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Evacuating a ship is a difficult task which normally is performed under severe and demanding conditions, exposing both crew members and passengers on board to an extreme and demanding situation. To be prepared for an incident happening on board and shouldering this responsibility is part of the everyday reality of the crew members’ work situation. This study reports the results from observations made on board five passenger ships performing full scale exercises with participants acting as passengers. The results pointed out four problem areas; the safety organization, the ability to perform tasks, the handling of life vests and communication. These areas represented an uncertainty in the requirements associated with the crew members’ role in the safety organization implied. There was also evidence of difficulties in the crews’ performing of different tasks, problems with donning life vests and insufficient communication. The crew member groups on board differ in their skills and knowledge to handle an evacuation situation. These groups need to be studied separately and systematically in order to determine how they comprehend their work situation and what their needs of preparation and training are in order to feel content with meeting the demands of their role in the safety organization.  相似文献   

In recent years, shipping industry has encountered severe competition, technological change, and environmental and safety concerns. In order to remain competitive, firms need to review and redesign shipboard work. A crucial aspect of these efforts is shipboard controls that define the extent of autonomy and accountability of officers and crew. This study examines four types of controls on board ships. These are monitoring and autonomy, outcome accountability, formalization and professionalization. The study applied trancsaction cost theory to test eight hypotheses on board 16 ships in two companies. The results largely confirm theoretical predictions. Task visibility, complexity and uncertainty show strong relationships to the four types of controls. However, there are also significant gaps in that accountability for outcomes is low, and situation with regard to crew training and autonomy can be improved. Implications for human resource practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

随着 PSC 检查的进一步严格,对锚设备的检查也越来越细致,而由于锚的缺陷换备用锚的工作也会时有发生。由于在现有的资料中,对于船员自行更换备用锚的方法没有介绍,因此,许多船员认为船上的备用锚仅仅是满足公约的要求,而不需船员自行更换。当 PSC 官员要求船方使用备用锚来替换现有的缺陷锚时,常常感到无从下手,因而引起检查人员和船公司的不满,为了避免上述情况的出现,本文提出了船员自行更换备用锚的具体方法和操作步骤。  相似文献   

In this paper, Smith and Roggema examine the solutions emerging in answer to the growing concern in North European shipping companies to adapt to increasing competition and technological diversity and also to attract and retain suitably qualified seafarers. Part 1 describes a move from a situation of lack of stability of crew towards greater crew stability, whilst Part 2 discusses the redistribution of responsibility on board ship, encompassing a change from the caste-like division between officers and ratings and a more flexible division of functions and authority.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a tool to estimate crew composition based on safety/operational and financial requirements. As there is a tendency of ship owners to implement improved technologies on board their vessels, there is no systematic way to predict their potential effect on crew size and composition (typically determined by flag state authorities on a case-to-case basis) nor on the type and complexity of on board duties new technologies might dictate. The main aim of this paper is to develop a tool to assist in determining crew composition, by taking into account both administration’s and the ship owner’s point of view. Based on data collected from ship owners, a data mining technique is implemented in order to form a generalized framework that estimates crew composition as a function of ship type, size, and degree of automation. The agreement of model predictions with records from specific (vessel) cases is very good in terms of safety (for operations such as watchkeeping, mooring/unmooring, loading/unloading). The specific intended use of this tool is to help a ship owner decide whether it is cost-beneficial to retrofit a conventional vessel with advanced technologies that would potentially entail a reduced crew (probably dealing with different and more complex on board duties). Its main benefits are that it can be used to estimate crew composition before any vessel construction or upgrade has actually taken place and that it allows crew composition to be easily adapted to the technological evolution of ship systems even at their current rapid pace.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the way Greek shipping companies and Greek seafarers perceive culture, and how this affects their approach to crew management and operation of the ships. The analysis focuses on the manning strategies employed by the companies, on the operational problems that might occur on-board, and on any possible disturbance of the relation between the ship, the office at shore and third parties. Finally, a number of management practices which, when implemented, help to overcome these problems is also examined. The research methodology includes a review of the existing literature and interviews conducted by means of questionnaires filled in by crew managers and seafarers. Results show that some of the predominant problems encountered aboard, as far as communication with multicultural crews is concerned, are rooted in cultural and linguistic incompatibility, as well as in inadequate and inappropriate training. Furthermore, crew managers and seafarers lack both a clear perception of culture, and share opinions on the implementation of manning strategies. The present paper concludes that culture management can enhance crew team cohesion, upgrade communication at all levels, and, finally, improve the quality of the working environment, the safety of the workplace and the overall performance of the team.  相似文献   

