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Production of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia omorii was measured from 2 October 1991 to 8 October 1992 at a station in Ilkwang Bay on the southeastern coast of Korea. A. omorii (nauplii + copepodites + adults) were present in the plankton throughout the year, with seasonal variation in abundance. Biomass of A. omorii was averaged at 0.44 mgC m− 3, with peaks in February and July, and relatively low biomass in late summer and fall. Egg production rate ranged from 2.4 to 151.9 μgC m− 3 day− 1, which was equivalent to 95–6075 eggs m− 3 day− 1. Fecundity of an adult female was averaged at 38 eggs female− 1 day− 1. Instantaneous growth rates of copepodites were higher than those of nauplii stages. Annual production of A. omorii ranged from 33.5 mgC m− 3 year− 1 to 221 mgC m− 2 year− 1, showing a seasonal variation of daily production rate with peaks in February and July. The daily production rate of A. omorii was significantly correlated with chlorophyll a concentration. These results suggest that standing stocks and/or productivity of phytoplankton are the major influencing factors, rather than water temperature for the seasonal variation of production of A. omorii in Ilkwang Bay.  相似文献   

The results of a study on the spatial and temporal dynamics of size-fractionated biomass and production of phytoplankton in the Ross Sea during the austral spring and summer are reported. The spring cruise took place in the offshore Ross Sea from 14 November to 14 December 1994. Sampling was carried out on a transect of 27 stations distributed from 76.5 to 72.0°S along 175°E, and covered the three main Antarctic environments of the polynya open waters, the marginal ice zone and the pack ice area. Three subsystems were identified. The subsystem of the polynya was characterised by the predominance of the micro- and nano-planktonic fractions, chlorophyll (Chl a) concentrations from 69.6 to 164.7 mg m−2 and production rates from 0.68 to 1.14 g C m−2 day−1. The second subsystem, the marginal ice zone, showed a relative increase of the micro-planktonic fraction, high biomass levels (from 99.64 to 220 mg Chl m−2) and production rates from 0.99 to 2.7 g C m−2 day−1. The subsystem of the pack ice area had a phytoplankton community dominated by the pico-planktonic fraction and showed low biomasses (from 19.4 to 37.7 mg Chl m−2) and production rates (0.28 to 0.60 g C m−2 day−1). Selective grazing by krill is considered an important factor in determining the size structure of the phytoplankton communities. The summer study consisted of a time series carried out in inshore waters of Terra Nova Bay from 12 January to 8 February 1990. In a well stabilised water column and with high levels of PAR always available, the primary production rates of a community dominated by micro-plankton varied from 0.52 to 1.2 g C m−2 day−1 (average 0.84). A high P/B ratio, up to 3, and a remarkably elevated mean phaeopigment (Phaeo)/Chl a ratio of 2.4 indicated an active removal of biomass by grazing, confirmed by the presence of faecal pellets in quantities reaching 6000 m−3 in the upper 50 m. The peculiarities of the inshore versus offshore environments in terms of community size structure, production processes and their implications as regards the food web are discussed.  相似文献   

The diffusive and in situ fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) have been measured and an estimation has been made of the water–atmosphere fluxes of CO2 in three estuarine systems of the Cantabrian Sea during the spring of 1998. Each of these systems undergoes a different anthropogenic influence. The diffusive fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity obtained present values ranging between 0.54–2.65 and 0.0–2.4 mmol m−2 day−1, respectively. These ranges are in agreement with those of other coastal systems. The in situ fluxes are high and extremely variable (35–284 mmol TA m−2 day−1, 43–554 mmol DIC m−2 day−1 and 22–261 mmol dissolved oxygen (DO) m−2 day−1), because the systems studied are very heterogeneous. The values of the ratio of the in situ fluxes of TA and DIC show on average that the rate of dissolution of CaCO3 is 0.37 times that of organic carbon oxidation. Equally, the interval of variation of the relationship between the benthic fluxes of inorganic carbon and oxygen (FDIC/FDO) is very wide (0.3–13.9), which demonstrates the different contributions made by the processes of aerobic and anaerobic degradation of the organic matter, as well as by the dissolution–precipitation of CaCO3. The water–atmosphere fluxes of CO2 present a clear dependence on the salinity. The brackish water of these systems (salinity<20), where maximum fluxes of 989 mmol m−2 day−1 have been estimated, act as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere. The more saline zones of the estuary (salinity>30) act as a sink of CO2, with fluxes between −5 and −10 mmol m−2 day−1.  相似文献   

