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海盗审判问题之探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盛萍 《世界海运》2010,33(8):42-43
海盗罪作为严重违反国际法的罪行之一,国际社会以及各国对其均具有普遍管辖权,但是确定管辖权后的审判问题仍然是困扰着国际社会的一个难题。从司法的角度出发,通过分析比较目前存在的三种审判方式,提出建立海盗罪国际审判特别法庭的建议。  相似文献   

中国2015年审结海事海商案件1.6万件,已经成为海事审判机构最多、海事案件数量最多的国家。2016年人民法院将加强海事审判工作,建设国际海事司法中心,维护国家主权、海洋权益和其他核心利益。——最高人民法院院长周强加大交通运输重要领域和关键环节改革力度,助推供给侧结构性改革;着力完善综合交通运输管理体制与运行机制,促进综合交通运输融合发展与协同发展;继续深化投融资体制改革,推广政府与社会资本合作模式。  相似文献   

邵彬  余淳 《江苏船舶》2007,24(5):42-43
船舶适航应包括:船舶在设计、构造和设备上应符合船舶建造和检验规范的要求,并经过检验获得相应的合格证书;配备不可少的船员、船舶装备和供应品;货物积载应符合有关公约、规范和规定的要求等。海事审判时,首先要审查船舶适航的形式要件和实质要件两个方面,这样便可以提高认定船舶适航的准确性和办案效果,使民事责任的承担与我国法律的过错归责原则相一致,将有利于推动我们海事立法和审判工作上升到一个新的水平。  相似文献   

1988年12月,第43届联合国大会通过举办"国际科学与和平周"的决议,倡导各成员国开展相应活动,弘扬科学精神,促进世界和平,用科技成果推动人类的社会与经济发展。中国有关单位和团体已经成功举办了23届"国际科学与和平周"活动。作为第24届"国际科学与和平周"系列活动之一,12月5日至7日,由中国和平利用军工技术协会和中国船舶信息中心联合有关单位共同主办,厦门产业技术研究  相似文献   

物流是对从产地到消费地之间货物的配送、回收、储存、服务以及有关信息的有效流动和存储进行计划、实施和控制的过程。物流涉及众多环节,其中海上运输是重要的物流环节之一。随着物流业的不断发展,物流争议和物流纠纷也日益增多。这对海事审判也产生了一定影响和冲击,其中比较突出的问题是海事法院的管辖权问题、海事审判的法律适用问题、海事审判中的人才培养问题和海事审判与海事仲裁的关系问题等。  相似文献   

闫志超 《世界海运》2022,(12):37-44
海洋污染物排放导致的侵权问题已成为司法热点,该类问题的审判核心在于对因果关系的认定。由于审判实践中尚未对因果关系的认定逻辑形成统一共识,特别是理论适配不清和关联性内涵不明,导致审判实务中裁判标准模糊。以两个典型案例为基础,分析海洋环境侵权中因果关系的理论适配问题,论证因果关系认定审判中明确关联性的必要性和基于案件类型化区分关联性证明梯度的可行性。建议以多元推定方式的整合和审判共助体系的构建,克服审判实务中因类型化案件界限模糊导致的审判失真和失衡困境。最后,主张在现行司法解释关于无因果关系举证的规定中增加“次生污染物”的内容。  相似文献   

2016年2月24日,最高人民法院发布了《关于海事法院受理案件范围的规定》(以下简称《规定》),其于2016年3月1日起正式施行。《规定》发布后,最高人民法院民事审判第四庭负责人接受了记者采访,就有关问题回答了记者提问。一、《规定》是对我国海事法院受案范围又一次调整充实,请问此次颁布新规有何背景?关于海事法院受理案件范围的规定是开展海事专门审判、充分发挥海事审判职能作用的重要基础和必要依  相似文献   

傅晓明 《中国海事》2011,(10):22-24
文中分析了当前我国海事司法鉴定工作存在的问题,结合海事审判特点,从建立海事司法鉴定法律体系、完善海事司法鉴定人资格审核制度、建构海事司法鉴定机构、对海事司法鉴定机构实行统一管理、完善鉴定人出庭制度等五个方面提出解决对策,以期对完善我国海事司法鉴定制度有所裨益。  相似文献   

