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分心驾驶作为导致交通事故的重要原因之一,已经受到越来越多的研究和关注。通过对中国成都市区内四个不同类型的交叉口观察下收集驾驶员的驾驶行为信息,进行现场路侧观察实验来调查和统计中国驾驶员在开车时进行某种分心行为的比例,统计数据显示,在被观察的6957名驾驶员中,15.29%的驾驶员存在分心驾驶行为,其中最常见的分心驾驶行为是与乘客交谈(7.66%),其次是吸烟(2.29%)和使用手机(2.23%);此外,年龄和时间段对分心驾驶行为有显著影响,而性别对其没有显著影响,青年驾驶员和早晚高峰期间更容易出行分心驾驶行为。  相似文献   

汽车驾驶培训模拟器以安全高效、低排放、零消耗等优点被应用于驾驶员培训,有效节约了燃油的浪费并减少了尾气排放污染。通过对教练车场内和场外上路驾驶实车训练驾驶工况进行分析,采用差值法提出基础和场地驾驶人均油耗和随时间的变化关系,建立了基础和场地驾驶的节能计算模型,并利用碳平衡法建立道路驾驶的节能模型,最终建立汽车驾驶培训模拟器的综合节能计算模型。  相似文献   

针对汽车驾驶培训模拟器训练场景缺乏统一规范和要求的问题,基于雨天、冰雪天、雾(霾)天等恶劣条件下驾驶,以及山区道路和高速公路驾驶的安全风险,结合教学大纲规定的模拟培训教学内容及教学目标,提出了相应训练场景涵盖的情景内容及要求,并梳理了构建训练场景的技术要点,确保训练场景的合规性、互动性和驾驶真实感。  相似文献   

交通信息系统对安全驾驶的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>一、交通信息系统概述 在现代社会,城市道路经常发生交通拥挤。当对道路交通情况不了解,特别是在对某些道路可能拥挤、心存担忧的情况下,或在行驶过程中遇到事故引起的偶发性的交通拥挤,或发现前方交叉口车辆正大排长龙时,交通用户一定期望能够得到相关的交通信息,从而避开拥挤的路段或交叉口,找到一条理想的出行路线。交通信息系统正是这样的一套系统。通过向交通用户传播、发送一系列的信息,交通信息系统可以减少交通用户出行的不确定性和交通堵塞造成的延误,并使得交通用户更有能力把握和控制出行时间,从而从整体上提高运输系统的效率。  相似文献   

现如今,汽车已经成为随处可见的代步工具,汽车的发明极大地方便了人们的日常出行,给人们的工作带来了极大便利,但同时也对汽车驾驶人员提出了更高要求。只有遵守汽车安全驾驶规则,做好应急处置,才能够为道路行车安全提供坚实的保障。文章主要探讨汽车安全驾驶的影响因素,并提出了应急处理的技术措施,希望给相关研究人员以借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

基于驾驶模拟实验的车道宽度影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究上海市沿江通道越江隧道3.5 m车道的安全性,借助交通行为与协同虚拟现实实验系统(即驾驶模拟器),利用实验采集的数据,从车辆轨迹偏移量角度,分析3.5 m车道与3.75 m车道的运行安全性差异。  相似文献   

刘勇 《人民交通》2011,(9):70-71
从上期的介绍可以看出,虽然节能、安全的最终目标都是一致的.但每名驾驶员的操作方法却各不相同。本期,长春公交、大连公交、重庆公交的3名驾驶员“做客”驾车三人行,一起与广大的驾驶员朋友分享他们的安全驾驶经验、探讨有效的节能操作方法。  相似文献   

本文以驾驶员在驾驶行车过程中的驾驶行为特性为分析基础,分析了感知特性类驾驶行为。并利用"营运车辆驾驶人适宜性甄别检测系统及系列检测装置"专题项目采集到的驾驶适宜性检测数据和获得的受检驾驶员最近三年来的安全行车记录数据作为相关性研究的基础数据。在将检测数据进行处理后,利用SPSS统计分析软件进行了正态分布检验、安全类驾驶行为与危险类驾驶行为的独立样本检验,然后利用双变量相关性对感知特性类驾驶行为与适宜性检测评价指标进行关联分析,分析结果表明:不同特性类的驾驶行为与适宜性检测指标的相关性有大小之分。  相似文献   

