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01 MITSUBISHI劲炫兼修随性而行Innovative ASX日前,在主题力"劲炫之夜,三菱ASX劲炫中国上市发布会"的现场,三菱汽车销售(中国)有限公司宣布融合三菱尖端科技和世界时尚元素的ASX劲炫正式登陆中国市场。此次在中国上市的三菱ASX劲炫共包括炫悦版、炫动版、炫逸版、劲尚版和劲酷版五款车型,售价分别为人民币18.38万元、19.80万元、20.80万元、21.80万元和23.98万元。  相似文献   

01酷贝P90 MP4,02 NISSAN指甲工具套装,03BMW威廉姆斯F1赛车服上装,04NISSAN太空杯,05百年龄2006年新款宾利纪念表。[编者按]  相似文献   

正捷豹在前不久发布了一款将高性能轿跑与SUV两种概念合二为一的全新概念车I-PACE。现如今随着消费市场用车习惯的改变,将SUV进行轿跑化设计已经算不上新鲜事,但I-PACE概念车最大特色在于将捷豹惯有的高功率和高扭矩动力系统赋予这款全电动概念车上,使其真正轿跑化。I-PACE在前后轴上各装备一台电动机,总输出功率达到了400PS,峰值扭矩为700N m,这一数据堪比装备5.0L排量V8机械增压发动机的捷豹F-TYPE SVR。此外,捷豹还专门为I-PACE  相似文献   

<正>很多人认为MPV的鼻祖是1932年被制造出来白的Stout Scarab。而说起来也奇怪,Stout Scarab的诞生和现如今MPV所谓实用性、承载性之类的诉求毫无瓜葛,其最原始设计初衷仅仅是为了"完美的空气动力学"。Stout Scarab的设计和制造者是美国人威廉·布什内尔·斯托特(William Bushnell Stout),并以自己的名字命名了这款汽车。斯托特于1880年  相似文献   

Nov 27, Bremen, Germany. Brilliance signed an agreement with HSO Company to export 158,000 Zhonghua cars to Europe in 5 years. This is the first time a Chinese based manufacturer will ship cars to the advanced countries, and also the largest single brand …  相似文献   

On Oct 16, the first model of domestic-made BMW car priced 473,800 yuan was launched in Shanghai. It was noticeable that there was no Chinese-language badging on the car, unlike the majority of models produced in China in joint ventures. But vice president of Brilliance and president of Brilliance BMW HONG Xing (representing the Chinese side) explained that this accords with worldwide BMW practice.  相似文献   

In units Auto maker 2006 record 2007 target Segmented models 1. FAW Car Plant Mazda 6 46,000 50,000 Hongqi # 10,300 35,000 Hongqi (Mingshi, Shijixing): 5,000; Benteng: 30,000 2. FAW VW: VW 268,100 300,000 Jetta, Bora, Golf, Sagitar, Caddy Audi 77,200 80,0…  相似文献   

《JSAE Review》2001,22(1):95-103
This paper describes the key technologies that achieve high fuel efficiency in a variety of driving conditions. For the global environment preservation, a vehicle has been developed with the objective of reducing fuel consumption and exhaust CO2 to half that of Honda's typical low-fuel-consumption car Civic. These new technologies have been developed around a new hybrid power train layout. They include improvement in engine thermal efficiency, vehicle weight reduction and reduction of aerodynamic drag, resulting in extremely high fuel economy of 35 km/l at 10–15 mode. Also, the exhaust emissions are as low as half of the 2000 Japanese exhaust emission regulation. Consideration was also given to recycling compatibility, crash safety performance, comfortable running and styling to create a highly sophisticated ultra-low-fuel-consumption hybrid car.  相似文献   

Chinese auto market was tend-ing towards weakness in the first half of 1999. Totally 270 thousand units of cars were turned out and 260 thousand of them were sold in the first 6 months. Although the production and sales increased by 5.8% and 4.1% respectively, con-sidering the low increase rate of production and sales in the same pe-  相似文献   

Public sources show a lot of locally-owned brands are going to roll out mid-level cars: Chery, BYD and JAC in this year, Great Wall, Lifan, Changfeng and Chang'in the next year or so.  相似文献   

佳俊 《世界汽车》2007,(9):64-65
在汽车行业内,还没有哪家制造商像奥迪这么疯狂。8月,奥迪推出了一款手工打造,专门为身高在1.35m以下的儿童设计的"超级玩具车"。  相似文献   

时下,新车上市已经到了令消费者眼花缭乱的程度,在节能、环保、安全等诸多方面,随着消费者消费观念的成熟,安全无疑是消费者购车过程中的首要考虑因素。据公安部的统计分析,去年全国共发生道路交通事故450254起,死亡人数接近10万人。因此,更好地保护人身安全,除了驾乘人员要严格遵守交通规则外,汽车本身的安全性能也起到至关重要的作用。那么在购车过程中,在人们最关心的安全配置、安全性能方面,国产新车的表现到底能不能令人满意呢?从本期开始,本刊对今年上市新车的主动安全性和被动安全性进行介绍,为消费者选车用车,提供安全方面的参考。  相似文献   

据英国《卫报》报道,在长达4年的研究之后,由美国麻省理工学院的威廉·米切尔教授领导的一个建筑师和工程师小组开发了一种新型MIT汽车,体现了对未来不断膨胀的城市中人与汽车的关系的全新思考。这项工作是米切尔的“智能城市”研究项目的一部分。米切尔预计未来的人们将共用汽  相似文献   

By now, the major transnational auto makers in the world have all entered China's car market by means of setting up joint ventures or performing technology transfers. These companies, in the light of their own global strategies, determine the development orientation of their joint or cooperative enterprises in China as well as the supply of vehicle types and parts procurement. Although it is regulated in The Industrial Policy for Auto Industry that the shares of foreign partners in car enterprises are not allowed to  相似文献   

The study evaluates the added value generated by estimating dynamic demand matrices by information gathered from Floating Car Data (FCD).

Firstly, adopting a large dataset of FCD collected in Rome, Italy, during May 2010, all the monitored trips on a specific district of the city (Eur district) have been collected and analysed in terms of (i) spatial and temporal distribution; (ii) actual route choices and travel times. The data analysis showed that demand data from FCD are usually not suitable to retrieve directly demand matrices, due to a strong dependence of this information from the penetration rate of the monitoring device. Instead, origin–destination travel times and route choice probabilities from FCD are a much more reliable and powerful information with respect to FCD origin–destination flows, since they represent the traffic conditions and behaviors that vehicles experiment along the path.

Thus, several synthetic experiments have been conducted adopting both travel times and route choice probabilities as additional information, with respect to standard link measurements, in the dynamic demand estimation problem. Results demonstrated the strength and robustness associated to these network based data, while link measurements alone are not able to define the real traffic pattern. Adopting both the information of origin–destination travel times and route choice probabilities during the demand estimation process, the spatial and temporal reliability of the estimated demand matrices consistently increases.  相似文献   

1.Japan-based makers have presented most increasingly models and brands German-based car makers continued dominating the market until 2003 and the market shares of two VWs  相似文献   

● With a view to promoting consumption and spurring the equipment production industry, for the sake of the environment, developing energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly cars will be the top priority.  相似文献   

According to the National Information Center, the influence of SARS upon car sales in the second quarter is negative, especially with regard to institutional car purchasing. However, the aim of selling 440,000 units in the second quarter and 1.7 million units through the whole year is still reachable.  相似文献   

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