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In this study, current meter and hydrological data obtained during the X Italian Expedition in the Ross Sea (CLIMA Project) are analyzed. Our data show a nice agreement with previous data referring to the water masses present in this area and their dynamics. Here, they are used to further analyze the mixing and deepening processes of Deep Ice Shelf Water (DISW) over the northern shelf break of the Ross Sea. In more detail, our work is focused on the elementary mechanisms that are the most efficient in removing dense water from the shelf: either classical mixing effects or density currents that interact with some topographic irregularity in order to drop to deeper levels, or also the variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) which, in its meandering, can push the dense water off the shelf, thus interrupting its geostrophic flow. We also discuss in detail the (partial) evidence of dramatic interactions of the dense water with bottom particulate, of geological or biological origin, thus generating impulsive or quasi-steady density-turbidity currents. This complex interaction allows one to consider bottom particular and dense water as a unique self-interacting system. In synthesis, this is a first tentative analysis of the effect of bottom particulate on the dense water dynamics in the Ross Sea.  相似文献   

为研究江苏沿海海域受双台风布拉万和天秤的影响情况,应用Holland模型与ERA背景风场数据构建双台风布拉万和天秤的模拟风场,结合MIKE SW模块进行台风浪的数值模拟试验,通过与卫星轨道数据、实测站点数据对比对模拟的有效波高进行了验证,研究了东中国海范围和江苏沿海海域的波浪场(混合浪、风浪和涌浪)特征。其中,在模拟风场的构建中,比例系数e至为关键,通过进行参数试验确定较优系数值。研究结果表明台风布拉万主要以风浪形式影响江苏沿海海域,出现的风浪最大值为10.4 m,台风天秤是以涌浪形式影响,涌浪最大值为2.4 m,且台风布拉万的影响强度明显大于台风天秤。  相似文献   

An adjoint 1-D model was used to determine vertical diffusivity coefficients from temperature profiles collected within a filament escaping from the Galician coast following an upwelling event. The optimisation scheme ended with relatively high diffusivity values within the thermocline (9×10−5 m2 s−1). Such high values are relevant for biogeochemical exchanges between surface and deep waters in stratified areas.The optimised values were several orders of magnitude higher than the bulk of diffusivity measurements recorded with a free-falling device; however, the optimisation solution was consistent with the arithmetic mean of the measurements in the thermocline (7.7×10−5 m2 s−1), giving more weight to the few largest values. Below the thermocline, the data assimilation method failed because of the three-dimensional nature of the advective field of the upwelling system. Ignoring this advective forcing in the model led to estimates that were two orders of magnitude too high.The results suggest that turbulent mixing is a random process where a few intense events determine the average mixing that drives the long-term evolution of the water column structure. This statistical property is very important when one wants to use instantaneous diffusivity measurements for modelling purposes.  相似文献   

Piracy off the coast of Nigeria portends grave danger to the economic, security, and sociopolitical development of the country. It also threatens both international and regional trade as well as the stability of the West African sub-region. Despite Nigerian government’s attempts to curb piracy caused by poverty, unemployment, including corrupt and weak maritime regulatory and security institutions, attacks by pirates have continued to occur off the country’s coast. Consequent upon the adverse effects of piratical attacks on their day to day activities, seafarers can facilitate the suppression of piracy off the Nigerian coast. This paper uses statistics, provisions of international instruments and domestic legislations, the United Nations Security Council resolutions, soft laws, and opinions of researchers to examine the nature, causes, and effects of piracy on seafarers in Nigeria. The author argues that seafarers are necessary partners to curb piracy off the coast of Nigeria through enforcing maritime security conventions and other related instruments as well as testifying against pirates during trials. In conclusion, this paper contends that acts of piracy adversely affect crew members’ life, health, family, job, and finance thereby providing an overwhelming motivation for seafarers to play a role in suppressing piracy off the Nigerian coast.  相似文献   

