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Robert Bosch GmbH Take Root In Shanghai With total investments of Rmb 2.668 bill., United Automotive Electronic Systems Co., Ltd., a JV between Zhonglian Automotive Electrical Co., Ltd. and Robert Bosch GmbH, was formed and open to the public on May 11 in Pudong district, Shanghai. Both sides take eq  相似文献   

正2020年4月8日,一汽轿车(000800)发布公告,公司拟将公司中文名称由"一汽轿车股份有限公司"变更为"一汽解放集团股份有限公司",英文名称由"FAW Car CO.,Ltd"变更为"FAW Jiefang Group Co.,Ltd";证券简称由"一汽轿车"变更为"一汽解放",英文证券简称由"FAWCar"变更为"FAW Jiefang",证券代码"000800"保持不变。关于变更公司名称及证券简称的原因,报告显示,2020年3月12日,中国证监会核发证监许可[2020]352号《关于核准一汽轿车股份有限公司重大资产重组及向中国第一汽车股份有限公司发  相似文献   

The first meeting of shareholders and BOD of China Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd, a joint company owned by a dozen of local companies, was held in Shanghai during July 22~23. The joint stock company will be soon registered in the Gold Bridge Development zone of Pudong area in Shanghai. Both the technical center and ECU manufacturing of the company in planning will be located in Shanghai. Eleven entities including SAIC, Xian Kunlun Machine Plant (a subsidiary of Norinco), Harbin Automotive Electronics Corp, Beijing Automotive Industry Corp., etc., have committed to put in their respective share  相似文献   

Anji TNT Automobile Logistics Co., Ltd., set up jointly by Shanghai Sales Co. and the world-famous TNT Logistics Holdings Ltd. has recently started business in Shanghai. This is the first such company endorsed jointly by the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. It demonstrates that  相似文献   

1. GM (U.S.A.) Shanghai GM Automotive Co., Ltd. Gold Cup GM Motor Corporation Wuling Corporation Japanese Suzuki: Channa Suzuki Motor Corporation, Changhe Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd. Japanese Isuzu:  相似文献   

Maker concerns During the period of January-July 2001, Guangzhou Honda Automotive Co., Ltd. produced 30,030 units of Accord cars and sold 29,856 units of them, 96% up year on year respectively, taking 29.3% share of China's medium and high-end car market. Shanghai ZF Steering Gear Co., Ltd. has recently passed the newly-issued ISO/TS 16946 Requirement of Auto Supplier's Quality System organized by Rhine AG of Germany. In the past five years Shanghai ZF has  相似文献   

Li Shufu Director of board of Geely Group Co., Ltd. Yang Rong Director of board of Huachen Group Hu Maoyuan President of Shanghai Automotive Industry (Group) Corporation Miao Wei General Manager of Dongfeng Motor Corporation Chen Hong General Manager of Shanghai General  相似文献   

◎Auto Parts & Equip Shanghai '2000, the prominent international exhibition in automotive parts, accessories, workshop and service station equipment will be staged during Nov. 28~Dec 1., 2000 at Shanghai International Exhibition Center. Shanghai has estab-lished itself the most important production base for the auto industry. Near 40% of the auto related JV manu-facturing plants are set up in East China region.  相似文献   

There are about 25 factories specialized in production of windshield wiper in China, reaching total output of nearly 1.9 million sets in 1993. Three of them are of strong production capacity. They are VALEO Wenling Auto Parts & Accessories Co. Ltd., Shanghai Industry Traffic Electrical Apparatus Co. Ltd.,  相似文献   

<正>马勒盛装亮相Automechanika Shanghai在第九届上海国际汽车零配件、维修检测诊断设备及服务用品展览会(Automechanika Shanghai 2013)期间,马勒贸易(上海)有限公司盛装出席本届展会,并带来全球领先的滤清系统、发动机零部件和发动机外围产品,延续以往产品线的丰富和强势。  相似文献   

汽车转向力矩波动大会降低驾驶舒适性。为减少汽车转向力矩波动,本文以齿轮齿条式转向系统为研究对象,在尽可能减少原方案变更的前提下,应用三维建模软件CATIA建立转向系统的硬点结构模型;推导了力矩波动的原理公式,分析了影响转向力矩波动的重要因素;根据分析结果,分别设计了优化转向轴参数和优化转向机参数两种转向力矩控制方法,结果表明该两种方法均能使转向系统的力矩波动减小至1%以内,有效提升驾驶舒适性,保障驾乘安全。  相似文献   

