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This paper presents the conceptual framework for a predictive network equilibrium model of a freight transportation system in which the generation, distribution, modal split and assignment of freight movements are performed simultaneously. A neoclassical profit maximization model is stated for the supply-side of the transportation market, the demand-side is represented by a spatial price equilibrium model, and the economic mechanism which integrates the supply and demand submodels is described. The theoretical limitations imposed on the model by the requirement that it be capable of solving large-scale problems are also addressed.  相似文献   

This paper provides a modeling framework based on the system dynamics approach by which policy makers can understand the dynamic and complex nature of traffic congestion within a transportation socioeconomic system representation of a metropolitan area. This framework offers policy makers an assessment platform that focuses on the short- and long-term system behaviors arising from an area-wide congestion pricing policy along with other congestion mitigation policies. Since only a few cities in the world have implemented congestion pricing and several are about to do so, a framework that helps policy makers to understand the impacts of congestion pricing is currently quite relevant. Within this framework, improved bus and metro capacities contribute to the supply dynamics which in turn affect the travel demand of individuals and their choice of different transportation modes. Work travel and social networking activities are assumed to generate additional travel demand dynamics that are affected by travelers’ perception of the level of service of the different transportation modes, their perception of the congestion level, and the associated traveling costs. It is assumed that the, population, tourism and employment growth are exogenous factors that affect demand. Furthermore, this paper builds on a previously formulated approach where fuzzy logic concepts are used to represent linguistic variables assumed to describe consumer perceptions about transportation conditions.  相似文献   

Freight networks are a case of systems that multiple participants are composing interrelations along the complete supply chain. Their interrelations correspond to alternative behavior, namely, cooperation, non-cooperation and competition, while they are large-scale spatially distributed systems combining multiple means of transportation and the infrastructure and equipment typically utilized for servicing demand, results to a complex system integration. In this paper, the case of the optimal design of freight networks is investigated, aiming to highlight the particularities emerging in this case of transportation facilities strategic and/or operational planning and the multiple game-theoretic and equilibrium problems that are structured in cascade and in hierarchies. The application that is investigated here focuses in the design of a significant ‘player’ of the freight supply chain, namely container terminals, while the proposed framework will aim on analyzing investment strategies built on integrated demand–supply models and the optimal network design format. The approach will build on the multilevel Mathematical Programming with Equilibrium Constraints (MPECs) formulation, but is further extended to cope with the properties introduced by the ‘designers’ (infrastructure authorities), shippers and carriers competition in all levels of MPECs. Since container terminals are typically competing each other, the nomenclature used here for formulating appropriate MPECs problems are based on hierarchies of Variational Inequalities (VI) problems, able to capture the alternative relationships emerging in realistic freight supply chains. The proposed formulations of the competitive network design case is addressed by a novel approach of co-evolutionary agents, which can be regarded as new in equilibrium estimation. Finally, the results are compared with alternative network design cases, namely the centralized cooperative and exchanging design. Under this analysis it is able to highlight the differences among alternative design cases, but moreover an estimation of the ‘price of anarchy’ in transportation systems design is offered, an element of both theoretical as well as practical relevance.  相似文献   

This study proposes a generalized multinomial logit model that allows heteroscedastic variance and flexible utility function shape. The novelty of our approach is that the model is theoretically derived by applying a generalized extreme-value distribution to the random component of utility, while retaining its closed-form expression. In addition, the weibit model, in which the random utility is assumed to follow the Weibull distribution, is a special case of the proposed model. This is achieved by utilizing the q-generalization method developed in Tsallis statistics. Then, our generalized logit model is incorporated into a transportation network equilibrium model. The network equilibrium model with a generalized logit route choice is formulated as an optimization problem for uncongested networks. The objective function includes Tsallis entropy, a type of generalized entropy. The generalization of the Gumbel and Weibull distributions, logit and weibit models, and network equilibrium model are formulated within a unified framework with q-generalization or Tsallis statistics.  相似文献   

This paper presents a transparent approach to the analysis of dynamic user equilibrium and clarifies the properties of a departure-time choice equilibrium of a corridor problem where discrete multiple bottlenecks exist along a freeway. The basis of our approach is the transformation of the formulation of equilibrium conditions in a conventional “Eulerian coordinate system” into one in a “Lagrangian-like coordinate system.” This enables us to evaluate dynamic travel times easily, and to achieve a deep understanding of the mathematical structure of the problem, in particular, about the properties of the demand and supply (queuing) sub-models, relations with dynamic system optimal assignment, and differences between the morning and evening rush problems. Building on these foundations, we establish rigorous results on the existence and uniqueness of equilibria.  相似文献   