Copepods were sampled by a multiple opening-closing net in the eastern Weddell Sea during various seasons (late winter/early spring, summer, autumn). Total copepod biomass integrated over the upper 1000 m varied seasonally between 1.7 mg C m−3 in late winter/early spring and 3.7 mg C m−3 in autumn. After the dark season the copepods were rather evenly distributed vertically and highest biomass levels were found in the mid-water layers between about 200 m and 500 m. By contrast, especially in summer but also in autumn copepod biomass concentrated in the uppermost water layer. A total of 64 calanoid species were identified in the upper 1000 m with maximum species numbers in the deepest layer. The large calanoids Calanus propinquus, Calanoides acutus, Metridia gerlachei, Euchaeta antarctica and the small calanoid Microcalanus pygmaeus prevailed and accounted for 60–70% of total copepod biomass, while the small poecilostomatoid Oncaea and the cyclopoid Oithona species comprised about 20%. Hence, the distribution pattern of the entire copepod biomass is strongly influenced by the life cycles of a few dominant species.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton, bacteria and microzooplankton were investigated on a transect in the Bellingshausen Sea during the ice melt period in November–December 1992. The transect along the 85°W meridian comprised seven stations that progressed from solid pack-ice (70°S), through melting ice into open water (67°S). The abundance, biomass and taxonomic composition were determined for each component of the microbial community. The phytoplankton was mostly dominated by diatoms, particularly small (<20 μm) species. Diatom abundance ranged from 66 000 cells l−1 under the ice to 410 000 cells l−1 in open water. Phytoplankton biomass varied from <1 to 167 mg C m−3, with diatoms comprising 89–95% of the total biomass in open water and autotrophic nanoflagellates comprising 57% under the ice. The standing stocks of autotrophs in the mixed layer ranged from 95 mg C m−2 under the pack-ice to 9478 mg C m−2 in open waters. Bacterial abundance in ice-covered and open water stations varied from 1.1 to 5.5×108 cells l−1. Bacterial biomass ranged from 2.4 mg C m−3 under pack-ice to an average of 14 mg C m−3 in open water. The microzooplankton consisted mainly of aloricate oligotrich ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates and these were most abundant in open waters. Their biomass varied between 0.2 and 54 mg C m−3 with a minimum at depth under the ice and maximum in open surface waters. Microheterotrophic standing stocks varied between 396 mg C m−2 under pack-ice and 3677 mg C m−2 in the open waters. The standing stocks of the total microbial community increased consistently from 491 mg C m−2 at the ice station to 13 155 mg C m−2 in open waters, reflecting the productive response of the community to ice-melt. The composition of the microbial community also shifted markedly from one dominated by heterotrophs (82% of microbial stocks) at the ice station to one dominated by autotrophs (73% of microbial stocks) in the open water. Our estimates suggest that the microbial community comprised >100% of the total particulate organic carbon (POC) under the ice and 62–66% of the measured POC in the open waters.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary, marine ecological observations were conducted at the shallow water edge of the Northeast Water in June, 1993. Although variable in size and shape, a small polynya was constantly present at Eskimonaes, at the fast-ice edge of Ingolfsfjord. A shallow stratified layer developed at the water sufface at negative water and air temperatures—an effect of sea ice melting in cold water early in the season. Nutrients were recorded in considerable quantities, although by mid July NO3 had become depleted. The chlorophyll and phytoplankton maxima at 8–12 m depth had peak values of 2 mg chl a m−3, typical for Arctic algal blooms. The phytoplankton included over 90 species and was dominated by the Fragillariopsis group. Zooplankton was poor in biomass and density, but over 23 taxa were found, with the copepods Oithona similis and Pseudocalanus acuspes being numerically dominant. Sedimentation was approximately 0.2 g dry weight m−2 d−1 and suspended matter concentrations ranged from 4 to 19 mg l−1. The benthos was represented by hard bottom forms only, with a surprisingly dense cover of macrophytes. Juvenile sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), brittle stars (Ophiocten sericeum) and amphipods were dominant. Higher trophic levels were represented by benthic feeders, such as eiders and walruses. The area observed was more similar to high Arctic fjord ecosystems than to the offshore central Northeast Water polynya.  相似文献   

