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文章结合凤山县农村公路建设实际,分析了山区农村公路建设规划、勘察、设计、施工管理及投资方面存在的问题,提出了相应的改进意见和建议。  相似文献   

为深入落实"交通强国"战略和实现"全域旅游"目标,推动旅游与交通深度融合发展,需做好旅游交通体系发展的顶层设计。通过分析旅游交通面临的问题,提出了旅游交通融合发展的理念。将福建省作为案例,针对福建旅游交通网络面临的问题,提出了"快旅慢游"旅游交通体系的建设目标、实施方案及保障措施。依托高铁、民航、邮轮和公路等综合立体交通网络,提出了"一带三环多放射"旅游交通"快旅"通道的发展思路;通过特色旅游产品开发、旅游服务质量提升等方面,规划了"慢游"微循环旅游交通的发展方案,构建了福建省多层次、综合立体的旅游交通体系发展新格局。以期通过福建省旅游交通融合发展案例研究,为其他省市旅游交通融合发展借鉴参考。  相似文献   

结合人工智能技术的概念,分析了"智慧交通领域"下的人工智能图像识别、图像预处理、图像特征提取、"智慧交通"机器训练与图像分类等关键技术,就人工智能技术在智慧交通领域中的应用提出了自己的思考,为智慧交通与人工智能技术深度融合提供解决方案.  相似文献   

交通预测模型是综合交通规划的重要工具。本文以汕潮揭地区综合交通规划为依托,以TransCAD为平台,构建区域综合交通预测模型,对规划方案进行量化研究,摒弃了传统"理性规划"交通需求引导滞后、与土地利用互动不强等局限。基于预测模型和"一张网"布局规划,构造了"情景假设+因子递进"方法,设计若干战略规划方案,通过对测试目标与决策评价结果的量化比较分析,展现了"情景因子"战略方法对于总体规划方案的贡献,研究过程和研究结论更显客观科学。  相似文献   

"交通是旅游出行的基本前提,只有交通条件改善了,旅游‘进得来、出得去、散得开’的基本要求才能得到满足。"忆起与交通的结缘,北京第二外国语学院旅游管理系主任、教授厉新建思绪万千。1992年,厉新建开始接触到旅游学科的课程,自那时起"就一直关注交通问题"。在1999年进入到旅游教学科研工作之后,对交通中的旅游交通问题就更为关注,其中,交通与旅游本身的深度结合、旅游交通的创新问题、自驾车旅游发展、高速交通体系构建对旅游发展的影响等话题深深地吸引住了喜欢跨界研究的他。当旅游业遇上交通大发展,交通方式决定旅游方式,旅游效应影响交  相似文献   

伴随"交通+产业"所激发的活力,广西交通交易大数据正呈现大规模聚集趋势。文章分析了广西交通交易大数据的商业价值,介绍了交通交易大数据资源配置策略,并研究了交通交易大数据商业价值变现的方法。  相似文献   

自2010年6月4日第一期全国交通局长培训班(以下简称"局长培训班")迎来100多位地市和县交通局长之后,更大规模、更大范围的交通干部培训如潮涌入交通运输部管理干部学院。据统计,截至今年8月"2012年第六期全国交通局长培训班"开班,全国交通局长培训班已举办13期、41班次,1586名交通局长干部接受了"再锻造"。交通运输部科技司副司长张延华在接受媒体采访时曾表示,地市县交  相似文献   

本文系统分析深圳市过境、疏港、干线货运交通现状特征及存在问题,提出货运交通组织"三分离"实施策略,制定了全市货运交通总体规划方案,并对规划效果进行了评估。  相似文献   

正党的十九大立足新时代新征程,作出了"建设交通强国"的重大决策部署,这是全体交通人为之奋斗的新使命。作为传统交通建设的继承者和现代交通建设的开拓者,广西路建工程集团有限公司认真贯彻落实新发展理念,积极应对交通发展新形势,紧紧围绕"再造一个新发展"战略目标,坚持"转作风、强基础、促发展"工作主线,2017年市场开拓成绩显著,  相似文献   

本文在借鉴世界著名湾区发展经验的基础上,深入分析了世界湾区交通发展的新阶段新趋势,提出要重点聚焦未来交通科技、"互联网+"共享交通、高水平互联互通、"四港联动"等领域,在杭州湾区率先开展试点示范,着力六大举措,打造全球首屈一指的全域化智慧交通发展先行区和示范区,构筑智慧、便捷、高效的湾区互联互通集成交通体系,为世界湾区交通发展提供浙江方案。  相似文献   

广西城市公共交通发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴晓武 《西部交通科技》2011,(9):106-111,116
文章针对广西城市公共交通的现状,指出存在的问题,分析存在问题的原因,并结合当前国家大力实施“公交优先”战略,提出广西城市公共交通发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