Variability of river plumes off Northwest Iberia in response to wind events   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Western Iberian Buoyant Plume (WIBP) is a low-salinity lens formed by river discharge and continental run-off extending along the shelf off Northwest Iberia. The variability of this structure is evaluated with a numerical model forced by real meteorological data and climatologic river discharge during late 2002, when conditions were those of a typical autumn. The direction and intensity of the wind-induced Ekman transport, but also the previous conditions and the duration of the event are found to determine plume behavior. We have identified three characteristic situations: a) confinement of the plume to the coast during downwelling — southerly-winds, b) expansion of the plume during the declining phase of the downwelling event by relaxation of the wind, and c) expansion of the plume by upwelling — northerly-winds. The short time scale of the response of the plume (1–3 h) adds timing between wind events and the phase of the tide as an additional source of variability. In all cases the Iberian Poleward Current (IPC), a saltier and warmer poleward current flowing over the slope, responds as well to wind changes. Furthermore, our simulations illustrate how topography and differences in the river discharge induce local differences in dynamics. Comparisons to available observations show a reasonable model skill. Differences between wind measurements and wind forcing applied to the model appear to be a major source of uncertainty in model results.  相似文献   


local wastewater management policies can be important tools for protecting marine water quality when coordinated with sound land use and environmental planning. that relationship is examined through a review of the point and nonpoint source pollution issues associated with centralized versus decentralized wastewater management approaches, sewerage extension and plant expansion effects, and sewerage management practices. we use information provided by 161 local jurisdictions in coastal regions of the southeastern united states and various secondary regions of the southeastern united states and various secondary sources. the article concludes with a discussion of policy implications and recommendations to improve the coordination of local sewerage extension/expansion practices and land use planning.  相似文献   

Net in situ production and export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) have been studied in shelf waters off the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain), as part of a comprehensive hydrographic survey carried out from September 1994 to September 1995 with a fortnight periodicity. DOC and DON correlated well (r=+0.78), the slope of the regression line being 12.0±0.7 mol-C mol-N−1, about twice the Redfieldian slope of particulate organic matter, 6.5±0.2 mol-C mol-N−1 (r=+0.95). Labile DOC and DON accumulated in the upper 50 m during the upwelling season (March–September), mainly after prolonged periods of wind relaxation, when horizontal flows were reduced. This labile material represented 50% and 35% of the total (dissolved+particulate) organic carbon and nitrogen susceptible of microbial utilisation, which assert the key contribution of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the export of new primary production in the NW Iberian upwelling system. This surface excess in shelf waters appeared to be formed into the highly productive Ría de Vigo (a large coastal indentation) at net rates of 4.4 μM-C d−1 and 1.3 μM-C d−1 in the inner and outer segments of the embayment respectively, and subsequently exported to the shelf. Once in the shelf, simple dilution with the inert DOM pool of recently upwelled Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW) occurred. Eventually, the DOM excess produced during the upwelling season is exported to the adjacent open ocean waters by the coastal circulation. Conversely, during the unproductive downwelling season (October–February), the lowest DOC and DON levels were recorded and export was prevented by the characteristic downwelling front associated to the seasonal poleward slope current.  相似文献   

对于沿海液化天然气(LNG)和核电等项目,取水口是重要的配套工程,其主要受波浪的作用,取水结构内的波况直接关系到取水口的正常运行。针对某一具体工程实例,对海岸直接取水结构进行了波浪物理模型试验研究,分析不同水位、波向及方案下取水结构内的波况。研究结果表明,随着水位的降低,虽然入射波高减小,但是取水结构内比波高均增大,低水位时取水结构内波况相对不利。波向对取水结构内波况影响较大,与正向和74°向波浪相比,52°向波浪作用下取水结构内比波高均较小。与原方案相比,优化方案一和优化方案二均有效减小了引水流道内的波高,但是进水前池和吸水池内波高减小得较少。  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a trial assessment based on a combination of sampling techniques at a dredged material disposal site located off the North East coast of the UK, over 2001 to 2004. The site was surveyed with a high-resolution sidescan sonar system producing a mosaic with 100% coverage of the survey area. Benthic communities and sediments were ground-truthed using a Hamon grab with a video camera. Additionally, the area was also sampled in 2003 with a Sediment Profile Imaging (SPI) camera, which complemented other techniques by providing in situ information on sediment quality, and biogenic activities. An assessment is made of the benefits of combining the results from conventional methods, principally using grab samples, with those from acoustic techniques and optical imaging devices to determine seafloor and macrobenthic conditions. This information has the potential to contribute to the enhancement of routine monitoring programmes within UK waters.  相似文献   

水下高压气吹除是一个气液两相混合流动的复杂过程,很难建立精确的数学模型。本文在对高压气吹除进行相关理论分析基础上,开展吹除水舱水量精确控制试验研究,验证以水舱液位为主要控制参数实现高压气吹除过程水舱水量精确控制的可行性,达到了预期控制要求。  相似文献   

