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The purpose of this paper is to summarize the European maritime transport policy within the context of maritime politics at large. At the outset the legal framework conditions and supportive instruments for the shipping and port industries are presented. Against the background of recent accidents at sea, such as the sinking of ERIKA and PRESTIGE, the EU legislation on maritime safety is of particular interest as it is both complex and rapid in reaction to environmental needs and political pressure. Finally, the sensible relationship between the EU as a regional organization and the IMO as “the competent international organization” is discussed with a view to reconcile possible rivalry and to suggest a complementary cooperation between the two organizations.  相似文献   

One role often fulfilled by public administrators is to regulate private enterprise in the public interest. The academic literature has not developed this area fully because public administration is not always tasked with this function. Nevertheless, when regulation forms a part of the responsibilities of the public administrator, it is among the most important. An essential foundation for effective regulation is a complete understanding of the implications and impact of regulatory action. In the absence of regulation, entrepreneurial awareness is applied in the private sector exclusively to satisfying consumer wants. In a regulated market, the entrepreneur’s focus is shifted toward regulatory imperatives. Regulation offers non-market opportunities for entrepreneurial innovation, as well as imposing new market constraints. This paper examines regulation of the maritime industry by the US federal government as an example.  相似文献   

海事英语师资状况与培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着海运业的发展,海事英语教师师资问题越来越受人们关注。通过对中国海事英语教师现状的分析,提出了解决问题的途径,以便培养更合格的海事英语教师。  相似文献   

船舶运输安全,是一个只有开始没有终结的永恒话题。纵观海事海损个案,可谓触目惊心、五花八门,乃至于匪夷所思、离奇离谱。海事发生后,几乎所有的人都在考问:为什么会这样?这起海损本不该发生的!依笔者航海多年的实践,就船舶运输安全的风险源的控制提出“人为因素、船舶因素、环境因素、管理因素与船舶运输安全”四点立论,并以人为因素为首要论点分解论述,以期抛砖引玉,与专家、同行们切磋交流。  相似文献   

船舶运输安全,是一个只有开始没有终结的永恒话题.纵现海事海损个案,可谓触目惊心、五花八门,乃至于匪夷所思、离奇离谱.海事发生后,几乎所有的人都在考问:为什么会这样?这起海损本不该发生的!依笔者航海多年的实践.就船舶运输安全的风险源的控制提出"人为因素、船舶因素、环境因素、管理因素与船舶运输安全"四点立论,并以人为因素为首要论点分解论述,以期抛砖引玉,与专家、同行们切磋交流.  相似文献   

殷毅 《中国船检》2008,(3):44-47
一个是拥有27个成员国,只一个德国出口额就在世界排名第一的欧洲联盟。一个是2007年有望从全球贸易第三位上升到第二位,2010年贸易规模可能超过美国成为全球最大贸易国的中国,《中欧海运协定》的签署生效无疑成为这个春天海事界最引人瞩目的事件。  相似文献   

Training simulators are largely deployed to provide operators working within complex systems to instil adequate skills to handle normal and abnormal situations. Improved technology and higher computation power have significantly increased the use of training simulators in the training programs. The goal of this pilot study is to determine the design of training in order to prepare for complex tasks within the maritime domain. In this experimental study, students are trained to perform docking operations when ocean currents with increasing complexity are introduced in the training program. The effect of the training is evaluated by comparing two groups: one trained with homogenous currents and the other with heterogeneous currents. Objective performance measures are used to analyse the participants’ performance. The results indicate that when the participants were exposed to tasks with gradually increasing complexity, they performed better as compared to those who were exposed to complex tasks too early in the training. The results suggest that even though the technology and computational power provide for new possibilities in training simulators, new features that make the tasks more complicated should not be included too early in the training without sufficient investigation. It is also found that increasing functional fidelity of the simulation during training has resulted in the improved performance of the participants during the complex tasks (docking operations), as compared to those training with the highest fidelity from the beginning.  相似文献   

