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浙江省为打造低碳交通,提出以下设想: 发挥水运节能优势 着力实施内河水运复兴计划,加快高等级航道网、内河港口枢纽、江海联运体系建设,构建畅通、高效、平安、绿色的现代内河水运体系;围绕构筑“三位一体”港口服务体系的目标.  相似文献   

本文在深入调研分析广东省航道的建设情况和节能减排工作的基础上,分析广东省航道局在绿色航道方面取得的成绩和存在的问题,结合广东省航道绿色低碳发展的总体要求和工程特点,制定了航道绿色发展的总体思路和发展目标,确定了切实可行的主要任务,并进行了相关节能减排主要技术的适用性分析,并提出了相应的保障措施,目的是研究绿色低碳航道建设途径,科学、系统地指导广东省绿色低碳航道建设工作,也可为全国其他地区绿色低碳航道建设提供参考。  相似文献   

文章针对内河航道整治工程中的结构设计环节,结合广西某内河航道整治工程实例,分析了内河航道整治工程中的结构设计理念和方法,为结构设计方法的应用优化提拱参考。  相似文献   

<正>《交通节能与环保》杂志是由中华人民共和国交通运输部主管,由交通运输部长江口航道管理局和交通运输部公路科学研究院共同主办的科技期刊。本刊以报道我国交通领域节能减排的新技术和科技创新成果为宗旨,依托交通运输部长江口航道管理局和交通运输部公路科学研究院,凝聚交通行业著名专家、学者及多家科研机构,构建起传播交通行业节能减排技术应用的综合性专业平台,全方位  相似文献   

内河电子航道图制作质量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了内河电子航道图的定义及主要特点,并以柳江电子航道图制作为例,重点阐述了内河电子航道图的质量控制措施及电子航道图的发展前景。  相似文献   

分析了升船机技术在平原地区航道中的适用性,结合山东省内河航道开发现状及特点,举例说明升船机技术在我省内河航道开发中的应用前景。  相似文献   

为提高内河航道通航安全性,对影响内河航道通航尺度条件、通航水流条件、通航气象条件、河床边界条件、航道布局条件的因素进行分析。在此基础上,提出针对性的管理手段,包括应用水文测量及预测技术保障通航水流条件、应用航道清淤技术保障河道边界条件、应用智能船舶技术保障航道布局条件等,以期提高内河航道的整体通航水平。  相似文献   

根据山东省内河航道管理的现状、做法,指出了当前内河航道管理存在的问题;并提出了今后航道管理的建议的设想.  相似文献   

正《交通节能与环保》杂志是由中华人民共和国交通运输部主管,由交通运输部长江口航道管理局和交通运输部公路科学研究院共同主办的综合性期刊。本刊以报道我国交通领域节能减排的新技术和科技创新成果为宗旨,依托交通运输部长江口航道管理局和交通运输部公路科学研究院,凝聚交通行  相似文献   

<正>《交通节能与环保》杂志是由中华人民共和国交通运输部主管,由交通运输部长江口航道管理局和交通运输部公路科学研究院共同主办的科技期刊。本刊以报道我国交通领域节能减排的新技术和科技创新成果为宗旨,依托交通运输部长江口航道管理局和交通运输部  相似文献   

Most scientific attention in port studies centers on deep-sea ports, in particular container ports. In our paper, in contrast, we focus our attention on the characteristics of inland waterway ports in a European context. This is an overlooked part in the scientific literature on inland port development, which is up to now mainly concerned with US-based understandings of inland ports. We try to broaden the application of the inland port concept by explaining the development of inland ports in terms of inland waterway bounded cargo throughput. Based on a large-scale quantitative dataset of inland port development in Dutch municipalities we perform various statistical analyses to arrive at a more detailed understanding of the question: What are the characteristics of European inland waterway ports and what transport and economic factors influence cargo throughput on the municipal level? The results in particular highlight the importance of the presence of a container terminal, the diversity in types of goods which are being handled by the inland port and the accessibility of the inland port relative to the regional motorway network as important factors in explaining the size and growth of inland ports. Interestingly, the popular claim in policy of ‘investments in inland port development leading to employment growth’ cannot be confirmed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with transportation technology regarding links between power unit or motor ship and ship cargo space. These links can be divided into two groups: rigid and flexible. Rigid link, established between power unit and cargo space, is dominant in maritime and road transport (sea ships and trucks), and occasionally in transport on inland waterways (self‐propelled barges). Flexible link is used in railroad transport (between the locomotive and railroad units), partially in road transport (systems with trailers and semitrailers), and in inland waterway transport (push‐towing, pulling systems and combinations of these systems). The main goal of this research is determination of possible link types and organization of fleet for transport on inland waterways in case of flexible link.  相似文献   

Cost characteristics of differently sized inland waterway terminals (IWTs) have not received much scientific attention. This observation is remarkable given the importance of costs in transportation decision-making. Classification of differently sized IWTs and their cost structure will lead to more insight into the container cost per terminal. Therefore, the goal of our research was to determine both the characteristics of the cost structure associated with different inland waterway (IWW) container terminal types and the sensitivity of the system to cost/TEU changes in input and operational conditions. We show that terminals with a higher container throughput encounter fewer costs, and can therefore charge a lower price. Assumed delays of 2 h per day on the waterside cause a 4.7–6.6% cost increase per container, mainly caused by extra labor costs. It is also assumed that the changing climate will influence terminal operations and results in extreme water levels (lasting two weeks occurring four times a year) causing a cost increase of 1.0–3.4%. Subsidies can cause cost reductions of 0.3–10.4% depending on the exact form, with the smaller terminals benefiting more because their investment costs are higher relative to operational costs. A subsidy can lower costs by up to 10.4%, but it is questionable whether small and medium terminals will have a lower cost price than the market price, showing that it is important for small and medium terminals to quickly grow in size.  相似文献   

