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西部地区锶矿丰富,但生产锶盐过程中会产生大量废渣,如不进行合理处理,会占用土地,污染环境,从而严重影响当地居民健康。因此,解决锶盐废渣的处治利用问题,对于环境保护具有重大的现实意义。《锶盐废渣在农村公路中的应用研究》项目对锶盐废渣在农村公路应用中的材料、设计、施工等问题进行深入研究,提出锶盐废渣在农村公路中应用的实用性技术。本篇对该技术研究成果进行介绍,以进一步推广使用。  相似文献   

交通部西部交通建设科技项目“锶盐废渣在农村公路中的应用研究”日前在重庆通过鉴定验收。该项目首次实现了锶盐废渣的资源化利用,取得了一系列创新性成果,对于锶盐废渣在农村公路建设中的应用具有重要的理论价值和工程指导意义。  相似文献   

通过对农村公路修建的必要性和适用性的分析讨论,总结出农村公路修建必须坚持的二十四字方针,并通过技术性的创新,将修建农村公路中的供需矛盾减轻,使农村公路建设真正顺乎民心、惠及民众,真正做到高速公路、干线公路与农村公路三位一体化。  相似文献   

由于农村公路的水泥混凝土路面造价低,施工简便,我省农村普遍使用,但是农村公路中早期修建的水泥混凝土路面病害较多,通过对病害原因的分析提出对农村公路水泥混凝土路面常见病害的处理措施。  相似文献   

山区农村公路修建沥青路面造价高、养护成本高,修建水泥路面较滑,安全隐患大。因地制宜,充分利用山区砂石材料较丰富的资源优势,修建更多适合山区特点的农村公路是解决山区人民群众出行难的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文从农村公路的农用地公路密度、通达通畅情况及技术等级角度,比较东中西部农村公路发展状况,得出西部地区农村公路发展明显落后于东中部,农村公路区域发展处于非均等状态。指出现行"凡建即补"的农村公路财政资金转移支付方式会产生"马太效应",提出建立一套考虑各区域修建农村公路的成本、地方财力及农村公路需求的基于均等化发展的合理规范的转移支付制度,推进农村公路均等化发展,进而推动区域的均衡发展。  相似文献   

对农村公路的施工技术及竣工后公路的使用状况进行调查,分析农村公路施工技术存在的问题。通过调查分析得出,在进行农村公路施工时,经常出现路面不平、施工技术不合理等问题,因此,需要加强对农村公路施工技术的管理,从而保证农村公路的施工质量。可以采用制定严格的管理制度、加强施工技术管理、增加施工成本投入、培养专业的施工技术人员等手段来处理农村公路施工存在的问题。  相似文献   

文章结合玉林市农村公路建设实际,对玉林七个县市区山砂的性能进行试验分析,所得结论为农村公路路面基层材料的选择提供参考,同时针对农村公路建设特点阐述了农村公路路面基层材料使用中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

王晓刚 《西部交通科技》2012,(9):102-104,122
文章通过调查国内外农村公路养护管理情况,分析了我国农村公路养护管理面临的问题,并提出相应的发展思路,对提高农村公路的养护管理水平有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

文章根据我国目前公路工程技术标准,通过对重庆地区山区农村公路的纵坡进行调查,分析了山区农村公路的特点和功能,探讨适合山区农村公路最大纵坡与坡长的设计方法。  相似文献   

文章从人、车、路、环境及管理等方面入手,介绍了我国农村客运安全生产的现状,分析了当前农村客运安全管理所面临的主要问题,并结合我国农村客运特点,提出了针对性的农村客运安全管理措施。  相似文献   

通过对农村公路管理养护现状及存在问题的剖析,以及农村公路养护模式的经验探讨,根据农村公路发展面临的形势和要求,研究构建山东省农村公路养护管理体制结构与运行机制。  相似文献   

