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王剑飞 《中国水运》2010,334(6):32-33
随着港口的发展和进出港船舶的增多,每年在岚山港附近海域要发生多起船舶误入水产养殖区事故,给船公司和养殖业主造成很大经济损失。为了尽量减少船舶误入养殖区造成财产损失,分析船舶误入养殖区的成因提出预防措施很有必要。  相似文献   

<正>0引言近年来,随着沿海航运经济和水产养殖业的发展,运输船舶数量的增长与养殖水域扩张之间的矛盾日益突出,导致商船误入养殖区的事件频发。商船进入养殖区,一方面会对水产养殖造成局部破坏、产生经济纠纷;另一方面可能发生渔网绞缠螺旋桨等事故,影响船舶航行安全。因此,及时获取养殖水域具体位置、范围等信息,清除超规划范围的养殖区,对保护海上通航环境、维护养殖水域航行秩序,保障船舶航行和锚泊安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

叶伟明 《中国水运》2006,6(6):28-29
海上养殖业也处于高速发展期,并成为部分地区重要的区域支柱产业,但随意建立或扩大养殖区域对船舶正常的海上航行安全构成严重的威胁,海上交通安全与海洋养殖的矛盾已日趋突出。本文介绍了海上养殖区的设立应具备的必要条件,并客观的提出了船舶触损海上养殖区事故调处的法律法规理解和处理方式。  相似文献   

一、案情摘要 1997年孙有礼等18人签订集资创办养殖场合伙经营协议书,共同出资联合经营6个海产品养殖场。2000年10月上中旬,乐亭县王滩镇滦河、大青河入海口等海域养殖区发生重大渔业污染事故,孙有礼等18人的养殖区遭受重大经济损失。  相似文献   

近年来,海上养殖业在我国沿海水域快速发展,养殖设施种类多、密度大、范围广,甚至在个别海区出现侵占水上公共航道等现象,给船舶航行、进出港口带来一定的安全风险。船舶误入养殖区事故常有发生,造成较大的经济损失和社会影响。据统计,本人所在单位每年进入养殖区救助遇险船舶次数平均为3次,救助这类遇险船舶受限因素多、难度大、涉及面广。  相似文献   

李永来 《水运管理》2001,(11):36-38
随着海产品养殖业的发展,沿海养殖区面积不断扩大.海产品养殖技术的提高,使得原有沿海养殖区进一步向“纵深“发展.而沿海地区又是航道及航道设施密度较大的地区,由于管理上缺乏统筹使得两个区域不断接近,甚至重叠,给沿海航行船舶的安全航行造成很大的困难.……  相似文献   

黄泓 《珠江水运》2015,(4):60-62
随着航运船舶的逐年增多,大片浅海和滩涂被允许进行水产养殖。很多养殖区紧靠航道,多数养殖户通常未在养殖区周围设立警示标志且未申请航行通告,导致船舶触碰渔具事件时有发生,甚至个别不法渔民为利益所驱,以网具受损为由,勒索过往船舶支付高额赔偿。本文从"完善以宪法为核心的中国特色社会主义法律体系,加强宪法实施"和"增强全民法治观念,推进法治社会建设"角度,谈《航道法》的实施和依法整治渔具阻碍航道。  相似文献   

在辽宁辖区的广阔海域里,有一条扼守渤海湾、联通黄渤海的"黄金水道"——老铁山水道。这里通航密集,船舶多样,周边水域施工区、卸砂点、养殖区众多,海况复杂,是海上监管的重点和难点。  相似文献   

研制沿海多功能航标工作船,是在保持航标夹持技术的先进性和实用性的基础上,解决深水航道Ф3m浮标维护、灯架更换、冬季小型冰标的抛设、撤除作业以及海水养殖区附近浮标维护等难题。  相似文献   

无人机遥感技术凭借精度高、灵活性高、多维提取特征等优势逐渐成为规划设计、工程测绘、区域识别的重要工具,是地理信息系统获取数据的关键技术之一。本文以某地区海洋养殖区为识别对象,利用无人机遥感,结合基于机器学习的影像识别方法,识别某地特定区域居民区、养殖区等地块。借助支持向量机(SVM)方法,针对某地沿海处不同区域、不同功能用地展开空间数据信息分析,获得不同区域的空间特性参数,选取35%的采样点构成训练集,对不同光谱条件和空间条件下的仿真结果进行验证。结果显示,针对小容量样本,SVM判准性为76.57%,能够快速识别并分析地物。希望通过本文研究为无人机遥感技术在海洋养殖区域识别、渔业中应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   


Aquaculture and its specialized cousin, mariculture, provide some potential additional food sources and economic revenues. Technological barriers to increased mariculture production are being removed, but many legal and institutional barriers remain. Examples of the current and potential regulation of mariculture in Texas by state and federal authorities are examined. The effect of various state and federal regulations on the development of mariculture is discussed from a legal and institutional viewpoint. The potential for growth of mariculture is considered questionable without regulatory reforms, particularly at the federal level.  相似文献   

