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该项目积极推广应用绿色机电维修、绿色钣金修复、绿色涂漆、废弃物处理与回收、洗车水循环利用等先进技术,节约了能源与资源,减少了环境污染,提高了维修效率和服务质量。公司采用集约化管理,通过严格各项制度,规范维修作业行为,将5S管理落实到生产的各个环节,有效提高了员工节能环保意识,鼓励一线员工发明创新,使公司的执行力和后劲得到了极大提升,在实现经济效益的同时带来了节能减排的社会效益。  相似文献   

Based on the data collected from a large-scale survey research of 1622 consumers, the present paper develops a disaggregate, compensatory choice model to collectively examine the impact of under-examined factors on consumer car type choice behaviour. All existing econometric forecasting models of vehicle type choice in the literature have so far considered objective measures as determinants of vehicle type choice. The proposed choice model considers 12 car-type alternatives and is successively extended to allow for choice probability distortions resulting from individual heterogeneity across a set of 30 variables, related to objective, behavioural and psychographic consumer characteristics. The results provide clear evidence that variables such as purpose of car use, prepurchase information source used, consumer’s proneness towards buying an ecological car, consumer’s involvement with cars, and consumer’s attachment to cars, significantly affect car type choice. The results yield important implications for manufacturers, transportation planners and researchers.  相似文献   

Although previous studies of new vehicle choice decisions have shown that consumers evaluate the attributes of domestic vehicles differently from those of imported vehicles, the assumption underlying these results is overly restrictive. In particular, there is no reason to assume, a priori, that the attributes of all imported vehicles have similar effects upon consumer choice behavior. A competing hypothesis, for example, is that consumers of U.S. and European automobiles have similar attribute valuations that are differentiated from those of Japanese consumers. In the present paper, a multinomial logit model of vehicle type choice is developed which more completely differentiates imports by country of origin. Using a 1985 national sample of new car buyers to estimate the model, willingness to pay measures were calculated and nested hypothesis tests on attribute valuation performed. The results supported the hypothesis that consumers value vehicle attributes differently depending upon its country of origin. Moreover, consumers do not have similar valuations on the attributes of all imports implying that an arbitrary distinction between domestic and imported vehicles may produce misleading results.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the role that technological change and car characteristics have played in the rate of fuel consumption of vehicles over time. Using data from the Spanish car market from 1988 to 2013, we estimate a reduced form equation that relates fuel consumption with a set of car characteristics. The results for the sales-weighted sample of vehicles show that energy efficiency would have improved by 30% and 42% for petrol and diesel cars respectively had car characteristics been held constant at 1988 values. However, the shift to bigger and more fuel-consuming cars reduced the gains from technological progress. Additionally, using the results of the fuel equation we show that, besides a natural growth rate of 1.1%, technological progress is affected by both the international price of oil and the adoption of mandatory emission standards. Moreover, according to our estimations, a 1% growth in GDP would modify car characteristics in such a way that fuel consumption would increase by around 0.23% for petrol cars and 0.35% for diesel cars.  相似文献   

Despite the rapid market penetration of hybrid vehicles (HVs), their usage and contributions to environmental protection have not been examined by vehicle traveling data. In this paper, we analyzed Japan’s used car market data to understand how HVs are used on the street. We find GV drivers with high travel demand switched from GVs to HVs during the transition period. Despite HV owners driving much longer distances than conventional gasoline vehicle (GV) owners, they emit less carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, owing to better fuel economy. We also find that HV owners spend roughly the same amount of money annually as GV owners. However, the per-kilometer travel cost of HVs is much lower than that of GVs even if the depreciation cost of the vehicle and vehicle related taxes are included in the analysis.  相似文献   