《交通基础设施对西部社会经济发展的影响评价》项目在借鉴国内外研究成果和广泛资料调研的基础上,结合专家群组咨询、理论分析、数理统计与检验等手段,构建了交通科技项目评价指标体系,从微观和宏观层面分析了"十五"西部交通建设科技项目的实施效果,完成了交通基础设施对西部社会经济发展的综合影响评价。本篇对项目的主要研究成果和创新点进行了介绍,提出了相应的建议,为我国西部地区交通基础设施建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   

文章针对两河口隧道提出的过江舟渡运输结构,采用《公路桥涵通用设计规范》和大型通用有限元计算程序——ANSYS软件进行了设计计算,验证了该结构设计的安全性与合理性,可为类似工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

俄罗斯LocomoSky公司新开发了一个可运载600t货物的空气静力型航空器“Locomoskoimer”的项目计划,相关专家认为该重型货运飞行器将会在俄罗斯工业部门赢得普遍欢迎,也是交通不便地区降低运输、建造成本的举措之一。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes transportation attitudes, behaviors and policy preferences in a suburban region. The focus of the study is Orange County, which has experienced rapid growth and industrialization in recent decades. The results from the 1989 Orange County Annual Survey indicate that most residents perceive traffic to be the most serious problem facing the area, and most residents are dissatisfied with the current freeways. Over time, the trend is increased perceptions of traffic problems, However, there is little evidence that residents have changed their driving habits in recent years and there is considerable opposition to new transportation taxes and policies aimed at reducing traffic congestion. These trends are related to opposition to change by affluent suburban residents and to distrust of local government. Traffic attitudes and conservativism appear to play a minor role in predicting current driving habits and policy preferences. The results have important implications for future efforts to improve suburban traffic.  相似文献   

淳安县城中湖南路一号大桥为淳安“两隧一桥”工程之重点工程,为三跨210m(55+100+55)连续预应力悬灌混凝土箱梁结构,文章介绍其施工监控的关键技术和具体方法。  相似文献   

Recent efforts to emphasize social equity in transportation are emerging as local, regional and national governments have set initiatives to identify, existing and potential, disproportionate impacts to low-income and minority populations, also referred to as transportation justice (TJ). Currently, there are suggested methods for identifying transportation justice areas; however, there is no streamlined method instituted across transportation agencies. Each jurisdiction identifies transportation justice (or environmental justice) areas based on their own methodology, typically based on either average regional thresholds, graduated thresholds, or a more unique in-house index methodology. This research explores and evaluates existing methods and develops a rigorous and comprehensive method called the Transportation Justice Threshold Index Framework (TJTIF) using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as well as factors based on demographics, socio-economics, and transportation/land use. The framework is applied to a case study region in Pennsylvania reflective of the Marcellus Shale impact area, highlighting Sullivan County, PA. The methodology and the case study application serve as an example for how transportation agencies throughout the country can promote social sustainability and enhance transportation equity.  相似文献   

This paper develops a multiobjective optimization model to consider transportation impacts of the future development of land. The output of the model is the best location and type of land use that has minimal negative transportation effects and uses the maximum available public transportation infrastructure. It provides tools for both planners and transportation engineers and enables them to consider different scenarios of possible policies and land development. Since multiple objectives and their nonlinear structures are considered, the model is solved using mixed integer nonlinear programming. The final results are shown in both tabular and graphical format. The effectiveness of the model is applied to the northern part of New Castle County, Delaware. The results show that the model successfully finds the best locations for both residential and commercial land uses in order to meet several criteria discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper presents a system dynamics approach to simultaneous land use/transportation system performance modeling. A model is designed based on the causality functions and feedback loop structure between a large number of physical, socioeconomic, and policy variables. The model system consists of 7 sub‐models: population, migration of population, household, job growth‐employment‐land availability, housing development, travel demand, and traffic congestion level. The model is formulated in DYNAMO simulation language, and tested on a data set from Montgomery County, MD. In Part I: Methodology, the overall approach and the structure of the model system is discussed and the causal‐loop diagrams and major equations are presented. In Part II: Application, the model is calibrated and tested with data from Montgomery County, MD. Least square method and overall system behavior are used to estimate the model parameters. The model is fitted with the 1970–80 data and validated with the 1980–1990 data. Robustness and sensitivities with respect to input parameters such as birth rate or regional economy growth are analyzed. The model performance as a policy analysis tool is also examined by predicting the year by year impacts of highway capacity expansion on land use and transportation system performance. While this is a first attempt in using dynamic system simulation modeling in simultaneous treatment of land use and transportation system interactions, and model development and application are limited to some extent due to data availability, the results clearly indicate that the proposed method is a promising approach in dealing with complex urban land use/transportation modeling  相似文献   

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