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本文研究在相对封闭的双寡头垄断竞争市场下,零售商和制造商的最优定价策略以及顾客忠诚与价格选择偏好对竞争定价的影响。论文从"社区零售场景"提炼出"零售竞争"和"顾客忠诚"两个主要特征,从竞争零售商的市场需求函数出发,综合考虑社区相对封闭的范围内消费者的选择偏好和选择忠诚等影响产品价格的因素,探讨这些因素对竞争零售商、制造商定价及其收益的影响,从而研究社区零售场景下的供应链定价策略。通过对分散决策和集中决策两种情形的讨论,得出在假设双寡头竞争条件下,分散决策可以得出最优定价,集中决策下的产品销量与零售商定价决策无关,只与封闭环境内的市场规模和顾客对零售商的忠诚度有关。  相似文献   

韦楠楠  毛敏  潘月 《综合运输》2023,(3):122-127+192
随着消费者的可持续消费意识不断提升,越来越多的消费者愿意购买更具绿色环保服饰。本文以参与产品设计且密切联系消费者的品牌零售商作为研究对象,将消费者的环保意识和质量感知纳入消费者支付意愿函数,在给定绿色度的绿色产品与普通产品竞争下,得到品牌零售商最大利润化的最优决策,并分析影响机理。得到以下结论:(1)品牌零售商可以通过降低绿色产品的批发价、提高产品质量等手段提高消费者从环保意识到实际消费的转化率;(2)当消费者的环保意识或者绿色产品质量越高,可以接受绿色产品的溢价越高;(3)提高消费者的环保意识,品牌零售商更容易盈利。最后从企业和政府的角度给出管理学启示,旨在鼓励可持续生产与消费。  相似文献   

冯春  李梦  蒋雪  杨雄 《综合运输》2022,(4):103-110+160
在农产品随机产出情况下,结合“农商对接”的社会发展新趋势,建立了两种销售渠道下农产品供应链模型,并分析外部风险和内部风险对农产品生产系统的影响,比较不同流通模式下各参与主体的最优决策以及期望收益,进一步研究风险的主要特征(产出预期和产出波动)对农户和零售商最优决策以及期望收益的影响。结果表明:零售商是“农商对接”销售模式下最大的受益者;农产品供应链中产出预期的增加会使农户和零售商的期望收益增加,进而提高整个供应链的效益;农产品产出波动的增大只会损害农户的利益,而且农户是产出波动的直接承担者和唯一受害者。  相似文献   

根据交通扶贫模式对地区社会经济的作用机理,从交通条件的改善对农村居民、农村旅游资源、农村农产品运输的影响出发,建立了甘肃农村地区交通扶贫模式绩效评估指标体系,运用层次分析赋权法确定了各指标权重。以榆中县太平乡马沟村为例,计算了各指标的权重。结果表明,该村交通扶贫绩效主要体现在农产品外运时间和成本的节省以及农产品外运量增加方面,和当地的实际情况相吻合。实例证明所建指标体系可用于甘肃农村交通扶贫绩效评估。  相似文献   

许炯楼  蹇明 《综合运输》2022,(2):87-100
考虑了一个供应商和两个相互产量竞争的零售商构成的二级供应链,其中拥有确切市场需求信息的零售商称为在位零售商,另一个零售商称为新进入零售商,在位零售商与供应商之间进行市场需求信息共享。由于存在供应商向新进入零售商泄露市场需求信息的风险,设计了在位零售商和供应商之间的可修改订购策略,通过博弈论分析发现:当供应商进行信息泄漏时,可修改订购策略可以提高在位零售商的收益,在一定程度上弥补信息泄露导致的收益损害;利用可修改订购策略,在特定的情形下在位零售商可以进行“伪装”决策来隐藏真实的市场需求信息,令与之竞争的零售商无法获取准确的市场信息;可修改订购策略的存在会影响零售商的订购总量从而影响供应商的直接收益,在适合的参数设定下,可修改订购策略可以防止供应商信息泄露行为的发生。  相似文献   