We measured the abundance and biomass of phototrophic and heterotrophic microbes in the upper mixed layer of the water column in ice-covered Franklin Bay, Beaufort Sea, Canada, from December 2003 to May 2004, and evaluated the influence of light and nutrients on these communities by way of a shipboard enrichment experiment. Bacterial cell concentrations showed no consistent trends throughout the sampling period, averaging (± SD) 2.4 (0.9) × 108 cells L− 1; integrated bacterial biomass for the upper mixed layer ranged from 1.33 mg C m− 3 to 3.60 mg C m− 3. Small cells numerically dominated the heterotrophic protist community in both winter and spring, but in terms of biomass, protists with a diameter > 10 µm generally dominated the standing stocks. Heterotrophic protist biomass integrated over the upper mixed layer ranged from 1.23 mg C m− 3 to 6.56 mg C m− 3. Phytoplankton biomass was low and variable, but persisted during the winter period. The standing stock of pigment-containing protists ranged from a minimum value of 0.38 mg C m− 3 in winter to a maximal value of 6.09 mg C m− 3 in spring and the most abundant taxa were Micromonas-like cells. These picoprasinophytes began to increase under the ice in February and their population size was positively correlated with surface irradiance. Despite the continuing presence of sea ice, phytoplankton biomass rose by more than an order of magnitude in the upper mixed layer by May. The shipboard experiment in April showed that this phototrophic increase in the community was not responsive to pulsed nutrient enrichment, with all treatments showing a strong growth response to improved irradiance conditions. Molecular (DGGE) and microscopic analyses indicated that most components of the eukaryotic community responded positively to the light treatment. These results show the persistence of a phototrophic inoculum throughout winter darkness, and the strong seasonal response by arctic microbial food webs to sub-ice irradiance in early spring.  相似文献   

The potential for carbon export and the role of siliceous plankton in the cycling of C and N was assessed in natural plankton assemblages in the Santa Barbara Basin, California, by examining uptake rates of inorganic carbon, nitrate and silicic acid. In April–August 1997, the concentrations of chlorophyll a, particulate organic carbon, particulate organic nitrogen and biogenic silica were measured twice monthly, and results revealed the occurrence of at least three blooms, the largest in June. Particulate elemental ratios of C, N and Si were similar to ratios of nutrient-replete diatoms, suggesting that they dominated this bloom. Mean integrated rates of carbon, nitrate and silicon uptake during the 4-month study period are similar to other productive coastal and upwelling regions (103, 8.3 and 13 mmol m−2 day−1, respectively). New production rates were twice as high as previously reported in this region and indicate that high rates of new production along eastern boundary currents are not confined to the major coastal upwelling regions. C/NO3, Si/NO3 and Si/C uptake ratios varied widely, and mean integrated ratios were 14±5.4, 1.6±1.0 and 0.12±0.07 (S.D.), respectively. That mean C/NO3 uptake ratio corresponds to an f-ratio of about 0.5 indicating a large potential for particulate export. Based on the average Si/NO3 and Si/C uptake ratios, diatoms could perform all of the primary production and nitrate uptake that occurred during the study; these rates also suggest that export is controlled by diatoms in this system. The mean Si/C biomass ratio was lower than the mean Si/C uptake ratio, consistent with the preferential export of Si relative to C observed in sediment traps in the basin. The study took place during a period of surface-water warming, with nitrate and silicic acid concentrations decreasing throughout the onset of the 1997–1998 El Niño conditions. Although diatoms contributed less to particulate biomass during the low nutrient conditions, high f-ratios (0.33–0.66) were maintained.  相似文献   