北海海事法院是管辖和审理广西区海域及与海相通水域发生的海商海事案件、云南省澜沧江至湄公河等与海相通可航水域发生的海商海事案件的专门法院.涉外性、专业性、技术性强,是该院受理的案件的突出特点.该院1999年8月19日挂牌受理案件,迄今不到四年,却已走过了其他海事法院五年、六年甚至八年才走完的路程,在审判工作方面取得了突出的成绩.  相似文献   

程显章 《天津航海》2003,(1):24-25,F004
公证与效率是新世纪人民法院工作的永恒的主题。公正与效率就是要公开,公正,公平,就是要当庭质证,认证,提高当庭审判,快审快结,为经济建设服务。  相似文献   

This contribution concentrates on the legal aspects of piracy and tries to explain some of the practical problems which modern navies experience in their fight against piracy and maritime violence off Somalia. The UN Law of the Sea Convention of 1982 provides a traditional though largely deficient set of rules for control and counter measures. Modern legal instruments such as the SUA Convention of 1988 as amended, recent resolutions of the UN Security Council and regional treaties try to fill the loopholes. Against this background the paper discusses e. g. the law of boarding and investigation of suspicious vessels, the arrest and penal prosecution of criminals and the right of self-defence in case of an imminent attack. The international mandates and the national rules of engagement in which the navies operate reflect these ambiguities that result in a loss of momentum. After all piracy is not an act of war, but a crime. In conclusion apolitical solution on land is indispensable as the navies and coast guards can only fight the symptoms and not the causes of crime and unrest in a failed State.  相似文献   

梁鹏 《中国海事》2014,(12):25-27
文中针对部分构成交通肇事罪的水上交通事故由于种种原因仍一定程度上存在以行政处罚“代替”刑事处罚的现象,结合实际,从水上交通事故中的责任人刑事责任追究的法律依据、案件移送、实例探讨、目前水上交通事故刑责追究工作存在的不足及建议等方面进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

梁雪娇  牛磊 《世界海运》2010,33(8):57-59
近些年来国际掀起了一场无硝烟的"低碳战",国内外的一切建设都以此为指导思想。在这种大背景下,上海国际航运中心的建设也不例外。要促使上海尽快成为影响全球航运市场的重要力量,就必须将上海建成低碳式国际航运中心。  相似文献   

UNCAD has played a central role in the development of international shipping policies, particularly those of developing countries. While comprehensively addressing all shipping issues affecting both the industry and the maritime trade of developing countries. UNCTAD has concentrated its greatest efforts on policies designed to achieve those objectives. These policies also reflected the then existing international environment of confrontation. East/West ideological conflicts and the North/South divide. The results were far from satisfactory, although a number of international agreement were reached under the auspices of UNCTAD. The end of the cold war and the emergence of the single economic system (the market place) has brought about far-reaching changes in UNCTAD, its secretariat, its intergovernmental machinery and the substantive content of its secretariat, its intergovernmental machinery and the substantive content of its deliberations. It is expected that the shipping dialogue in UNCTAD in the 1990s will be significantly different in content and structure. This article attempts to point to possible courses of action that will be taken in UNCTAD fora in the area of shipping in the context of promoting a competitive services in developing countries.  相似文献   

The combating of the present great variety of criminal activities occurring at sea mainly involves measures to be taken on land, in particular in ports.However, also actual enforcement at sea will continue to play an essential (complementary) role. This article surveys the rules of international law governing law enforcement measures at sea. These rules are complex, because distinctions have to be made between the various jurisdictional zones at sea and between the positions of the flag state, the coastal state and the port state. Traditionally, ships in the high seas (all sea areas beyond a narrow band of territorial sea) were under the exclusive jurisdiction of the flag state. In an increasing number of situations, the coastal state now has law enforcement authority over foreign ships in expanded areas up to 200 nautical miles offshore. But apart from these situations, flag state jurisdiction still prevails beyond the territorial sea. This makes effective law enforcement difficult. In practice, many obstacles can be overcome by making more effective use of the authority of the port state, and by concluding new international agreements providing for specific enforcement systems.  相似文献   