梁鹏 《中国海事》2014,(8):21-23
文中对非法养殖的行政违法性、民事所有权合法性及几类非法养殖触损事故赔偿问题进行分析,指出海事部门在非法养殖触损事故民事调解中,应准确认定养殖户的合法物权,明确赔偿范围,判定各方责任,维护当事各方合法权益,妥善处理纠纷。  相似文献   

This article examines salt‐water aquaculture (mariculture) legislation in California, Florida, and Maine, as illustrative of one generic response of the law to aquacultural innovation. Unlike aquacultural legislation in other states, generally drafted to restrict leasing of coastal waters for specific existing technologies, the legislation studied represents a more flexible approach which would accommodate new technologies. Analysis of specific provisions of the three laws indicates the complexity of the issues involved and a variety of mechanisms selected for regulating mariculture, and identifies different state priorities and goals. This report concludes that whereas broadly drafted legislation exemplified by the statutes under study is more likely to accommodate new mariculture technologies than piecemeal legislation, there are a number of complex issues that must be identified and resolved in order to achieve the desired results. The failure of each of the states to respond fully to the broad range of issues involved may inhibit aquacultural innovation or unduly restrict nonaquacultural uses of the coastal zone.  相似文献   

用生态动力学模型分析海带养殖对浮游生态系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石洪华  方国洪  胡龙  郑伟 《水道港口》2011,32(3):213-218
以我国近海典型海带养殖区桑沟湾为例,建立了"浮游植物-海带-浮游动物-营养盐-有机碎屑"生态动力学模型,较好地模拟了不同养殖密度下浮游生态系统结构的变化,通过灵敏度分析,研究状态变量对模型初值和参数变化的响应,提出了参数优化的思路.  相似文献   


The paper examines the applicability of First World CZM policy for the Third World by focusing on Ecuador's shrimp mariculture, an industry whose explosive growth has reshaped the coastal zone and generated problems threatening loss of the resource base itself. This has led to recognized need for CZM and movement by development agencies to transfer the CZ policies of developed countries. Against this background, the analysis explores local concepts of investment and conservation, the role of government and law, and the influence of the social economy on mariculture development. It illuminates how local use and management of coastal resources is inseparable from specifically Ecuadorean cultural concepts, institutions, and practices. This places in relief the salient differences between management in the First and Third Worlds, illuminating how coastal zone management must not only be internally consistent, but cognizant of and integrated into the prevailing social, economic, and political conditions.  相似文献   

German coastal regions and adjacent offshore waters are claimed for a variety of different, and often overlapping, uses. Conflicts of interest are expected to increase due to the planned construction of offshore wind farms. The development of an integrated approach combining different commercial activities, such as open ocean aquaculture and wind farming, could be a possible solution to overcome these conflicts. To illuminate existing perception and opinions on this multiple-use idea, this study examines the attitudes of representatives of eight different actor groups toward potential offshore wind farm–mariculture integration in the German North Sea. Results from our questionnaire survey show that the respondents’ attitudes toward the suggested multiple-use setting seem to be largely influenced by their general opinion toward offshore wind farms. The Fisheries actor group differs from the other questioned groups in that negative attitudes are overall predominant. This case study points to the need for a credible mechanism that more successfully integrates key actor groups, such as fisheries, into future planning and research issues.  相似文献   


Over 90 percent of British Columbia's annual log harvest enters into complex water‐based systems of transportation, storage, and handling. These systems have considerable impacts on a wide range of coastal resources and uses. A number of site‐specific conflicts have arisen between forestry and preexisting or emerging values including fisheries, mariculture, recreational boating, and harbor redevelopment. Specific data on the impacts leading to conflict are often fragmentary. However, concerns about highly valued and fragile areas‐particularly estuariesalong with industrial concerns regarding log losses and handling efficiency, have prompted changes in log handling. These include moves to dryland sorting, log bundling, and a redistribution of forestry activities in estuaries to accommodate other values. Conflict adjustments and responses have in the past been largely ad hoc and attempted in a jurisdictional vacuum concerning control of coastal management. A more inclusive strategy is now slowly emerging, which involves the coordinated participation of federal, provincial, and industrial interests.  相似文献   

This primary objective of this paper is to examine the causes for the change in energy consumption in the transport sector in India. The pattern of energy consumption and their causes for change are benchmarked against select countries. A mathematical model that decomposes changes in energy consumption to various factors has been used. The changes in the energy consumption are attributed to growth in transport volume, structural change or modal shift, and energy intensity. The analysis is conducted for passenger and freight transport separately. Results indicate that the growth in transport volume has been the main cause for increase in energy consumption for both passenger and freight transport in India despite the decline in energy intensity of various transport modes. Though not surprising for a growing economy like India, this poses a challenge for the future. Currently, India is a low carbon economy.  相似文献   

基于几何控制法的箱梁短线预制拼装技术,在我国尚处于起步阶段.文章重点讲述预应力连续梁短线法施工控制技术的计算思路,其中包括箱梁预拱度计算、制造线形计算、安装线形计算.对今后连续梁短线法施工技术预制拼装技术法施工控制,提供了可供参考的计算方法.  相似文献   

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