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王永刚 《水运管理》2009,31(2):26-28
为规避金融危机给船舶建造带来的风险,明确建造中船舶的所有权及抵押权,平衡各相关方利益,根据造船合同的性质对建造中船舶的所有权及抵押权问题进行法律分析,认为建造中船舶所有人应认定为造船人,提出实务中建造中船舶抵押权实现的若干注意事项,如建造中船舶的价值及范围应包括船舶的预期价值,完善相应的保险制度以及修改相关法律条文等。  相似文献   

建造中船舶抵押权相关法律问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高翔 《中国海事》2007,(3):32-35
建造中船舶抵押权制度对解决现实中船舶建造企业融资贷款担保难的问题有着重要意义。要设置起完善的建造中船舶抵押权制度,必须明白建造中船舶的含义、所有权归属、建造中船舶抵押权的性质及其登记,而这些问题都是特殊而富有争议的问题,国内也少有学者对这一问题进行关注。由于缺少应有的理论成果支持以及现有法律规定的不尽完善,国内实践中也少有能够利用建造中船舶设置抵押来进行融资的。因而,对建造中船舶的含义、所有权归属问题以及抵押权的性质和登记问题进行研究是富有理论和现实意义的。  相似文献   

高翔 《中国海事》2007,(4):25-27
建造中船舶抵押权制度对解决现实中船舶建造企业融资贷款担保难的问题有着重要意义。要设置起完善的建造中船舶抵押权制度,必须明白建造中船舶的含义、所有权归属、建造中船舶抵押权的性质及其登记,而这些问题都是特殊而富有争议的问题,国内也少有学者对这一问题进行关注。由于缺少应有的理论成果支持以及现有法律规定的不尽完善,国内实践中也少有能够利用建造中船舶设置抵押来进行融资的。因而,对建造中船舶的含义、所有权归属问题以及抵押权的性质和登记问题进行研究是富有理论和现实意义的。  相似文献   

钱慧 《水运管理》2014,(1):12-16
由于我国立法缺乏造船合同的相关规定,在实践中,船舶所有权的归属往往会给当事人造成很大困难。为明确造船合同下船舶所有权的归属,对不同建造状态下的船舶所有权所及的财产范围作出界定,针对不同性质的造船合同中船舶所有权的归属问题进行法律分析,同时论述国际上现行常用标准造船合同中关于船舶所有权归属的规定,认为造船合同下建造船舶的所有权归属于建造人更符合立法要求,也更具有实践意义。  相似文献   

船舶建造需要巨额资金,建造中船舶抵押即成为船厂或船东的一种融资的手段.对此,各国、国际公约以及我国<海商法>也都规定了建造中船舶抵押权.但我国法律对建造中船舶的含义、所有权归属、建造中船舶抵押权的登记等问题缺乏具体明确的规定,不利于建造中船舶抵押权在实践中的开展,不利于我国造船业的融资发展.因此,有必要对上述问题展开探讨和研究.  相似文献   

建造中船舶抵押权登记问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙丹 《珠江水运》2007,(9):35-37
我国虽然承认了建造中船舶抵押的合法性,但仅仅是在《海商法》和《船舶登记条例》中做了简单的规定,在整个建造中船舶抵押权制度,尤其是登记制度方面缺乏完整的立法。就新近颁布的《物权法》而言,尽管也进一步从基本法律的角度肯定了以建造中船舶抵押的方式,但是相关的配套制度仍然没有完善。因此,笔者根据当前造船市场的状况,并结合相关的国际公约和国外立法,试图从立法的角度对建造中船舶抵押权登记中不同于一般的船舶抵押登记的问题做以探讨,以期这些方面的完善为我国造船业的融资提供通畅的法律通道。  相似文献   

文章阐述了船舶建造过程中设备可能损坏的原因,并对原因进行分析,探讨设备保护的方式、方法,及保护过程中的责任划分。  相似文献   

陈卉 《中国船检》2008,(9):94-95
船舶建造交易的过程较一般交易要复杂得多,在介绍船舶建造合同前先介绍一下船舶建造交易过程。  相似文献   

卞方顺 《江苏船舶》2005,22(3):39-40
结合船舶登记工作实际,对建造中的船舶抵押和抵押登记有关问题进行分析,提出建造中的船舶抵押标的是按建造合同规定将来建成的船舶,建造中的船舶抵押登记是预登记行为,登记的最高债权以船舶建造合同价格为限制。  相似文献   

船舶精度控制是船舶建造中十分重要的技术,关系着船舶的质量。精度控制不仅能缩短造船周期,降低造船成本,并且能提高船舶质量,在船舶建造中起到了重要的地位。介绍了船舶建造的特点和船舶建造精度控制的发展过程以及船体分段精度控制的发展趋势和可行性分析,详细分析了船体建造的具体精度控制方法。  相似文献   

