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牛瑾 《综合运输》2014,(10):93-93
近日,国务院印发《物流业发展中长期规划(2014-2020年)》,部署加快现代物流业发展,建立和完善现代物流服务体系,提升物流业发展水平,为全面建成小康社会提供物流服务保障。《规划》提出,到2020年,要基本建立布局合理、技术先进、便捷高效、绿色环保、安全有序的现代物流服务体系,物流的社会化、专业化水平进一步提升,物流企业竞争力显著增强,物流基础设施及运作方式衔接更加顺畅。  相似文献   

2002年是中国加入WTO的第一年。在中国加入WTO以前,中外一些著名人士把物流业作为中国加入WTO以后受冲击最大的行业之一,主要理由是中国的物流业比较落后,缺少现代物流的理念与运作模式,缺少第三方物流企业。一年来,中国的物流业发展怎样呢?第一,现代物流业引起了各级政府、各界人士的高度重视。江泽民等党和国家领导人对发展物流业都作过重要指示,明确把现代物流业作为国民经济的重要产业和经济发展新的增长点;全国人大与政协两会期间,不少代表提报了关于物流发展的提案;全国已有20多个省市、30多个中心城市,做出或正在制定…  相似文献   

<正>近日,国务院印发《物流业发展中长期规划(2014-2020年)》,部署加快现代物流业发展,建立和完善现代物流服务体系,提升物流业发展水平,为全面建成小康社会提供物流服务保障。《规划》提出,到2020年,要基本建立布局合理、技术先进、便捷高效、绿色环保、安全有序的现代物流服务体系,物流的社会化、专业化水平进一步提升,物流企业竞争力显著增强,物流基础设施及运作方式衔接更加顺畅,物  相似文献   

文章研究了物流学科及物流业在我国当前发展的现状,分析了现代物流业快速发展的动因,回顾了物流含义的变迁;提出以系统科学的理论和方法论构建物流学科理论体系的设想。  相似文献   

正伴随经济的发展,特别是电子商务的发展,物流业也得到了空前繁荣,可以说智慧物流既是技术发展的必然,也是现代物流发展的未来方向。智慧化,作为物流业发展趋势之一,人们关注的热度正持续升高。2014年,李克强总理主持召开国务院常务会议,讨论通过了《物流业发展中长期规划》,提出到2020年基本建立现代物流服务体系,提升物流业标准化、信息化、智能化、集约化水平,提高经济整体运行效率和效益。这里提出的现代物流发展的四化是中国物流互联网发展的基础,  相似文献   

百色市交通运输业发展现代物流问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交通运输是现代物流系统最重要的基础功能。文章阐述了百色市交通运输物流业发展的现状,分析了百色市发展交通运输物流业存在的主要问题以及发展现代物流的必要性和有利条件,提出了百色市交通运输业加快向现代物流业融入和拓展的对策。  相似文献   

国内外现代物流产业发展综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了现代物流发展的特点、国内物流业的发展历程,探讨了国内物流业发展现状与问题,预测了国内物流业的发展趋势。  相似文献   

为深入学习德国物流业发展先进经验,推动我国现代物流体系特别是国家物流枢纽网络建设,以及为物流业转型升级和创新发展提供重要借鉴,国家发展改革委经济贸易司于2018年9月9日—22日组团赴德国汉堡、纽伦堡执行"国家物流枢纽布局与多式联运体系建设"培训任务。通过对德国物流业总体情况、运行模式、发展趋势以及物流园区规划建设等方面的调研、实地考察及系统总结,认为德国物流基础设施网络和多式联运体系十分完备,物流运作效率和社会化水平较高,为制造、商贸等产业发展以及城市运转提供了有力保障。提出加大对国家物流枢纽网络建设的规划引导和支持力度、着力破除多式联运发展瓶颈、高度重视物流与相关产业联动发展、加快发展智能物流和绿色物流、加大物流专业人才培养力度等启示。  相似文献   

由中国物流信息中心主办的"2010中国电子商务物流发展论坛"于2010年10月14日—15日在北京举行。会议从现代物流业的角度讨论了电子商务与现代物流的依存关系及电子商务与物流业的融合发展。 中国电子商务协会秘书长陈震在其《充分发挥电子商务与现代物流的整合优势》的演讲中称,当今世界,电子商务处于向纵深发展的难得的机遇期,在金融危机危害全球的时候,2009年,全球电子商务交易额是6.1万亿,增长了25%,中国电子商务交易额3.825万亿,增加了21.7%。电子商务显示了强大的生命力。  相似文献   

