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区域交通网络与空间形态结构的互动影响着机场地区“空港、临空产业、航空城”的协同发展。从“港产城”一体化角度分析枢纽机场地区交通及其组织特性,提出以机场导向发展、突出进场交通的轴向性和航空客货属性产业布局分离的机场地区交通网络与空间形态结构耦合的理想模型。考虑实际自然地理环境、行政区划、机场的功能定位等因素,论证典型枢纽机场地区道路交通网络结构与空间形态结构互动模式。最后,以北京首都机场地区为例,验证首都机场地区路网结构与空间形态时空演进历程,分析现阶段及规划中交通网络与空间形态结构的强关联耦合。  相似文献   

京津冀都市密集区航空运输面临着发展不平衡问题,加强三地机场功能互补、协同发展,对于构建京津冀一体化综合交通运输体系、促进区域融合发展具有重要意义。借鉴世界大都市区机场群系统运营模式,本文提出了京津冀机场协同发展的路径和对策建议。  相似文献   

长三角地区实现更高质量的一体化发展,对交通运输综合一体化提出了新的更高要求。当前,长三角地区交通基础设施网络基本形成,港口机场群规模庞大,运输保障能力较为充分,超级工程关键技术领先,交通与相关产业深度融合,交通运输综合一体化协同机制逐步完善,有力地支撑了长三角地区经济社会发展和对外交流联系。然而,相较于长三角地区更高质量的交通运输综合一体化发展要求,还存在着通道对外辐射连通不足、区域交通网络衔接不畅、交通枢纽功能不完善、交通运输发展水平不平衡、服务水平与技术创新能力存在差距以及区域协调机制有待健全等问题,需要进一步的解决和完善。  相似文献   

王志清  宁宣熙 《综合运输》2006,(2):24-26,82
改革开放以来,我国的民用机场得到了巨大发展,取得了显著成绩。一是初步形成了覆盖全国的机场网络系统。目前我国主要大中城市都拥有了设施较齐全的民用机场,一些边远地区和旅游热点地区也拥有相当规模的支线机场。二是机场布局规划日趋成熟,加强了对机场建设的指导性。“八五”以来的机场建设热潮,使民航主管部门认识到搞好机场建设、发挥投资效益,重要的是统筹规划、合理布局,由此加强了机场布局规划和机场发展中长期规划的制定工作,对正确引导地方政府建设机场的积极性起到了一定的促进作用。三是投融资渠道逐步拓宽,建设速度不断加快。  相似文献   

<正>按照《全国民用机场布局规划》的要求,机场的发展思路是,充分考虑国民经济社会、民航事业发展和综合交通体系发展、以及国防安全和民族地区团结的需要,通过优化机场布局和增加机场数量规模,进一步加强资源整合,完善功能定位,扩大服务范围和提高服务水平,构建布局合理、规模适当、层次分明、功能完善的现代化民用机场体系。  相似文献   

随着长三角经济一体化的发展,区域轨道网络日趋完善,为扩大区域枢纽机场的腹地提供了良好的机遇。为了定量研究轨道交通对区域枢纽机场可达性的影响,以杭州萧山机场为例,利用ArcGIS和改进的交通成本加权平均值法,从市域和区域两个方面,对基于轨道交通的机场可达性进行分析。结果表明,基于轨道交通的机场有效服务范围能够覆盖所在城市大部分地区;加强机场与区域轨道网络的衔接,有利于提升机场的可达性,扩大辐射范围。  相似文献   

本文从"坚持以人民为中心"的发展立场、解决不平衡不充分发展问题、融入国内国际双循环、构建更高水平一体化的城市—区域、综合交通体系建设以及机场布局规划制度创新等多个维度,阐述了长三角一体化背景下规划新建苏州机场的战略价值和社会实践意义。  相似文献   

2011年4月7日,《中国民用航空发展第十二个五年规划》(以下简称《规划》)在贵阳举行的全国民航规划暨机场工作会议上发布。《规划》明确了“十二五”期间民航发展的指导原则和目标,提出了民航“十二五”期间提高持续安全水平、增强机场保障能力、建设现代空管服务系统、提升航空运输服务能力、加快通用航空事业发展五大任务,并强调了促进民航发展方式转变以及规划保障措施的具体要求。  相似文献   

我国民航支线机场发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
<正> 我国民航以枢纽机场和干线机场为主的机场布局网络已初步形成,支线机场的建设是今后一个时期发展的重点课题。近年来,国内一些地区支线机场的建设和运营取得了一些成就,但总体来讲,尚处于发展的初级阶段,存在着发展不平衡、投资体制不完善、政策措施  相似文献   

京津冀民航协同发展需要各机场货运的协同发展,而通过对1958-2016年京津冀多机场货运市场结构,以及1984年-2014年货运航线网络结构的研究,发现京津冀货运发展一直处于一个不平衡的状态。研究表明,北京首都机场一直处于垄断地位,航线网络点度中心度,中介中心度,接近中心度,一直处于第一;区域内多个小机场的航空货运发展空间有限,近十年的航空货运的市场集中度维持在0.8左右。为了促进京津冀多机场货运协同发展,必须克服京津冀多机场在机场发展理念、航空信息共享、航空运输资源协同配置、产业基础设施、人才、行政体制等方面的重重矛盾,采取先降低集中度,后提升协同度的协同发展路径,最终形成多核心货运协同发展模式。  相似文献   