关于淤泥质海岸与粉沙质海岸界定的探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
对以往淤泥质海岸和粉沙质海岸的界定方法进行了回顾和剖析,指出了其中的不足。并根据前人大量试验结果和现场资料,从泥沙粒径、絮凝因子、起动流速、含泥量等因素,结合欧美国家和我国海洋调查规范对泥沙的分类,将泥沙d50<0.016 mm,含泥量大于25%的海岸视为淤泥质海岸;0.016 mm≤d50≤0.12 mm,含泥量小于或等于25%的海岸视为粉沙质海岸,这种海岸的分类不仅与众多泥沙研究成果总体一致,而且包涵了海岸泥沙运动、港口淤积及清淤等组合因素,更贴近于港口工程实际。  相似文献   

严冰  张娜  赵洪波 《水道港口》2011,32(4):291-296
应用Mike21FM模型对马来西亚沙巴电厂沿岸往复流海岸温排水进行了数值模拟,采用非结构化网格,率定了模型参数,建立了水动力模型,对取、排水口不同位置方案进行了数值模拟预测.分析结果显示,排水口位置的变化对温升分布影响较大,温度场几乎不因取水口位置的改变而变化;在水深较大位置进行温水排放对取水温升的控制更为有利;取、排...  相似文献   

Recent sedimentary study of the shelf of the Basque country   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The Northern Iberian margin of the Spanish Basque country (provinces of Gipuzkoa and Viscaia) is characterized by a narrow continental platform, which receives inputs of riverine particulate matter from the numerous riverine systems located within the Basque country. This particulate matter is subsequently deposited within the Bay of Biscay, and Gouf de Capbreton [Frouin, R., Fiuza, A.F.G., Ambar, I., Boyd, T.J., 1990. Observations of a poleward surface current off the coasts of Portugal and Spain during winter. Journal of Geophysical Research 95 (C1), 679–691]. The main goal of this study is to establish a map of the surface sediment distribution of the Basque continental shelf and more specifically to map the muddy patch located at the eastern side of that continental shelf.Three oceanographic cruises were conducted in 2003 and 2004. From these campaigns 340 surface samples, 12 short cores and 3 gravity cores have been collected over the mid and outer shelf from depths ranging between 50 m and 150 m deep. 3 seismic profiles were obtained across the shelf mud patch using a Sparker device.Sediment grain-size analyses were performed by the classical physical method of sieving and use of settling columns. The POC (Particular Organic Carbon) amounts in sediment and water samples were determined using the Strickland and Parsons' method [Strickland, J.D.H., Parsons, T.R., 1972. Determination of particulate carbon. In : A practical handbook of seawater analysis. Fisheries ResearchBoard of Canada, Ottawa, pp. 207−211] as adapted by Etcheber [Etcheber, H., 1981. Comparaison des diverses méthodes d'évaluation des teneurs en matières en suspension et en carbone organique particulaire des eaux marines du plateau continental aquitain. Journal de Recherche Océanographique VI (2), 37−42]. Radioisotopic measurements (210Pbexc) were made using a semi-planar germanium detector coupled to a multichannel analyser. Radiographical analysis was performed with an X-ray equipment (SCOPIX®) coupled with a radioscopy instrumentation and processing unit.Firstly, a detailed sedimentological map of this shelf has been produced and secondly, geophysical surveys have precisely mapped the geometry of the main mud patch on the continental shelf. In the mud patch itself the rates of sedimentation are between 0.13 and 0.50 cm yr− 1. The maximum rate of sedimentation is located in the central mud patch, whereas the minimum rate of deposition occurs close to the rocky outcrops. These results seem to be in agreement with the estimation of the total thickness of the mud patch revealed by seismic profiles. The central part corresponds to the maximum thickness of 7 m.Interpretations of the associated oceanic current forcing factors (current direction, wave fetch and wind directional modes) relating to the identified sediment depositional zones are also undertaken.  相似文献   

《Journal of Marine Systems》2006,59(1-2):159-172
Copepod species diversity, abundance and assemblages in relation to water masses over the continental shelf of the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) were studied extensively based on the net plankton samples in autumn 2000. Multivariate analysis based on copepod assemblage resulted in recognition of five groups (Groups 1−5) corresponding to the water masses. Groups 1 and 2 delineated from inshore stations with low salinity YS Surface Water, and offshore stations with YS Cold Water in the YS. Group 3 located in the joint area of YS and ECS mainly with Mixed Water. Groups 4 and 5 in the ECS delineated two assemblages mainly from inshore and shallow stations with ECS Mixed Water in the southeastern ECS, and offshore stations along the ECS shelf edge controlled by saline Kuroshio Water. Salinity and temperature were more important in characterizing copepod assemblage of the continental shelf than chlorophyll a.  相似文献   


