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新<邮政法>或<国内快递市场管理办法>出台 预计<国内快递市场管理办法>将会对符合"资质"的快递企业授权经营"商务文件(信函)",改变现在"法不治众"困惑局面.  相似文献   

2004年9月23~24日,由中国物流与采购联合会、中国物流信息中心主办的、共和快捷供应链管理公司(上海)有限公司承办的"道路交通政策与环境--新形势下货运企业商业模式与技术创新论坛"在京隆重召开.本次会议,有来自政府部门的代表、全国物流企业、运输企业的代表,以及<经济日报>、<中国物流与采购>、<公路运输文摘>、<中国交通报>、<中外物流快讯>等相关媒体共计150多人参加了会议.  相似文献   

我国汽车召回的主要法规依据是2004年10月1日开始实施的<缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定>.在此之后的几年中,尽管召回的车辆数在不断增长,但其他后续法规却-直没有跟进,而且<缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定>部分条款规定,也未能与时俱进.  相似文献   

随着中国证监会<首次公开发行股票并上市管理办法>的出台和<股权分置改革方案>的全面实施,中国企业上市的步伐将全面加快提速.然而.从我国证券市场起步开始发展到现在已有十几年时间,全国上市企业已近1500家,但道路运输整个行业的上市公司却仍然屈指可数,规模偏小.道路运输企业作为社会主义经济建设的重要一员.如何在资本市场中抢占先机,加快发展和壮大自己.已引起业内人士的普通关注.  相似文献   

监理工程师在公路工程变更管理中的作用主要体现在合同赋予的职责与权限上,依据2003<公路工程国内招标文件范本>(以下称<范本>),结合FIDIC条款,从理论上作探讨.  相似文献   

2010年中国快递市场十大变数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年是新<邮政法>及<快递业务经营许可管理办法>实施后的第一年,同时,也是快递产业受到由金融危机引发的冲击后复苏的第一年,快递产业将进入新一轮的快速发展时期.  相似文献   

6月23日,交通部发布<道路运输企业质量信誉考核办法(试行)>(简称<办法>),决定对道路运输企业进行质量信誉考核,考核指标包括运输安全、经营行为、服务质量、社会责任和企业管理.  相似文献   

<意外的旅客>有一种意外的缓慢、漫长的风格.两个钟头的片长,讲述一个类似<红玫瑰与白玫瑰>的故事. 麦肯与莎拉结婚很多年了,有过一个可爱的儿子伊森,但在一次意外事故中,伊森被歹徒杀死.电影从儿子死后一年开始.  相似文献   

梳理一下中国物流的大事记,与王之泰相关的词条如下: 1986年2月,中国物资出版社出版署名为吴润涛、靳伟、王之泰的翻译著作<物流手册>,这是我国第一次全面、系统翻译发达国家物流的书籍;  相似文献   

非常感谢<运输经理世界>杂志社举办的"2010年运输经理年会"为我们提供了这样一个机会,使我们能够与道路运输的行业高层管理者、各位行业专家,与各位优秀客运企业家们进行交流和沟通,我本人非常荣幸能够在这儿与大家共同探讨关于运输行业现代化的相关问题.  相似文献   

A modification of Kruithof's double-factor algorithm (sometimes called the Furness iterative method) that takes into account zones which lie outside the boundary of a traffic network is examined analytically. Basically the revised algorithm allows certain rows and columns of the base traffic matrix to be only proportionally scaled while the remaining rows and columns which have pre-specified row and column totals are scaled in the usual biproportional way. This paper shows that all the properties (such as uniqueness, reversibility, existence) which hold for the traditional biproportional transformation also hold for the modified transformation under certain positivity assumptions.  相似文献   

A86公路是一条环绕大巴黎区(被称为lle deFrance)的环线.该环线大部分路段都已投入运营.Rueil Malmaison和Versailles之间尚未完工的区段位于地下,以保持小镇所独有的和谐、保留塞纳河旁起伏的林地以及众多重要的历史建筑(图1).  相似文献   

Network matching is frequently needed for integrating data that come from different sources. Traditional ways of finding correspondences between networks are time-consuming and require considerable manual manipulation. This paper describes a three-stage matching algorithm (node matching, segment matching, and edge matching) that combines bottom-up and top-down procedures to carry out the matching computation. As it uses sensitive matching measures, the proposed algorithm promises good improvement to existing algorithms. An experiment of matching two waterway networks is reported in the paper. The results of this experiment demonstrate that a reasonable matching rate and good computational efficiency can be achieved with this algorithm. The paper also briefly discusses necessary improvements in areas of linear alignment, aspatial matching and higher-level matching.  相似文献   


Since the first pilot scheme for area‐traffic control was introduced in the city of Montreal (1959–60), computer control of traffic in urban areas through the adaptation of existing traffic‐signal systems has been provided to an increasing extent. This area of work may pose problems for the professional traffic engineer whose background in computer technology and general digital electronics may be limited.