为深入落实"交通强国"战略和实现"全域旅游"目标,推动旅游与交通深度融合发展,需做好旅游交通体系发展的顶层设计。通过分析旅游交通面临的问题,提出了旅游交通融合发展的理念。将福建省作为案例,针对福建旅游交通网络面临的问题,提出了"快旅慢游"旅游交通体系的建设目标、实施方案及保障措施。依托高铁、民航、邮轮和公路等综合立体交通网络,提出了"一带三环多放射"旅游交通"快旅"通道的发展思路;通过特色旅游产品开发、旅游服务质量提升等方面,规划了"慢游"微循环旅游交通的发展方案,构建了福建省多层次、综合立体的旅游交通体系发展新格局。以期通过福建省旅游交通融合发展案例研究,为其他省市旅游交通融合发展借鉴参考。  相似文献   

文章运用区域综合交通规划学、系统工程学、区域经济学和旅游经济学等多学科研究方法,针对我国“十二五”期间大力发展旅游业和优先建设交通基础设施的特殊背景,以荆门市交通运输系统为研究对象,综合考虑城市交通、过境交通、旅游交通及其各种交通方式的综合协调,对荆门市的综合交通运输网络进行总体布局规划。  相似文献   

Transit oriented development (TOD) has been an important topic for urban transportation planning research and practice. This paper is aimed at empirically examining the effect of rail transit station-based TOD on daily station passenger volume. Using integrated circuit (IC) card data on metro passenger volumes and cellular signaling data on the spatial distribution of human activities in Shanghai, the research identifies variations in ridership among rail transit stations. Then, regression analysis is performed using passenger volume in each station as the dependent variable. Explanatory variables include station area employment and population, residents’ commuting distances, metro network accessibility, status as interchange station, and coupling with commercial activity centers. The main findings are: (1) Passenger volume is positively associated with employment density and residents’ commuting distance around station; (2) stations with earlier opening dates and serving as transfer nodes tend to have positive association with passenger volumes; (3) metro stations better integrated with nearby commercial development tend to have larger passenger volumes. Several implications are drawn for TOD planning: (1) TOD planning should be integrated with rail transit network planning; (2) location of metro stations should be coupled with commercial development; (3) high employment densities should be especially encouraged as a key TOD feature; and (4) interchange stations should be more strategically positioned in the planning for rail transit network.  相似文献   

文章在调研广州轨道交通衔接规划开展情况的基础上,分析广州轨道交通衔接的必要性及轨道交通衔接规划的主要研究内容,提出了衔接方式一体化、区域差别化及站点功能层级化等交通衔接规划的研究方法,为其他城市开展轨道交通衔接规划研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the need of introducing biofuels for the use of the civil aviation sector, and the different possibilities of application of incentive mechanisms if the existing market conditions do not allow their direct commercialisation. After an introduction on the main features of the civil aviation impact on climate change, a historical review of the European Union regulations to promote the energy extraction from biological resources is presented. The different incentive policies around the world are revised and compared and some indications are offered on the most recommendable procedures that might be carried out in the near future.  相似文献   

A major problem addressed during the preparation of spatial development plans relates to the accessibility to facilities where services of general interest such as education, health care, public safety, and justice are offered to the population. In this context, planners typically aim at redefining the level of hierarchy to assign to the urban centers of the region under study (with a class of facilities associated with each level of hierarchy) and redesigning the region’s transportation network. Traditionally, these two subjects – urban hierarchy and transportation network planning – have been addressed separately in the scientific literature. This paper presents an optimization model that simultaneously determines which urban centers and which network links should be promoted to a new level of hierarchy so as to maximize accessibility to all classes of facilities. The possible usefulness of the model for solving real-world problems of integrated urban hierarchy and transportation network planning is illustrated through an application to the Centro Region of Portugal.  相似文献   

杨新湦  屈琮博 《综合运输》2021,(2):66-72,83
针对我国国际枢纽机场未按照设计之初功能定位发展的现状,运用AHP法构建国际枢纽机场综合评价指标体系,将国际航空运输规模指标、国际节点网络连通度指标、枢纽功能指标、综合交通指标纳入体系当中。首先对国内外大型国际枢纽机场进行评价,其次对我国机场布局规划中的10个国际枢纽机场进行评价。结果表明我国国际枢纽机场国际业务发展、航空枢纽建设与国外对标机场有一定差距,与自身战略规划有所偏差,针对薄弱指标项基于自身优势给出发展建议。最后基于一市两场与机场群的视角,分析了如何根据自身功能定位进行协同发展问题。  相似文献   

Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) throughout the United States are identifying goals and implementation strategies to reduce the impacts of climate change through transportation adaptation initiatives. Using vulnerability assessments as well as adaptation practices that support mitigation, MPOs are beginning to integrate climate change planning into the long range planning process. Evaluating the state-of-the-practice of adaptation planning and adaptation in support of mitigation is useful in that it helps identify gaps and areas of improvement. Therefore, this research investigates the state-of-the-practice of MPO adaptation planning using the Mid-Atlantic region as a case study. Surveys, administered in 2012 and 2014, are used to identify the level of progress of MPOs with regard to climate change adaptation practices as well as barriers before and after Hurricane Sandy. A cross-sectional analysis using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) maps the results of the surveys and spatially compares regional trends. The results of the case study suggest growing interest in adaptation efforts such as floodplain area designations and efforts to enhance coordination and collaboration as transportation jurisdictions respond to the potential climate change impacts. In addition, MPOs with dense, smaller geographic areas prioritize inter-jurisdictional collaboration as high, suggesting that they are more reliant on other agencies to maintain inter-connectivity of transportation networks and further implement adaptation planning practices.  相似文献   

本文在系统分析我国人口老龄化问题的基础上,引申出无障碍相关概念,通过总结新加坡城市道路和交通枢纽无障碍“以人为本”的设计特色,针对我国高比例的老年人口规模和残障人士渴望进一步融入社会的强烈愿望,从观念革新、系统规划、风格设计等方面探讨有益于我国城市交通无障碍建设的启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

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