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卢秋平 《中国水运》2006,4(11):229-230
文学的基本特点在于它是一种语言艺术.那么我们在文学欣赏和文学的教学中,研究和分析作品的语言特点是很必要和重要的.它不仅有助于我们读懂作品,而且我们可以学习作家运用语言的技巧并运用到我们的口语和写作中.莎士比亚的第18首十四行诗的一个重要语言特点是它的修辞格的运用,本文要解决的主要问题有两个,一是该诗中用到了哪些修辞格,二是这些修辞格的运用有什么特点和作用.  相似文献   

<正>水上公安消防文学,从严格意义上来说,在文学范畴分类目前还没有此类划分和名称,往往归属于法制文学。然而,水上公安消防因自身职业的特殊性和独特性,可以说形成了公安消防文学独有的文学特性和特点。其实,水上公安消防文学与军旅文学一样是国家文化的重要组成部分。有许多文学从业者误以为公安消防文学就是案例汇编或以故事情节吸引人的类型文学。事实上,饱含正能量的水上公安消防文学是人学,它以水上公安系统人民警察作为重点  相似文献   

根据亨利.莫里的心理需求理论建立了心理学与共用性设计的关联模型。通过亨利.莫里的三个典型心理需求深入解析了共用性设计理念及其七项原则的理论依据,指出了共用性设计理念所包含的社会一体化趋势。在心理精神层次上建立了建筑和产品设计的道德观念,对于无障碍设施建设有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

新时期,我国劳动力群体呈现多元化发展的特点,工会工作理念的体系化构建势在必行.文章从分析新时期工会工作理念的基本要素出发,探析了工会工作理念“以职工的发展为核心”的体系化内涵意义,并指出了新时期工会工作理念的体系化建构路径.  相似文献   

财富之标Ⅱ系列船舶工程是G.T.R.Campbell船舶咨询有限公司(GTRC)于1999年在中国发起的重要造船项目之一.此公司在40年前提出了一个全新的造船理念(GTRC造船理念).1999年,当GTRC在中国靖江造船厂开始其中国造船业务时,此理念开始被引入中国.通过对财富之标Ⅱ系列船舶工程进行研究,将讨论其理念如何...  相似文献   

目前,在理工科院校高年级开设英美文学选修课程还是一种尝试。笔者认为,开设英美文学课程在巩固和提高学生英语语言理解能力、语言运用能力及写作能力上,进而在培养学生文化素质,将他们已有的语言能力转化为交际能力方面起着桥梁与纽带的作用。因此,为达到外语教学的最高目的之需要,有必要在理工科院校开设英美文学选修课程。  相似文献   

广州经济技术开发区有一家实力雄厚的工程监理公司.该公司的经营理念是:"诚信为本,质量为基";该公司的精神是:"团结、改革、开拓、奋进、廉洁".这就是广州港水运工程监理公司.  相似文献   

冯丰 《船舶》2021,32(2):48-52
随着船舶节能减排理念的逐步推广,电动船越来越受到船东欢迎,磷酸铁锂电池作为电动船主流能源之一,对存储空间环境有特殊要求.文章通过对船级社规范要求的解读分析,对磷酸铁锂电池舱的环境控制提出设计思路,并以某小型电动船为实例进行通风计算和系统布置.  相似文献   

刘少才 《珠江水运》2005,(12):48-49
一代文学巨匠鲁迅先生曾说过:"世上本来没有路,只要走路的人多了,便有了路,这是件实际的事,但却很少有人去总结,却被鲁迅先生用极普通的语言说出来,并赋于它以新意."什么是路?那是从没路的地方践踏出来的,从有荆棘,克服困难而走出来.  相似文献   

阙庆喜  孔志宏 《中国水运》2006,4(5):200-201
在教育与学生的关系问题上,教育必须适应学生的个性即发展需要,是一种全新的教育理念.目前,这种新的教育思想和理念在各个层次和学科的教学实践中得到了广泛的应用与拓展.高校思想政治教育工作学习,借鉴这一新的教育理念,对于我们调整教育的思路,创新教育的方式与途径,不断增强教育的针对性和实效性,具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

沈永红 《船舶》2007,(3):11-15
简要分析了科技文献的类型和检索途径,同时提供相关网络联接和文献馆藏(特别是船舶和船舶相关类学科文献的馆藏),并介绍有关通过国际互联网实现馆际文献传递、国际联机数据库文献检索和下载等,展现网络时代资源共享的便利和优势.  相似文献   

吴波  吴华 《中国水运》2007,5(6):163-164
我国目前干部人事制度近几年来已经取得了长足的发展,但是随着社会的不断进步,传统和过时的法制和现在社会已经有所脱节,因而从本质上来说,我国干部人事制度又处于一个趋于完善和改进的过程之中。  相似文献   

阳林  杨莉 《中国水运》2007,7(7):206-207
回顾高新技术企业营销创新的发展轨迹,营销创新理论总是随着经济环境的变化而不断发展。不同时代的营销创新理论反映了不同时代的营销观念和策略,今后高新技术企业的营销创新的发展趋势将是营销战略和策略的日益灵活运用,整合营销战略与战术手段的营销方式将成为主流。  相似文献   