We consider the asymmetric equilibrium problem with fixed demands in a transportation network where the travel cost on each link may depend on the flow on this as well as other links of the network and we study how the travellers' cost is affected by changes in the travel demand or addition of new routes. Assuming that the travel cost functions are strongly monotone, we derive formulas which express, under certain conditions, how a change in travel demand associated with a particular origin-destination (O / D) pair will affect the travelers' cost for any O / D pair. We then use these formulas to show that an increase in the travel demand associated with a particular O / D pair (all other remaining fixed) always results in an increase in the travelers' cost on that O / D pair, however, the travelers' cost on other O / D pairs may decrease. We then derive formulas yielding, under certain conditions, the change in travelers' cost on every O / D pair induced by the addition of a new path. These can be used to determine, whether Braess' paradox occurs in the network. We then show that when a new path is added, the travelers' cost associated with the particular O / D pair joined by this path will decrease (hence Braess' paradox does not occur) if a test matrix is positive semidefinite.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how California may reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions 80% below 1990 levels by 2050 (i.e., 80in50). A Kaya framework that decomposes greenhouse gas emissions into the product of population, transport intensity, energy intensity, and carbon intensity is used to analyze emissions and mitigation options. Each transportation subsector, including light-duty, heavy-duty, aviation, rail, marine, agriculture, and off-road vehicles, is analyzed to identify specific mitigation options and understand its potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Scenario analysis shows that, while California’s 2050 target is ambitious, it can be achieved in transport if a concerted effort is made to change travel behavior and the vehicles and fuels that provide mobility. While no individual ‘‘Silver Bullet” strategy exists that can achieve the goals, a portfolio approach that combines strategies could yield success. The 80in50 scenarios show the impacts of advanced vehicle and fuels technologies as well as the role of travel demand reduction, which can significantly reduce energy and resource requirements and the level of technology development needed to meet the target.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of high-speed rail investment on the economy and environment in China using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The analysis is implemented in a dynamic recursive framework capturing long-run capital accumulation and labor market equilibrium. A national level impact was simulated through direct impact drivers including land use conversion, output expansion, cost reduction, productivity increase, transport demand substitution and induced demand. The results suggest that rail investment in China over the past decade has been a positive stimulus to the economy, while the effect on CO2 emissions generation has been large. Overall, the economic impacts of rail investment are achieved primarily through induced demand and output expansion, whereas the contribution from a reduction of rail transportation costs and rail productivity increases were modest. In addition, negligible negative impacts were found from land use for rail development and the substitution effect among other modes. Emissions reduction from substitution of rail for other modes was small and offset by output expansion due to lowered rail transport costs and induced demand.  相似文献   

When demand for transportation is low or sparse, traditional transit cannot provide efficient and good-quality service, due to its fixed structure. New transportation alternatives are therefore increasingly proposed, combining on-demand service adjustment capabilities to the regular route and schedule characteristics of traditional transit. Such so-called semi-flexible systems require careful planning, but no formalization of the corresponding decisions problems, nor any comprehensive methodology has been proposed yet. This paper aims at contributing to fill this gap by presenting a comprehensive literature review, and a general and unifying modeling framework for representing and planning semi-flexible systems. The latter takes the form of the Demand Adaptive Systems, which generalizes the semi-flexible systems described in the literature, and also offers a number of advanced features, the scheduling mechanism, in particular. The paper then provides a classification of planning decisions, which is used to structure a comprehensive and comparative literature review of the field of semi-flexible systems, including methodological contributions as well as a number of particularly significant practical experiences.  相似文献   