美国沃尔玛是传统的零售巨头,目前其地位正在受到以亚马逊为代表的网络零售商的挑战。消费者需求的变化是根本的诱因,沃尔玛必须调整其未来的发展思路,满足消费者的偏好,才不至被越拉越远。文章从信息技术和实体物流及基础设施等方面,重新审视了沃尔玛的传统优势,总结了其规模扩张、信息化支持、供应链管理、物流配送等方面的优秀经验,以及面对电商挑战所做出的努力。主张将其传统优势转化到未来,往线上线下融合的全渠道方向发展。  相似文献   

毛萍  李心怡  毛敏 《综合运输》2023,(8):116-123
在低碳减排背景下,构建两条竞争供应链,提出四种采购策略组合:传统采购纯策略(TT策略)、混合采购策略(LT策略、TL策略)、低碳采购纯策略(LL策略)。分别建立博弈模型并求解,分析碳税与消费者碳敏感对供应链决策的影响。研究发现,考虑消费者碳敏感的情况下,无论碳税取值如何,LL策略始终是供应商与零售商“双赢”的均衡策略。消费者碳敏感可提高LT/TL策略和LL策略下的减排水平和供应链利润;但与LT/TL策略相比,LL策略下零售商相同的采购策略导致同质化竞争,将削弱供应商的减排积极性。碳税对供应商的减排水平有促进作用,但存在显著的阈值效应。数值分析发现,碳税对供应链碳排放的影响比消费者碳敏感更明显;随着碳税的增大,对环境影响最小的采购策略将由LL策略向LT/TL策略转变,再变为TT策略,说明为了环境效益最优,政府不宜制定过高的碳税。  相似文献   

有效的交通供给是贫困地区发展的先决条件。本文基于贫困基础理论和交通扶贫现实背景,分析了当前我国贫困地区交通发展存在的主要问题和交通扶贫政策效果,并指出新形势下我国交通扶贫的新方向。一是贫困地区交通投融资难题,二是贫困地区交通与产业融合发展,三是交通扶贫政策的异质性和评价机制,四是贫困地区的交通可持续发展。  相似文献   

冯春  高晓琴 《综合运输》2023,(2):133-142
针对农产品供应链竞争问题,基于市场博弈方法,研究并比较了独占垄断、唯一供货、完全竞争三种供应链结构下和产品同质、异质化情况下供应链竞争的异同点,探讨了竞争强度、异质化程度对供应链成员决策和利润的影响机理,发现:(1)同质化竞争中,农户唯一供货时其利润最大,随着农户数量的增加,其利润降低,电商平台和供应链利润增加,电商独占垄断时其利润最大,随电商平台数量的增加,电商利润上升或下降,农户和供应链利润上升;(2)异质化竞争中,农产品差异化一定程度上降低了农户竞争程度,市场批发价及农户利润此时随农户数量的增加而先增加后减少,但当农户数量无穷多时,批发价还是趋于边际成本,农户利润还是趋于零。最后定义了竞争效应,并提出了一些建议以此帮助乡村振兴。  相似文献   

潘月  苟欢  毛敏 《综合运输》2023,(8):108-115
近年来中国生鲜零售市场保持稳步增长,越来越多生鲜零售商开始涉足线上线下O2O(Online-to-Offline)的销售模式。论文针对一个生鲜供应商和一个生鲜零售商组成的供应链,生鲜零售商占主导地位,提供O2O生鲜品销售。根据供应商和零售商是否进行保鲜投入,划分了四种保鲜方式,分析比较了集中与分散决策下的保鲜投入、定价和利润。研究发现,供应商和零售商的定价和保鲜投入水平,都与消费者新鲜度敏感系数呈正相关关系,考虑消费者新鲜度敏感情形下,生鲜供应商与零售商同时进行保鲜投入是最优保鲜方式,能使供应链利润最大。在最优保鲜方式下,由于双重边际效应,分散决策下的保鲜投入水平和供应链利润均低于集中决策;保鲜成本效率越高,越能激励供应商和零售商进行保鲜投入,且分散决策下的保鲜投入水平会越低于集中决策。  相似文献   