In this study are proposed impacts, management and functional planning criterion of forest road network system in rural and urban landscapes of Turkey. Road spacing and road density have been inspected concerning forest roads in production, reforestation, national parks and protection forests of rural and urban landscapes of Turkey. The forest road network was the most expensive human activity in the forests both in terms of economics and environmental effects. Public opinion about the environment has increased in recent years. Sustainable land use planning creates a great challenge for rural and urban road network planning. Further improvements of the network are necessary, to provide for people’s needs in the near future. Harmful effects of road network conflict with the principles of sustainability. When making use of the forest ecosystem for various purposes, care must be taken not to spoil the forest structure. To achieve this, forests must be used according to forestry techniques. So, there is a need for a new planning approach, serving the interests of both accessibility and sustainable environment. In rural landscapes, forest road planning standards (slope, width, pavement, drainage etc.) are different in production, forestation, national parks and protection forests. The need for total forest roads in Turkey was 201,810 km, and that 133,693 km portion of which, corresponding to 66.25%, was constructed by the end of 2005. With a view to be capable of conducting modern forestry activities, our country’s forests should be provided with a systematic road network by completing as soon as possible the construction of the remaining portion of such roads.  相似文献   

农村水泥砼路面公路建设存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章针对农村公路特点,分析目前农村砼路面公路建设存在中的问题,提出通过转变农村公路建设市场管理职能、规范招投标市场、加大技术指导和质量监管力度的相关对策,为农村水泥砼路面公路建设把好关。  相似文献   

文章根据呼包鄂三地区的地域特征和经济地位,结合目前农村道路国防功能建设要求,提出当前修建农村道路时增强其国防功能的几点建议,以期对内蒙古乃至全国农村道路的建设和国防交通事业有所帮助。  相似文献   

This study develops a four-step travel demand model for estimating traffic volumes for low-volume roads in Wyoming. The study utilizes urban travel behavior parameters and processes modified to reflect the rural and low-volume nature of Wyoming local roads. The methodology disaggregates readily available census block data to create transportation analysis zones adequate for estimating traffic on low-volume rural roads. After building an initial model, the predicted and actual traffic volumes are compared to develop a calibration factor for adjusting trip rates. The adjusted model is verified by comparing estimated and actual traffic volumes for 100 roads. The R-square value from fitting predicted to actual traffic volumes is determined to be 74% whereas the Percent Root Mean Square Error is found to be 50.3%. The prediction accuracy for the four-step travel demand model is found to be better than a regression model developed in a previous study.  相似文献   

In spite of the fact that about 70% of Nigeria's population live in rural areas, these areas have remained largely inaccessible. Not only do they lack motorable roads and organized public transport but also field surveys indicate that nearly all rural inhabitants do not have a private car. A Directorate of Food, Roads and Rural Infrastructure has been set up to manage the inaccessibility problem, among others. Whereas there are several conventional approaches to the management of the rural transportation problem, the Nigerian approach relies on the provision of roads. This restrictive approach with an emphasis on locational to the neglect of personal accessibility has various limitations which are analysed.  相似文献   

文章针对农村公路水泥砼路面建设过程中存在的问题,以贵港市通村水泥路建设质量管理为例,探讨水泥路建设常见的质量问题及对策,为今后农村公路建设克服类似问题提供参考。  相似文献   

Takada  Shin  Morikawa  So  Idei  Rika  Kato  Hironori 《Transportation》2021,48(5):2857-2881

Rural areas in low-income countries often face severe poverty typically caused by insufficient accessibility to basic facilities. Improvements in rural roads are expected to reduce poverty although the mechanism has not been investigated sufficiently. This study empirically analyzes the impacts of rural road improvements implemented from 2012 to 2014 in Cambodia, highlighting local residents’ accessibility to local markets. This study assumes two causal relationships: rural road improvements have upgraded the accessibility and travel frequency to local markets, and the upgraded accessibility and travel frequency to local markets have led to a growth in local residents’ income. The hypotheses are statistically tested with a dataset developed through a questionnaire survey conducted in three areas in 2016. The dataset contains responses from 400 local residents to questions concerning their social attributes, livelihoods, travel modes, travel frequency, and time/cost of travels to the basic facilities. The quasi-experimental design incorporating a difference-in-differences design and an inverse possibility of treatment weighting approach revealed that the improvements in rural roads did not affect travel time nor travel cost but significantly enhanced travel frequency to local markets, and that an increase in the travel frequency to local markets and travel time savings significantly contributed to the households’ income growth. The results suggest that the improvement of seasonal reliability in accessing local markets through an introduction of all-weather roads could be critical to enhance household income, particularly in areas where agriculture is a leading industry and weather conditions are unstable across seasons.


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