Through a series of research on 10 Japanese ships since 1961, it was found that the relationship between number of crew and the resulting structural change of work on board ship can be formulated by a linear regression. Some of the major findings that are obtained from this new method are summarized as follows. As the number of crew decreases, the proportion of work for operating the ship (manoeuving and controlling work) increases, while the proportion of work which is not directly related to the operation decreases. This structural change can be attributed to work simplification resulting from four types of the transformation of work:

(a) The replacement of man'al work by putting machines on board.

(b) The transformation of work on board into work done by machines on shore.

(c) The transfer of work previously done on board to the shore.

(d) The transformation of work within a ship.  相似文献   


The last few years a great body of research focused on the problems observed in the shipping industry due to the mix of different nationalities on board. Herein, the problem is observed in the managerial level, and specifically to the applied crew management strategies and the philosophy of the shipping companies regarding the issue of multiculturalism. The present paper seeks to elevate the value of human resources in shipping and to underline the potentials that human resource management and cultural diversity management have as a shipping company’s core competency. In a triangulated theoretical framework, the combination of resource-based view, human resource management, and cultural diversity management leads to a framework of choices which include strategies for the management of maritime human resources’ cultural diversity. The paper analyses the practical application of the proposed strategies and the fulfilment of the criteria required for turning crew management to a core competency and gaining sustainable competitive advantage from human resources.  相似文献   

Through a series of research on 10 Japanese ships since 1961, it was found that the relationship between number of crew and the resulting structural change of work on board ship can be formulated by a linear regression. Some of the major findings that are obtained from this new method are summarized as follows. As the number of crew decreases, the proportion of work for operating the ship (manoeuving and controlling work) increases, while the proportion of work which is not directly related to the operation decreases. This structural change can be attributed to work simplification resulting from four types of the transformation of work:

(a) The replacement of man'al work by putting machines on board.

(b) The transformation of work on board into work done by machines on shore.

(c) The transfer of work previously done on board to the shore.

(d) The transformation of work within a ship.  相似文献   

李冬月 《中国海事》2009,(11):44-46
国际安全管理规则(ISM)实施后,各航运公司相继实施了体系化管理,体系的建立与运行推动了各航运公司的各项管理工作,对保障船公司船舶安全与防污染起到了根本性的作用。然而,体系运行的有效性问题一直困扰着各家公司。本文分析了体系运行中"假记录"的产生原因、危害及治理方法,仅供同行参考。  相似文献   

针对当前船用焚烧炉运行状况难以监控的弊端,提出一种利用北斗卫星导航系统的报文功能对船用焚烧炉进行船岸一体化的监控方案,并讲述了几种判断船员是否违规向海洋倾倒垃圾和污油的方法。在船端,利用传感器、PLC、触摸屏等技术对船用焚烧炉工作时间、污油处理量、固体垃圾处理量、工作时间等数据进行实时监控。借助北斗卫星导航系统的报文功能,把以上数据送到岸端海事部门和船舶管理公司供监控应用。该监控方案实现了对船用焚烧炉船岸一体化监控,有效杜绝了船员污染海洋行为的产生,创新了海洋环境保护的新模式。  相似文献   

"船舶缺陷性资源"与"船员走神"问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合长期在船上从事驾驶台资源管理工作的实践,就如何正确处理“船舶缺陷性资源”与“船员走神”这两个问题提出见解。  相似文献   

Previous research on job demands in seafaring has focused on the effects of workload and circadian disturbance on seafarers’ health and fatigue. Taking a more comprehensive approach, this study identifies job demands of short sea cargo shipping lines and explores their effects on work and life on board. Data came from 54 interviews with officers and crew on five cargo ships. Findings revealed job demands related to characteristics of the schedule, ports, and sea voyages; these were not only associated with workload and circadian disturbance, but also with the difficulty of the work, the ability to plan ahead, and intrusions from third parties. Job demands affected outcomes through two interconnected processes. First, job demands had direct and indirect effects on fatigue and the working climate on board. Second, potential positive effects of job demands (i.e. interesting work and pay) were related to motivation and, together with a good working climate, could reduce turnover. Connecting the two processes, a good working climate was pivotal in counteracting negative emotions and supporting motivation and collaboration. In this way, it functioned as a key resource. External constraints could either buffer or reinforce these effects.  相似文献   