Emerging megalopolises and a new industrial polarization, a growing upper tertiary sector and offshore oil and gas industry are relevant elements of the present Mediterranean framework.Within the bulk market, crude oil transport has been affected by structural changes; LNG and LPG transport are growing and deep-sea steam-coal terminal are going to be built. Cellular maritime transport has been affected by the propensity to link the deep-sea routes to a thick web of intraMediterranean feeder routes. Refrigerated and ventilated cargoes, as well as heavy and large cargoes, possess remarkable perspectives. Because of the progress of the European waterways the relationships between sea and land transport in the Mediterranean are changing.  相似文献   

为了提高海上船舶电子对抗系统的可靠性,进行电子对抗系统的可靠性分配,提出基于模糊PID控制的海上运输船舶电子对抗系统的可靠性分配方法。构建海上运输船舶电子对抗系统的硬件模块,分别由信息对抗模块、数据处理模块和中央控制模块组成。对构建的船舶电子对抗系统的可靠性进行量化评估,采用模糊PID控制方法进行可靠性分配控制,结合时滞跟踪融合方法,实现船舶电子对抗系统的可靠性分配的时滞补偿,提高分配的实时性和量化评估能力。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行海上运输船舶电子对抗系统的可靠性分配,具有较好的稳健性,提高了电子对抗系统的稳定性和可靠性。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s the EU merchant fleet has suffered a dramatic decline mainly due to sharp competition from the Far East and developing countries and the operation of foreign registers ('flags of convenience'). At present the EU aims to complete the single market in shipping and improve the competitive ability of a viable European-flag fleet. It has therefore developed a policy for a European register (EUROS) to run parallel to national registers. This paper argues that the EU policy would prove to be ineffective unless it can differentiate between kinds of shipping.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to show if and how European maritime education and training institutions have met the increasing enrolment of women, and how shipping in general has reacted to gender equality. WMU has partly been the source for finding data related to studies in a multicultural and gender (minority) mixture of students and professors. In addition to a questionnaire to maritime education and training institutions, unstructured conversations with WMU students and professors have contributed to fact findings. Apparently, there is more to be done in order to have women compete on a level playing field in the sphere of shipping. Shipping is historically male dominated and conservative, so it is well understood that there are ropes to be untied. In this article, there are examples on how stakeholders in society have introduced policies on how to meet diversities. It is recommended that universities seriously pursue this trend. I wish to appeal to educational institutions to publish a university policy on the gender perspective and diversity management in general. The policy must be in writing in order for staff and students to understand and remember the content of the policy. This is an issue that should follow the quality assurance aims and goals and should be posted in a public place within the university’s premises for everybody to be reminded.  相似文献   

This paper highlights some of the major activities in developing an appropriate framework and modalities of co-operation among CMEA member countries in maritime transport. These include the working out of various basic documents determining objectives, directions and methods of co-operation. Particular attention is devoted to the Comprehensive Programme for the Further Extension and Improvement of Co-operation and the Development of Socialist Economic Integration of the CMEA Member Countries and to the first inter-governmental Agreement on Co-operation in Merchant Shipping. Relevant activities of the CMEA are described, in particular, in the fields of joint planning and chartering, as well as its mechanisms for developing and promoting co-operation.  相似文献   

简要回顾国内外学习策略培训研究文献,针对国内航海英语传统教学方法的不足。对82名航海专业学生进行学习策略调查,并根据调查结果,将学习策略培训应用于航海英语教学的实践。实践证明。学习策略能提高航海英语学习效率。是一条促进航海英语教学的新途径。  相似文献   

Transportation sector, including maritime transport, exerts significant environmental impact. Public procurement as a policy strategy instrument which applies to the purchase of transport means, construction of infrastructure and the provision logistic services in supplying the goods, services and executing of works must integrate environmental considerations in the contract award procedures. While conventional life-cycle costing (LCC) is based on four categories to be assessed e.g. investment, operation, maintenance and end-of-life disposal expenses, the environmental LCC method also takes into account the external environmental costs. The paper is focused on sustainable public procurement and environmental life-cycle costing aspects of EU 2014 Directive. Analysis is made of the real cost of procurement, the externalities and the impact of maritime transport sector on the environment. The purpose of this research is to propose the framework for assessment of integral impact on the environment which combines environmental LCC approach with TBL concept using non-monetary units for measuring externalities. The authors advocate clean and energy-efficient maritime transport ensuring effective implementation of environmental policy objectives and targets and emphasize the role of public authorities and entities in fostering the inclusion of environmental externalities in calculation of LCC.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom has it that, because of locational and other advantages, transit trade and transport, especially maritime transport, could be expected to play a major role in the development process of the Baltic States which was expected to follow their renewed independence in 1991. This paper secks to evaluate this proposition. The first section of the paper provides a brief account of the present state of the shipping and port sectors in the three Baltic republics and offers some speculation about likely future developments. The following section considers whether there is any historical basis for the presumption in favour of transit trade. The paper concludes with a somewhat speculative discussion of whether the Baltic States might be expected to possess any long run comparative advantage in maritime transport. It is suggested that in this respect a distinction should be made between ports and shipping and that in a more prosperous future, shipping, in particular, might be expected to decline in importance.  相似文献   

