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我国城市轨道交通发展政策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前,我国大中城市普遍存在着道路拥挤、车辆堵塞、交通秩序混乱的现象,已成为城市发展的“瓶颈”问题。随着我国城市规模和经济建设飞速的发展,城市化进程在逐步加快,城市人口在急剧增加,大量流动人口涌进城市,人员出行和物资交流频繁,交通需求急剧增长,城市交通供需矛盾日趋紧张。  相似文献   

张菁 《综合运输》2005,(5):80-83
改革开放以来,我国的城市规模和经济建设都有了飞速的发展,城市化进程逐步加快,城市人口急剧增加,城市交通面临着严峻的局势。当前,全国大中城市普遍存在着道路拥挤、车辆堵塞、交通秩序混乱的现象,城市交通问题已成为全社会关注的焦点。如何将城市交通规划更好地纳入城市整体规划之中?我国城市交通发展的目标和方向是什么?带着这些问题,本刊记者走访了中国科学院和中国工程院院士周干峙先生。城市交通模式:从城市规划和交通规划入手记者:随着经济社会的快速发展,我国城市化进程日益加快,城市交通拥堵也成为困扰政府和百姓的难题。您是如何…  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,人们对城市交通系统提出了更高的要求,迫使我国各善的城市交通体系。因此我国许多大城市需要建立“以常规公交为主体,轨道交通为骨干的公共交通系统”,形成完城市都在积极地准备建设轨道交通线网,而建设轨道交通的前提是编制轨道交通线网规划。轨道网规划可分为背景研究、轨道网布局规划、轨道网实施规划和轨道网控制性规划四个部分。  相似文献   

总量削减:处理城市与交通关系的重要理念   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文围绕如何处理城市发展与交通发展的关系问题,指出"汽车交通总量削减"理念是从根本上解决交通供需矛盾的主要途径。从优化城市功能规划、倡导"轨道交通+常规公交+自行车交通+步行"交通模式角度提出减少汽车交通需求的措施,并从差别化停车收费、合乘制、拥挤收费等方面列举国内外的抑制汽车交通的办法。  相似文献   

贺鹏 《综合运输》2023,(4):173-181
国内很多城市的轨道交通存在规划、建设和运营阶段相互剥离的问题,由此导致线网规模加速扩张无法满足多样化客流出行需求。相较而言,东京在处理轨道交通发展与运营组织的关系方面的先进经验值得借鉴,本文以东京都市圈为研究对象,探究了东京轨道交通发展与运营组织规划的关系。首先,从线路建设和运营组织两个方面剖析轨道交通与城市功能分区之间的互动关系。其次,以东武东上线+西武池袋线廊道为例,从线路建设时序与城市发展时序的角度研究东京轨道交通线路建设的基本特征,阐释城市的功能分区、空间布局与轨道交通相互协调发展的过程。进一步分析了东京轨道交通运营组织的基本特征,从运行能力、运行交路和停站方案三个角度进行研究,研究结果表明城市轨道交通可通过多样化的运营组织模式引导乘客的出行。最后,结合东京轨道交通发展的先进经验,针对我国线网规模庞大、发展时间较早的城市,提出应在宏观层面统筹好运力布局,在中观层面兼顾运营交路和职住关系,在微观层面优化运营技术手段、提高运营效率的发展策略。  相似文献   

<正>随着以轨道交通为骨干、常规公交为主体的综合公共交通体系的确立和深化,许多城市已经建立或规划了城市轨道交通系统。它不但客运量大、速度快,而且污染小、占用路面土地资源小。目前,许多城市利用轨道交通作为引导城市发展的交通方式(TOD)。但是,轨道交通也有它的局限性:首先大运量要求  相似文献   

随着江苏省城市化进程的加快,城市规模不断扩大,三圈五轴发展格局已初具雏形。轨道交通作为一种集运量大、速度快、环保节能等优点于一体的客运方式已引起各级政府的关注。国家已经提出大城市应把发展轨道交通列为城市公共交通发展的重点,用30—50年时间建成覆盖中国主要城市的现代化轨道交通网络,包括地铁、轻轨等在内的轨道交通里程力争达到2000公里,力争50万人口以上的城市把轨道交通作为公共交通的主体,特大城市的轨道交通承运量达到公交总量的80%以上。本文按轨道交通服务范围并结合江苏省“三圈五轴”城镇布局体系发展的特点,…  相似文献   