The issues surrounding the future of Korea's shipping policy have been heavily debated since 1990 because the Korean shipping industry has been facing rising crew costs and difficulties in recruitment of qualified crew, an adverse taxation system, very limited access to foreign capital markets, and an inflexible government regulatory environment. Consequently, this has contributed to the deterioration of Korea's compectitive edge. This paper aims to provide both an account of the current adverse situtation in Korean shipping business and proposals to alleviate the plight of shipping enterprises. Within the context of that adversity, two solutions are suggested to improve the current situation, by either establishing a Korean second register or flagging out. The paper explores the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. Because ship management is closely interrelated to flagging strategies, the paper also discusses areas of co-operation between Korean shipping or ship management companies and advanced foreign ship management companies.  相似文献   

As part of the preparations for entry into force of the Ballast Water Convention (2004), the International Maritime Organization has initiated a process to evaluate the safety and efficacy of potential technologies for disinfecting ballast water on board ships. Ballast Water Management Systems intended to remove potentially ‘harmful aquatic organisms’ are subjected to a review process, one aspect of which is aimed at ensuring safety by assessing the risks of the systemto the environment, human health (including the ships crew) as well as the safety of the ship. With 25 systems in the various stages of the evaluation process and some already approved, this paper takes a first look at the types of systems under development, especially their environmental characteristics and look for any emerging trends. Quite awide range of different technologies are being developed based on chemical, physicochemical and physical mechanisms. Of these, chlorination by electrolysis in-situ is the most common and indications are that such systems may become even more common.  相似文献   

Maritime transport of benzene is regulated by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Two important guidelines for a ship’s crew in this matter are IMO circulars 1095 and 1220. The first one describes the minimum safety standards for ships carrying liquids in bulk containing benzene while circular 1220 deals with structural guidelines for new ships carrying liquids in bulk containing benzene, but also technical developments could help in improving safety and health protection on board chemical tankers carrying benzene in bulk. The aim of the present paper is to determine the benzene concentration in the working and living environment on board a modern chemical tanker carrying benzene in bulk, where all safety, technical and operational procedures described by IMO in the above-mentioned circulars are followed. During specific cargo operations, we measured the benzene concentrations on different locations on board by means of Radiello® passive diffusive samplers. Despite all measures taken, we found an important difference in benzene concentration between operations with a benzene cargo compared to operations without benzene on board, as well as inside and outside the accommodation. Moreover, even during discharge operations, where the emission is theoretically zero, we found an important increase in the benzene concentration. In addition, we found less favourable results for the engine room.  相似文献   

针对邮船上的生活污水系统出现故障时,既会给船舶防污带来很大影响,又会给乘员的生活带来诸多不便的问题,以国内首艘自主设计的37000总吨邮船为例,介绍邮船生活污水系统的设计过程、工作原理和设备选型,阐述该系统如何满足安全返港要求和设计过程中需注意的事项。  相似文献   

李先强 《世界海运》2007,30(2):9-11
目前,澳大利亚、北美、欧洲等国家和地区用直升机接送引水员登上或离开大型船舶的情况越来越多,其所涉及的安全工作也比较复杂。力图从工作区域的油漆涂装、接送机时的安全措施、人员的日常安全培训等方面提出见解。  相似文献   

After a brief overview of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention), 2004, the status of ratification and its applicability to ships the main methods for ballast water treatment required by the BWM Convention are introduced. Port-based reception and treatment facilities would offer many benefits compared to treatment of ballast water on board — shore-based facilities would be more efficient and provide both economical and environmental advantages. The choice to impose the ballast water treatment obligations on the ships and their crews may have been the solution of least resistance, but it may also be the solution, which represents the least efficiency and the greatest overall cost as well as a potential for negative consequences for the crew responsible for ballast water management.  相似文献   

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