Since 2008 Kenya has distinguished itself in the global war against piracy by undertaking prosecutions in the national courts of suspected pirates arrested in the high seas and handed over by navies of leading maritime nations under bilateral agreements (MOUs) entered into between Kenya and these leading maritime nations. As of July 2011, Kenya had over 20 convicted pirates serving jail terms ranging between 7 and 20 years and over 100 suspected pirates awaiting trial in national courts. This is the largest number of suspected pirates held and tried in any one state at any given time in modern history. To achieve this, Kenya had to effect far reaching changes in the law. In the initial stages, suspected pirates were charged under Kenya’s Penal Code (Cap 63 Laws of Kenya). However, the high court in the case of Re Mohamud Mohamed Dashi and eight others [2010] eKLR, ruled that Kenya had no jurisdiction to try suspected pirates under that law. In September 2009, Kenya passed a new law (the Merchant Shipping Act), which not only defined more comprehensively and extensively the offence of piracy, but also extended the jurisdiction of Kenyan courts to try piracy committed by non-nationals. Though the law gives Kenya a very broad jurisdiction to try suspected pirates, the process is still fraught with challenges due to lack of financial and human resources. In the case of Republic vs Hassan Jama Haleys Alias Hassan Jamal and five others [2010] eKLR, the court commented thus:
“… I must note that the ‘piracy trials’ have presented a unique challenge to the Kenyan legal system. We cannot ignore the fact that these are suspects who having been arrested by foreign naval forces on the High Seas are brought to Kenya for trial. They are strangers in the country, do not understand the legal system, may not know what their rights are and do not understand the language… the Kenyan Government and the International partners supporting these trials put in place a system to provide free legal representation for the suspects…”  相似文献   

王政  姚景顺 《舰船科学技术》2005,27(4):50-52,77
现代战争中,随着导弹武器技术的不断完善和发展,现代军用雷达受到了巨大威胁,单部雷达已经很难适应未来战场的需要,因此雷达联网成为军事预警系统的发展趋势。本文针对雷达网中航迹关联后的数据融合实现问题进行讨论与分析,对该问题进行了数学描述,给出了雷达网中数据融合的实现方法。  相似文献   

Recently, maritime security issues in the Strait of Malacca have been in the limelight. Statistics highlighting the risk of piracy faced by shipping in the Strait of Malacca and the possibility of a terrorist attack have led to an enhanced awareness of the need for heightened security. The declaration by Lloyd’s Joint War Committee (JWC) of the Strait as a “war risk area” has strengthened the perception that the littoral states have not done enough to make the Strait secure for international trade.  相似文献   

海事赔偿责任限制的法律适用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于各国关于海事赔偿责任限制的法律规定不一样,因此,在涉外海事赔偿责任限制法律关系中就需要进行法律选择,以确定所应适用的法律。国际社会关于海事赔偿责任限制的法律适用主要有适用法院地法、适用侵权行为地法、适用船旗国法、适用最密切联系原则几种立法模式,中国《海商法》关于海事赔偿责任限制的法律适用宜规定为:海事赔偿责任限制适用船旗国法,若海事赔偿责任限制与其他国家的法律有更密切联系,则适用其他国家的法律。  相似文献   

美国海军海洋环境信息应用系统综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
就海上作战战法而言,掌握海洋环境参数及其变化与掌握敌情态势同等重要,海洋环境要素是在作战准备和临战对抗行动中取得主动权所不可或缺的条件。因此,使各级海上指战员了解并利用环境因素以取得军事优势,是现代高技术条件下作战的一个主要方面。美国海军非常重视环境信息技术,从环境信息数据库系统、决策综合信息支持系统及信息获取、提供、处理到水面水下不同应用特色等方面介绍了几个成熟的系统,希望为我国海军的信息化技术发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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