Future climate change is expected to affect inland waterway transport in most main natural waterways in Europe. For the river Rhine it is expected that, in summer, more and longer periods with low water levels will occur. In periods of low water levels inland waterway vessels have to reduce their load factors and, as a result, transport prices per tonne will increase. One possible consequence of these higher transport prices is a deterioration of the competitive position of inland waterway transport compared with rail and road transport, and thus a change in modal split. We study this issue using a GIS-based software model called NODUS which provides a tool for the detailed analysis of freight transportation over extensive multimodal networks. We assess the effect of low water levels on the costs of transport operations for inland waterway transport in North West Europe under several climate scenarios. It turns out, that the effect on the modal split is limited. Under the most extreme climate scenario, inland waterway transport would lose about 5.4% of the quantity that is currently being transported annually in the part of the European inland waterway transport market considered. The very dry year of 2003 can be seen as an analogue for this scenario.  相似文献   

A numerical method has been developed for estimating delays on congested waterways. Analytic and numerical results are presented for series of G/G/1 queues, i.e. with generally distributed arrivals and service times and single chambers at each lock. One or two-way traffic operations are modelled. A metamodelling approach which develops simple formulas to approximate the results of simulation models is presented. The structure of the metamodels is developed from queueing theory while their coefficients are statistically estimated from simulation results. The numerical method consists of three modules: (1) delays, (2) arrivals and (3) departures. The first estimates the average waiting time for each lock when the arrival and service time distributions at this lock are known. The second identifies the relations between the arrival distributions at one lock and the departure distributions from the upstream and downstream locks. The third estimates the mean and variance of inter-departure times when the inter-arrival and service time distributions are known. The method can be applied to systems with two-way traffic through common bi-directional servers as well as to one-way traffic systems. Algorithms for both cases are presented. This numerical method is shown to produce results that are close to the simulation results. The metamodels developed for estimating delays and variances of inter-departure times may be applied to waterways and other series of G/G/1 queues. These metamodels for G/G/1 queues may provide key components of algorithms for analyzing networks of queues.  相似文献   

This paper presents a railroad energy efficiency model used to estimate the fuel economies for classes of trains transporting various commodities. Comparable procedures are used to estimate truck and waterway fuel consumption. The results show that coal unit trains are 4.5–5.0 times more energy efficient than movements in the largest trucks allowed in the eastern and western regions of the US, unit grain train movements in the central US are 4.6 times more fuel efficient, soda ash unit train and non-unit train shipments are 4.9 and 3.2 times more efficient, and ethanol unit train and non-unit train movements are 4.8 and 3.0 times more efficient. In terms of barge traffic, coal unit train and non-unit train are 1.3 and 0.9 times as energy efficient in the eastern US, grain unit train and non-unit train movements are 1.7 and 1.0 times more efficient from Minneapolis to the Gulf of Mexico, and grain unit train and non-unit train movements are 1.0 and 0.7 times more fuel efficient from the Upper Ohio River to the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

随着我国东线南水北调工程的建设,内河船舶对水域环境造成的污染引起了高度的重视,为了保障南水北调工程的建设和人民群众生活及生态环境安全,加强内河船舶污染控制工作成为海事船检部门工作的重中之重。严格把关船舶污染水域源头,从现行法制手段、国家监督管理机制、船舶防污设计等多个方面进行分析,采取有效的防污染措施,提高当前内河船舶防污染工作,重视内河船舶防污染治理,提升内河船舶防污染水平。本文针对京杭运河徐州段船舶防污现状,浅析内河船舶防污染面临的问题,并研究解决对策。  相似文献   

内河船舶救生衣配备存放及使用中存在着很多不规范之处,随着内河船舶的大型化进程,一些船员原本并不会游泳或者水性不好,导致船员失足落水溺亡事件的屡屡发生。本文通过分析这些这些不规范之处的产生原因,以及相应存在问题的应对措施,以供交流与参考。  相似文献   

Inland waterways are vulnerable to climate change as river navigation depends on water levels. Droughts can severely disrupt inland navigation services by reducing water levels either to completely non-navigable ones or to levels that oblige operators to reduce vessel load. We analyse the impacts of droughts induced by climate change using projections of river discharge data provided by eleven different climate model runs. We consider location specific characteristics by focusing the analysis on four specific locations of the Rhine and the Danube where a substantial part of the total freight activity in the European Union (EU) takes place. For the majority of the cases and scenarios considered, a decrease of the number of low water level days is projected, leading to fewer drought related disruptions in the operation of the inland waterway transport system. Although the uncertainties from the climate projections should not be neglected, the navigation sector could benefit from global warming which means that European inland waterways might be one of the few sectors where climate change can have negligible, or even positive, impact. The average economic benefit, for the cases considered, from the decrease of low water levels by the end of the century is projected to be almost €8million annually.  相似文献   

Fuzzy optimization techniques can be applied in determining the optimal schedule for the transport of gravel by inland water transportation. Gravel demand, for example, is difficult to determine precisely since it depends on the industrial development of the regions supplied by gravel and on possible buyers. The duration of the annual navigation period varies depending on the water level, possible icebergs, heavy fog, strong and frequent wind. The transport company is usually satisfied if total transportation costs stay within a reasonable range. The formulation of a linear programme lacks flexibility in dealing with imprecise input data. In this paper this type of problem has been approached with fuzzy optimization techniques.  相似文献   

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