A tidal flat-sea grass bed ecosystem model was formulated and applied to Ise Bay to evaluate the purification capability of the shallow-water region where a new airport is expected to be built. The model results were in the range of the observed biomass for each state variable in the model. The purification capability of this shallow-water region is estimated from the model results. The inorganic nitrogen removal is estimated at 56 kg N day−1; the organic particulate nitrogen removal by suspension feeders is 95 kg N day−1; the organic nitrogen removal by harvest and fish predation is 25 kg N day−1, and the purification capability of this site is 51 kg N day−1. Potential loss of the sea grass bed by reclamation will reduce the removal ability of inorganic nitrogen as well as food sources for juvenile fishes.  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate phases of carbon (DIC, DOC, POC) and nutrients (DIN, DIP, DSi, DON, DOP, PN) were investigated bimonthly from August 1999 to August 2000 to study biogeochemical dynamics of carbon and nutrients in Tapong Bay, a small semi-enclosed and hypertrophic lagoon in southwestern Taiwan. The lagoon has only a tidal inlet for exchanging water between Tapong Bay and Taiwan Strait, which may result in low water exchange rates and various oxygen-deficient conditions in bottom water of the inner bay during warm seasons. The water exchange time of Tapong Bay ranges from 7 days (summer) to 13 days (winter) with a mean of 10 days. Nutrient dynamics were largely ascribed to allochthonous inputs, biological and exported removals in the lagoon. Diffusion fluxes from sediments to overlying water accounted for only about 7.6% of annual DIN inputs and 1.0% of annual DIP inputs. High primary productivity (89 mol C m−2 year−1) supported by abundant nutrients primarily drove the lagoon into a hypertrophic condition as particulate organic matter was derived mainly from biological production. Excess of DIP appeared to occur throughout the study period in the lagoon. Temperature, solar radiation and turbidity, rather than nutrients, perhaps controlled seasonal variations of primary productivity. The net ecosystem production (NEP) derived from daily changes of DOC and POC inventories was about 6.3 mmol C m−2 day−1 that was close to 6.7 mmol C m−2 day−1 simulated from the biogeochemical modeling. Therefore, the net ecosystem production (NEP) rate of organic carbon estimated from the biogeochemical model was reliable, and the NEP was temporally variable with an annual mean of 5.8 mol C m−2 year−1, implying that Tapong Bay was an autotrophic system. Although calcification proceeded pronouncedly in warm seasons, an invasion of CO2 was significant in this system. In terms of nitrogen budget, the annual nitrogen fixation exceeded the annual denitrification with a magnitude of 1.30 mol N m−2 year−1, which may be supported by the abundance of nitrogen fixation microplanktons in the lagoon.  相似文献   

Atmospheric molar fraction of CO2 (xCO2atm) measurements obtained on board of ships of opportunity are used to parameterize the seasonal cycle of atmospheric xCO2 (xCO2atm) in three regions of the eastern North Atlantic (Galician and French offshore and Bay of Biscay). Three selection criteria are established to eliminate spurious values and identify xCO2atm data representative of atmospheric background values. The filtered data set is fitted to seasonal curve, consisting of an annual trend plus a seasonal cycle. Although the fitted curves are consistent with the seasonal evolution of xCO2atm data series from land meteorological stations, only ship-board measurements can report the presence of winter xCO2atm minimum on Bay of Biscay. Weekly air–sea CO2 flux differences (mmol C·m− 2 day− 1) produced by the several options of xCO2atm usually used (ship-board measurements, data from land meteorological stations and annually averaged values) were calculated in Bay of Biscay throughout 2003. Flux error using fitted seasonal curve relative to on board measurements was minimal, whereas land stations and annual means yielded random (− 0.2 ± 0.3 mmol C·m− 2·day− 1) and systematic (− 0.1 ± 0.4 mmol C·m− 2 day− 1), respectively. The effect of different available sources of sea level pressure, wind speed and transfer velocity were also evaluated. Wind speed and transfer velocity parameters are found as the most critical choice in the estimate of CO2 fluxes reaching a flux uncertainty of 7 mmol C·m− 2·day− 1 during springtime. The atmospheric pressure shows a notable relative effect during summertime although its influence is quantitatively slight on annual scale (0.3 ± 0.2 mmol C·m− 2·day− 1). All results confirms the role of the Bay of Biscay as CO2 sink for the 2003 with an annual mean CO2 flux around − 5 ± 5 mmol C m− 2 day− 1.  相似文献   