潘珉 《中国海事》2011,(4):45-47
从国际船舶融资的角度看,缺少船舶融资租赁权登记规定的船舶登记制度,是不利于跨国船舶融资租赁的。我国《船舶登记条例》中有关光船租赁权登记制度的基本精神和具体做法可为船舶融资租赁权登记制度提供有益借鉴。但仍存在一些不足,笔者试着从这方面提出若干建议。  相似文献   

The new Dutch shipping policy has given rise to high expectation and curiosity in the world of shipping. This, together with the obvious difficulties of an ex-post study of the effectiveness of such innovative policy, has prompted the authors to take an interest in attempting to investigate changes in ownership of the Dutch fleet 2 years after the new policy has been introduced. To do this, a rather new concept of ‘flagging out’ has been adopted, which is interpreted as a process leading to different degrees of ‘foreignness’ in a shipping operation. In this paper, a method to structure is presented, and ownership information, and changes in it are presented, that are essentially based on the theory of stochastic processes. The data used is the Dutch fleet data, which includes information on the nationality of the flag, parent ownership and management over the period 1994–1998. The results yield interesting insights in the shifts in the ownership and operational structure of shipping companies induced by the new policy. In particular, they allow one to establish the origin of new vessels, in which stage of ownership/operation it is most likely that shifts occur, and to determine the relationship between the different stages of the ‘flagging out’ process. These results, thus, enable an evaluation of the areas in which the policy can be expected to yield results.  相似文献   

产权尤其是高校无形资产产权是相对薄弱的环节,特别是当前知识经济的到来和高校职能的变革,给高校无形资产产权的研究与开发带来了机遇和挑战。在此情形下,对于如何准确定位高校无形资产,有效解决出现的新问题,提出了自己的看法和一些积极的建议与对策。  相似文献   

Changing ownership structures in the Dutch fleet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The new Dutch shipping policy has given rise to high expectation and curiosity in the world of shipping. This, together with the obvious difficulties of an ex-post study of the effectiveness of such innovative policy, has prompted the authors to take an interest in attempting to investigate changes in ownership of the Dutch fleet 2 years after the new policy has been introduced. To do this, a rather new concept of 'flagging out' has been adopted, which is interpreted as a process leading to different degrees of 'foreignness' in a shipping operation. In this paper, a method to structure is presented, and ownership information, and changes in it are presented, that are essentially based on the theory of stochastic processes. The data used is the Dutch fleet data, which includes information on the nationality of the flag, parent ownership and management over the period 1994-1998. The results yield interesting insights in the shifts in the ownership and operational structure of shipping companies induced by the new policy. In particular, they allow one to establish the origin of new vessels, in which stage of ownership/operation it is most likely that shifts occur, and to determine the relationship between the different stages of the 'flagging out' process. These results, thus, enable an evaluation of the areas in which the policy can be expected to yield results.  相似文献   

船舶所有人曾一度被视为是智商平平的代名词.作为一项投资行为,有关船东投资失误的案例不胜枚举.尽管如此,在这个行业从业人员并不少,而且似乎都愿意碰碰运气.即便在今天,航运业的诱惑力仍在不断地点燃企业家的发财梦.  相似文献   

Australia port reform initiatives have taken on a variety of forms — from out-right sale and transfer of ownership, to the sale of particular assets of infrastructure or services, or to long-term lease arrangements; or in some cases state governments, unable to relinquish control, have opted for corporatization or commercialization strategies. Reform is driven by the belief that ownership impacts on efficiency and efficiency is perceived to suffer if governments either retain ownership or direct control. As a result a major aim of reform is to either remove or distance governments from day to day port operations. The sale of ports removes government control outright and privatized ports are subject to identical regulatory constraints as any company in the private sector. But corporatization strategies are such that government ownership is retained and ports have been transformed into statutory state owned corporations. Effectiveness of this strategy requires legislation to be such that port corporations are free to operate like their private sector counterparts. To date this has not occurred and some serious impediments are emerging which are embedded in legislation and which, rather than reduce, have indeed, increased government control.  相似文献   

宋芬 《中国水运》2006,4(11):161-162
90年代后期以来,跨国公司在我国的投资呈现独资化倾向.本文分析了跨国公司独资化的动因,并提出了应对跨国公司独资化的对策建议.  相似文献   

许向东 《天津航海》2006,(2):36-37,46
根据民法理论和《中华人民共和国海商法》、《中华人民共和国船舶登记条例》等相关法律、法规的规定,阐明船舶所有权的取得日期。  相似文献   

Sri Lanka observes 100 years of bus passenger transport in 2007. During this period the country has seen different forms of service providers ranging from private sector monopolies to state sector monopolies. It also has seen several changes in state policy ranging from welfare orientated service provision to entire market determined without any regulation. The existing regulated mixed competition is also characterized by poorly equipped regulators. In conclusion, the paper traces the different stages of failure that have led to the poor quality of bus transport services existing at present.  相似文献   

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