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经过两年多的沉寂,全球并购市场在2004年再度活跃.包括<华尔街日报>在内的许多主流经济媒体都乐观地认为,新一轮全球并购浪潮即将到来.  相似文献   

北京市民周熙先生<公交新政"逼"我买车>反映了一个事实:一个本来不怕多花一块钱舒舒服服坐830空调车上班的人,现在由于无差别的低价只能挤300路.所以,他就由一个"坚持最后五分钟"不买车的人,变成了一个私家车的迫切需求者.  相似文献   

在长安大学"两办"办公楼--会展中心的大厅左侧墙上挂着一个杜甫<望岳>诗的框匾,诗的首联不用说是"岱宗夫如何,齐鲁青未了"了.  相似文献   

一位省委书记向正在开会的各级领导干部推荐了<执行力>,结果省城一天就销出了4000本……在2004年"最受中国企业家喜爱的书"排行榜上,<执行力>名列第二,累计发行量突破200万册,而假的<没有任何借口>则据说发行量更达到了250万册!  相似文献   

中国人受"易经"的影响很大.实际上,中国人读不读<易经>关系不大,因为我们在3~6岁的时候,就已经被灌输了<易经>的思想,而且<易经>中一些高深的道理已经变成浅显通俗的话在家庭里流传.  相似文献   

近日,由上海华普汽车有限公司与零点研究咨询集团联合编制的<中国城市畅行指数2006年度报告>显示,2006年城市畅行程度受评得分为54.1分,未达及格线,表明城市交通正处于拥堵困境.据了解,以北京、广州、成都等25个城市为单位对城市交通的通畅度进行全面度量,这在国内尚属首次.  相似文献   

2004年9月23~24日,由中国物流与采购联合会、中国物流信息中心主办的、共和快捷供应链管理公司(上海)有限公司承办的"道路交通政策与环境--新形势下货运企业商业模式与技术创新论坛"在京隆重召开.本次会议,有来自政府部门的代表、全国物流企业、运输企业的代表,以及<经济日报>、<中国物流与采购>、<公路运输文摘>、<中国交通报>、<中外物流快讯>等相关媒体共计150多人参加了会议.  相似文献   

2001年7月,河南范县道路运输管理所经过广泛征取车主与业户意见后,根据国务院<关于整顿和规范市场经济秩序的决定>和<河南省人民政府办公厅转发交通厅等部门关于清理整顿客货运输秩序实施方案的通知>,对所有辖区内参加营运不合格的客运车辆进行更新,并引导客运车主们成立了客运协会,实行"联营统管".  相似文献   

摆在您面前这本<运输经理世界>杂志是经过四十一年风风雨雨成长起来的<公路运输文摘>杂志的改版.今天是一个特殊的日子,她迎来了生命中一个重要里程碑第300期的出版.  相似文献   

<运输经理世界>杂志组织行业优秀企业代表,和交通运输部道路运输司、交通运输部科学研究院、中国道路运输协会等领导一起讨论道路运输行业现代化的话题,我们觉得非常好.今天谭小平主任因为有事未能参加这个会议,我(余兴源)代表他就正在制订中的<道路运输业"十二五"发展规划>的总体编制思路和方向做一个解读,希望能对大家讨论行业发展的问题有所帮助.  相似文献   

Although various approaches have been proposed for modeling day-to-day traffic flow evolution, none of them, to the best of our knowledge, have been validated for disrupted networks due to the lack of empirical observations. By carefully studying the driving behavioral changes after the collapse of I-35W Mississippi River Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we found that most of the existing day-to-day traffic assignment models would not be suitable for modeling the traffic evolution under network disruption, because they assume that drivers’ travel cost perception depends solely on their experiences from previous days. When a significant network change occurs unexpectedly, travelers’ past experience on a traffic network may not be entirely useful because the unexpected network change could disturb the traffic greatly. To remedy this, in this paper, we propose a prediction-correction model to describe the traffic equilibration process. A “predicted” flow pattern is constructed inside the model to accommodate the imperfect perception of congestion that is gradually corrected by actual travel experiences. We also prove rigorously that, under mild assumptions, the proposed prediction-correction process has the user equilibrium flow as a globally attractive point. The proposed model is calibrated and validated with the field data collected after the collapse of I-35W Bridge. This study bridges the gap between theoretical modeling and practical applications of day-to-day traffic equilibration approaches and furthers the understanding of traffic equilibration process after network disruption.  相似文献   

