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从刚度、强度、稳定性等方面对现浇桥梁施工中搭设的碗扣式钢管脚手架进行结构计算,并介绍支架搭设中应注意的问题.  相似文献   

以福州绕城高速公路(西北段)RAll合同段洋门互通c匝道桥工程为例,介绍了现浇箱梁施工中扣件式钢管支架的设置方案,并对满堂支架各部分进行受力荷载验算.分别阐述了预压及拆除,并提出施工时注意事项,以保证工程的质量、安全、进度.  相似文献   

本文结合福建省永安至武平(闽粤段)高速公路A8合同段才溪互通立交工程,介绍现浇桥梁采用碗扣式钢管脚手架满堂支架的施工,及其对支架的纵、横梁及地基承载力等进行验算的有关情况,供同类工程施工参考。  相似文献   

节点半刚性特性对钢管脚手架的使用性能影响显著。为此,文章针对不同的半刚性脚手架开展了节点性能研究,通过ABAQUS软件分别建立盘扣式脚手架节点模型及插销式脚手架节点模型,并针对节点的主要力学性能进行研究。结果表明:半刚性脚手架在荷载作用下,存在明显的非线性变化特性;在节点抗拉承载能力方面,插销式脚手架要略优于盘扣式脚手架,而在节点抗弯承载能力方面,盘扣式脚手架则要优于插销式脚手架。  相似文献   

为提高支架法在现浇桥梁中的施工效率和适用性,文章提出一种抱箍与钢管组合支架体系作为十万山大桥现浇箱梁的施工方法:结合施工特点对支架体系的整体布置进行设计,使用大型桥梁有限元分析软件Midas Civil对该支架体系建立模型,对钢管、贝雷梁和抱箍等结构进行结构计算和受力分析,优化支架体系,确保支架施工的安全。抱箍与钢管组合支架体系利用圆柱墩的结构形式将抱箍和钢管有效结合,可周转反复使用且安全系数高,对现浇箱梁的施工环境的适用性更强,整体经济性好,为现浇桥梁的支架法施工提供了经验借鉴。  相似文献   

文章以乌兰木伦河3号桥工程为例,介绍了超高钢管支架在双飞翼拱桥施工过程中的应用工艺.通过支架基础、设计加工、制造安装、质量控制等方面对超高钢管支架体系的加工制造进行分析,制作出安全性能高、结构简单、受力稳定、实用性强的钢管支架,减少了高空作业,提高了施工的质量和效率,节省了施工成本,可为大型桥梁中的超高钢管支架体系的加...  相似文献   

本文介绍了成都珠峰宾馆主楼加层工程中,采用扣件式钢管井架作为垂直运输机械装置的设计、施工要点以及实施效果。  相似文献   

连续箱梁采用满堂式钢管支架现浇,从支架计算、地基处理、支架搭设、拆除和支架预压等方面进行了简要叙述。  相似文献   

根据西宁火车站综合改造片区路网工程设计,为保证施工安全并考虑降低成本等因素,对互通立交A匝道现浇箱梁采取了WJΦ48mm×3.5mm碗扣式钢管满堂支架。本文详细介绍了现浇混凝土箱梁碗口支架体系的设计方案和验算步骤,可供工程技术人员借鉴。  相似文献   

为了对大管径附塔管道进行承重支架设计,结合CAESAR II软件应力分析的结果,对承重支架的形式,横梁、斜撑的应力,以及横梁与斜撑间的夹角进行设计与计算,得出双支三角承重支架的计算方法,并得到结论:在正常操作工况及水压试验工况下,支架的横梁与斜撑的计算应力均应小于许用应力才符合设计要求,在支架所选用的型钢型号不变的情况下,增大横梁与斜撑间的夹角可增大支架的承载能力。  相似文献   

文章以永鑫大桥为研究对象,采用子模型计算方法对永鑫大桥墩梁塔固结部位进行有限元计算,分析了该部位的局部应力及横、竖向预应力设置对该区域的影响,其计算结果可为同类矮塔斜拉桥设计提供参考。  相似文献   

文章介绍了公路项目平面交叉口工程安全评价的目的,分析了影响公路项目平面交叉口工程安全的因素,并以广西来马高速马山南互通出口与G210公路平交口项目为工程实例,从平纵线形、视距、交叉口间距、交通工程、施工方案等方面对公路项目平交式工程进行安全评价。  相似文献   

文章依托贵港东环路郁江特大桥工程,对焊缝超声波探伤、焊缝X射线探、涂装层厚度检测、涂装层附着力检测四种质量检测方法进行探讨,以指导其它类似钢管拱新建桥梁的质量检测。  相似文献   

