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被人们认为是全球排行第十、亚洲排行第四的经济大国韩国,早就把实现东北亚集装箱枢纽港规划作为其重大的国家发展战略,即建设一座规模和功能远远超过现有的釜山港和光阳港两之和的“巨无霸”型现代化集装箱枢纽港,名为釜山新港。目前工程正在如火如茶地建设之中。釜山新港的问世将使釜山港如虎添翼。  相似文献   

韩国的东北亚集装箱枢纽港战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张荣忠 《航海》2006,(1):12-13
据日本东京“航运贸易新闻”(ShippingandTradeNews)报道,位于韩国釜山市西面和广阳港东端的釜山新港(PusanNewport)将于2006年开始投入运营。韩国被人们认为是全球排行第十、亚洲排行第四的经济大国,而韩国政府早就把实现雄心勃勃的东北亚集装箱枢纽港规划作为其重大的国家发展战略,建设规模和功能远远超过现有的釜山港(Pusan)和广阳港(Kwangyang)两者之和的“巨无霸”型现代化集装箱枢纽港,名为釜山新港。  相似文献   

江南 《海运情报》2005,(8):14-14
韩国政府和码头开发商多年前就已预见到东北亚集装箱运输市场的巨大潜力。并意识到位处日本和中国东北之间的釜山港将凭借其得天独厚的地理优势和充足的腹地货源发展成为大型集装箱枢纽港。现在。随着深水转运港釜山新港建设工程的推进.这一设想正逐步转变成现实。  相似文献   

一、集装箱港口发展概况及总体前景至2004年末,我国八大集装箱大港的集装箱吞吐量均超过了200万TE U,全部进入世界集装箱大港之列,其中上海和深圳两港已位居世界第三、第四位。2004年世界前20大港中国港口居6席。从八大港口的地理位置和竞争环境划分,我们将其分为四个区域,其中环渤海有青岛、天津和大连,以我国东北、华北、山东等北方为主要腹地。周围存在国际竞争或喂给关系的主要有韩国的釜山、光阳和日本港口,俄罗斯和朝鲜港口也在本区域内。第二区是长江三角洲地区,以长江流域为主要腹地,主要港口是上海和宁波,存在国际竞争关系的北有…  相似文献   

韩国作为亚洲的经济强国,一直把港口的发展作为国家建设的支柱。韩国政府认为,韩国的经济发展能否持续,在很大程度上取决于釜山港能否成为东北亚物流中心和集装箱枢纽港。因此。韩国政府不遗余力地加速釜山港建设。2003年以前,釜山港集装箱吞吐量在东北亚地区一直占据首位,其中来自中国的中转箱量对釜山港的发展起了很大的促进作用。但是,随着中国港口的发展,2003年起上海港和深圳港后来居上,使其失去了集装箱吞吐量世界第三的地位。[第一段]  相似文献   

面临来自中国的日益强劲的竞争力,韩国的釜山港和光阳港目前正在积极地向海内外投资商开放。韩国政府海运渔业部已经决定向外资出售釜山港和光阳港的部分股权,目标是扩大投资建设,加速向东北亚海运枢纽港地位靠近。主管集装箱港口发展、经营和  相似文献   

试论国际集装箱枢纽港和支线港的共同发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈长庚 《中国港口》2001,(11):40-41
一、国际集装箱枢纽港和支线港的地位 在国际集装箱货物运输中,众多中小港口将本地区和其他邻近地区装有进(出)口货物的集装箱从(向)相对大的港口疏运(集中),众多小港口被称为支线港(或喂给港),而相对大港口被称为枢纽港.  相似文献   

目前,韩国海洋水产部已决定,向外资出售釜山港和光阳港的部分股权,目标是加速向东北亚枢纽港靠近。釜山港和光阳港正在扩建新集装箱码头,提高集装箱吞吐和物流配送能力,投资总额超过27亿美元,在韩国其他9个港口,还有总额为24.2亿美元的私人投资项目。  相似文献   

张荣忠 《中国港口》2005,(10):54-54,50
韩国的釜山港和广阳港目前正在积极地向海内外投资商开放,其中包括韩国政府海运和渔业部已经决定向外资出售釜山港和广阳港的部分股权,目标是扩大投资建设,加速向东北亚海运枢纽港地位靠近。主管集装箱港口发展、经营和管理的韩国海运渔业部认为,到2008年,日本、韩国和中国等三  相似文献   

我国集装箱干线港集疏运系统分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1集装箱干线港及其腹地、集疏运系统的构成我国从第8个五年计划开始,港口逐步转向突出重点、系统配套的发展方式。经过多年建设,目前沿海已形成集装箱干线港、支线港、喂给港等不同层次和功能的总体格局。由北至南,8个集装箱干线港分别是大连、天津、青岛、上海、宁波、厦门、深圳、广州;2003年共完成外贸集装箱吞吐量3307.11万TEU,比上年增长33.65%,占全国港口外贸集装箱总吞吐量的84.47%。表1列出了8个干线港“十五”计划前3年外  相似文献   

全球国际集装箱运输的发展,给上海港的发展带来了机遇与挑战.上海港提出的东北亚战略和国际化战略,就是要依托上海港口的优势,为客户提供港口装卸两端延伸物流服务,从而充分利用港口物流资源,将上海港建成东北亚地区的集装箱枢纽港;同时,发展腹地,走向国际,以国际物流为重点,以综合运输网和信息网为支持,加速现代化国际型全功能的、世界一流的国际航运中心的建设.  相似文献   