In this paper we use simulation to analyze how flight routing network structure may change in different world regions, and how this might impact future traffic growth and emissions. We compare models of the domestic Indian and US air transportation systems, representing developing and mature air transportation systems respectively. We explicitly model passenger and airline decision-making, capturing passenger demand effects and airline operational responses, including airline network change. The models are applied to simulate air transportation system growth for networks of 49 airports in each country from 2005 to 2050. In India, the percentage of connecting passengers simulated decreases significantly (from over 40% in 2005 to under 10% in 2050), indicating that a shift in network structure towards increased point-to-point routing can be expected. In contrast, very little network change is simulated for the US airport set modeled. The simulated impact of network change on system CO2 emissions is very small, although in the case of India it could enable a large increase in demand, and therefore a significant reduction in emissions per passenger (by nearly 25%). NOx emissions at major hub airports are also estimated, and could initially reduce relative to a case in which network change is not simulated (by nearly 25% in the case of Mumbai in 2025). This effect, however, is significantly reduced by 2050 because of frequency competition effects. We conclude that network effects are important when estimating CO2 emissions per passenger and local air quality effects at hub airports in developing air transportation systems.  相似文献   

Freight transport demand is a demand derived from all the activities needed to move goods between locations of production to locations of consumption, including trade, logistics and transportation. A good representation of logistics in freight transport demand models allows us to predict the effects of changes in logistics systems on future transport flows. As such it provides better estimations of the costs of interaction and allows to predict changes in spatial patterns of freight transport flows more accurately. In recent years, the attention for freight modelling has been growing and new research work has appeared aimed at incorporating logistics in freight models. In this paper we review the state of the art in the representation of logistics considerations in freight transport demand models. Our focus is on the service and cost drivers of changes in logistics networks and how these affect freight transport. Our review proceeds along a conceptual framework for modelling that goes beyond the conventional 4-step modelling approach. We identify promising areas for freight modelling that have an integrative function within this framework, such as spatial computable general equilibrium models, supply chain choice models and hypernetwork models.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) recently adopted CO2 emissions mandates for new passenger cars, requiring steady reductions to 95 gCO2/km in 2021. We use a multi-sector computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, which includes a private transportation sector with an empirically-based parameterization of the relationship between income growth and demand for vehicle miles traveled. The model also includes representation of fleet turnover, and opportunities for fuel use and emissions abatement, including representation of electric vehicles. We analyze the impact of the mandates on oil demand, CO2 emissions, and economic welfare, and compare the results to an emission trading scenario that achieves identical emissions reductions. We find that vehicle emission standards reduce CO2 emissions from transportation by about 50 MtCO2 and lower the oil expenditures by about €6 billion, but at a net added cost of €12 billion in 2020. Tightening CO2 standards further after 2021 would cost the EU economy an additional €24–63 billion in 2025, compared with an emission trading system that achieves the same economy-wide CO2 reduction. We offer a discussion of the design features for incorporating transport into the emission trading system.  相似文献   

Global supply chains are more than ever under threat of major disruptions caused by devastating natural and man-made disasters as well as recurrent interruptions caused by variations in supply and demand. This paper presents a hybrid robust-stochastic optimization model and a Lagrangian relaxation solution method for designing a supply chain resilient to (1) supply/demand interruptions and (2) facility disruptions whose risk of occurrence and magnitude of impact can be mitigated through fortification investments. We study a realistic problem where a disruption can cause either a complete facility shutdown or a reduced supply capacity. The probability of disruption occurrence is expressed as a function of facility fortification investment for hedging against potential disruptions in the presence of certain budgetary constraints. Computational experiments and thorough sensitivity analyses are completed using some of the existing widely-used datasets. The performance of the proposed model is also examined using a Monte Carlo simulation method. To explore the practical application of the proposed model and methodology, a real world case example is discussed which addresses mitigating the risk of facility fires in an actual oil production company. Our analysis and investigation focuses on exploring the extent to which supply chain design decisions are influenced by factors such as facility fortification strategies, a decision maker's conservatism degree, demand fluctuations, supply capacity variations, and budgetary constraints.  相似文献   

Big data analytics (BDA) has increasingly attracted a strong attention of analysts, researchers and practitioners in railway transportation and engineering. This urges the necessity for a review of recent research development in this field. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive review of the recent applications of big data in the context of railway engineering and transportation by a novel taxonomy framework, proposed by Mayring (2003). The survey covers three areas of railway transportation where BDA has been applied, namely operations, maintenance and safety. Also, the level of big data analytics, types of big data models and a variety of big data techniques have been reviewed and summarized. The results of this study identify the existing research gaps and thereby directions of future research in BDA in railway transportation systems.  相似文献   