发展巴士快速公共交通系统的建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贾倩  贾侃  赵强 《综合运输》2005,(3):21-24
当前中国城市公共交通面临着一系列的挑战: 城市人口的增长;私人汽车拥有量的增加;城市交通拥挤日益严重;石油价格的增长与公共交通运营成本的提高;公交补贴日益萎缩;城市居民对公交的依赖程度日益降低。如何构筑合理的、具有竞争力的城市公共交通体系,尽量降低居民的出行费用与时间,并能权衡改善公共交通的投资运营费用,相关的规划、研究有很多。本文对巴士快速公共交通系统(Bus Rapid Transit,简称为BRT)在中国城市交通中的地位和作用进行系统评估,分析了巴士快速交通在中国的发展前景,并提出中国发展巴士快速交通的初步建议。一、…  相似文献   

中运量公交与轨道交通的换乘衔接是城市公共交通系统中的重要环节,对于提高交通系统效率、降低城市交通拥堵以及改善乘客出行体验具有关键作用。深入研究中运量公交与轨道交通换乘衔接优化,以提高换乘的便捷性和可靠性。首先,对中运量公交与轨道交通系统进行概述;其次,对中运量公交与轨道交通换乘衔接存在的问题进行分析;最后,结合两者特点,提出针对性换乘衔接优化策略。以期提高中运量公交与轨道交通换乘的便利性,进而为人们的高效出行创造有利条件。  相似文献   

为提升县级城市公交发展水平提供相关决策依据,支撑浙江省高质量共同富裕示范区建设,开展公交发展水平均衡性研究。利用浙江省53县(市)的公交车辆规模、公交线网运营里程、人口规模、经济规模及建成区面积等数据,定量分析公交发展水平均衡性及影响因素。研究表明,浙江省全域县级公交发展水平越来均衡性,但是11个地级市的县域公交发展水平组内差距越来越大。城市公交发展水平均衡性受到经济水平、人口规模和建成区面积等共同因素的影响,其中经济水平和人口规模有正向促进作用,建成区面积有抑制作用。  相似文献   

Congestion charging is being considered as a potential measure to address the issue of substantially increased traffic congestion and vehicle emissions in Beijing. This study assessed the impact of congestion charging on traffic and emissions in Beijing using macroscopic traffic simulation and vehicle emissions calculation. Multiple testing scenarios were developed with assumptions in different charging zone sizes, public transit service levels and charging methods. Our analysis results showed that congestion charging in Beijing may increase public transit use by approximately 13%, potentially reduce CO and HC emissions by 60–70%, and reduce NOx emissions by 35–45% within the charging zone. However, congestion charging may also result in increased travel activities and emissions outside of the charging zone and a slight increase in emissions for the entire urban area. The size of charging zone, charging method, and charging rate are key factors that directly influence the impact of congestion charging; improved public transit service needs to be considered as a complementary approach with congestion charging. This study is used by Beijing Transportation Environment and Energy Center (BTEC) as reference to support the development of Beijing’s congestion charging policy and regulation.  相似文献   


Malaysia is one of the few countries in the world that provides a fuel subsidy to consumers. Due to the recent economic crisis, the Malaysian Government decided to revise its fuel subsidization policy from a fixed price subsidy to a floating price subsidy dependent on global oil demand. Recognizing that the change in fuel subsidization policy can have an impact on travel behavior, this article investigates the short-term impact of the policy change on private and public transportation in the Klang Valley region of Malaysia. Spectral analyses are performed to investigate if the policy change has an impact on private vehicle travel demand, measured in terms of road traffic, and short-term travel demand elasticity with respect to fuel price is estimated. To measure the impact on the public transportation system, the demand cross-elasticity values of rail transit and buses are also estimated. It was found that traffic flow reduces with an increase in fuel price, although elasticity and cross-elasticity values obtained are low. The article finds that there is a potential mode shift from private vehicles to rail transit with increasing fuel price. It is demonstrated that reducing fuel price subsidy can be an effective travel demand management strategy to alleviate congestion.  相似文献   

