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公交出行是治理拥堵的有效手段,其场站合理布局是保障其高效运营的关键.本文首先分析了重庆中心城区公交场站现状及存在问题,然后结合公交线网发展趋势,提出了与线路层级体系相适应的公交场站体系,最后将公交场站进行划分,并提出各类场站的选址原则,从而在保证场站合理布局的基础上达到经济和高效,且与城市规划用地、城市交通相协调. 相似文献
广州铁路枢纽步入大建设时期,迫切需要高标准、高品质、高质量建设铁路枢纽配套公交场站.广州铁路枢纽建设存在公交场站布局不合理,用地不集约等问题.深入分析广州大型铁路客运枢纽配套公交场站存在的问题,以问题为导向,研究相关规划及规范,填补大型铁路客运枢纽配套公交场站的研究空白. 相似文献
2013年,北京全市交通领域固定资产投资完成710亿元,完成客运量93亿人次,同比增长5.7%,完成营业性货物运输量2.6亿吨,同比增长3.7%,大力发展袖珍公交、定制商务班车等公交个性化服务,开行45条定制公交商务班车,公共交通出行比例从44%增至46%,中心城交通指数5.5,北京步入公共交通主导城市交通的时代。 相似文献
随着我国城市机动车保有量快速增长,污染物排放总量持续攀升,所带来的城市污染问题日趋严重,发展低碳交通成为我国城市交通发展的战略方向。本文基于我国城市交通低碳化发展现状及存在问题及影响因素,结合国外发达国家城市交通低碳化的发展经验,分析了城市交通低碳化发展的外因和内因及存在的主要问题,提出在我国能源结构短期内难以发生根本性改变的情况下,大力和优先发展公共交通,逐步建立以大运量轨道交通和快速交通为骨干、常规公共汽电车为主体、其他公共交通方式为补充的城市公共交通体系,将是实现城市交通低碳化和可持续发展最有效的途径。同时,还需不断提高交通能效,开发和利用可再生能源,提高交通运输管理水平,引导公众理性选择出行方式。 相似文献
为解决城市交通拥堵、资源浪费和环境污染等问题,提升城区公交规划经济发展水平,探讨城区公交规划经济发展的意义,分析包含运营成本增加、票价收入不足等方面的问题,同时针对发展现状提出城区公交规划经济发展策略。研究表明,经过科学规划、精细管理以及合理票价政策的实施,能够减轻通勤负担,提高居民出行质量,降低能源消耗,减少尾气排放,吸引更多的人才和资金流入城市,推动产业升级,提高城市的国际竞争力,为经济的可持续发展创造更有利条件。 相似文献
Lucas Barcelos de Oliveira Eduardo Camponogara 《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》2010,18(1):120-139
The operation of large dynamic systems such as urban traffic networks remains a challenge in control engineering to a great extent due to their sheer size, intrinsic complexity, and nonlinear behavior. Recently, control engineers have looked for unconventional means for modeling and control of complex dynamic systems, in particular the technology of multi-agent systems whose appeal stems from their composite nature, flexibility, and scalability. This paper contributes to this evolving technology by proposing a framework for multi-agent control of linear dynamic systems, which decomposes a centralized model predictive control problem into a network of coupled, but small sub-problems that are solved by the distributed agents. Theoretical results ensure convergence of the distributed iterations to a globally optimal solution. The framework is applied to the signaling split control of traffic networks. Experiments conducted with simulation software indicate that the multi-agent framework attains performance comparable to conventional control. The main advantages of the multi-agent framework are its graceful extension and localized reconfiguration, which require adjustments only in the control strategies of the agents in the vicinity. 相似文献
The dispersion of traffic-related pollutants in urban street canyons is of importance for the health and quality of lives. To reveal the inherent principle, researchers have performed a lot of investigations; many dispersion phenomena have also been assessed during recent years. However, the presence of avenue trees in street canyons and their capacity for pollutant dispersion remains partly addressed. In this study, we investigated the effects of avenue trees in urban street canyons on traffic pollutant dispersion. The dispersion of CO concentration in asymmetric street canyons was simulated under varied situations. The computational results showed a good agreement with the experimental data, and the numerical model was validated to be adequate for investigating the pollutant dispersion in street canyons. Then, the numerical simulations were extended to explore the impacts of the effects of avenue trees on CO dispersion; the results indicated that avenue trees generally increase CO concentrations in asymmetric street canyons. When the wind direction is perpendicular to the street axis, a terraced building raises pollutant concentrations at the windward wall and reduces concentration at the leeward wall on the pedestrian levels. Findings of this study are expected to provide significant insight into urban road design and strategy making for avenue tree planting, particularly under the existing worldwide sustainable low-carbon urban development. 相似文献
跨江线缆测量主要采集跨江线缆的空间位置和属性特征,具有测区范围大、跨越地域广、测程较远等特点。文章结合广西郁江南宁至贵港Ⅱ级航道的跨江线缆测量工程实际,介绍采用CORS技术结合全站仪进行跨江线缆外业测量的技术方法,并分析了该方法与传统作业方式相比所具有的的优势,为CORS技术与全站仪的联合测量应用提供参考。 相似文献