<正>今年是雷贝斯托传动产品有限公司第六次参加Automechanika Shanghai展会,对于Automechanika Shanghai2013,雷贝斯托传动产品有限公司北京代表处首席代表盛强表示:"Automechanika Shanghai是最有参加价值的展会之一,我们希望能够借助这个平台获悉更多潜在商机,不断拓展业务范围。"雷贝斯托建立的时间1902年,到现在可以称之百年老店。在Automechanika Shanghai2013上,雷贝斯托将带来最新的主打产品。一个是在全球范围内被雪铁龙  相似文献   

武汉捷隆汽车电动转向系统有限公司成功举办了2010供应商大会暨采购信息交流会,在大会期间我们的记者有幸采访到了武汉捷隆汽车电动转向系统有限公司总经理姚利军。  相似文献   

2011 Automechanika Shanghai再创纪录Automechanika Shanghai已于2011年12月10日圆满闭幕。这一亚洲首屈一指的汽车零配件、维修检测诊断设备和汽车用品展览会,以其再创新高的各项展会记录,向汽车行业递交了一份卓越的年末答卷。Automechanika Shanghai由法兰克福展览(上海)有限公司  相似文献   

!n UniteMan侧fa州比呀erhoductionS习即AP川ACCU国nulatedC加m解,.hAPI心月‘~侧肠加dO巨哪两肠FAW GrouP CorP.54,652177,85621.0762,164178,12543.75Shanghai Auto Industry(GrouP)Corporation54,893158,19634 .1557,788167,12142.25Da,ngfeng Motor CorP·39,768125,12552.9442,343121,78148.41Chana Automobile(GrouP)Liability Co.,Ltd.30,940104,92018.2235,28899,09841.6Harbin Hafei Automotive Co.,Ltd.20,01763,81833.4521,57862,94140.72Changhe Aircraft Industries(GrouP)Co.,Ltd19,80059,35916.1815,280…  相似文献   

民营企业联合产品发布:打造民族精品助推产业腾飞本次Automechanika Shanghai2011展上,中国本土企业的参与力度非常大。一方面以设置展台的形式积极宣传,另一方面借助Automechanika Shanghai这个大平台与国内外的客户形成互动。在Automechanika Shanghai2011期间,四家浙江省汽车零部件行业龙头民营企业:浙江骆氏减震股份有限公司、浙江欧迪恩传动科技股份有限公司、浙江中兴减震器制造有限公司,和台州易宏实业有限公司共同举办了主题为打造民族精品助推产业腾飞的论坛,向业界介绍了公司的发展和企业的产品。  相似文献   

InU币tSMan证a引加叹erPtodU州donS习韶June内叹四口。倒场加dC抽m解护肠lune月‘~侧肠加dC加田ge夕0/0FAW GrouP CotP.47,40728(),52029.8548,282279,98442.66Shanghai Auto Industry(GrouP)Corporation43,09()25(),72521.3447,431268,1792339Dongfeng Motor CorP.34,287195,21947.7931,730190,%244.62Chana Automobile(GrouP)Liability Co.,Ltd.19,836173,48743.5727,114157,6483479Harbin Hafei Automotive Co.,Ltd.10,69895,299253913,06190,05216.06Changhe Aircraft Industries(G rouP)Co.,Ltd9,03184,47819.3311,…  相似文献   

In UnitsManU怕改u陀rProdUCtionSaleSAugustACCUmUlatedChange, 叭AugustACCUmUI日tedChange, 叭FAW GrouP CorP.78,939668,60910.12!84,182616,0207 .82Shanghai Auto Industry(GrouP)CorPoration65,788607,53426.03(63,586567,06719.54Beijing Automotive Industry GrouP Co.44,779341,68960.5!44,015339,22263.29Dongfeng Motor CorP.35,723338,2102 .56!}36,836321,9700 .23Chana Automobile(GrouP)Liability Co.,Ltd.32,321334,10233.79!34,536333,20228.99Harbin Hafei Automotive Co.,Ltd.14,800141,4906 .…  相似文献   

In units Production Sales Manufacturer Mar.AccumulatedChange, Change, %Mar. Accumulated %FAW Group Corp.94,176 230,399-11.8 87,669192,015 -17.45Shanghai Auto Industry (Group) Corporation76,655 181,980 -19.13 78,091168,991 -26.85Dongfeng Motor Corp. 71,219 166,67122.76 75,995167,103 25.59Chana Automobile (Group) Liability Co., Ltd. 71,196 154,12212.61 74,965160,596 4.6Beijing Automotive Industry Group Co. 69,114 144,293 12.2 72,551148,559 22.02Harbin Hafei Automotive Co., Lt…  相似文献   

海洋 《汽车电器》2007,(8):62-62
德尔福沙基诺转向系统(苏州)有限公司2007年6月12日破土奠基,这是德尔福在苏州工业园区投资建设的第2家转向系统生产工厂。  相似文献   

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