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轮胎是车辆行驶的主要部件,其工作条件是很恶劣的,它除了支承车重外,还要传递扭矩和制动力,缓和车辆行驶受到冲击。如使用保养不好,将会加速磨损甚至报废。通常导致轮胎损坏的原因十分复杂,但一般情况下,高温、轮胎气压变化频繁且幅度大,以及驾驶操作与管理方面的因素,是导致轮胎损坏的重要原因。  相似文献   

金柏正  李智强 《商用汽车》2013,(17):109-110
造成轮胎爆胎的原因有轮胎质量、使用、维修及道路条件等诸多因素,因此,了解和认识轮胎的损坏形式和特点,采用正确的使用和维护方法对延长轮胎使用寿命、提高车辆运输效率有着非常积极的意义。  相似文献   

轮胎是各种机动车辆的重要性能零部件之一,其性能的优劣会直接影响到车辆的平顺性和稳定性,甚至还影响到动力性和燃油经济性。车辆能否正常行驶完全得力于车轮与车胎,日常行驶中,由于轮胎长时间接触地面,自然损耗、非自然损伤、人为损坏随时都有可能发生,因此,车辆轮胎可以视为易磨损部件。那么,当轮胎出现损坏后,如何拆装解体与表面检测是每个车主必须掌握的技巧之一,应于充分重视。  相似文献   

王保成 《驾驶园》2011,(9):86-86
近期.在宁夏石嘴山市207县道29km处发生一起车辆追尾事故。当时.一辆重型自卸货车轮胎损坏停在路边,货车司机请来流动补胎车辆进行修理.但当时车后没有摆放警示标志,一辆农用机械车驾驶员缺乏观察且车速较快,一头撞到维修车辆上,造成两车损坏.所幸没有人员受伤。交警提示:车辆因故障停在路边,一定要打开危险警示灯.摆放警示标志,确保安全。  相似文献   

轮胎早期损坏的主要原因 有经验的驾驶员都知道,刚出厂的轮胎,未经一定时间的存放就装车使用,又不注意“走合期”,且重载或在道路较差条件下行驶,也是造成轮胎早期损坏的原因之一。而这些问题却往往被使用者忽视。引起这些问题的内在因素是轮胎的材料与结构。……  相似文献   

本文就汽车轮胎的常见故障分析了轮胎的损坏形式及影响轮胎磨耗的几个因素,并介绍了轮胎的安全技术条件及规格。  相似文献   

轮胎更换的时机 排除意外的损坏,轮胎的更换取决于花纹的深浅和年限两种界定。当行驶到一定的里程数后,轮胎的花纹被磨至更换标记,排水和抓地性能下降,出于安全的考虑必须更换。但对于长期停驶或年行驶里程不多的车辆来说,更要看轮胎使用的年限来予以更换。  相似文献   

汽车轮胎是车辆的重要组成部分,关系到汽车的使用性能和行驶安全,在汽车的运行过程中要特别注意预防轮胎的早期磨损,防止轮胎的不正常损坏。正确合理地使用汽车轮胎,可以有效地延长轮胎的使用寿命。但是,由于操作使用不当和保养检修不及时,将导致轮胎产生羽状磨损、凹形磨损、轮胎肩部磨损、单侧磨损等殿堂损伤,直接影响汽车的技术性能和经济性,甚至由于轮胎的非正常损伤而造成严重的行车事故。因此分析研究轮胎的异常损伤具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

轮胎是汽车惟一与路面直接接触的元件。轮胎承受汽车全部重量,减小路面不平所产生的震动,同时将车辆驱动力、制动力传输至路面。从而控制车辆起动、加速.减速,停车,转弯。因此.轮胎是影响汽车性能、尤其是安全性能的重要元件。眼下当各种主动与被动安全措施成为厂家宣传的重点时。很多的人疏忽了对轮胎的重视与保养。实际上.轮胎对于汽车的操控性.舒适性.加速性都有相当大的影响,掌握不同轮胎的不同特性是有很大的学问。许多车主平时都把目光放在了汽车的发动机的保养或者其他机械部件上面,很少关注轮胎的保养。其实,很多的事故就是因为轮胎的损坏或者爆胎致使汽车失去平衡而导致事故的发生。在F1的比赛当中,如何选择和“伺候”轮胎甚至是一门尖端技术。当然。我们在选择轮胎时不需要像F1车队那样专业,但是,对自己爱车轮胎的足够重视,才能使您的驾车在安全的前提下充满乐趣。  相似文献   

在四轮定位检测中,经常可以遇到驾驶员朋友前来要求解决出现轮胎偏磨的问题。还有的车辆也是在定位检测中才发现前束数值超差太大,经检查轮胎已经偏磨。就轿车而言,大多数的轮胎偏磨都集中在前轮,而且还以负值的前束值超差造成轮胎内侧偏磨最为多见。后轮的偏磨一般是肇事修复改变了原来的设计几何角度,或者是行驶中后桥和悬挂部分冈冲撞损坏变形造成的几何角度改变,从而影响轮胎在正常行驶中不能以正确的角度与地面摩擦而形成轮胎偏磨。  相似文献   

