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正深夜的长安街上,偶尔驶过一辆车。王绣春已经记不清,自出租汽车行业改革工作启动以来,这是第多少个不眠之夜。7月28日,酝酿两年之久的出租汽车改革方案及网约车新规终于揭开神秘面纱,网约车在我国的合法地位自此得以明确。与此同时,《关于深化改革推进出租汽车行业健康发展的指导意见》《网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法》(以下分别简称《指导意见》《暂行办法》)对  相似文献   

孔子说:"人而无信,不知其可也。大车无輓,小车无视,其何以行之哉?"意思是,一个人如果不讲信用,那么就没什么可肯定的了,譬如大车没有輓,小车没有轨,如何能行动呢?庄子说:"真者,精诚之至也。"虽然,儒道两家对诚信的推崇,使诚信在中国  相似文献   

领导是在别人眼里生成的,不是用来自我欣赏的,如果一个领导者自醉于职位,那么,就容易混淆角色和本色,人性的劣根也会从混淆中蹿出来表演,人的个性就会变得模糊。  相似文献   

当今的职场白领,所思所做都比较现实,胸怀大志、报效祖国、造就大业的远大目标在意识里相对淡薄。然而,一方面"白领们"将在所处的环境里体现自我价值作为一个不懈追求的目标,另一方面"白领们"想象中的价值很清晰,对如何创造价值的认知却迷惘,一旦"清晰的价值"搬到现实中就变得模糊。在笔者认识的白领阶层里,就有不少"价值困  相似文献   

在山西省五寨县,一辆出租车价值4万余元,现卖9万元。在襄垣县,一辆出租车价值六七万元,现卖14万元。在山西省省会太原市,一辆即将报废的、本身价格很低的出租车,最高价格已炒到45万元。出租车怎么了?它是黄金?它是股票?还是人为制造出的一个泡沫?为此,有记者深入调查,初步查清,一个游走全国的"炒车团",正在山西等省  相似文献   

一、研究背景机场道面维护管理工作的效果和效飞机旅客的舒适性以及航空公司和机当前机场道面的总体状可能存在哪些潜在问道面使用性能的历史变化趋势是好如何在适当的时间选择最佳的维如何以最小的费用获得最好的都是机场管理和养护部门最机场道面管理系统)正是从这些方面为机场管理部它能够向管客观和连续的过用于评价现在的机场道面状况和预而且管理系统提供一个客观的方法用于道进行多种预算,协助养护和大机场道面管理系统的研究起源于上70年代的美国。到80年代末90美国、英国、加拿大等国已经建立起较为完善的机场道面评价体系。然而传…  相似文献   

为更好地指导化学除胶剂现场作业,避免除胶剂对道面以及道面附属物的影响,郑州新郑国际机场(以下简称“郑州机场”)对采用化学除胶剂作业时化学剂对于道面以及道面附属设施的影响开展试验,研究得出化学除胶剂对水泥混凝土、快硬早强类修补块几乎无影响,对于胶层有溶解作用,但是对有机类修补料、嵌缝料等有影响,施工作业时应避免此区域使用除胶剂。  相似文献   

在现代企业中,管理者的素质和能力高低对于企业的成败起到关键作用。论述了企业管理者在企业文化建设应起的作用。  相似文献   

Short-line railroad managers discuss their industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the United States, the 1980 Staggers Rail Act created a positive regulatory environment for the creation of new short-line railroads. At present there are about 450 of these railroads that have less than 250 miles of trackage. This study asked managers/owners of these railroads two basic questions. First, what do you believe is the single most important trend that is currently taking place in your industry. The most frequently noted trend was the frustration of working with the larger Class 1 railroads. Five additional trends were also identified by the respondents. The second question asked the respondents if they thought the short-line sector of the rail industry will become more or less important in the next ten years and why. About 70% of the owner/managers believed their industry would become more important in the next decade. The most commonly expressed reason for this position is that the Class 1 railroads will increasingly specialize in mainline service only. Three other rationales were also enumerated. For the managers that thought their industry would become less important, the most noted reason was their trackage would not safely transport the newer very heavy bulk commodity freight cars.  相似文献   

"我现在心里终于平衡了一点……"这是1月28日,东风汽车公司副总经理、载重车公司总经理童东城对记者说出的心里话.  相似文献   

To better understand how road congestion adversely affects trucking operations, we surveyed approximately 1200 managers of all types of trucking companies operating in California. More than 80% of these managers consider traffic congestion on freeways and surface streets to be either a “somewhat serious” or “critically serious” problem for their business. A structural equations model (SEM) is estimated on these data to determine how five aspects of the congestion problem differ across sectors of the trucking industry. The five aspects were slow average speeds, unreliable travel times, increased driver frustration and morale, higher fuel and maintenance costs, and higher costs of accidents and insurance. The model also simultaneously estimates how these five aspects combine to predict the perceived overall magnitude of the problem. Overall, congestion is perceived to be a more serious problem by managers of trucking companies engaged in intermodal operations, particularly private and for-hire trucking companies serving airports and private companies serving rail terminals. Companies specializing in refrigerated transport also perceive congestion to be a more serious overall problem, as do private companies engaged in LTL operations. The most problematic aspect of congestion is unreliable travel times, followed by driver frustration and morale, then by slow average speeds. Unreliable travel times are a significantly more serious problem for intermodal air operations. Driver frustration and morale attributable to congestion is perceived to be more of a problem by managers of long-haul carriers and tanker operations. Slow average speeds are also more of a concern for airport and refrigerated operations.  相似文献   


This paper analyses the effectiveness of policy measures aimed at triggering a modal shift in the freight transport market. The analysis is based on the inventory‐theoretic framework that studies modal choice from a business logistics viewpoint. The crux of the inventory‐theoretic approach lies in the fact that explicit attention is paid to all costs in the supply chain that are affected by the choice of transport mode. After a brief literature review on the inventory‐theoretic framework, the framework is used to calculate the market shares of different freight transport modes for a hypothetical transport market. In a second step, the impact of some policy measures on the market shares of the transport modes is calculated. By way of illustration, the analysis is applied to the market for container transport from a seaport to its hinterland. It is shown that a combination of certain policy measures can lead to significant modal shifts from road transport to intermodal transport.  相似文献   

从"要想富先修路"的基本需求,到今天以都市经济圈为中心的"半日生活圈"等新词汇,道路延伸所带来的"车水马龙"给中国经济的发展增添了许多新元素,中国客车业正是在这些新的元素中得到发展.  相似文献   

探究运输40余年,几成规划"专业户" 记者:您是交通运输界唯一的一位入选"十一五"规划编制专家委员的专家……当时是怎么接到这个任务的呢?  相似文献   

父子二人看到一辆十分豪华的进口轿车.儿子不屑地对他父亲说:"坐这种车的人,肚子里一定没有学问!"父亲则轻描淡写地回答:"说这种话的人,口袋里一定没有钱!"  相似文献   

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