By all appearances, the circumstances surrounding employment and income distribution in the United States have remained notably the same over the past 30–40 years. At the same time, policies for improving the conditions of low-income persons have remained relatively unchanged. Relevant published accounts continue to cite poorly integrated residential and employment location patterns and poor public transportation service as critical obstacles to improving the economic and social conditions of low-income persons. The relationship between poverty and public transportation was researched extensively during the late 1960s and the early 1970s; however, little recognition has been given to these efforts by more recent research efforts. To learn from the past we should review public transportation policies from 1960 to 2000 to highlight federal policies that affected urban areas during this time period, especially in relation to low-income transportation mobility.  相似文献   

根据深圳地铁1号线前海湾车辆段和地铁3号线横岗车辆段调研和实测,对比其采取的减振降噪措施并进行分析。通过对各种减振与降噪措施进行综合比较,得出车辆段减振降噪相应的措施,使列车运行的振动和噪声不对上盖物业造成明显影响。  相似文献   


Despite a concentration of container traffic in the southeast of the UK over the last few decades, regional ports are attempting new development strategies to capture or retain specific traffic segments. These include intra-European short-sea traffic and a potentially increasing feeder market. These trends are reflected in the movement of different container types, which result in a number of planning challenges related to changing infrastructural and operational requirements. This paper uses highly disaggregated data on container type movements to address three issues that can inform these planning challenges. First, the imbalance of trade resulting in empty container repositioning; second, the requirement for gauge-cleared rail routes to cater for the increasing proportion of high-cube containers; and third, the specialisation of European short-sea traffic at secondary UK ports. The results reveal the disproportionate repositioning of empty containers at Scottish ports and the importance of 45?ft, high-cube and pallet-wide containers at regional ports, highlighting their focus on intra-European short-sea traffic and raising difficulties relating to their lower quality of landside infrastructure (particularly rail) in comparison to the large south-eastern ports. The potential repercussions on hinterland infrastructure development raise questions about both public and private sector responses to regional port development.  相似文献   

A survey of research and development in advanced transit has been made by Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg in cooperation with Trans21 in Boston. Summary findings are reported for fourteen academic research programs and ten development programs for PRT. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the International Conference of PRT and other Emerging Systems held in Minneapolis in 1996.  相似文献   

This research examines the problem of route bus specification and vehicle manufacturability. In order for bus operators to provide transport services, a range of vehicle configurations must be available from bus manufacturers, generating variety which has a negative impact on the manufacturing process. Larger part inventories, uncontrolled labour tasks and more troublesome maintenance are known impacts of this variety. This research identifies the functional necessities in route bus interior design and reduces the problems in bus manufacture and operation caused by specification diversity by proposing a modularised system of bus design. In particular, it makes recommendations as to how bus configuration should be carried out, ensuring an optimum mix of operational and manufacturing needs:
  • 1.Determine user needs before the bus specification process.
  • 2.Designs to be developed by the manufacturer in response to user needs.
  • 3.This design should be standardised where possible, as suggested by the user needs.
  • 4.Where user needs dictate product variations, apply a mass customisation approach to accommodate these needs.
The recommendations are communicated in design proposals for a modular bus interior, demonstrated by four cases designed to meet the present status quo of bus interior design and predictions for the future of the field.  相似文献   

The established ownership mix of urban bus operations in Australia provides a unique opportunity to investigate the productivity differences between public and private bus service supply. Using duality theory in economics which links economic indices of factor productivity to the cost structure of a firm, we develop empirical measures of total and partial productivity of inputs, and adjust the differences for the effects of ownership status and operating environment. The evidence supports the notion that private supply of public passenger transport in general has performed more efficiently in the past than public supply, although the differences in productivity need not continue in the future.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is developed in this paper to improve the accessibility of a bus service. To formulate the optimization model, a segment of a bus route is given, on which a number of demand entry points are distributed realistically. The objective total cost function (i.e. the sum of supplier and user costs) is minimized by optimizing the number and locations of stops, subject to non‐additive users' value of time. A numerical example is designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method thus developed to optimize the bus stop location problem. The sensitivity of the total cost to various parameters (e.g. value of users' time, access speed, and demand density) and the effect of the parameters on the optimal stop locations are analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

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