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以当前国内中小型船舶制造企业所面临的人力资源难题为切入点,从中小型船舶制造企业的特点、企业人才现状与策略等方面出发,通过对武汉南华高速船舶工程股份有限公司人才战略的实例分析,探索适用于我国中小型船舶制造企业的人力资源规划、招聘、考核、培训、激励等一系列人才策略.  相似文献   

徐杏 《水运管理》2002,(10):12-14
一、企业竞争优势的理论演变 最初的企业战略及战略管理理论认为,企业竞争优势的获得以外部环境为重心,强调外部环境对企业长期发展的作用,要求企业必须适应其生存的环境,充分了解并掌握环境变化的特点,从而使企业能在竞争中获得一席之地,并获取进一步的发展。迈克尔·波特在其著作《竞争战略:分析产业与竞争者的技术》中就认为,产业结构决定企业的竞争状态,因此企业战略制定就必须考虑两个方面的因素:一是企业所处行业的结构;二是企业在所在行业中的  相似文献   

航运战略联盟动因浅析与国有航运企业的对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡献礼  林国龙 《水运管理》1998,(5):27-30,36
国际班轮市场运价的波动下滑及激烈竞争,促使国际班轮运输业不断调整经营策略,其中最为突出的是纷纷组成战略联盟.国外航运公司之间战略联盟的不断形成与迅猛发展,正逐步改变当今国际航运市场的竞争格局与游戏规则,促进了航运公司组织结构和管理方式的变革,使原有的公司管理战略、甚至有些国家政策都面临着新的挑战.本文试就国外航运企业联盟的动因进行探讨,尔后阐述国有航运企业对策的个人之见.  相似文献   

通过对我国船舶工业发展现状,船舶制造企业的构成格局的分析,提出中部船舶制造业发展的战略思想和发展新战略。  相似文献   

青岛北海船舶重工有限责任公司修船分厂根据世界航运业和国内修船市场的变化,在2011年适时地调整企业的发展战略,积极地跻身海工市场,制定了以海洋工程装备和船舶改装工程为主的发展战略,抓住机遇,积极地以修船产品结构调整为主线,注重技术创新,加强生产和成本管理,稳健发展船舶修理市  相似文献   

中小型船舶企业的发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨毅群  王邦军 《船艇》2003,(7):19-22
本文以企业战略管理理论为指导,分析了中小型船舶企业制定战略的基本原则,并对这类企业进行了粗略的SWOT分析,最后介绍了可供选择的几种总体发展及竞争战略方案。  相似文献   

浅谈重庆公司客运经营战略罗成渝企业经营战略是企业在商品经济条件下,在分析外部环境和内部条件的基础上,为求得生存和发展而作出的总体的、长远的谋划。它使企业能在较长时期内适应外部环境的变化,使企业得到持续和蓬勃的发展。改革开放以来,川江客运市场得到了迅速...  相似文献   

伍娜 《中国水运》2006,4(9):134-135
市场营销战略是指企业在市场营销活动中,通过分析外部环境和内部条件的基础上,为求得生存和发展而做出的总体的长远的谋划,是实现这样的规划所应采取的行动.  相似文献   

张福至 《江苏船舶》2001,18(6):34-35
随着经济体制改革向纵深进行 ,国有中小船舶企业经营方式发生了重大变化 ,资产置换、股权交换、存量资产重组等经济业务越来越多。文章主要讨论国有中小船舶企业转换经营机制中涉及少量补价的整体资产置换的会计处理。  相似文献   

由于船舶制造业的自身特点 ,通用的成本控制理论无法在船舶制造企业中发挥其应有的作用 ,这严重制约了我国船舶制造企业和船舶行业的发展。针对船舶制造企业的特点 ,结合成本管理理论和方法 ,提出了“船舶制造企业全过程成本控制”的解决方案。论述了全过程成本控制方法的原理、体系结构和控制过程 ,并结合实例 ,论述了如何利用该方法进行全过程成本控制 ,实现目标利润的过程  相似文献   

张婷 《世界海运》2010,33(6):37-39
中国拆船业在绿色环保方面已达到世界先进水平,目前已成为国际船东进行船舶拆解的首选,但受南亚等国拆船企业拆解水平、落后低标准设备的压力,在价格竞争中受到一定的制约。中国拆船企业应当把握市场新机遇,充分发挥自身在绿色拆船领域的优势和实力,采取措施规避不利因素,使中国拆船业获得良好的可持续发展。  相似文献   

针对监理行业发展存在的诸多问题,大型交通建设监理企业应做大做强,转变为综合性的工程项目管理企业;中小型企业做精做专,成为专业性的新型监理企业。建立现代企业制度,稳步推进多元化战略,逐步推行一体化战略,积极实施走出去战略,坚持实施品牌战略,大力推行“人才强企”战略。  相似文献   

李斌 《水运工程》2014,(6):41-44
越来越多的国内企业走向国际市场参与全球性的竞争。国内企业在海外施工项目的成败直接影响着企业的利润、声誉甚至生存。由于国际工程存在诸多不确定因素,加之我国工程企业自身弱点,企业在参与国际工程过程中面临着各种风险。以毛塔石油码头修复工程为例,分析海外项目风险管理现状,阐述了外项目风险识别方法,并提出行之有效的风险管理策略,以期增强企业风险管理意识,提高风险识别和评估能力。  相似文献   

