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在深入剖析我国城乡交通运输一体化存在问题的基础上,本文按照"类型判断—发展评价—规划实施"的总体思路,提出了我国推进城乡交通运输一体化的总体技术框架体系,重点研究城乡交通运输一体化发展类型识别技术、城乡交通运输一体化发展水平评价技术以及城乡交通运输一体化规划实施技术等关键技术的实施方法和操作流程,为各地开展城乡交通运输一体化探索提供了技术指引和参考。  相似文献   

正政策法规《十三五"现代综合交通运输体系发展规划》出台由交通运输部和国家发改委联合编制的《"十三五"现代综合交通运输体系发展规划》(简称《规划》)于日前印发。据介绍,《规划》对深入推进交通供给侧结构性改革进行了全面系统的部署,关键是要坚持网络化、一体化、智能化、绿色化的发展。"以网络化布局为基础",要求补齐基础设施短板,服务国家战略实施,发挥网络效应和规模效应;"以一体化服务为根本",要  相似文献   

正在综合交通网络初步成型的基础上,长江三角洲地区又将向更高质量一体化的目标迈进。到2025年,基本建成"轨道上的长三角",并创造出交通一体化体制机制改革创新的"长三角样板"。4月2日,国家发展改革委、交通运输部印发《长江三角洲地区交通运输更高质量一体化发展规划》(以下简称《规划》),规划期至2025年,展望到2035年。据交通运输部介绍,目前,长三角地区一体联通的综合交通网络初步成型。形成了以高速铁路、高速公路和长江黄金水道为主的多向联通对外运输大通道和城际综合交通网络,高速铁路、高  相似文献   

一体化交通规划有利于我国交通运输体系的健康发展,在我国实现一体化交通规划的途径包括:加强综合交通运输管理体制建设;科学设立区域综合交通规划机构;立法体现一体化交通规划原则以及多部门参与一体化交通规划。  相似文献   

国际经济全球化和国内经济一体化进程的迅速发展,对我国交通一体化发展提出了越来越高的要求,区域经济一体化促进区域交通一体化的发展。近年来,我国对区域综合交通运输的规划非常重视,进行了长江三角洲地区现代化公路水路交通规划、泛珠三角公路水路交通规划、西部地区综合交通运输网络体系建设思路与对策研究、京津冀都市圈区域规划综合交通网和东北地区区域交通发展规划等方面的区域综合运输规划。而综合运输枢纽是综合交通运输网络建立的基础条件和重要组成部分,也是形成和完善一体化运输系统的关键。因此,区域综合运输枢纽的规划对区域…  相似文献   

政策法规日前,《"十二五"综合交通运输体系发展规划(征求意见稿)》(以下简称《规划》草拟完成。《规划》指出,"十二五"期间交通运输将有效整合交通资源,实现各种运输方式由分散独立转向一体化发展。《规划》对运输服务业提出了新目标:到2015年,我国快速铁路运输服务基本覆盖50万以上人口城市,并在此基础上加快既有区际干线扩能改造和  相似文献   

<正>"目前,在欠发达县市实施城"乡公交一体化还存在着诸多困难,但实施城乡公交一体化是统筹城乡发展的迫切要求,是党和国家"惠农"的战略决策,各相关部门要早部署、早规划、早行动,合力促进城乡公交一体化早日开展。"实施城乡公交一体化,是在新农村建设和城乡统筹发展战略的大背景下提出的,它根据城乡旅客运输发展的客观要求,改革现有的城乡客运管理模式,打破原来城市公交与农村客运二元分割的局面,利用公交化运作方式,充分发挥客运资源效益最大化,以达到城乡公交相互衔接、资源共享,使农民  相似文献   

汪鸣 《综合运输》2014,(12):9-14
本文认为新时期我国交通运输发展重心应向综合转移,需要研究树立符合国情的交通运输发展价值观,确立体现交通运输综合发展的新战略,促进交通运输基础设施与服务一体化发展,创新"十三五"综合交通规划编制思路,在综合管理职能、市场监管等方面取得体制机制改革新突破。  相似文献   