At Terra Nova Bay, the scallop Adamussium colbecki (Smith, 1902) characterises the soft and hard bottoms from 20 to 80 m depth, constituting large beds and reaching high values of density (50–60 individuals/m2) and biomass (120 g/m2 DW soft tissues). To assess its role in the organic matter recycling in the coastal ecosystem, its filtering and biodeposition rates were evaluated in laboratory experiments during the austral summer 1993/94. Filtration rates, measured in a flow-through system, were calculated from the difference in particulate organic carbon (POC), nitrogen (PON) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration in inflow and outflow water. Experiments were performed using natural sea water with POC, PON and Chl-a concentrations of about 450 μg/l, 90 μg/l and 2 μg/l, respectively. The biodeposition rate and the biochemical composition of the biodeposits were studied in order to detect how the organic matter is transformed through feeding activity of A. colbecki. At +1°C temperature, the average filtering rate was about 1 l h−1 g−1 (DW soft tissues) in specimens ranging in body mass from 2 to 3 g (DW soft tissues) and 6–7 cm long. The biodeposition rate in 3–8 cm long specimens, ranging from 0.4 to 5.7 g (DW soft tissues), was about 5.65 mg DW/g DW/day, leading to an estimate of Corg flux, through biodeposition by A. colbecki, of about 21 mg C m−2 day−1 at in situ conditions. Comparison between the biochemical composition of seston and biodeposits shows a decrease of the labile compounds, of the Chl-a/phaeopigments ratio in the biodeposits. The recorded C/N ratio decrease suggests a microbial colonisation in the biodeposits. This study suggests that Adamussium colbecki plays an important role in coupling the material fluxes from the water column to the sea bed, processing about 14% of total Carbon flux from the water column to the sediments, with an assimilation efficiency of 36%.  相似文献   