建设物流基地,促进我国物流产业的大发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>物流基地作为物流业发展到一定阶段时产生的新兴物流集疏方式,在日本、德国等发达国家已经得到了快速发展。在我国,随着传统储运业向市场化及现代物流业方向发展转变,国家主管部门开始制定了促进物流基地发展的宏观政策,一些发达地区和省份也纷纷开始筹建物流基地。然而,对于物流基地的规划建设和运营管理,我们还缺乏经验,尚未有完善、有效的做法可以借鉴。本文分析研究了德国、日本等发达国家在物流基地建设中的经验和做法,希望能为我国的物流实  相似文献   

The logistics industry plays a critical role in boosting China’s economic development, although at significant externality costs. Using the 1980–2010 data, we examine the historical evolution of energy consumption in China’s logistics industry. The logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) method was used to analyze the key factors that drove the chronicle changes in logistics energy consumption in China. Changes in energy consumption of China’s logistics industry are attributed to growth in logistics activity, modal shift in freight transportation, increases in transport intensity, and overall improvements in energy intensity: (1) China’s logistics industry enjoyed fast growth with an average annual growth rate of 9.65% from 1980 to 2010. Increase in logistics activity has been the major force driving up logistics energy consumption (accounting for 48.8% of logistics energy increase); (2) Logistics energy consumption increased by 22.91 times, averaging at 11.9% growth per year. Fuel consumption in highway transportation has become more dominant in logistics energy consumption; (3) While changes in logistics activities, transportation modes and transport intensity pushed up logistics energy consumptions, improvements in energy intensity helped significantly to curb the energy rise in China’s logistics industry.  相似文献   

本文根据实地调研成果,介绍了成都、重庆和郑州在建立健全物流管理体制机制、强化物流枢纽及通道功能、创新物流运输组织模式、物流标准化信息化、物流市场主体及产业培育等方面的先进经验,从加强政府顶层设计、完善物流枢纽和节点体系、促进物流枢纽互联互通、研究物流运输组织服务的新模式、打造“交通+物流+产业”的产业集群、提升物流标准化发展水平、出台促进物流降本增效的政策措施等七个方面总结了强化物流创新要素集聚,促进广州现代物流中心建设的经验和启示。  相似文献   

近年来,国家积极部署推进运输结构调整,大力发展多式联运,统筹推进国家物流枢纽布局建设,多式联运物流园区正迎来前所未有的建设发展机遇。但我国多式联运尚处于发展初级阶段,多式联运物流园区尚未形成一整套完整的全链条开发模式。通过梳理该类园区的主要类型、投资建设主体及建设模式,结合当前国家物流枢纽建设要求,提出国家物流枢纽体系下多式联运物流园区的开发趋势,为社会主体参与园区开发提供方向指引。  相似文献   

Geographical factors and transport infrastructure are two of the key determinants that influence international competitiveness. In this sense, the quality of such infrastructure and how widespread it is, the distribution and capacity of logistics facilities in a country, as well as the number of private operators and their degree of specialisation, all play an increasingly important role in the design of business strategies aimed at increasing a country’s share of the international market. Until recently, however, availability and access to logistics services have been considered secondary factors when defining business competitiveness. This paper estimates an augmented gravity model of trade that specifically includes logistics and transport infrastructure indicators as explanatory variables. The model is estimated by using bilateral exports from 19 Spanish regions to 64 destinations (45 countries and 19 Spanish regions) with data for the period 2003–2007. The findings show that logistics is indeed important for the analysis of trade flows in goods and they highlight the importance of logistics measures at the regional level. In particular, the number, size and quality of logistics facilities positively influence export flows.  相似文献   

朱琴 《西部交通科技》2010,(11):91-93,102
文章基于桂林市道路货运市场现状,分析了当前桂林市道路货运行业发展中存在的问题,提出了加强道路货运行业管理、推进现代物流产业发展的思路与对策。  相似文献   