徐剑华  陈良 《中国航海》2006,(3):77-81,94
由于缺少集装箱深水港,每年我国沿海都有大量的集装箱从釜山港、高雄港等转运。上海洋山深水港区的建设将打破这个格局。随着洋山深水港区投入营运,将能保证第五代、第六代集装箱船全天候进出。凭借经济腹地优势和箱源优势,上海港将成为亚洲最重要的集装箱航线交汇港。随着上海港的发展,吸引韩国釜山、日本的货物从上海港中转将成为可能。因此,上海港可以像新加坡和香港一样发展成为东北亚轴辐式转运中心和航运交汇式转运中心。  相似文献   

container shipping lines require hab ports to possess the fehowing conttions Drart of mafor conalner hub ports and their tlder differences some majer hub ports developttental programine eanctbore to be denned for the port of shunghml in the centext if international container transport comsiderahons of water depth for the international container hub port of shanghai conefesions to be drawn  相似文献   

This paper seeks to develop a multi-commodity network model to analyse the flow of containers within the Asia Pacific context. The model is used to evaluate the impact of container throughput in Asia's port by varying terminal handling charges and turnaround time. The three main regions analysed are north-east Asia, east Asia (Chinese port region) and south east Asia. Using the model, it could be shown that Busan port, which is an important transhipment hub in north-east Asia, could boost the container activities in the north-eastern part of China by improving its service quality. It is also found that the efficiency of the land link between Hong Kong and mainland China plays a crucial role for the future of Hong Kong port. While Singapore port maintains its position as a transhipment hub in south-east Asia, there would be expected competition from neighbouring low costs ports.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to develop a multi-commodity network model to analyse the flow of containers within the Asia Pacific context. The model is used to evaluate the impact of container throughput in Asia's port by varying terminal handling charges and turnaround time. The three main regions analysed are north-east Asia, east Asia (Chinese port region) and south east Asia. Using the model, it could be shown that Busan port, which is an important transhipment hub in north-east Asia, could boost the container activities in the north-eastern part of China by improving its service quality. It is also found that the efficiency of the land link between Hong Kong and mainland China plays a crucial role for the future of Hong Kong port. While Singapore port maintains its position as a transhipment hub in south-east Asia, there would be expected competition from neighbouring low costs ports.  相似文献   

Spatial pattern of the global shipping network and its hub-and-spoke system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Port system is a research focus of transport geography, and most studies believe carriers are important factors in the development and concentration of the port system. Since the 1990s, carriers have played an important role in organizing the global shipping network and reorganizing the port system. But there isn’t a perfect method to evaluate carriers’ influence and the roles of each port in the maritime shipping networks. In this paper, we use the monthly schedule table of international carriers to describe and model the spatial pattern of the global shipping network and identify its hub-and-spoke system. The result shows that a hierarchical structure exists in the global shipping network. The North Hemisphere, especially the East Asia and the Southeast Asia, is a dominant region of the worldwide shipping network. East Asia, Southeast Asia, Northeast Europe, and East coast of the USA are the concentration regions of worldwide shipping lines. The ports of Hong Kong, Singapore, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Kaohsiung etc have advanced capacity for maritime shipping and high potentials for being hub ports in the global shipping network. Today, the worldwide shipping network is transforming from the multi-port calling system to 44 regional hub-and-spoke systems. Meanwhile, the sub-networks with hub ports of Antwerp, Singapore, and Hong Kong have become the most important ones and dominate the whole global shipping network.  相似文献   

洋山深水港集装箱“水水中转”集疏运模式与对策*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“水水中转”集疏运是港口集疏运体系中重要的组成部分。随着上海建设国际航运中心和东北亚枢纽港目标的提出,上海港口的可持续发展对洋山深水港“水水中转”的集输运能力提出了更高的要求。通过分析目前洋山深水港水水中转集疏运的现状,研究洋山深水港现有水水中转集疏运模式和存在的问题,试图研究通过相应对策来完善洋山深水港“水水中转”集疏运体系。  相似文献   

在集装箱航运市场中,由于超大型集装箱船优良的经济性能及全球集装箱航运结构的重组,并且在全球国际集装箱运输呈增长的趋势背景下,大批超大型集装箱船投入运营,对上海港的运营和发展形成一定的影响,但同时也给上海港的发展带来了机遇。上海港要应对国际航运市场的这种变化,就必须采取相应的策略。随着长三角经济圈的发展和洋山深水港一期、二期工程的完工,进一步巩固了上海港的国际集装箱枢纽港地位,上海港应抓住新的发展机遇,为上海早日建成国际航运中心奠定更加坚实的基础。  相似文献   

港口枢纽集装箱运输的协调评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
港口枢纽集装箱运输的协调程度对该系统的发展有着很大的促进或制约作用。通过建立港口枢纽集装箱运输的协调评价指标体系和协调评价模型,找出影响系统协调的主要因素和薄弱环节,从而对港口管理部门采取有力措施进行经营决策以争取系统的最大利益,以及制定港口发展规划具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Countries throughout the world, and especially within Asia, are investing heavily in container port infrastructure in the hopes of capturing a larger share of global shipping activity for their economies. Many existing ports are emphasizing developing the capacity to serve as a hub port, building deepwater berths with large terminals to facilitate transfer of containers from feeder ships to mother ships for intercontinental transport. We develop a game-theoretic best response framework for understanding how competitor ports will respond to development at a focus port, and whether the focus port will be able to capture or defend market share by building additional capacity. We apply this model to investment and competition currently occurring between the ports of Busan and Shanghai.  相似文献   

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