论轮胎的磨损   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
轮胎磨损除会直接增加汽车的使用成本外,还会影响汽车的功率消耗、轮胎与路面间的附着性能等。对轮胎磨损的机理进行了探讨,并着重讨论了影响轮胎磨损的各种因素及其影响机理。通过分析得出的一些结论对正确设计和使用汽车轮胎具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

抗滑水轮胎技术的新发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
轮胎在湿路面上的行驶性能关系到汽车的安全性。阐述了国外开发的三种新型抗滑水轿车轮胎的设计思想,结构特点以及主要性能,介绍了提高轮胎在潮湿带水路面上行驶性能的新技术及其新发展,对开发国产高性能轿车轮肥具有现实的参考借鉴意义。  相似文献   

如何延长汽车轮胎的使用寿命   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了汽车轮胎在使用中不正常磨损的几种情况:一是轮胎冠两肩超常磨损;二是轮胎胎冠中部超常磨损;三是轮胎胎侧呈侧呈锯齿状磨损;四是胎冠呈波浪状或碟片状磨损;五是转向轮胎冠内(外)侧超常磨损等。分析了轮胎不正常磨损的原因。介绍了轮胎的正确使用、定期检查与维护。  相似文献   

高速公路爆胎事故的影响因素及其预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查和实验分析,影响爆胎事故的有轮胎气压、车辆装载质量、行车速度和轮胎磨损4个主要因素,高速公路的道路特点和车辆的运行特点(如高速度、重装载、远距离)对这些因素有着直接的影响,控制这些因素所带来的影响,可以有效地预防高速公路爆胎事故的发生。  相似文献   

通过板簧支架的钻夹具设计,保证了板簧支架的加工精度,使板簧支架与车架安装位置相对准确,防止了汽车跑偏,减少了汽车轮胎磨损。  相似文献   

随着汽车工业的发展和高速公路的普及,汽车的速度越来越来高,汽车在前轮定位,制动系以及轮胎等方面也发生了相应的变化,例如车轮外倾角由正值变为负值,前轮前束出现负值,前轮制动力大于后轮制动力,前轮主销内倾角增大等,这些变化在维修时应特别注意。  相似文献   

Most of the tyre models have been developed for high speed, combined forces, etc., however, in certain tests it is necessary to know tyre behaviour at very low speed in order to evaluate different systems. So, during vehicle inspection and maintenance of the steering and brake system, by means of sideslip tester and roller brake tester respectively, the forces transmitted by the tyres are measured; all of these inspections are carried out at low speeds. Furthermore, usually, automobile vehicles run at low speeds during an important part of their operating life (less than 60 km/h), mainly during urban traffic, and in steady state conditions. Therefore, it is particularly interesting to develop an accurate model of the contact patch tyrepavement for low speeds without the complexity of models that cover a wide speed range but provide less precision at very low speeds. The dynamometer plate has proved to be an appropriate test equipment to characterise the tyre-pavement contact at low speed and the steering geometry and wheel alignment. It has the feature of being able to carry out tests with the tyre installed in the vehicle as in completely real conditions. The main aim of this research is to set up a contact model between tyre and pavement at very low speed based on the measurement of longitudinal and lateral forces. A test methodology that allows carrying out the experimental tests in a systematic and controlled way with the dynamometer plate has also been developed. From this model it will be possible to estimate the forces that tyres are capable of transmitting in different situations to act in the parameters which affect these forces and maximize them.  相似文献   

Vehicle-Generated Road Damage: A Review   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The literature concerned with road damage caused by heavy commercial vehicles is reviewed. The main types of vehicle-generated road damage are described and the methods that can be used to analyse them are presented. Attention is given to the principal features of the response of road surfaces to vehicle loads and mathematical models that have been developed to predict road response. Also discussed are those vehicle features which, to a first approximation, can be studied without consideration of the dynamics of the vehicle, including axle and tyre configurations, tyre contact conditions and static load sharing in axle group suspensions. The main emphasis of the paper is on the dynamic tyre forces generated by heavy vehicles: their principal characteristics, their simulation and measurement, the effects of suspension design on the forces and the methods that can be used to estimate their influence on road damage. Some critical research needs are identified.  相似文献   

The influence of the tyre–road contact model on the simulated vertical vibration response was analysed. Three contact models were compared: tyre–road point contact model, moving averaged profile and tyre-enveloping model. In total, 1600 real asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete longitudinal road profiles were processed. The linear planar model of automobile with 12 degrees of freedom (DOF) was used. Five vibration responses as the measures of ride comfort, ride safety and dynamic load of cargo were investigated. The results were calculated as a function of vibration response, vehicle velocity, road quality and road surface type. The marked differences in the dynamic tyre forces and the negligible differences in the ride comfort quantities were observed among the tyre–road contact models. The seat acceleration response for three contact models and 331 DOF multibody model of the truck semi-trailer was compared with the measured response for a known profile of test section.  相似文献   

论轮胎与路面间的摩擦   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对轮胎与路面间摩擦产生的机理和影响因素进行了分析。其中产生的机理可归纳为轮胎与路面间分子引力的作用、轮胎与路面间的粘着作用、胎面橡胶的弹性变形及路面上小尺寸微凸体的微切削作用四种;影响轮胎与路面间摩擦的主要因素有滑移率,轮胎类型,胎面花纹的类型、密度系数、深度,路面粗糙度,路面污染情况,路面水膜,气候及充气压力等。  相似文献   

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