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粮食仓储是连续输送散状颗粒物体的运动过程,要求各级输送设备的带速、功率、输送能力匹配,以保证粮食颗粒流量均匀恒定.介绍输送量的计算方法,根据变质量物体运动方程分析了带式输送机和斗式提升机的驱动功率,讨论了带速对驱动功率的影响,提出某国家储备粮库粮食仓储设备改造方案.  相似文献   

牵引机构变频调速驱动系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新型缓凝预应力筋包覆设备中,牵引机构实现预应力钢绞线的低速输送功能.为保证低速输送的连续、均匀和可靠,要求驱动系统具有较硬的机械特性.通过牵引机构运行负载情况分析,运用交流变频调速技术,设计了恒扭矩牵引机构变频调速驱动系统,确定了变频器和电动机的容量以及传动装置的传动比.运行结果表明,该驱动系统的设计是合理的,满足了工艺要求.  相似文献   

崖门大桥混凝土设备包括搅拌设备和输送设备,结合施工特点,介绍了混凝土搅拌设备的布置、造型以及输送设备的选择、安排,技术经济效果明显。  相似文献   

针对蓄电池轨道工程车续航里程短、永磁同步牵引电机启动电流大等问题,基于液压泵/马达能量逆向传递特性,提出了利用液压泵/马达逆向驱动的电机启动电流控制新方法. 通过使液压泵/马达工作在马达模式将电机驱动至一定初始转速后接通电源实现电机带速启动,抑制或削弱电机启动电流;永磁同步电机带速启动采用无位置矢量控制方式,结合短路电流矢量法对电机启动时刻的转子转速和位置进行计算,并通过AMESim与MATLAB/Simulink进行联合仿真. 研究结果表明:所提出的电机启动电流控制新方法能让电机的启动峰值电流最大降低70%左右;启动电流与电机接通电源启动时的初始转速有关,且初始转速越接近需求转速则启动电流越小;电机转速稳定后电流大小仅与电机负载有关;液压泵/马达工作排量或蓄能器充液压力越大,电机被逆向驱动时的转速响应越快.   相似文献   

起重机桥架结构的振动以及荷载的摆动会使桥架结构产生疲劳损伤并影响荷载的精确定位.基于荷载、起重小车组成的椭圆摆与移动质量通过桥梁模型,起重机柔性梁与带摆动荷载的移动小车多体刚柔耦合动力学系统,并采用拉格朗日方程推导了耦合系统的运动微分方程组.采用Newmark-β逐步积分方法进行数值求解,分析了起重小车的运动速度、荷载质量等参数对桥架结构振动以及荷载摆动的影响.研究结果表明:起重小车的运行速度会影响桥架结构的振型,桥架结构的最大振动幅度与荷载质量成正比;耦合系统桥架结构中点的挠度比采用ANSYS软件计算的静挠度增大4%;荷载的摆动导致起重小车的驱动力与驱动功率周期性地改变,起重小车驱动力以及驱动功率变化的幅度范围正相关于起重小车的加速度值.  相似文献   

2010款景程配备通用汽车全新1.8升Ecotec DVVT发动机,最大功率和最大扭矩分别达到105kW和177Nm,与发动机匹配的是全新S6六挡手自一体变速器,90km等速油耗仅为6.3L/100km,在保证动力性能的同时,更取得了出众的燃油经济性。  相似文献   

文章介绍了在建立零件的三维模型基础上进行曲柄活塞机构的装配,并通过设置伺服驱动,实现了曲柄活塞机构的运动仿真;并对正常功率输出状态下曲柄活塞机构的运动进行了动力学分析,得出了活塞的速度和加速度分布。  相似文献   

针对纸纱复合袋糊底机节拍控制困难的问题,设计并实现了一种以片基带输送袋筒、档杆机构控制袋筒进入下一道工序时间节点的自动节拍装置.利用Solidworks软件建立节拍装置三维模型,介绍了节拍装置总体结构及其运动过程,分析了输送机构和档杆机构的工作原理,并根据总体设计要求确定了节拍装置的一些关键参数.试验表明:片基带输送袋筒速度为272mm/s,档杆阻挡袋筒持续时间3s时,袋筒完成一个工作循环时间约为24.6s,袋筒吸开成功率达到94.5%,满足袋筒节拍输送的要求.  相似文献   

采用互补型功率MOSFET组成的三相六状态的逆变器电路对逆变器主回路及其驱动电路进行了改进。驱动电路中分别使用独立电源供电的光电耦合器实现功率MOSFET的通用驱动方法,大大简化了电路的结构。根据样机中转子传感器的安装位置严格 推导出了位置传感器输出信号与逆变器驱动信号之间的逻辑关系,并以简单、可靠、经济的方法实现了这一电路。  相似文献   

会展描述:“2009安徽仓储物流技术与运输系统展”作为“2009中国中部(合肥)国际装备制造业博览会”的一个重要组成部分,是一个关于仓储物流技术与运输系统等相关领域生产供应商、经销商和终端用户的重要聚会,同时也是中部(安徽)地区仓储物流技术与运输系统行业内的一次盛会,汇聚了一批行业精英,全面展示该行业领域里的先进技术及设备。  相似文献   