In considering the engineering implications of such schemes a systems approach is important and is adopted here. Three existing and representative schemes are briefly mentioned in order to outline basic features. A more detailed examination of the various system elements follows with mention of data collection and transmission, and the role of the control computer.

The paper continues with a reconsideration of the three representative schemes in the light of the detailed treatment of system components. It concludes with a tentative assessment of the present position of area traffic control schemes and some suggestions as to the future development.  相似文献   


New transit capital expenditures are typically evaluated in isolation from the transit/transport systems to which they belong. Problems with reporting performance elements such as ridership and costs are discussed. A focus on evaluating the total transport systems impact of new transit project implementation is called for. On this basis, new US rail transit systems have generally performed poorly. Total transit ridership has generally shown only minimal improvements and, at times, has declined. Financial performance has been disappointing in most cases, particularly when understood in the context of the additional system costs imposed through the reconfiguration of bus networks to serve the new rail systems. Low-cost approaches to improving basic transit services can often be more effective than either rail or bus capital-based projects. An obsession with technology leads to the wrong questions being asked. We should instead start inquiry with the study of needs.  相似文献   

Transport authorities, especially those in developing countries where rising income stimulate increased car ownership rates, are often concerned with maintaining or increasing levels of public transport use. Therefore, the ability to identify clients at risk of abandoning the system can be valuable for remedial measures, allowing for more focused quality improvements. We present and apply a model that determines the probability of migrating from public to private transport at both aggregated and disaggregated levels. In application, the model predicted migration with 60% accuracy in the first preference recovery measure. The proposed model can improve the understanding of the behavior of public transport users, the analysis of demand stability and the factors influencing migration. This, in turn, can help to focus policy and management measures and increase the efficiency of public investment.  相似文献   

A statistical approach is shown to be adaptable to the N-city traveling salesman problem by considering route distances to be random variables which are continuous and normally distributed. A solution to the shortest route distance and path can be approximated by utilizing a Monte Carlo simulation to obtain a representative sample of possible journeys. The approach involves recursive statistical inference which is used to select next-city visits leading to the most probable minimum route path. A statistical selection of the minimum route path is computationally efficient and computer run time increases in proportion to the square of the number of cities as opposed to an (N - 1)! increase for a deterministic approach. The accuracy of the statistical approach is directly proportional to the number of Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a two-stage modeling approach is proposed to predict vacant taxi movements in searching for customers. The taxi movement problem is formulated into a two-stage model that consists of two sub-models, namely the first and second stage sub-models. The first stage sub-model estimates the zone choice of vacant taxi drivers for customer-search and the second stage sub-model determines the circulation time and distance of vacant taxi drivers in each zone by capturing their local customer-search decisions in a cell-based network within the zone chosen in the first stage sub-model. These two sub-models are designed to influence each other, and hence an iterative solution procedure is introduced to solve for a convergent solution. The modeling concept, advantages, and applications are illustrated by the global positioning system data of 460 Hong Kong urban taxis. The results demonstrate that the proposed model formulation offers a great improvement in terms of root mean square error as compared with the existing taxi customer-search models, and show the model capabilities of predicting the changes in vacant taxi trip distributions with respect to the variations in the fleet size and fare. Potential taxi policies are investigated and discussed according to the findings to provide insights in managing the Hong Kong taxi market.  相似文献   

The need for sustainable development is increasing as the industrial and service activities keep putting such a strain on the natural functions of the Earth, thus the ability of the planet’s to sustain future generations. Since most of the industrial and service activities are provided via transportation, it is one of the most crucial elements of sustainable development. In this paper, US highway system sustainability problem is studied. System dynamics modeling approach is employed due to the causal relationships and feedback loops that are observed in the problem structure. The reference mode is considered as the increasing CO2 emission trend. The objective is to meet the Liberman and Warner Climate Act’s targets by 2050. Three potential strategies for policy making are tested with the developed dynamic simulation: fuel efficiency, public transportation and electric vehicle usage. The results indicate that hybrid implementation of individual policies has a crucial impact on the success of policy making.  相似文献   

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