服务看作一种管理活动,说明对顾客服务要有控制能力,例如订货处理等;将顾客服务视为绩效水平,表明顾客服务可以精确衡量,例如24小时内实现订单配送98%;将顾客服务作为管理理念,则强化市场以顾客为核心的重要性。  相似文献   

本文从汽车企业的现实情况出发,通过分析影响汽车售后服务客户满意度的八个指标,构建出汽车售后服务客户满意度的评价模型,在此模型的基础上,总结出提高我国汽车售后服务客户满意度的策略,希望对汽车企业有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

陈志坚 《中国水运》2007,7(10):207-209
本文以广州港新沙港务有限公司顾客满意度指数测评为例论述港口企业应如何建立顾客满意度指数测评指标体系及如何运用统计方法对测评结果进行分析,为港口企业开展顾客满意度指数测评提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了顾客满意的概念,对建立顾客满意度模型时所考虑的变量和变量之间的相互关系作了一般分析,并根据上述分析建立了顾客满意度的经济计量模型.这个顾客满意度的经济计量模型是一个递归模型.这个递归模型在理论上要先测量顾客期望、顾客对质量的感知和顾客对价值的感知,最后计算出顾客满意度.但是顾客期望、顾客对质量的感知、顾客对价值的感知和顾客满意度这些二级测评指标都是内生变量,无法直接测量.因此,本文首先建立并估算出这些内生变量组成建立结构方程式模型,然后估算出最终的顾客满意度的经济计量模型.  相似文献   

商业企业的顾客满意度经济计量模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了顾客满意的概念,对建立顾客满意度模型时所考虑的变量和变量之间的相互关系作了一般分析,并根据上述分析建立了顾客满意度的经济计量模型。这个顾客满意度的经济计量模型是一个递归模型。这个递归模型在理论上要先测量顾客期望、顾客对质量的感知和顾客对价值的感知,最后计算出顾客满意度。但是顾客期望、顾客对质量的感知、顾客对价值的感知和顾客满意度这些二级澍评指标都是内生变量,无法直接测量。因此,本文首先建立并估算出这些内生变量组成建立结构方程式模型,然后估算出最终的顾客满意度的经济计量模型。  相似文献   

因为客户在单位时间内的等待成本不相同,服务商一般会对客户采用不同的分类服务,在提高顾客满意度的同时提高服务商的收入,然而分类服务也会导致不同类型顾客之间服务价值的异质.文中以非抢占式M/M/1服务系统为背景,从客户无法选择离开服务系统(垄断型)和客户能选择离开(非垄断型)两种系统进行研究.首先构建顾客效用模型、在系统均衡状态下构建相应的企业收益函数、顾客效用函数和社会福利函数.然后分析这3个优化目标并提出相应的最优解.结果表明:在以上两种系统中,服务商应采用分类服务,以获得最优收益和社会福利;取消分类服务顾客效用最优.同时给出了顾客分类服务最优定价和相应的顾客最优比例,为服务商采取顾客分类服务、优先权定价提供了理论依据与参考.  相似文献   

柳严兵 《中国修船》2001,1(1):10-13
文中旨在通过对CS(Customer Satisfaction的缩写,意为“顾客满意”)战略的基本原理与概念,CS战略在我国修船企业发展中实施的必要性,CS战略在我国修船企业中发展的现状以及CS战略在我国修船企业中实施的途径进行阐述,倡导我国修船企业不失时机地导入CS战略。  相似文献   

客户资产管理理论是顺应服务经济的新管理理论,它突出了客户资产作为核心资产的关键地位.这一理论不仅丰富了经典经济学的厂商理论,它认为客户是不可或缺的生产要素,其与厂商是一种合作、共生的关系;而且还突破了传统的管理学中的会计盈利观念,即,企业应重点关注客户盈利能力而不是产品的盈利能力,为客户创造价值,客户的拥有率比产品的市场占有率更重要.这种理论对于处于在转型时期中的中国造船工业,无论是从改革路径的选择,还是经营理念的重塑,以及微观经营操作层面都具有有益的启示.  相似文献   

Organizational Effectiveness (OE) is a rather new concept in the port business literature and not widely studied before. From the systems perspective, this concept focuses on the goals of the organization, the resources needed to achieve these goals, and the relationship between the organization and its environment. The reason behind choosing a systems approach is the significant role of seaports as open systems affected by changes and developments in world trade, supply chain and logistics trends, maritime transport, and technological developments. While seaports are multi-faceted organizations that constitute different interdependent and integrated units in their structure, they can also be regarded as the subsystems of the supply chain system. As being the social and technical systems, port organizations have unique characteristics that should be examined in detail to assess their effectiveness. To assess the effectiveness of port organizations, principally a set of effectiveness measures applicable to seaports should be determined. The main aim of this study is to assess the relative importance of the main effectiveness criteria in seaports and to determine the significance of main inputs and port subsystems which can be referred as the means to achieve effectiveness. By using the systems approach, the inputs, the processes, and the outputs of the port organizations are clearly defined with a conceptual model. Thirty-three statements have been developed under the main categories in the systems model and a two-round delphi survey is conducted, and qualitative analysis of the experts’ opinions is carried out. The results of the delphi survey show that the main port inputs are port infrastructure, equipments, technology, and port labor; the major port processes are ship and cargo operations together with the logistics services, safety and security, information technologies, and marketing; and the most important effectiveness measures for the seaports are productivity, efficiency, service quality, adaptability, information and communication management, profitability, human resource quality, and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings of a freight transport study carried out for Mumbai city (India). Based on the case study of lunch box delivery system organized by the Mumbai dabbawalas, demonstrated that an informal sector was capable of developing an urban logistics system that was precise, reliable and affordable to the middle class society in Mumbai. These facts suggest an approach based on adapting logistics solutions harmoniously to the urban landscape, public policy, infrastructure and skill sets of the company’s employees in order to be attractive to the end customer, offering a good match between supply and demand i.e., consumer and producer satisfaction. At the same time logistics solutions should evolve continuously in order to be attractive to the core customer base and should be customer driven. These basic management principles can be applied in the management of other urban logistics companies in the world over.  相似文献   