Devising effective management strategies to relieve dependency on private vehicles, i.e. cars and motorcycles, depends on the ability to accurately and carefully examine the effects of corresponding strategies. Disaggregate choice models regarding the ownership, type and usage of cars and motorcycles are required to achieve this. Consequently, this study proposes integrated car and motorcycle models based on a large-scale questionnaire survey of Taiwanese owners of cars and motorcycles, respectively. Incorporating gas mileage and emission coefficients for different types of cars and motorcycles into the proposed models can enable the estimation and comparison of reductions in energy consumption and emissions under various management strategies. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed integrated models, scenarios involving 10% and 30% increases in gas prices are analyzed and compared. The results indicate that gas price elasticities of cars and motorcycles are low, ranging from 0.47 to 0.50 for cars and 0.11 for motorcycles. Additionally, a high ratio of discouraged car users shifting to use of motorcycles neutralizes the effects of increased gas price in reducing energy consumption and emissions. Pollution of CO and HC even slightly increased because motorcycles are much more polluting in terms of CO and HC. At last, the reductions of energy consumption and emissions under 10% and 30% increase (or decrease) in other manipulating variables are also estimated and compared. The countermeasures for reducing ownership and usage of cars and motorcycles are then recommended accordingly.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to propose a way of preparing information about in-cabin air quality for the car driver or passenger. It was assumed that information should be objective, relevant, current, complete and useful. The major elements of our concept were: (1) monitoring of selected air parameters inside the cabin, (2) determination of indicators that characterise indoor air, based on measurements, and (3) the method of information extraction. We proposed to realise the first task with a sensor system. The second and third goals were reached by categorisation. The basis for defining categories were ranges of values of measured parameters or their combinations. In a way, the categories were used to quantify indicators of air quality. Shannon entropy and mutual information were applied to find the best categorisation. The concept was investigated using experimental data from car cabin air monitoring in various driving conditions. We conclude that information about air quality in car cabins may be successfully conveyed using the following indicators: thermal conditions – determined based on temperature and relative humidity measurements; air exchange – determined based on CO2 concentration; and air freshness – determined based on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) content in car cabin air. Each indicator has three categories: bad, intermediate and good.  相似文献   

In order to account for variations in traffic composition during traffic analysis, passenger car equivalent (PCE) factors are used to convert flow rates of various vehicle classes into flow rates in terms of passenger car units (PCUs). Earlier studies have developed various methods to estimate PCE values but only a few of them are based on uninterrupted traffic flow, particularly for flow regimes with heterogeneous traffic where differential (lower) speed limits are imposed on commercial vehicles. This paper proposes a lane-harmonisation approach, which leverages on the high variation in traffic composition across the lanes, to estimate PCE factors for urban expressways. Multiple linear regression is used and the PCE factors obtained for motorcycles, light goods vehicles, and heavy goods vehicles are 0.65, 1.53, and 2.75, respectively. The estimated capacity flow rate after the application of the obtained PCE factors is around 2200 PCUs per hour per lane.  相似文献   

Floating car based travel times for city logistics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
City logistics routing requires time-dependent travel times for each network link. We rely on the concept of Floating Car Data (FCD) to develop and provide such travel times. Different levels of aggregation in the determination of time-dependent travel times from a database of historical FCD are presented and evaluated with regard to routing quality. Furthermore, a Data Mining approach is introduced, allowing for a substantial reduction of the volume of input data required for city logistics routing. The different approaches are investigated and evaluated by a huge amount of FCD collected for the urban area of Stuttgart, Germany. The results show that the Data Mining approach enables efficient provision of time-dependent travel times without a significant loss of routing quality for city logistics applications.  相似文献   

Evaluations carried out in many countries show that soft policy measures in the form of personalized travel planning reduce private car use and increase travel by public transport. Sweden is a sparsely populated country that poorly supports public transport, a country with long distances, a cold climate, and a high concentration of private cars, which is why soft policy measures implemented in Sweden may be less cost-effective than has been found in other countries. Thirty-two programs using personalized travel planning were analysed with regard to stewardship, geographic area of application, choice of techniques of exerting an influence, and effects on car use and choice of alternative travel modes. None of the evaluations of the documented programs met the method requirements for such evaluations as regards design and effect measurement. Additionally, reporting was substandard as well as non-standard in the way that is desirable in order to enable comparative analyses. With reservations for these shortcomings, it is inferred that positive effects on a par with the results in other countries have been obtained in some of the implemented programs. It is however necessary to conduct evaluations which are of higher quality. The requirements which will then have to be applied are defined.  相似文献   

With rail travel largely seen to be a more sustainable method than road-based transport, this paper examines the market segments amongst existing motorists that would be most likely to travel by train in the UK. The analysis is based on a large survey in London and the south-east of England, the area surrounding the routes operated by the train company First Capital Connect. Findings show that train travellers tend to be middle-aged and of a higher social grade, typically taking commuting or business trips. Individuals living within four miles of a station are considerably more likely to travel by rail than those further away. Given the competition from road-based transport, it is of particular interest that the measure highlighted to increase rail use for those living further away from the rail network is to enhance car parking at train stations.  相似文献   