The issues surrounding the future of Korea's shipping policy have been heavily debated since 1990 because the Korean shipping industry has been facing rising crew costs and difficulties in recruitment of qualified crew, an adverse taxation system, very limited access to foreign capital markets, and an inflexible government regulatory environment. Consequently, this has contributed to the deterioration of Korea's compectitive edge. This paper aims to provide both an account of the current adverse situtation in Korean shipping business and proposals to alleviate the plight of shipping enterprises. Within the context of that adversity, two solutions are suggested to improve the current situation, by either establishing a Korean second register or flagging out. The paper explores the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. Because ship management is closely interrelated to flagging strategies, the paper also discusses areas of co-operation between Korean shipping or ship management companies and advanced foreign ship management companies.  相似文献   

The maritime industry operates in a dynamic global environment subject to a great number of variables. In this context, the investment challenge facing shipowners is correctly to value alternate mutually exclusive investment strategies before proceeding with confidence to commit to a project which will add the greatest value to the firm. To survive in the competitive market environment shipping companies must be flexible. Companies that rely solely on traditional discounted cash flow analysis may be underestimating the true value of their investment by not valuing any embedded real options specifically. To avoid misallocation of resources, the true value of these embedded options (strategies) should be recognised and quantified where possible for inclusion in the capital budgeting process. Using real options analysis, (ROA), as a development of the financial pricing advances of the 1970s, flexibility is valued like a financial option using non-arbitrage and added to the present value of the original strategy to derive the present value of the flexible strategy. The more uncertainty (risk) present, the greater will be the value of the real options. Similarly, the larger the shipowner's portfolio of options (strategies) from which to choose, the greater will be the valuation of the project. Real options give the shipowner the flexibility to exchange one risky income stream associated with one strategy for that of another. The analysis shows that if managers have the flexibility of more than one embedded option (in this paper, a European put associated with a replacement investment and an option on the maximum of two operating strategies, trading or chartering out) then the project will have greater value than if the there was no choice or if it was limited to one or the other strategy. Sensitivity analysis extends the analysis to demonstrate that if the volatilities of the risky income streams are highly correlated then the additional value of this flexibility will diminish.  相似文献   

The bunker price fluctuations in recent years have severely threatened the stability of liner shipping companies’ operations. As an efficient countermeasure, the swap contract is widely adopted throughout the liner shipping industry to hedge the procurement risk resulting from the bunker price fluctuation. This paper looks at the short-term liner shipping bunker procurement problem with swap contracts (BPPSC), aiming to optimally plan the amount of bunker purchased from the spot market and the amount hedged by the swap contract for several months ahead. This BPPSC is first formulated as a bunker procurement cost mean-variance minimization (MVM) model, and is subsequently solved using a tangible two-step approach developed in this study. In the first step, the movements of the swap contract price and the spot market price of the bunker are described using a calibrated multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (mGARCH) time series model. In the second step, the MVM model is approximated and solved by a price scenario tree constructed from the mGARCH time series model. A numerical example shows that the risk hedging strategy obtained can simultaneously control the bunker procurement cost as well as the procurement risk from price fluctuations. This article is a revised and expanded version of the abridged eight-page paper entitled ‘Optimal hedging for liner bunker procurement’ presented at ‘2015 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS 2015)’, Hong Kong, 27–29 August 2015.  相似文献   

张浩  高跃 《船电技术》2014,34(9):28-31
本文基于美国2300XP挖掘机无功补偿系统改造工程。首先介绍分析了该挖掘机原有无功补偿系统的特点和存在问题,然后在原有晶闸管投切电容器(TSC)补偿方案的基础上,改进了投切策略提高了无功补偿系统的鲁棒性,并进行了原理仿真验证。改造后的挖掘车正常高效运行。  相似文献   

The shipping industry in Nigeria since the early 1990s has been experiencing a continuous disastrous downturn. Nigerian shipping companies' participation in international shipping has continued to be very limited. Their presence and impact is hardly felt in the world's shipping industry. Both the national carriers (that is shipping companies with national carrier status) and other indigenous private shipping companies have vessel as well as management problems. These problems have led to the poor performance of the Nigerian shipping industry for over a decade now. The carriers in the industry are not attaining for the country the gains that are supposed to emanate from shipping. This paper points out the importance of shipping to a nation, identifies the problems the country's shipping companies are facing and proffers solutions that include merging of the companies to have strong financial standing and a competitive edge.  相似文献   

本文主要是运用战略管理的理论对江西南方稀土公司进行战略规划方面的研究,探讨江西南方稀土公司在目前的内外环境下如何确定自己的战略定位,以及应该采取何种战略来求得生存和发展。  相似文献   

针对MARPOL公约新要求,结合船舶防污染形势,从立法、航运企业、海事机构、港口码头、设备制造商、航海院校等不同角度分析讨论,提出防污染策略和建议。  相似文献   

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