The development of the Munich Rapid Transit System, coupled with the growth of the Munich region, has had a major effect on the spatial structure of the region. The radial form of the rapid transit system has led to an outward movement of higher income families and a strengthening of the service function of the city centre, to the cost of local centres. Lower income families are tending to settle in the city centre fringe areas, although their primary employment opportunities, in manufacturing industry, are increasingly moving to the urban fringe. There is, thus, a growing spatial separation between homes and workplaces and although the rapid transit system has reduced traffic congestion in Munich, it has encouraged the development of an urban structure which is not compatible with the objectives of either the state or the region.  相似文献   

Improved criteria are necessary to aid in determining awards of federal funds for metropolitan transit projects. Commuting is the main use for public transit. Thus a primary objective of an urban transit system should be to provide a flexible and balanced set of options to the workers in the metropolitan area for their journey to work. This paper discusses various facets of an appropriate balance among the three modes: rapid rail, bus, and automobile. Three cities are selected for further analysis: Baltimore, Kansas City, and Phoenix. These cities represent different stages in economic-transportation development, and also present different spatial patterns of residence and employment. The applicability of rapid rail transit to each city is examined in view of central city worker concentration and recent trends.  相似文献   

基于复杂网络的兰州市公交网络分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市交通系统是一个动态的、自组织的、开放的复杂巨系统,交通拥挤等问题严重制约着城市有序、快速、高效地发展。文章基于复杂网络理论,以兰州市为例,运用Pajek软件和L空间法,构造了兰州市公交站点网络,并对公交网络的度、累积度和聚类系数进行了分析。结果表明,兰州市公交站点网络具有无标度特性。  相似文献   

High-speed rail is often touted as a means to reduce congestion on the United States’ highways by removing passenger car traffic. But highway congestion can also be reduced by reducing the amount of freight traffic. So, given the advances in high-speed rail, the potential exists for developing a national high-speed network for freight distribution. To design such a network considering highway traffic and transit times, we present an uncapacitated network design model with a post-processing step for the capacity constraint. To illustrate how our modeling approach could be used by policy makers to evaluate the impacts of a high-speed rail network, we apply our models with preliminary data on high-speed rail operating parameters for freight applications and from current data on shipments from a major truckload carrier and the US Census Bureau.  相似文献   

According to the Belgrade Master Plan for 2021, the public transportation system for the city and its region will include three rail modes: a modernized existing tramway, regional rail, and a new light rail transit (LRT) mode. In the coming years all three rail modes should be developed simultaneously and in a coordinated manner. The introduction of LRT is to be realized in several phases, and its first line will partially follow the alignment of an existing tramway line. As the present tramway vehicles are obsolete, new rolling stock must be designed and purchased to be compatible with many of the elements of the LRT. Ways to adjust the new tramways to the LRT rolling stock represent the central topic of this paper. The basic technical and operating characteristics of the new tramway are defined with respect to their required compatibility with the LRT stock and infrastructure.  相似文献   


Identifying the spatial distribution of travel activities can help public transportation managers optimize the allocation of resources. In this paper, transit networks are constructed based on traffic flow data rather than network topologies. The PageRank algorithm and community detection method are combined to identify the spatial distribution of public transportation trips. The structural centrality and PageRank values are compared to identify hub stations; the community detection method is applied to reveal the community structures. A case study in Guangzhou, China is presented. It is found that the bus network has a community structure, significant weekday commuting and small-world characteristics. The metro network is tightly connected, highly loaded, and has no obvious community structure. Hub stations show distinct differences in terms of volume and weekend/weekday usage. The results imply that the proposed method can be used to identify the spatial distribution of urban public transportation and provide a new study perspective.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of cordon pricing based on an urban spatial model of a non-monocentric city where trips may occur between any pair of locations in the city. The model describes the spatial distribution of trip demand and traffic congestion under alternative pricing schemes. We evaluate the efficiency of resource allocation by comparing three schemes: no-toll equilibrium, first-best optimum, and optimal cordon pricing. Optimal cordon pricing is defined as a combination of cordon location and toll level that maximizes the social surplus in a city. Simulations show that cordon pricing is not always effective for congestion management: cordon pricing tends to be effective as the urban structure is more monocentric.  相似文献   

交通拥挤是我国目前社会关注的一个焦点,也是一个世界性难题。文章针对兰州西津东路的交通拥挤问题,从城市交通经济学理论出发,提出综合利月交通供给管理和交通需求管理两种经济手段来解决兰州市西津东路交通拥挤的根本问题。  相似文献   

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