刘勇 《人民交通》2011,(8):72-73
驾驶公交车身系万千乘客的安全,安全行车是重中之重;公交车数量庞大,出勤率高,称得上是用油大户。作为一名公交车驾驶员,肩负安全和节能的重任。在"2011年全国城市公交客车节油技能大赛"如火如荼进行之际,记者采访了多名一线的优秀公交车驾驶员,听他们畅谈安全、低碳驾驶技巧。本刊将分上、中、下三期刊登,以飨读者。  相似文献   

文章围绕前向碰撞预警系统FCW、车道偏离预警系统LDW、主动紧急制动系统AEB、车道保持系统LKA、自适应巡航系统ACC等5种辅助功能,研究各种功能的场景布置,结合国内外现状及实际测试经验,提出场景案例设计建议。  相似文献   

Bus fuel economy is deeply influenced by the driving cycles, which vary for different route conditions. Buses optimized for a standard driving cycle are not necessarily suitable for actual driving conditions, and, therefore, it is critical to predict the driving cycles based on the route conditions. To conveniently predict representative driving cycles of special bus routes, this paper proposed a prediction model based on bus route features, which supports bus optimization. The relations between 27 inter-station characteristics and bus fuel economy were analyzed. According to the analysis, five inter-station route characteristics were abstracted to represent the bus route features, and four inter-station driving characteristics were abstracted to represent the driving cycle features between bus stations. Inter-station driving characteristic equations were established based on the multiple linear regression, reflecting the linear relationships between the five inter-station route characteristics and the four inter-station driving characteristics. Using kinematic segment classification, a basic driving cycle database was established, including 4704 different transmission matrices. Based on the inter-station driving characteristic equations and the basic driving cycle database, the driving cycle prediction model was developed, generating drive cycles by the iterative Markov chain for the assigned bus lines. The model was finally validated by more than 2 years of acquired data. The experimental results show that the predicted driving cycle is consistent with the historical average velocity profile, and the prediction similarity is 78.69%. The proposed model can be an effective way for the driving cycle prediction of bus routes.  相似文献   

文章通过对公路行车状况、道路线形、公路景观、驾驶特性及经济影响等方面的分析,构建了沙漠公路后评价体系,并结合塔里木沙漠公路进行了验证,为沙漠公路的后评价工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Fidelity has been a critical concern of researchers throughout the history of driving simulation. Understanding the limits of a driving simulation system is a prerequisite for conducting valid driving simulator studies. This paper proposes a novel and interdisciplinary methodology to ensure validity of studies using driving simulators (primarily for traffic control devices and other object detection tasks) based on the visual limits of human sensory and perceptual capabilities, and the characteristics of raster graphics. This methodology decomposes the perceptual issues of a stimulus into perceptual issues of different visual properties like luminance, hue, or text of the stimulus. By systematically analyzing the mechanism of human vision in driving simulators, the perceptual principle is proposed to ensure perceivable visual details in human-in-the-loop driving simulation systems. Additionally, the graphic principle is proposed to ensure perceivable features of a target object in the virtual driving environment. Both principles quantify the minimum requirements of visual fidelity with two measurements: angular resolution and matrix dimensions. The enriched results from existing pertinent studies are analyzed and organized to yield support of both principles. This research focuses on the minimum requirements for four factors; namely the visual acuity of drivers, the specifications of display systems, the configurations of graphics systems, and the design of virtual scenarios, as well as the relationship among all these factors to assess the visual fidelity in driving simulation systems. Within the realm of human perception, this work can provide criteria for proper design, calibration, and usage of driving simulators.  相似文献   