In this paper a linear programming model has been presented for determining the optimum allocation of existing car parking facilities for different classes of users within a closed community, of which a university is a typical example.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodology for computing passenger car equivalents at signalized intersections that is based on the delay concept. Unlike the commonly used headway-based methods that consider only the excess headway consumed by trucks, the delay-based approach fully considers the additional delay heavy vehicles cause on traffic stream. Delay-based passenger car equivalents are not constant, but depend on traffic volume, truck type and truck percentage. The field data indicated that the passenger car equivalents increase as the traffic volume and the percentage of heavy vehicles increase. The field data were used to calibrate TRAF-NETSIM simulation model that was used to cover a broad range of traffic conditions. Mathematical models to estimate the equivalencies were developed. The passenger car equivalent for single unit trucks vary from 1.00 to 1.37, and for combination trucks 1.00–2.18 depending on traffic volume and truck percentage. The passenger car equivalents are highly correlated with traffic volume and, to some degree, with percentage of heavy vehicles. Although the PCE of 1.5 recommended in the 1985 HCM seems to be more reasonable than the 2.0 recommended in the 1994 and 1997 HCM, both overestimate the impact of single unit trucks. For combination trucks, the 1997 HCM overestimates the capacity reduction effects of the trucks in most cases.  相似文献   

The operating characteristics of trucks and buses differ significantly from those of passenger cars. The former travel more slowly and occupy more space than do the latter. These are the two most prominent reasons for the need to determine the equivalencies of the large-size vehicles in terms of passenger cars, since passenger car equivalencies (PCE) are required for carrying out highway capacity calculations. This paper reviews and discusses the current approaches to such a determination, and then suggests and evaluates a revised method. A direct comparison with current practice is also presented.  相似文献   

Car ownership models found in the academic literature (with a focus on the recent literature and on models developed for transport planning) are classified into a number of model types. The different model types are compared on a number of criteria: inclusion of demand and supply side of the car market, level of aggregation, dynamic or static model, long‐ or short‐run forecasts, theoretical background, inclusion of car use, data requirements, treatment of business cars, car‐type segmentation, inclusion of income, of fixed and/or variable car cost, of car quality aspects, of licence holding, of sociodemographic variables and of attitudinal variables, and treatment of scrappage.  相似文献   

曾名噪一时的美国人民捷运航空公司前CEO唐纳德伯尔在1996年公司破产后总结原因时说:"1981年~1985年期间我们是一个充满活力和盈利的公司.随后我们开始从顶峰跌到每月亏损5千万美元的地步.我们公司没有任何变化,可是美国航空公司却将他们的收益管理渗透到我们的每一个市场.当美国民航以终结者的面目出现时,我们盈利的日子就彻底结束了.我们丧失了防卫能力,末路到了,因为他们总能够比我们价格或即将公布的价格要低."  相似文献   

Energy efficient techniques are receiving increasing attention because of rising energy prices and environmental concerns. Railways, along with other transport modes, are facing increasing pressure to provide more intelligent and efficient power management strategies.This paper presents an integrated optimization method for metro operation to minimize whole day substation energy consumption by calculating the most appropriate train trajectory (driving speed profile) and timetable configuration. A train trajectory optimization algorithm and timetable optimization algorithm are developed specifically for the study. The train operation performance is affected by a number of different systems that are closely interlinked. Therefore, an integrated optimization process is introduced to obtain the optimal results accurately and efficiently.The results show that, by using the optimal train trajectory and timetable, the substation energy consumption and load can be significantly reduced, thereby improving the system performance and stability. This also has the effect of reducing substation investment costs for new metros.  相似文献   

Car exhaust emissions cause serious air pollution problems in many regions and, at a global level, contribute to climate change. Car use is also an important factor in other problems including traffic congestion, road accidents, noise pollution, community severance, and loss of countryside from road building. Forecasts of further increases in car ownership and use have prompted calls for policy-makers to encourage car users to switch to other forms of transport, particularly the bus. The effects of substituting bus for car travel in urban areas are simulated by specifying a spreadsheet model incorporating two types of car (petrol and diesel engine) and three types of bus (mini-, midi- and large bus). Six types of exhaust emission are considered for each vehicle type for the years 1992, 1995 and 1999: carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, (small) particulate matter and carbon dioxide. The paper provides a synthesis of monetary estimates of these exhaust emission and other costs. The other costs considered are traffic congestion, fuel consumption, noise pollution, road accidents and road damage. The exhaust emission monetary cost estimates, mainly from the United States and the United Kingdom, are discussed within the context of a sensitivity analysis which allows for changes in parameters such as load factors, emission factors and the individual exhaust emission cost estimates. The simulation results show that substitution of bus for car travel generally decreases the overall costs, particularly the costs of congestion, but increases exhaust emission costs if bus load factors are insufficiently high. In order to reduce exhaust emission costs from car to bus transfer at given load factors, the most effective policy option is to encourage the reduction of particulate emissions from bus engines. In terms of the overall costs, increasing bus load factors by relatively modest amounts can lead to substantial reductions in these overall costs. These results should be regarded as illustrative rather than definitive, given the uncertainties in a number of parameter estimates and the need for further research in areas not covered by the paper.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the need for a new approach to urban transportation modelling in recognition that at least in medium sized towns the choice of model is largely dominated by car availability.  相似文献   

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