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<正>·交通工程·◇辽宁省沈阳绕城高速公路改扩建工程动工。◇吉林省营城子至梅河口高速公路建成通车。◇吉林省长(春)松(原)高速公路建成通车。◇河北省承(德)唐(山)高速公路建成通车。·物流建设·◇天津市滨海综合物流园区正式动工兴建。  相似文献   

<正>·交通工程·▲郑州至西安高速铁路开通运营。▲铁路广州南站开通运营。▲新建伊(敏)阿(尔山)铁路全线正式开通运营。▲包(头)西(安)铁路新宝塔山隧道贯通。  相似文献   

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<正>·交通工程·▲铁路成都集装箱中心站试运营。▲天津至保定铁路、张家口至唐山铁路、新建石家庄站和保定站、邯郸至长治铁路扩能改造工程开工。▲沈阳至丹东铁路客运专线、丹东至大连铁路、新建沈阳南站和  相似文献   

<正>·交通工程·★秦皇岛北戴河机场开工建设。★贵广快速铁路、厦蓉高速公路开工建设。★郑州市南三环与机场高速立交主体工程开工。★中缅石油天然气管道工程正式开工建设。  相似文献   

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The last two decades have witnessed the implementation of various policies based on land-use to address problems stemming from automobile ownership and use. There are, however, questions with respect to the efficacy of such policies. This paper therefore reviews the literature on empirical studies of the transportation–land-use interaction with the objective of identifying the current state of knowledge concerning the interactions, particularly with respect to the impact land-use policies are likely to have on the system. The focus is on studies conducted in North America. The results are mixed; some studies conclude that urban densities, traditional neighborhood design schemes, and land-use mix have an impact on auto ownership and use. Other studies find the impact of such variables to be at best marginal. Gaps in our understanding of the interaction are identified. These are found to be primarily the result of data limitations and methodological weaknesses. A detailed discussion of the implications of the findings for the development and application of integrated transportation–land-use models is provided, with the recommendation that without such an integrated approach to analyzing the transportation–land-use interaction, any study of impacts of urban form on travel behavior is likely to yield erroneous results.  相似文献   

和睦 《运输经理世界》2010,(1):I0024-I0024
2010年的第一周,窗外积攒着厚厚的白雪,北京的气温降至记忆中的最低点。  相似文献   

Urban green spaces provide various social and environmental benefits that strongly improve the quality of life in a city. Municipalities are responsible for maintaining their green spaces in order to preserve these potentials. This paper supports municipalities in planning the transportation and disposal logistics of the green waste that is produced by the maintenance activities. The approach combines ecological issues like the seasonality of green waste generation and different types of biomass with economically driven decision making. We show how to determine cost efficient transportation plans for the disposal logistics and how to capture the seasonality of green waste generation when booking capacities at disposal facilities. It is also shown how a municipality can select the disposal facilities to cooperate with in a competitive environment where facilities offer capacities at differing conditions, as is the case for disposal sites that dump the green waste and for conversion plants that use the biomass for producing renewable energy. We illustrate the approach using case data of a major city in Germany.  相似文献   

1.宇通2010年第4万辆客车下线点评:宇通2010年第4万辆客车下线,标志着中国客车的发展达到了一个新的高度。2.海格智慧客车G-BOS正式发布点评:G-BOS智慧运营系统的成功上市,标志着中国客车制造商正打造全新的价值链,着力推进从客车产品制造商向客车运营管理整体方案提供商的转变。3.中国元素舞动第63届汉诺威国  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to making long-term forecasts of overseas container traffic in the port of Montreal. The paper discusses, first, why performance models explaining traffic variations in ports when postulating a fixed hinterland may not be appropriate for the port of Montreal. Then, the forecasting approach itself is presented. Using 1981 as the base year, projections of container traffic through the port of Montreal until 1995 are developed by considering separately the traffic flows associated with the Canadian and the United States hinterlands. Our approach takes account of anticipated changes in Canadian and U.S. international trade volume, containerization rates and regional growth within Canada. It yields detailed forecasts of containerized traffic, by origin and destination, for 78 commodity groups, 7 world regions and 11 North American regions (i.e. the 10 Canadian provinces plus the United States). Two forecasting scenarios are considered and the aggregate results for 1995 are reported. Finally, a comparison of forecasts with recent data available for 1984 is made, suggesting that the internation trade projections used to generate our forecasts may be too conservative.  相似文献   

<正> 交通运输业是国民经济的基础产业和先导性行业。当前在积极推进具有战略性意义两个转变的新形势下,我们必须在思想观念、工作思路、工作方式上有一个尽快的转变,以加快交通现代化建设,更好地适应和促进威海市国民经济和社会发展。 一、威海市交通业的现状和问题 自1987年地级威海市成立以来,我们从服务于威海经济建设和对外开放的大局出发,立足实际、着眼未来,以超前的眼光重视和发展交通事业,使全市交通事业进入了一个高标准起  相似文献   

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