This article outlines the steps that have been taken to conserve the coast of Great Britain. It treats the subject historically and emphasizes the ways in which unofficial and official bodies have interacted. Apart from a few very restricted areas, the shoreline is open to all people. The siting of houses, chalets, and huts is strictly controlled. Problems arise from time to time as to the location of nuclear stations, oil storage areas, and similar installations; these issues are settled in full discussions at official inquiries at which all interests—official, business, and conservation–are represented.  相似文献   

This article examines the progressive erosion of coastal living and recreating opportunities. It considers the possibility that such changes represent not a softening of concern over recreation and preservation by local decisionmakers, but a breakdown in the traditional system of checks and balances available in our allocative system. To this end, several methods for increasing the capability of local jurisdictions to render balanced land‐use decisions on the foreshore are examined, and suggestions are presented for increasing private opportunity for recreation and living on the coast, particularly over time.  相似文献   

A three dimensional hydrodynamic model of the Malin-Hebrides shelf region is used to investigate the spatial variability of the wind and tidally induced residual flow in the region and the influence of flow from the Irish Sea and along the shelf edge. By this means it is possible to understand the spatial variability in the long term observed flow fields in the region and the range of driving forces producing this flow. The model uses a sigma coordinate grid in the vertical with a finer grid in the near surface and near bed shear layers. The vertical diffusion of momentum in the model is parameterised using an eddy viscosity coefficient which is derived from turbulence energy closure models. Two different turbulence models are used to compute the eddy viscosity, namely a two-equation (itq2−q2ℓ) model which has prognostic equations for both turbulence energy and mixing length and a simpler model in which the mixing length is a specified algebraic function of the water depth.The wind induced response to spatially and temporally constant orthogonal wind stresses, namely westerly and southerly winds of 1 N m−2, are derived from the model. By using orthogonal winds and assuming linearity, then to first order the response to any wind direction can be derived. Computed flows show a uniform wind driven surface layer of magnitude about 3% of the wind speed and direction 15 ° to the right of the wind, in deep water. Currents at depth particularly in the shelf edge and near coastal region show significant spatial variability which is related to variations in bottom topography and the coastline.Calculations show that tidal residual flows are only significant in the near coastal regions where the tidal current is strong and exhibits spatial variability. Flow into the region from the Irish Sea through the North Channel although having its greatest influence in the near coastal region, does affect currents near the shelf edge region. Again the spatial variability of the flow is influenced by topographic effects.A detailed examination of wind induced current profiles together with turbulence, mixing length and viscosity, at a number of locations in the model from deep ocean to shallow near coastal, shows that both turbulence models yield comparable results, with the mixing length in the two equation model showing a similar dependence to that specified in the simpler turbulence model.Calculations clearly show that flow along the shelf edge area to the west of Ireland and from the Irish Sea entering the region, together with local wind forcing can have a major effect upon currents along the Malin-Hebrides shelf. The flow fields show significant spatial variability in the region, comparable to those deduced from long term tracer measurements. The spatial variability found in the calculations suggests that a very intense measurement programme together with inflow measurements into the area is required to understand the circulation in the region, and provide data sets suitable for a rigorous model validation.  相似文献   

王启友 《中国水运》2007,5(9):36-37
在各级海事机构的努力下,水上交通安全形势稳定好转,特别是对重点水域、重点船舶进行的重点监管直接降低了水上安全事故的发生率。但随着投入营运船舶数量的增多、载重量的增大,水上交通形势日趋复杂,水上重大交通安全事故仍时有发生。本文通过分析水上交通事故发生在时间上的分布情况,找出其季节性规律。希望能及时掌握各个时期的工作重点,在日常海事工作中根据实际情况提前采取具有针对性的预控手段和监管措施,并逐渐将季节性管理工作纳入到日常监管工作中,提高海事监管效能。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the image of seafarers in Spanish newspapers. This is done by a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the news published in six representative newspapers in the days following the shipwrecks of 24 oil tankers between 1976 and 2007. A total of 359 news items have been studied analysing the type of language used, its place in the pages of the newspapers, the comments of the journalists who wrote them, etc., arriving at the conclusion that seafarers have a bad image in the Spanish printed press.  相似文献   

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