The paper projects the outcomes of an introspective study into the training imparted to the seafarer with respect to oil pollution matters. Typical training syllabi were compared with the prescribed lesson plans from Model Courses to verify quantitative and qualitative training. A sample has been drawn from the Malaysian and Indian seafaring officers for the study. Curriculum exposure to marine pollution regulations, and intensity and level of ship operational issues such as bypassing the separators and falsification of record books are analysed in the study. From the questionnaire survey amongst the officers, difficulties experienced in pollution prevention practices are highlighted. Statistical data analyses have been carried out to see if there is any relationship between pollution violations, training and human factors such as experience and attitude. While training appears to be sufficient, fatigue and attitude appear to be the causal factors for oil pollution violations. The paper concludes with suggestions for improving training such as simulator exercises and case study discussions, etc.  相似文献   

文章主要研究在校企合作背景下,借鉴英国航海类“三明治”人才培养模式,结合国内航海类专业院校办学特点,破解学生上船实践的难题,构建政、行、企、校多元协同命运共同体,探索出一条适合中国高职院校海员教育模式的新路径.  相似文献   

This study examines how maritime transport has been researched through a comprehensive review of papers published in 19 transportation journals over the period 2000–2014. Systematic investigation shows that Maritime Policy & Management plays a prominent role in publishing maritime transport research. At the same time, ‘shipping’ is a dominant research area, with ‘port management, service, performance, efficiency and competitiveness’; ‘shipping market, industry, freight rate and economic impact’; and ‘terminal studies’ as the most popular topics. Nevertheless, few efforts have investigated ‘shipping finance’; ‘shipping service’; or ‘port risk and security.’ Since 2000, the use of quantitative analysis techniques has steadily increased in maritime transport to help participants make decisions scientifically. We here present the major data analysis techniques and highlight some limitations regarding their application. Thus, we provide a better understanding of how maritime transport research has been undertaken in a quantitative manner.  相似文献   

For educational and/or training purposes, games are often described as multimodal texts, where signs, gestures, images, habits, behaviors, sounds, etc. have different meanings according to the way and the context they are represented. During their execution, a large variety of strategies can be employed; images, words, sounds, music, movement, and even bodily sensations can provide the necessary factors. More importantly, when games are integrated in an educational (or training) activity, it is essential to record solid evidence that the targeted learning outcome is achieved. Game-based learning (GBL) for seafarers is a multifactor domain combining educational psychology, learning theories, instructional design, computer game technology, and last but not least, research in the maritime field. In order to create the appropriate framework, there is a need to combine three different scientific areas (education design, computer science, and maritime education and training (MET)) towards the proper game design. In these types of games, the design process includes an extremely important task: embedding suitable educational approaches and instructional techniques for specific learning outcomes and student profiles into the scenario, so that the game will be played without losing the fun and attractive part of it. In the current analysis, a framework for GBL that is applicable for 200 maritime professionals is presented; the specific application is related to navigational safety training, and the respective framework is a 3D real-time strategy game called “Trader of the World” (TotW-alpha version). The game is designed for already competent adult seafarers as well as undergraduate students of maritime academies/institutions and it is applied in nonformal educational settings. A demonstration of this game has already taken place at the undergraduate level; results, evaluations, and opinions provided by the participants were used as the basis for discussion.  相似文献   

Demand variables of maritime container transport (throughput, transhipment and origin–destination flows) may be estimated with freight demand models. As their parameters generally vary both in time and space, models may not be transferable to geographical areas and time periods differing from that for which they are calibrated.  相似文献   

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