Sediment community metabolism (oxygen demand) was measured in the Northeast Water (NEW) polynya off Greenland employing two methods: in situ benthic chambers deployed with a benthic (GOMEX) lander and shipboard laboratory Batch Micro-Incubation Chambers (BMICs) utilizing ‘cores’ recovered from USNEL box cores. The mean benthic respiration rate measured with the lander was 0.057 mM O2 m−2 h−1 (n = 5); whereas the mean measured with the BMICs was 0.11 mM O2 m−2 h−1 (n = 21; p < 0.01 that the means were the same). In terms of carbon fluxes (14 and 27 mg C m−2 d−1), these respiration rates represent ca. 5–15% of the average net primary production measured in the euphotic zone in 1992. The biomass of the bacteria, meiofauna and macrofauna were measured at each location to quantify the relationship between total community respiration and total community biomass (mean 1.42 g C m−2). Average carbon residence time in the biota, calculated by dividing the biomass by the respiration, was on the order of 50–100 days, which is comparable to relatively oligotrophic continental margins at temperate latitudes.The biomass and respiration data for the aerobic heterotrophic bacteria, the infaunal invertebrates (meiofauna and macrofauna), and the epifaunal megabenthos (two species of brittle stars) are summarized in a ‘steady-state’ solution of a sediment food chain model, in terms of carbon. This carbon budget illustrates the relative importance of the sediment-dwelling invertebrates in the benthic subsystem, compared to the bacteria and the epibenthos, during the summer open-water period in mud-lined troughs at depths of about 300 m. The input needed to drive heterotrophic respiratory processes was within the range of the input of organic matter recorded in moored, time-sequencing sediment traps.A time-dependent numerical simulation of the model was run to investigate the potential responses of the three size groups of benthos to abrupt seasonal pulses of particulate organic matter. The model suggests that there is a time lag in the increase in bottom community biomass and respiration following the POC pulse, and provides hypothetical estimates for the potential carbon storage in the summer (open water), followed by catabolic losses during each ensuing winter (ice covered).This sequence of storage and respiration may contribute to the process of seasonal CO2 ‘rectification’ (sensu Yager et al., 1995) in some Arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of the Mackenzie River plume on sinking fluxes of particulate organic and inorganic material on the Mackenzie Shelf, Canadian Arctic. Short-term particle interceptor traps were deployed under the halocline at 3 stations across the shelf during fall 2002 and at 3 stations along the shelf edge during summer 2004. During the two sampling periods, the horizontal patterns in sinking fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) and chlorophyll a (chl a) paralleled those in chl a biomass within the plume. Highest sinking fluxes of particulate organic material occurred at stations strongly influenced by the river plume (maximum POC sinking fluxes at 25 m of 98 mg C m− 2 d− 1 and 197 mg C m− 2 d− 1 in 2002 and 2004, respectively). The biogeochemical composition of the sinking material varied seasonally with phytoplankton and fecal pellets contributing considerably to the sinking flux in summer, while amorphous detritus dominated in the fall. Also, the sinking phytoplankton assemblage showed a seasonal succession from a dominance of diatoms in summer to flagellates and dinoflagellates in the fall. The presence of the freshwater diatom Eunotia sp. in the sinking assemblage directly underneath the river plume indicates the contribution of a phytoplankton community carried by the plume to the sinking export of organic material. Yet, increasing chl a and BioSi sinking fluxes with depth indicated an export of phytoplankton from the water column below the river plume during summer and fall. Grazing activity, mostly by copepods, and to a lesser extent by appendicularians, appeared to occur in a well-defined stratum underneath the river plume, particularly during summer. These results show that the Mackenzie River influences the magnitude and composition of the sinking material on the shelf in summer and fall, but does not constitute the only source of material sinking to depth at stations influenced by the river plume.  相似文献   

During 2004, 10 samplings were performed in order to measure dissolved methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in the surface waters of Río San Pedro, a tidal creek in the salt marsh area of the Bay of Cádiz (SW Spain). The inner partvs of the creek is affected by the inputs coming from an intensive fish farm and the drainage of an extensive salt marsh area.Dissolved CH4, CO2 and N2O concentrations ranged from 11 to 88 nM, 36 to 108 μM and 14 to 50 nM, respectively. Surface waters were in all cases oversaturated with respect to the atmosphere, reaching values of up to 5000% for CH4, 1240% for CO2 and 840% for N2O. Dissolved CH4, CO2 and N2O showed a significant tidal and seasonal variability. Over a tidal cycle, concentrations were always highest during low tide, which points to the influence of the inputs from the fish farm effluent and the drainage of the adjacent salt marsh area, as well as in situ production within the system. Dissolved CH4, CO2 and N2O seasonal patterns were similar and showed maximum concentrations in summer conditions. Using four different parameterizations to calculate the gas transfer coefficients [Liss, P.S. and Merlivat, L., 1986. Air-sea exchange rates: introduction and synthesis. In P. Buat-Ménard (Ed.), The Role of Air-Sea Exchanges in Geochemical Cycling. Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 113–127.; Clark, J.F., Schlosser, P., Simpson, H.J., Stute, M., Wanninkhof, R., and Ho, D.T., 1995. Relationship between gas transfer velocities and wind speeds in the tidal Hudson River determined by the dual tracer technique. In: B. Jähne and E. Monahan (Eds.), Air-Water Gas Transfer: AEON Verlag and Studio, Hanau, Germany, pp. 785–800.; Carini, S., Weston, N., Hopkinson, G., Tucker, J., Giblin, A. and Vallino, J., 1996. Gas exchanges rates in the Parker River estuary, Massachusetts. Biol. Bull., 191: 333–334.; Kremer, J.N., Reischauer, A. and D'Avanzo, C., 2003. Estuary-specific variation in the air-water gas exchange coefficient for oxygen. Estuaries, 26: 829–836.], the averaged air–water fluxes of CH4, CO2 and N2O from the creek to the atmosphere ranged between 34 and 150 μmol CH4 m− 2 day− 1, 73 and 177 mmol CO2 m− 2 day− 1 and 24 and 62 μmol N2O m−2 day−1, respectively.  相似文献   

