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为提升我国高速铁路货运市场份额占比,提升高铁货运产品运输效率与服务水平,为铁路运输提供更多的经济和社会效益,本文通过对国外高铁货运产品特征分析,为我国高铁快运发展提供借鉴经验。从国外铁路快速货运服务产品的对比分析出发,从产品归属、列车、站场及装卸条件和服务产品特性四个维度重点分析法国TGV La Poste、德国Parcel InterCity和意大利Mercitalia Fast等国外高速铁路货运产品。针对目前我国高铁货运产品存在的问题,结合国外高速货运产品发展经验,提出了现阶段开行夜间运行的高铁快运列车的发展方式,并从运行计划制定、站场及装卸条件和货源组织三方面讨论开行高铁夜间车的关键技术。本文的研究成果可为我国高速铁路货运的技术支持、产品设计和发展趋势等提供有效的理论分析依据。  相似文献   

高速铁路新线的开通改变了原路网系统的物理结构,拓展了大量新增客流OD,为提高运输企业效益和优化旅客服务质量提供了条件,同时新增跨线列车的开行也使既有高铁运营线路通过能力更加紧张甚至饱和,列车开行方案调整势在必行。高速铁路新线开通条件下,运营线路列车开行方案调整的关键在于新线与运营线路列车开行方案的协调优化。本文提出了列车开行方案系统化调整流程,探讨了高铁新线开通条件下列车开行方案调整备选列车集合的确定原则,分析了列车开行方案调整措施及相应影响,研究了列车开行方案调整的统计指标体系和计算方法。最后,以郑徐高速铁路开通条件下列车开行方案调整为例,为实际工作中列车开行方案调整提供借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>广西动车开行对数破百高铁15个月"五级跳"3月20日零时起,广西将迎来2015年首次较大规模的列车运行图调整,届时广西动车组列车开行总对数将达到107.5对。这是广西动车组列车开行对数首次突破100对,距离高铁初开通仅隔15个月,一年多的时间增长了7倍。广西于2013年年底始有高铁,当时开行的动车组列车对数仅有12对。2014年以来,随着南广、贵广及南宁东站等一批高铁建设项目相继投产运营,南宁铁路局先后16次调整广西旅客列车开行方案,使广西动车组列车开行对数在15个月间实现了12对到18对、33.5对、90.5对、107.5对的"五级跳",动车通达广西区内10个地级市  相似文献   

我国发展高铁货运的可行性分析及方案选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国外高铁货运组织方案和经验。从运输车辆、装卸作业、管理体制三方面分析了当前我国开展高铁快运的主要问题。提出了专用车底开行、利用客运动车底开行、旅客列车加挂专用车辆三种组织方案,比较分析了各方案的适应性;从研究专用车辆、规划装卸基地、研制装卸设备和装载方式、完善管理规章等方面提出配套措施。  相似文献   

近日,中国国家铁路集团有限公司发布数据显示,今年一季度,国家铁路发送货物9.2亿吨,同比增加9880万吨、增长12%. 国铁集团货运部负责人介绍,铁路部门加强货运组织,提升运输效率和服务品质,积极承接"公转铁"货源,较好地满足了货运市场需求. 铁路部门积极适应运输结构调整、货运"公转铁"的要求,充分用好高铁成网释放的货运能力,利用春节假期,深入开展货运增量攻坚专项行动,科学安排计划,优化运输组织,增开货物列车,有效扩充了货运能力,国家铁路日均装车达16.89万车.  相似文献   

98% 截至2月25日,武广高铁已运营满两个月,武广高铁开行高速列车3556列,有284.50万人次乘坐高铁列车出行,安全指标为i00%,正点率为98.6%。其中,春运期间始发列车上座率达98%。  相似文献   

广深港高铁是京广高铁的延伸,通往香港。按香港基本法规定,需设置口岸。但由于内地高铁站众多,口岸设置问题是广深港高铁的难题。本文结合国内外铁路口岸站相关规定,从投资运营费用、列车开行方案及旅客出行便捷性等方面综合分析,提出了广深港高铁口岸设置方案的建议。首选方案为"一地检",即内地不设置口岸,仅在香港设置口岸;备选方案是"一地两检",即内地与香港各设置口岸。备选方案是"一地两检"方案,即内地与香港各设置口岸。  相似文献   