A method is suggested for beginning identification of coastal amenities and noneconomic values, which are often assumed to be too vague and highly individualized for explicit consideration in coastal zone planning and management decisions. Through an examination of selected works—primarily naturalists’ essays and some poetry and fiction—several recurring perceptions of coastal qualities and values emerged. A framework of six dominant themes (the senses of life and continuing creation, time and timelessness, space and distance, imperviousness to man and man's actions, energy and conflict, and mystery and spirituality) as well as the concepts comprising and linking these themes is discussed and supported by quotations from the literature studied.  相似文献   

李笑蕊 《中国水运》2006,4(4):220-221
考察了佛经翻译的历史.认为通过非汉语文化圈的僧人和汉语文化圈的僧人的共同努力,创造了中国的佛教语言,成为佛教在中国存在的基础,并且推进了中国文化在这个新的基础上的生长.在这个分析的基础上,本文进一步考察了近现代外国文化传入中国的历史,并对两段历史经行了比较,揭示了佛经翻译及其结果对于近现代中西文化交流以及中国新文化发展的示范作用与桥梁作用.重新重视佛经翻译的历史将是推进中国文化发展的一个契机.  相似文献   

The study is based on a literature review of recent empirical research on crew resource management (CRM) training in the maritime industry, organised around what non-technical skills to learn and how. The review indicates that existing work is dominated by individualistic theories of learning with less focus on learning as a social process. Five main categories of skills that need to be trained are identified: assertiveness, decision-making, communication, situation awareness and team coordination. We argue that it is necessary to operationalise these broad concepts further, emphasising the work context and crew-specific needs. The review also shows that a combination of classroom lectures and simulator-based exercises is commonly used in maritime education and training in these skills. The learning effect seems to be suffering from training programmes that are exported ‘as is’ from aviation and not adjusted to the maritime domain or to operation-specific needs. This paper examines maritime crew resource management training from a social learning perspective, involving the view that learning is a context bound, social process that might take place in communities of practice (CoP). A CoP is a group (e.g. a crew) wherein members share an activity and learn from each other. It is argued that CRM training programmes will benefit from including a social learning perspective. Factors that enable the assessment of teams are discussed, and it is argued that the training should be tailored to existing crews, emphasising a learning environment as close to reality as possible.  相似文献   

郭俐虹 《船海工程》2007,36(2):139-140
针对船舶科技论文中存在数字、量、单位符号使用混乱问题,提出一些常用法定计量单位的正确用法,如数字的使用、修约、常用单位换算等,以使法定计量单位在科技文章中使用更加规范和准确。  相似文献   

The continuous ice retreat in the Arctic has fueled speculations of new transarctic shipping routes to be operational soon. While the media vigorously propagates the great potentials of these routes, researchers have accessed the feasibility of opening of transarctic shipping routes from various perspectives; diverse and some polarized conclusions have emerged. This paper aims to critically review the studies that examine the necessary conditions and requirements that make transarctic shipping routes sufficiently viable. We mainly focus on two aspects: navigation conditions and commercial features. Selected studies are analyzed and compared in depth. Finally, possible future research directions are put forward.This article is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled Viability of Transarctic Shipping Routes: An Overview, presented at the International Conference on ‘Global Integration of Economies and Connectivity Development’ in Taiwan on 31 August 2015.  相似文献   

This review interprets recent studies of the interactions between the competition of gateway seaports and the accessibility of landside transportation links to inland regions. Port competition is treated as part of a rivalry between two transportation chains. This article identifies the main modeling approaches and defines the different types of hinterland access systems described in the literature. A general theoretical framework is then proposed to incorporate those key components. The importance of the proposed framework is revealed by comparing and extending results from the literature. Major assumptions that need further empirical verification are identified and discussed, and related empirical studies are reviewed. Finally, avenues for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

With the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Convention 1995 (STCW’95) moving seafarer training towards outcome-based education (OBE), emphasis has shifted to assessment practices that will allow seafarer students to demonstrate their ability to perform workplace tasks at standards described in the STCW Code. This paper argues that authentic assessment comprising of performance-based tasks applied in real-world and meaningful contexts can provide a holistic approach to competence assessment for seafarers. But, authentic assessment can capture essential aspects of workplace tasks and result in consistency of student performance in different contexts only if they are valid and reliable. Rubrics as assessment tools are known to increase validity and reliability of assessments; however, it can do so only if different aspects of its own validity and reliability have been addressed. A literature review undertaken for this paper has uncovered an absence of academic investigation and empirical study on the different aspects of validity and reliability of authentic assessment through assessment rubrics. Moreover, there exists an even greater absence of global research on authentic assessment in the area of seafarer training. Through an investigation of authentic assessment, this research has uncovered the importance of using valid and reliable rubrics in order to improve not only the assessment process but also the tools and methods used to support the valid, reliable, and authentic assessment of outcomes achieved in the learning process. Future research aims to offer insights into improving the validity and reliability of rubrics and to empirically investigate how they can be used in authentic assessment within the confines of the STCW Code, in particular, to improve seafarer training practices, student engagement, resulting learning outcomes, and employer and regulator satisfaction with the attainment of the standards stipulated in the STCW Code to produce an evidence of competence.  相似文献   

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