盾构掘进参数对地表沉降的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
盾构法作为地铁隧道施工的一种主要施工方法已在我国得到广泛的应用,由施工引起的地层移动和地表沉降是盾构隧道设计和施工中备受关注的问题.文章以深圳地铁5号线洪浪-兴东盾构区间下穿广深高速公路立交桥隧道施工为工程依托,通过数值模拟和现场监测,对影响地表沉降的掘进参数进行了模拟分析.计算结果表明,地表下沉与盾构掘进参数密切相关,适当加大注浆压力能有效控制地表沉降;同时,土舱压力与土体原始侧向压力接近时地表沉降量最少.实测地表沉降与掘进参数的关系表明,当注浆量一定时,地面沉降随土舱压力的增加而减小;地表沉降随着注浆量及注浆压力的增大而减小.  相似文献   

目前盾构滚刀磨损的判断通常是经验性的。文章在文献[6]运用盾构掘进参数判断刀具损坏的分析计算方法基础上,进一步考虑了土舱压力的影响,对掘进速度和刀盘扭矩计算模型进行了修正;依托具体工程实例,运用修正计算模型分别对土压平衡盾构、泥水平衡盾构以及TBM等在硬岩中的掘进数据与滚刀情况进行了跟踪判别研究。结果表明,计算结果与滚刀磨损情况比较吻合,该方法对判断滚刀损坏具有可行性、参考性。  相似文献   


New technologies, especially advances in telecommunications, have had profound impacts on everyday life and brought even greater changes to some business models. Taxis represent one of the major modes of transportation in urban areas but they face a number of problems, including their environmental impacts. The status of the taxi industry in Taiwan is revealed and analyzed in this study. A new business model for the extensive and popular use of smart phones is proposed. However, it is important to know whether their use is both effective and safe. Two field experiments were executed to examine the effects on taxi drivers of using a navigation system installed in a GPS PDA phone. The results revealed that the efficiency of drivers using such a portable navigation system was better than those relying on paper maps in unfamiliar urban areas. Furthermore, performance in terms of safety was also better than those who used an on-board navigation system. In summary, incorporating e-technology can promote a taxi company's competitiveness and a driver's performance and safety as well as offer environmental benefits.  相似文献   

超声波流量测量技术是一种先进的流体流量测量方法.文中对超声波流量计测量原理进行了分析,并推导出流量计算公式;采用Fluent软件对水流特性进行了数值模拟,分析了管内流体的流场分布、压力分布规律.模拟结果显示超声波接收端与发射端液流存在漩涡,入口段中心线与水平管道中心线的夹角对测量精度影响显著.模拟结果与实际相符,对流量计结构的优化设计具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

目前对换热器强度分析多利用经验值或厂方提供的技术参数作为边界条件,这样会与换热器的实际工作情况存在较大差异,分析结果也会存在较大误差。文中利用计算流体力学(CFD)软件Fluent对换热器进行了稳定工作状态时的流动和传热数值模拟,比较模型在有无插件时换热性能的区别。可通过增加空气的通流面积来降低风速或者用短插件代替长插件进行改进。要求插件管内空气流速控制在20 m/s内。  相似文献   

Developing a valid measurement of mental fatigue remains a big challenge and would be beneficial for various application areas, such as the improvement of road traffic safety. In the present study we examined influences of mental fatigue on the dynamics of saccadic eye movements. Based on previous findings, we propose that among amplitude and duration of saccades, the peak velocity of saccadic eye movements is particularly sensitive to changes in mental fatigue. Ten participants completed a fixation task before and after 2 h of driving in a virtual simulation environment as well as after a rest break of fifteen minutes. Driving and rest break were assumed to directly influence the level of mental fatigue and were evaluated using subjective ratings and eye movement indices. According to the subjective ratings, mental fatigue was highest after driving but decreased after the rest break. The peak velocity of saccadic eye movements decreased after driving while the duration of saccades increased, but no effects of the rest break were observed in the saccade parameters. We conclude that saccadic eye movement parameters—particularly the peak velocity—are sensitive indicators for mental fatigue. According to these findings, the peak velocity analysis represents a valid on-line measure for the detection of mental fatigue, providing the basis for the development of new vigilance screening tools to prevent accidents in several application domains.  相似文献   

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