This paper studies the costs involved in distributing items from a warehouse or depot to randomly scattered customers on a day-to-day basis. Two trade-offs are explored simultaneously. The first one arises because by accumulating large inventories at the depot it is possible to build more efficient distribution tours. This trade-off has already been explored for both distribution of goods (Burns et al., 1983) and passengers (Daganzo et al., 1977; Hendrickson, 1978). Another tradeoff, which involves the length of individual vehicle tours (Clarens and Hurdle, 1975), balances the inventory inside the vehicles against the transportation cost. Banks et al. (1982) have considered both of these tradeoffs simultaneously in the context of passenger transportation, but used a somewhat unrealistic model for vehicle routing. This paper is similar to the latter reference but uses a different routing strategy. It also illustrates how the nature of the objects carried (cheap goods, expensive goods, people, etc.) affects the optimal configuration of the distribution system and the overall distribution costs. Usually there is an optimum partitioning of the service area into districts and an optimum dispatching frequency in each district. The results can vary tremendously, depending on factors such as: the inventory carrying cost per item per unit time, the transportation costs, the demand per unit area and unit time, the average distance from the depot, the average vehicle speed and the time per stop.As an illustration of the ideas, a hypothetical limousine service from an airport is analyzed. The example is used to demonstrate how dramatically the optimal system configuration depends on the nature of the items carried.  相似文献   

We present a quadratic programming framework to address the problem of finding optimal maintenance policies for multifacility transportation systems. The proposed model provides a computationally-appealing framework to support decision making, while accounting for functional interdependencies that link the facilities that comprise these systems. In particular, the formulation explicitly captures the bidirectional relationship between demand and deterioration. That is, the state of a facility, i.e., its condition or capacity, impacts the demand/traffic; while simultaneously, demand determines a facility’s deterioration rate. The elements that comprise transportation systems are linked because the state of a facility can impact demand at other facilities. We provide a series of numerical examples to illustrate the advantages of the proposed framework. Specifically, we analyze simple network topologies and traffic patterns where it is optimal to coordinate (synchronize or alternate) interventions for clusters of facilities in transportation systems.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a method for estimating transportation supply requirements when the suppressed demand of the transportation disadvantaged (TD) can be calculated and added to existing demand for travel. The underlying assumption is that the travel conditions of these TD groups must be equal to the ‘conventional’ demand, known as ‘full release’. Utilising the modelling approach for TD, suppressed demand analysis, diagnosis of difficulties and equity between conventional and disadvantaged groups were realised, while elaborating special cases for the most vulnerable TD groups (such as elderly and disabled persons) and simultaneously identifying areas of difficulty. From the early virtual results, it is concluded that, for the full release of suppressed trips (only a 5% increase), policy makers must be ready to face some financial burdens, requiring coordination of effort to both standardise these TD groups and reduce the costs incurred by operators.  相似文献   

Analytic models are developed for optimizing bus services with time dependence and elasticity in their demand characteristics. Some supply parameters, i.e. vehicle operating costs and speeds are also allowed to vary over time. The multiple period models presented here allow some of the optimized system characteristics (e.g. route structure) to be fized at values representing the best compromise over different time periods, while other characteristics (e.g. service headways) may be optimized within each period. In a numerical example the demand is assumed to fluctuate over a daily cycle (e.g. peak, offpeak and night), although the same models can also be used for other cyclical or noncyclical demand variations over any number of periods. Models are formulated and compared for four types of conditions, which include steady fixed demand, cyclical fixed demand, steady equilibrium demand and cyclical equilibrium demand. When fixed demand is assumed, the optimization objective is minimum total system cost, including operator cost and user cost, while operator profit and social welfare are the objective functions maximized for equilibrium demand. The major results consist of closed form solutions for the route spacings, headways, fares and costs for optimized feeder bus services under various demand conditions. A comparison of the optimization results for the four cases is also presented. When demand and bus operating characteristics are allowed to vary over time, the optimal functions are quite similar to those for steady demand and supply conditions. The optimality of a constant ratio between the headway and route spacing, which is found at all demand densities if demand is steady, is also maintained with a multi-period adjustment factor in cyclical demand cases, either exactly or with a relatively negligible approximation. These models may be used to analyze and optimize fairly complex feeder or radial bus systems whose demand and supply characteristics may vary arbitrarily over time.  相似文献   

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