本文给出一种按预期寿命来计算多楔带传动额定功率的新方法,能合理地计入传动比、带长对传动能力的影响,并易于编排计算机程序。介绍了计算公式,确定设计常数的依据。提供了计算用表和计算示例。  相似文献   

给出一种按胶带预期寿命来计算窄型三角胶带传动额定功率的新方法,能合理地计入传动比、带长对传动能力的影响,并易于编排计算机程序。介绍了计算公式、确定设计常数的依据。提供了计算用表和计算示例。  相似文献   

Microscopic stress distribution in a metallic material which has complex microstructure is simulated using a phase field model. The fundamental equations which take into account the coupling effects among phase transformation, temperature and stress/strain are used, while thermal effects are neglected to focus on the volumetric change due to phase transformation in this paper. A two-dimensional square region is considered, and the evolution of microscopic stress and the resultant residual stress distribution are calculated using the finite element method. As the phase transformation progresses and grains grow larger, stress is generated around the growing interface. When a grain collides with another one, specifically large stress is observed. Residual stress is finally distributed in the microstructure formed, and apparently large stresses are retained along the grain boundaries. Subsequently, dependency of the stress distribution on microstructure pattern is investigated. First, variously sized square grains are tested, and it reveals that the maximum stress tends to decrease as the grain size becomes smaller. Next, the shapes of the grains are varied. As a result, the stress distribution is remarkably affected, while the maximum stress value does not change so much. More complicated grain arrangement is finally tested with eight or nine grain models. Then, it is revealed as a common feature that large stress is generated along the grain boundaries and that the stress distribution is dependent on the grain arrangement.  相似文献   

对具有不同原始组织的三个炉号的LZ50车轴钢进行了不同工艺的热处理,用金相方法分析了晶粒度的变化规律,比较了钢中微量元素Al、Ti含量与晶粒度的关系,结果表明:具有混晶组织的LZ50车轴钢加热到Ac1~Ac3之间时晶粒细化,但超过Ac3温度后即出现混晶,且不同钢中混晶倾向与原始状态的相同;钢中微量元素Al、Ti含量越高,混晶倾向越严重;高温固溶、低温析出预备热处理可以改变晶粒长大倾向,消除混晶组织.在此基础上对LZ50车轴钢的混晶原因进行了讨论.  相似文献   

The head of nuclear pressure vessel is a key component to guarantee the safety of nuclear power plant, so it is necessary to improve its mechanical properties during manufacturing. In the practical production, due to the huge size of the ingots from which the head is manufactured, coarse grains and voids are common defects existing in the material. Furthermore, cracks may appear in the forming process. It is highly demanded that the forming process must be properly designed with suitable parameters to compact the voids, to refine and homogenize the grains and to avoid cracks. Therefore, the research on the evolution of internal voids, grain size and cracks is very important to determine the forming process of huge components. SA508-3 steel is the material to manufacture the head of pressure vessel in the nuclear island. In the previous studies, we have separately built models to evaluate the evolution of internal voids, grain size and cracks during the hot forming process for SA508-3 steel. This study integrates the models for multi-scale simulation of the forging process of the head of nuclear pressure vessel in order to control the quality of the forgings. Through the software development, the models are integrated with a commercial finite element code DEFORM. Then, the extended forging and final forging processes of the head are investigated, and some appropriate deformation parameters are recommended.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to explore the feasibility of roller hemming of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheet. During the test, a special experimental setup considering the current flow and insulation was designed and employed. For the sake of simplicity, the flat surface-straight edge hemming style was selected. Electrical pulses were introduced in the pre-hemming and final hemming processes. The results show that when hemming at 448 K with hemming speed of 30 mm/min, AZ31B magnesium alloy sheet was successfully hemmed with excellent perceived quality. No recoil/warp defect, cracking or springback was observed. Electrical pulses induced dynamic recrystallized grains were observed along the grain boundaries in the severely deformed area, which is of great importance to the improvement of the ductility of the material. The hardness was slightly increased after hemming with electrical pulses, and this fact could improve the friction resistance performance of the hemmed part.  相似文献   

本文分析了内侧张轮对三角胶带传动工作能力的影响;根据Miner法则导出了胶带寿命降低卑的计算公式;并给出一种能合理地确定胶带寿命和许用功率的计算方法。  相似文献   

根据由V带疲劳方程和Miner法则导出的传动比i≠1时的许用应力计算式,应用Maclaurin公式进行近似处理,并定义系数C_1、C_2、C_3、C_4等的计算式后,代入V带额定功率P_0的基本公式推导出ISO5292—1980的全部公式。讨论了特定带速v_0取不同数值时的许用应力计算误差,建议取v_0=10m/s来确定C_1与C_4的对应关系。列表给出四个系数的参考值。  相似文献   

为解决现行交通量调查方法存在的诸多问题,更准确、有效地获取区间交通量信息,特研发了"移动式区间交通量信息采集与分析"系统。此系统由前端和后台两部分组成:前端负责车辆信息的获取,后台负责数据的分析并形成报表。前端设备由蓄电池供电,受环境制约因素少,可以大规模的使用。本套系统还适用于超速监控、智能卡口、OD调查等场合,具有很好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

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