We have measured simultaneously the methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) surface concentrations and water–air fluxes by floating chambers (FC) in the Petit-Saut Reservoir (French Guiana) and its tidal river (Sinnamary River) downstream of the dam, during the two field experiments in wet (May 2003) and dry season (December 2003). The eddy covariance (EC) technique was also used for CO2 fluxes on the lake. The comparison of fluxes obtained by FC and EC showed little discrepancies mainly due to differences in measurements durations which resulted in different average wind speeds. When comparing the gas transfer velocity (k600) for a given wind speed, both methods gave similar results. On the lake and excluding rainy events, we obtained an exponential relationship between k600 and U10, with a significant intercept at 1.7 cm h− 1, probably due to thermal effects. Gas transfer velocity was also positively related to rainfall rates reaching 26.5 cm h−1 for a rainfall rate of 36 mm h− 1. During a 24-h experiment in dry season, rainfall accounted for as much as 25% of the k600. In the river downstream of the dam, k600 values were 3 to 4 times higher than on the lake, and followed a linear relationship with U10.  相似文献   

During a repeat grid survey and drogue study carried out in austral summer 1994/95, the abundance and feeding activity of salps were estimated in the Lazarev Sea region from net tows and in situ measurements of gut fluorescence. Throughout the survey area, Salpa thompsoni accounted for >95% of the total salp stock while Ihlea racovitzai was consistently represented in very low abundances. Maximum densities of S. thompsoni, with ≈4000 ind. 1000 m−3, were recorded in the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) in December when chlorophyll-a concentrations were well below 1 mg m−3. A dramatic decrease in salp stock was observed at the beginning of January, when S. thompsoni virtually disappeared from the most productive area of the MIZ where chlorophyll-a concentrations had by then reached bloom levels of 1.5–3 mg (Chl-a) m−3. In situ grazing measurements showed that throughout the cruise S. thompsoni exhibited the highest ingestion rates per individual of any of the most abundant components of the grazing pelagic community, with maxima of ≈160 μg (pigm) ind. −1 d−1. These feeding rates are 3 to 5 times higher than those previously obtained using in vitro incubations. The total daily consumption of the population of S. thompsoni varied from 0.3 to 108% of daily primary production. We suggest that competitive removal of food by S. thompsoni, rather than direct predation, is responsible for the low krill abundances generally associated with salp swarms.  相似文献   

Two state-of-the-art techniques were used to assess the impact of organic loading from fish farming in two fjords of Southern Chile, Pillan and Reñihue Fjords. A sediment profile imaging (SPI) camera was deployed and sediment microprofiles (oxygen, H2S, redox and pH) were measured in undisturbed sediment cores collected using a HAPS corer. Four out of seven stations in Pillan Fjord were found to be severely disturbed: SPI images showed azoic conditions (no apparent Redox Potential Discontinuity layer, no evidence of aerobic life form, presence of an uneaten fish food layer, negative OSI scores). These findings were corroborated by very high oxygen consumption rates (700–1200 mmol m− 2 day− 1), H2S concentrations increasing quickly within the sediment column and redox potential decreasing towards negative values within a few mm down core. Results for Reñihue Fjord were not so straightforward. SPI images indicated that most of the stations (R3 to R7) presented well-mixed conditions (high apparent RPD layers, presence of infauna, burrows, etc.), but oxygen profiles yielded consumption rates of 230 to 490 mmol m− 2 day− 1 and organic carbon mineralization of 2.16 to 4.53 g C m− 2 day− 1. These latter values were close to the limit of aerobic degradation of organic matter although no visible changes were recorded within the sediment column. In view of our findings, the importance of integrating multidisciplinary methodologies in impact assessment studies was discussed.  相似文献   