城际铁路区段通过能力是衡量铁路运输部门能否合理利用线路和是否满足客流需求的重要依据。本文针对城际铁路时段客流特性,考虑不同时段下列车正点可靠性的差异性以及天窗产生的三角区对"时段长度"的影响,分时段选取列车运行组合模式、计算区段通过能力。引入时段"空费时间"对各时段通过能力进行衔接,以计算最终全日城际铁路通过能力。通过算例,计算该某城际铁路区段下行方向通过能力以验证该方法的准确性。研究考虑列车服务水平的城际铁路通过能力,对于制定列车开行方案,提高列车满载率和提高列车服务水平具有指导意义。  相似文献   

<正>据悉,从2014年12月10日零时起,全国铁路将实施新的列车运行图。这是2014年7月1日调图后,中国铁路总公司对列车运行图进行的又一次较大调整。这次调图后,全国铁路旅客列车开行总数将达到2673.5对,比调图前增加226.5对。与现在的运行图相比,新的运行图主要有以下变化:动车组列车开行范围进一步扩大。这次调图,一方面,结合沪昆高铁杭州东至南昌西段和长沙南至新晃西段、兰新高铁、成绵乐客专、青荣城际、南广线、贵广客专、郑开城际等一批高铁新线近期陆  相似文献   

高速铁路跨线运输模式比较适应我国大众的行为习惯,但跨线列车的开行,加大了运输组织工作的难度,容易降低列车服务品质,需要与换乘组织模式配合形成完善的运输组织方案。通过改进的logit模型计算换乘模式的客流损失,再对比直达开行模式和换乘开行模式的经济效益,得出中长途列车宜采用开行直达列车为主,换乘模式为辅的运输组织方式的结论。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a mathematical model for the train routing and timetabling problem that allows a train to occasionally switch to the opposite track when it is not occupied, which we define it as switchable scheduling rule. The layouts of stations are taken into account in the proposed mathematical model to avoid head-on and rear-end collisions in stations. In this paper, train timetable could be scheduled by three different scheduling rules, i.e., no switchable scheduling rule (No-SSR) which allows trains switching track neither at stations and segments, incomplete switchable scheduling rule (In-SSR) which allows trains switching track at stations but not at segments, and complete switchable scheduling rule (Co-SSR) which allows trains switching track both at stations and segments. Numerical experiments are carried out on a small-scale railway corridor and a large-scale railway corridor based on Beijing–Shanghai high-speed railway (HSR) corridor respectively. The results of case studies indicate that Co-SSR outperforms the other two scheduling rules. It is also found that the proposed model can improve train operational efficiency.  相似文献   

章娅琳  贺政纲  廖伟 《综合运输》2021,(2):99-104,115
高铁货运逐渐兴起,本文对货运动车组开行方案优化进行了研究。针对高铁运输安全、快捷、运输成本较低等特性,提出以货运动车组及客货混编动车组为主,客运动车组捎带运输为补充的开行模式,结合运输需求、线路通过能力等限条件,以运输成本最小和货主满意度最大为目标,建立多目标综合优化模型,运用线性加权组合法,以lingo软件为依托进行求解。通过算例给出具体开行方案,并对同一运输区间各种运输方式的单位成本及用时进行对比分析。结果表明,相对于传统运输方式,高铁货运综合运输成本较低,用时更短,能够兼顾运输企业与货主的双重要求;所建模型优化效果明显,可为未来货运动车组的开行提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the coordinated cruise control strategy for multiple high-speed trains’ movement. The motion of an ordered set of high-speed trains running on a railway line is modeled by a multi-agent system, in which each train communicates with its neighboring trains to adjust its speed. By using the potential fields and LaSalles invariance principle, we design a new coordinated cruise control strategy for each train based on the neighboring trains’ information, under which each train can track the desired speed, and the headway distances between any two neighboring trains are stabilized in a safety range. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