文章针对山区水电站场内公路路线节点多、平面交叉多、立体分布广泛、上下线施工干扰大、布线方案困难等特点,对山区水电站场内公路路线布置与选线的原则、路线平纵设计方法、路线设计对构造物的影响等进行了分析探讨,为山区水电工程场内公路路线设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Introducing spiral curves before and after horizontal circular curves has been widely accepted to enhance traffic safety, highway esthetics, sight distance, and driver comfort. Though, vertical curves are still designed as parabolic curves that are connected directly to the tangent (without transitions). In this paper, a cubic polynomial is used to develop a vertical transition curve before and after the parabolic vertical curve. The resulting curve, called transitioned vertical curve, consists of transition-parabolic-transition segments. Detailed mathematical formulation and derivation of the instantaneous elevation, grade, rate of curvature, and offset from the first tangent at any point are presented. The highest (or lowest) point on a transitioned crest (or sag) vertical curve, where the instantaneous grade equals 0, is determined as it is of particular importance in highway drainage design. The minimum length of a transition curve is derived based on the criterion of driver comfort. In addition, guidelines are provided to identify the conditions where the drainage of surface water on transitioned curves can be a concern. Finally, the layout of the transitioned vertical curve is described and illustrated using two numerical examples. The new transitioned vertical curve, which exhibits striking similarities to the spiraled horizontal curve, should enhance the design of highway vertical alignments.  相似文献   

管道三维穿越施工实现了水平和竖向的同时借转,对市政管线工程建设具有重要意义.文中结合具体工程开展了燃气管道三维穿越施工的全过程监测研究.基于陀螺仪空间定位技术和光纤应变传感技术,设计并实施了一套系统的管道穿越施工监测方案,获得了管道全长各点的三维空间坐标及管道监测段穿越全过程的力学响应.监测结果表明:管道双向同时借转穿...  相似文献   

The mathematical properties of a new vertical curve that consists of a transition curve (cubic polynomial), a parabolic curve, and another transition curve have been presented in a companion paper. The present paper addresses the sight distance characteristics of this new curve, called transitioned vertical curve. The minimum sight distance and the required curve length are analytically derived for both crest and sag curves, considering various cases related to the minimum sight distance and the lengths of transition and parabolic curves. Using the developed analytical models, example design graphs are established for the length requirements of the transitioned vertical curve based on the upper range of stopping sight distance presented by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. The transitioned vertical curve, which resembles the spiraled horizontal curve commonly used in practice, represents an alternative to the simple vertical curve especially for sharp vertical alignments.  相似文献   

宜巴高速公路界岭隧道横洞进正洞挑顶施工方案比选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宜巴高速公路界岭隧道施工中,由于复杂的地质状况和处理坍塌历时过长,整个隧道工程严重滞后建设项目工期。因此,决定增设横洞,从横洞向正洞掘进,增加主洞工作面,以满足项目建设进度要求。文章详细介绍了增设横洞两种方案的施工工艺,在技术可行、经济合理基础上,针对界岭隧道横洞垂直贯穿进入正洞和曲线渐变过渡施工转入正洞的施工方案进行了分析对比。  相似文献   

Considering the influence of many factors (soil loss, frontal additional thrust, the friction force of the shield shell and the additional grouting force), a method for improving the uniform soil body movement model is pro-posed, and a mechanical calculation model is established to study the calculation method for soil body deformation caused by double-line parallel shield driving. Based on the Mindlin solutions of elastic mechanics, the theoretical solutions for soil body deformations caused by the last three factors are calculated; considering the uniform soil body movement model, the theoretical solutions for soil body deformations caused by soil loss are calculated, then the to-tal theoretical solutions for soil body deformations under multiple factors are obtained by means of superposition. The vertical surface settlement, vertical horizontal displacement, and vertical displacements of the soil body at different depths of Hangzhou Metro Line 1 are calculated to analyze the variation laws. Meanwhile the influential factors for horizontal displacement variation are studied. The research shows that with a change of depth, the settlement of the soil body changes within the scope of 10 to 13 m in the horizontal direction near where the maximum settlement occurs;the direction of the horizontal displacement of the soil body changes with a change of the positional relationship be-tween the calculation points and the tunnel; and with an increase of interval J for the two tunnels, the horizontal dis-placement of the soil body of a deep double-line tunnel decreases while the displacement near the surface changes slightly. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

传统真空预压技术机理通过垂直排水通道排水板与水平排水通道砂垫层排水。文章介绍的采用直排式真空预压技术,不仅能节省水平排水通道砂垫层,而且能将排水板直接与滤管缠绕连接,提高了真空度的传递效率。试验证明,直排式真空预压技术相对传统工艺,不仅加固效果理想,而且既缩短了工期,又节省了工程造价。  相似文献   

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