A coupled 1D physical–biogeochemical model has been built to simulate the cycles of silicon and of nitrogen in the Indian sector of the Permanently Open Ocean Zone of the Southern Ocean. Based on a simplified trophic network, that includes two size classes of phytoplankton and of zooplankton, and a microbial loop, it has been calibrated by reference to surface physical, chemical and biological data sets collected at the KERFIX time-series station (50°40′S–68°25′E). The model correctly reproduces the high nutrient low chlorophyll features typical of the studied area. In a region where the spring–summer mixed layer depth is usually deeper than 60 m, the maximum of chlorophyll never exceeds 1.5 mg m−3, and the annual primary production is only 68 g C m−2 year−1. In the surface layer nitrate is never exhausted (range 27–23.5 mmoles m−3) while silicic acid shows strong seasonal variations (range 5–20 mmoles m−3). On an annual basis 71% of the primary production sustained by nanophytoplankton is grazed by microzooplankton. Compared to North Atlantic, siliceous microphytoplankton is mainly prevented from blooming because of an unfavourable spring–summer light-mixing regime. Silicic acid limitation (high half saturation constant for Si uptake: 8 mmoles m−3) also plays a major role on diatom growth. Mesozooplankton grazing pressure excerpts its influence especially in late spring. The model illustrates the efficiency of the silica pump in the Southern Ocean: up to 63% of the biogenic silica that has been synthetized in the photic layer is exported towards the deep ocean, while only 11% of the particulate organic nitrogen escapes recycling in the surface layer.  相似文献   

The results on the distribution of phytoplankton biomass (expressed as Chla) and primary production (14C assimilation), during three oceanographic cruises carried out during Austral spring and at the end of the summer and the autumn in the Straits of Magellan, suggest a strong variability of trophic levels for this ecosystem.Seasonal evolution of the biomass concentration goes from the spring maximum of 2.33 μg/l through a sharp decrease, 0.49 μg/l, observed at the end of summer, until the minimum of 0.24 μg/l measured during the autumn.The trophic conditions are dependent on hydrographic, meteo-climatic and geo-morphological characteristics: at the Atlantic entrance and between the two Angosturas the strong mixing of water column limit the development of phytoplankton; at the Western opening and along the Pacific arm the complex exchange mechanisms with the ocean, the glacio-fluvial contribution and the presence of a thermohaline front near the Isla Carlos III influence both biomass and primary production distributions. The maximum values are reached in the Central Zone (Paso Ancho) characterized by high stability of the water column.Primary production ranged from a minimum of 12.3 to a maximum of 125.9 mgC m−2 h−1. The overall trend seems to be a progressive and simultaneous increase from the Pacific and Atlantic openings to the Central Zone of Paso Ancho where the maximum value was reached. In general, biomass and primary production distributions correspond quite well except for the area of Isla Carlos III where biological and chemico-physical causes tend to limit 14C assimilation.Contribution of pico-phytoplankton (< 2 μm) to total biomass appears to be time dependent: in the blooms observed during spring a very modest incidence (< 6%) was observed whereas became more (> 50%) during the summer-autumn seasons when total biomass was decreasing.Within the Straits, at the end of summer, the contribution of pico-phytoplankton primary production is 59%, whereas nano and microplankton contribute 39% and 2%, respectively. At the oceanic external stations the photosynthetic activity of the bigger size-fraction (> 2 μm) is predominant (> 50%).These findings support the hypothesis that the pico-phytoplankton ( < 2 μm) is substantially constant, whereas temporal variations are due to the larger (> 10 μm) cells only.  相似文献   

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