自动驾驶列车是京张高铁智能化的一个重要体现,该项智能技术设备的运用对既有行车组织、设备维修、旅客服务等方面产生了较大的影响。为充分发挥智能设备的先进功能,需要与之相配套的技术规章体系。本文研究智能驾驶技术对行车组织、设备维修、旅客服务等方面的影响,分析既有相关技术规章的适应性,并从自动驾驶技术设备运用、管理、维修的角度出发,提出技术规章制修订的建议。论文的研究为京张高铁自动驾驶智能设备的运用提供保障,也为智能京张的技术规章体系构建提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

确定合理的高铁车站接车进路长度对压缩到达追踪间隔时间有重要意义。本文首先通过构建满足到达追踪间隔时间的高铁车站接车进路长度计算模型,提出了接车进路长度的主要影响因素为由线路限制速度、站前坡坡度、制动力使用系数三因素(简称三因素)所确定的车载设备监控制动距离内列车运行时间。然后,通过对常见的线路限制速度、站前坡坡度、制动力使用系数取值下的车载设备监控制动距离内列车运行时间进行牵引计算仿真,并运用三因素方差分析法分析了三因素的影响显著度,得到了线路限制速度、站前坡坡度对高铁车站接车进路长度影响显著的结论。最后,基于高铁车站接车进路长度计算模型,得到了一组指定到达追踪间隔下的高铁车站接车进路长度表,为高铁车站设计提供思路。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an improved traffic model for simulating train movement in railway traffic. The proposed model is based on optimal velocity car‐following model. In order to test the proposed model, we use it to simulate the train movement with fixed‐block system. In simulations, we analyze and discuss the space–time diagram of railway traffic flow and the trajectories of train movement. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed model can be successfully used for simulating the train movement in railway traffic. From the space–time diagram, we find some complex phenomena of train flow, which are observed in real railway traffic, such as train delays. By analyzing the trajectories of train movement, some dynamic characteristics of trains can be reproduced. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Compared with most optimization methods for capacity evaluation, integrating capacity analysis with timetabling can reveal the types of train line plans and operating rules that have a positive influence on improving capacity utilization as well as yielding more accurate analyses. For most capacity analyses and cyclic timetabling methods, the cycle time is a constant (e.g., one or two hours). In this paper, we propose a minimum cycle time calculation (MCTC) model based on the periodic event scheduling problem (PESP) for a given train line plan, which is promising for macroscopic train timetabling and capacity analysis. In accordance with train operating rules, a non-collision constraint and a series of flexible overtaking constraints (FOCs) are constructed based on variations of the original binary variables in the PESP. Because of the complexity of the PESP, an iterative approximation (IA) method for integration with the CPLEX solver is proposed. Finally, two hypothetical cases are considered to analyze railway capacity, and several influencing factors are studied, including train regularity, train speed, line plan specifications (train stops), overtaking and train heterogeneity. The MCTC model and IA method are used to test a real-world case involving the timetable of the Beijing–Shanghai high-speed railway in China.  相似文献   


Open access reforms to railway regulations allow multiple train operators to provide rail services on a common infrastructure. As railway operations are now independently managed by different stakeholders, conflicts in operations may arise, and there have been attempts to derive an effective access charge regime so that these conflicts may be resolved. One approach is by direct negotiation between the infrastructure manager and the train service providers. Despite the substantial literature on the topic, few consider the benefits of employing computer simulation as an evaluation tool for railway operational activities such as access pricing. This article proposes a multi-agent system (MAS) framework for the railway open market and demonstrates its feasibility by modelling the negotiation between an infrastructure provider and a train service operator. Empirical results show that the model is capable of resolving operational conflicts according to market demand.  相似文献   

仰拱作为隧道衬砌的重要组成部分,其设置对改善隧道结构受力状况,提高隧道结构的整体稳定性都非常重要。但在列车激振荷载作用下,仰拱在隧道整体结构中所发挥的作用还需要进一步研究。文章通过数值分析方法,从动力学角度对仰拱在高速铁路隧道列车振动响应中的作用和影响进行了探讨;比较了不同仰拱形式下隧道结构各控制点的动力学特性及衬砌和围岩受力特性,可为隧道仰拱设置中综合考虑动静力影响提供参考。  相似文献   

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