研究N-策略多重休假下,顾客是批量到达的MX/(G,Gm)/1排队模型。一旦系统空闲服务台就开始一个随机长度的休假,休假结束后,如果发现顾客数达到或超过N,就立即对顾客进行服务直到系统空闲,如果发现顾客数小于N,就进行下一阶段随机长度休假。服务台提供两阶段服务:第一阶段初步服务和第二阶段m种选择服务。在第一阶段初步服务结束后,顾客可以回到队列要求重新服务,也可以立即离开系统,或接受第二阶段m种选择服务中某一种服务。通过补充变量法得到了稳态下系统队长的概率母函数和其随机分解性质。进一步计算出系统稳态的队长及其他性能指标。  相似文献   

Over the last years, the concept of clustering has become a central concept for analysing the competitiveness of nations, industries and firms. The cluster concept can be usefully applied to study clustering of maritime activities. Maritime activities, such as shipping, shipbuilding and port and maritime services, are clearly geographically concentrated in a number of maritime clusters. Due to ongoing internationalization in these industries, the concentration of maritime activities in clusters is likely to increase. This observation leads to two important research questions: what are the advantages for firms to locate in clusters and what factors influence the development of maritime clusters? This study identifies four agglomeration economies that attract firms to cluster: a joint labour pool, a broad supplier and customer base, knowledge spillovers, and low transaction costs. Furthermore, it discusses the effects of aspects of the cluster structure, being the presence of internal competition, the heterogeneity of the cluster population, the entry and exit barriers, and the presence of (above mentioned) agglomeration effects. It also briefly discusses the important issue of cluster governance. This overview allows one to develop a theoretical framework to analyse clusters. In the empirical part, this framework is applied to the maritime cluster in The Netherlands. Based on empirical data, from surveys amongst firms in the maritime cluster, studies commissioned by the Dutch maritime Network and regional statistics, the presence of agglomeration economies in the cluster is shown. Secondly, it is shown that the cluster structure is beneficial for the performance. This paper finishes with conclusions and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   


This study uses Kaohsiung Port as a case study to evaluate the relationships between port security quality, port service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with shipping companies and freight forwarders in Taiwan. The results indicate that port security quality has a direct and positive impact on both port service quality and customer satisfaction; port service quality has a direct and positive impact on both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty; and customer satisfaction has a direct and positive impact on customer loyalty. However, the impact from port service quality is more significant than that of port security quality. Accordingly, this study suggests that Kaohsiung Port should concentrate on improving its service quality in order to enhance customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.  相似文献   


e-Transformation in container ports means port organization-wide innovative transformation encompassing internal and external value chains based on information and communication technology. There is a considerable theoretical literature on the impact of e-Transformation on business performance, but there is very little empirical study on its effectiveness in ports. The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate how e-Transformation in container port management can influence customer satisfaction and port competitiveness. The findings reveal that e-Transformation in container ports can affect customer satisfaction and port competitiveness through e-Workplace, customer relationship management and security, implying that container ports should make every effort to focus on e-transformation in these critical areas. Due to limited empirical studies in this area, the findings have provided an empirical support for the importance of e-Transformation in container terminal management and shed more light on how e-Transformation can affect customer satisfaction and port competitiveness.  相似文献   

2007年10月1日~10月8日华光轮在八所港到南通航行中先后避离"利奇马"和"罗莎"台风,现回顾和总结了这次避台的气象保障工作,并对中国沿海船舶防台的气象保障工作进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In January 2009, following a lengthy industry review and consultation process, the New Zealand Public Transport Management Act (PTMA) came into force. The Act allows Regional Transport Authorities, as the primary procurers of public transport services, to place either a control or a contracting requirement upon services that are registered as commercial requiring no subsidy. The imposition of either the control or the contracting requirement is designed to facilitate greater system integration, improve service continuity and enhance services to the customer, andallow the Authority to invest in key strategic projects, such as integrated fares and ticketing, so as to grow patronage.The PTMA’s other objective is to ensure improved value for public subsidies. Recent years have seen significant subsidy inflation for seemingly little commensurate benefits. The Act will allow the Regional Transport Authority to achieve greater value for money through improved farebox, a shift to longer, larger contracts to increase competition in the market, a more appropriate allocation of risk, and the removal of the ability of operators to ‘game’ the current system by using strategically placed commercial services as barriers to competition.Similar concerns have also stimulated new legislation in the UK and this paper illustrates the parallels in the environment and proposed response.  相似文献   

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