Public transport networks (PTN) are subject to recurring service disruptions. Most studies of the robustness of PTN have focused on network topology and considered vulnerability in terms of connectivity reliability. While these studies provide insights on general design principles, there is lack of knowledge concerning the effectiveness of different strategies to reduce the impacts of disruptions. This paper proposes and demonstrates a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of a strategic increase in capacity on alternative PTN links to mitigate the impact of unexpected network disruptions. The evaluation approach consists of two stages: identifying a set of important links and then for each identified important link, a set of capacity enhancement schemes is evaluated. The proposed method integrates stochastic supply and demand models, dynamic route choice and limited operational capacity. This dynamic agent-based modelling of network performance enables to capture cascading network effects as well as the adaptive redistribution of passenger flows. An application for the rapid PTN of Stockholm, Sweden, demonstrates how the proposed method could be applied to sequentially designed scenarios based on their performance indicators. The method presented in this paper could support policy makers and operators in prioritizing measures to increase network robustness by improving system capacity to absorb unexpected disruptions.  相似文献   

"千方集团温馨提示,当前场馆内人数:2685人,拥挤程度:正常. "8月7日,"2009中国(北京)国际城市交通、地铁轨道交通及市政设施展览会"开幕之际,一块树立在国展入口上方的电子显示屏滚动着这样的内容.  相似文献   

Loss and damage caused by unscheduled events, especially earthquakes, have sudden and significant impacts not only on the region’s economy where the event occurs but also on other regions. The New Madrid Seismic Zone, located in the center of the United States, could have great impacts on economic activities related to this area, if a major earthquake occurred. Based on the 1993 US Commodity Flow Survey [US Commodity Flow Survey, 1993. Available from: <http://www.bts.gov/ntda/cfs/prod.html>], more than 42% of total commodity flows in the US are related to the greater Midwest, which includes the New Madrid Seismic Zone. If a catastrophic earthquake occurred in this area, the indirect damages could spread far beyond the region, and could have sizable impacts on other regions. A model of interregional commodity flows, incorporating regional input–output relationships, and the corresponding transportation network flows, was applied to assess the economic impacts of such an unexpected event. The economic impacts from the event are described for three hypothetical scenarios, analyzing the magnitude and the extent of the direct and indirect impacts. These analytical results may be used to propose strategic management of the recovery and reconstruction efforts after the event.  相似文献   

空载是一个运输领域的国际性话题,并非中国所独有.当然,空载的原因并不相同,但其中有两个主要原因或许是共同的:供需关系和信息不对称.  相似文献   

营业性汽车交通事故比重指标偏高 上世纪五、六十年代,我国每年有几千人死于道路交通事故,80年代初交通事故死亡人数上升到2万多人,1986年超过5万人,不到五年时间,死亡人数增长一倍.进入90年代,交通运输发生深刻变化,公路客、货运量增长迅速,公路资源利用和承载开始出现失衡,安全问题渐成焦点.特别是近年来,我国工业化、城市化进程中的产业结构调整、经济成份多元化及基础设施建设落后等问题,加剧了道路交通各要素不协调和矛盾冲突的程度,增大了道路交通的复杂性和引发事故的可能性.  相似文献   

我国高速公路里程已达到6.5万公里,通过两到三年的建设,我国高速公路里程数可赶上美国位居世界第一.但在建设质量、管理水平和网络建设上.我国与美国仍有差距. --交通运输部部长李盛霖两会期间参加湖南省代表谈座谈会上做出上述发言.  相似文献   

高速公路收费站计重货车、绿色通道车辆防逃费系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对高速公路车辆收费管理工作中存在的问题,介绍了计重货车、绿色通道车辆防逃费系统的工作原理及作用,探讨了计重货车、绿色通道车辆防逃费系统的使用成效。  相似文献   

盛辉"点线网"物流经营管理模式,是实用性、操作性的物流企业经营管理应用科学成果,其操作特点:点、线、网--设点拉线,交织成网,贯通全国,纲举目张.  相似文献   

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