自2017年十九大提出经济高质量发展以来,重庆根据中央部署,经济高质量发展取得了初步成功。在这一过程中,发现航空物流产业与区域经济高质量发展间存在正相关关系。为了研究重庆航空物流与区域经济高质量发展的协同性,采用数据包络分析(DEA)模型,对重庆市2008年至2018年GDP、航空货邮吞吐量等指标进行代入计算。结果表明,重庆航空物流与区域经济高质量发展存在较高的协同性,且呈现上升趋势,但由于航空物流和区域经济发展内部资源分配不合理,导致有效协同发展程度波动较大。结合重庆市实际情况,以资源配置优化为侧重点,提出提高二者协同性的建议。  相似文献   

食品安全是全球的公共卫生问题,是关乎国计民生、影响经济和社会发展的重大事件,冷链则为其提供了行之有效的帮助。虽然国家政策的扶持力度不断加大,我国冷链物流迎来了快速发展的机遇,但由于起步较晚、环境复杂,行业内部仍面临多重短板亟待补齐,其中之一就是交接环节的"断链"问题。《食品冷链物流交接规范》国家标准的制定,旨在提升我国冷链物流服务水平,通过规范企业操作、界定交接责任,达到规范冷链市场、保证食品安全以及促进行业健康发展的目的。  相似文献   


An important objective of “the Belt and Road Initiative” is to promote the economic growth of countries in the region. China’s successful development experience, proposed in the initial stage of reform, can be summarised as “Looking for development, building the highway first”. This study is the first to evaluate whether logistics infrastructure has indeed contributed to economic growth by employing an error correction model with panel data from 2003 to 2014. In addition, we compare the influence levels of different sectors of logistics infrastructure in different regions, i.e. developed and developing regions. We focus on developing regions as they represent good development experiences for developing countries in the Silk Road Economic Belt. For developing regions, we find that the most influential factors are telecommunication and airway transportation, which should be the foci of attention in order to promote economic growth and reduce inter-region economic inequalities. The research confirms that logistics is indeed a driving force for economic growth in China, and that the contributions of specific sectors can be a useful reference for developing countries to determine prioritisation of investment in different logistics sectors across regions.  相似文献   

This paper explores shippers’ (i.e. logistics buyers) and logistics service providers’ (LSPs) perceptions of green concerns under diverse contractual settings during the key phases of the logistics purchasing process: request for proposal, negotiations, contracting and execution. Accordingly, it derives recommendations that could increase the actors’ inter- and- intra-organisational alignment on green targets throughout these phases. Empirical data are obtained from eight individual cases of three shippers and five LSPs, representing the buyer/seller roles within logistics arrangements. Contrary to previous literature holding the view that setting more green demands by shippers would guarantee green outcomes, the findings show that shippers’ green demands may hinder green logistics applications due to impediments to LSPs’ asset-sharing strategies. Also, a deadlock situation is revealed in the negotiations phase, where both actors await each other to introduce additional demands/offers—calling for further regulatory intervention to release this deadlock. Moreover, this paper shows how a mismatch of interests in contractual periods between shippers and LSPs can obstruct green investments—signalling that the green criterion is not the decisive factor in shaping shippers’ outsourcing strategies. The findings also stress a lack of follow-up efforts by shippers on green measures that were specified pre-contract, attributing this to contrasting intra-organisational objectives within shippers’ firms. This paper contributes to the green logistics purchasing literature by revealing how different contractual settings play an important role in shaping shippers’/LSPs’ perceptions of green concerns during the logistics purchasing process. Further, it is one of the first studies to provide phase-specific recommendations to increase the actors’ alignment on green targets.  相似文献   

物流管理是川藏铁路建设工程的重要内容,与工程质量、工期、成本等目标密切相关。川藏铁路建设工程所需物资种类繁多,需求量大,运输及储备受到现场施工环境的制约,管理难度极大。因此,建立一套科学有效的川藏铁路物流管理体系对于铁路建设的精准实施具有重要保障作用。本文通过分析川藏铁路的物流特征,解析川藏铁路物流管理全要素,结合物流特征及研究方法构建了包含物资保障管理,物流运作管理,通道建设管理的川藏铁路建设物流管理体系。最后,针对川藏铁路物流管理中面临的矛盾与挑战,提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

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