近年来,湖北省襄樊市坚持推动以地方政府主导,行业推动,部门配合的扶持发展新思路,精心规划、典型示范、强化引导,农村客运"路、站、运一体化"建设起步平稳,基本上实现了"路通车通".  相似文献   

<正>"十一五"综合交通发展规划,以全面贯彻和落实科学发展观为指导思想,兼顾交通运输发展任务和长远目标,突出交通运输对促进社会发展和适应经济发展以及促进城乡交通运输一体化的功能要求,以增强供给能  相似文献   

On the relationship between airport pricing models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Airport pricing papers can be divided into two approaches. In the traditional approach the demand for airport services depends on airport charges and on congestion costs of both passengers and airlines; the airline market is not formally modeled. In the vertical-structure approach instead, airports provide an input for an airline oligopoly and it is the equilibrium of this downstream market which determines the airports’ demand. We prove, analytically, that the traditional approach to airport pricing is valid if air carriers have no market power, i.e. airlines are atomistic or they behave as price takers (perfect competition) and have constant marginal operational costs. When carriers have market power, this approach may result in a surplus measure that falls short of giving a true measure of social surplus. Furthermore, its use prescribes a traffic level that is, for given capacity, smaller than the socially optimal level. When carriers have market power and consequently both airports and airlines behave strategically, a vertical-structure approach appears a more reasonable approach to airport pricing issues.  相似文献   

The existing slot allocation mechanism, based on the International Air Transport Association (IATA) system and its complementary version of the European Union (EU) regulation, produces rather poor capacity allocation outcomes for congested EU airports since it fails to properly match slots requested with slots allocated to airlines. Inefficiencies during the initial allocation are mainly due to the problem complexity in conjunction to limited decision support available to slot coordinators. On the other hand, substantial inefficiencies give rise to severe slot misuse and unreasonably low utilisation of airport resources running already into scarcity. The objective of this paper is to develop an optimisation-based model implementing the existing EU/IATA rules, operational constraints, and coordination procedures with the ultimate objective to better accommodate airlines’ preferences at coordinated airports through the minimisation of the difference between the requested and the allocated slot times to airlines. The results of the model are assessed and compared vis-à-vis the allocation outcome produced according to current slot coordination practice in three regional Greek airports. The proposed model produces very promising results and demonstrates that there is large room for improvement of the efficiency of the current allocation outcome in a range between 14% and 95%. The discussion of the model results is complemented by a sensitivity analysis highlighting the importance of declared capacity and the magnitude of its influence on slot allocation efficiency.  相似文献   

本文将从航空经济链条体系结构入手,运用投入产出法对航空货运业与各产业部门的关联性进行定量分析,构建以运输成本为主要影响因素的区位选择指标分析货运枢纽机场的产业带动机制。最后本文对目前我国航空货运业对国民经济的整体贡献进行评价,并提出通过航空货运业带动区域经济发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effects of demand uncertainty on airport capacity choices. It shows that demand uncertainty will not change optimal capacity choice if demand variation is low and capacity cost is high; otherwise the optimal airport capacity under demand uncertainty will be larger than the case when a deterministic mean demand is considered. These conclusions are robust with respect to the different market structures considered in this study and hold for both profit-maximizing and welfare-maximizing airports. The moderating effects of commercial revenue, capital cost, and airport operation cost on airport capacity choice are qualitatively the same in the cases of uncertain demand and deterministic demand.  相似文献   

文章分析了广西机场客运快线的发展现状及存在的问题,探讨了广西机场客运快线的发展思路,并提出了加快全区机场客运快线发展的运营模式。  相似文献   

This paper reviews product debundling trends that have occurred in the US airline industry. Multiple sources of ancillary fees related to ticketing refunds and exchanges, checked baggage, on-board pets, preferred and/or advanced seating assignments, frequent flyer ticket redemptions, and day of departure standby policies are reviewed. Despite the fact that both low cost and network carriers stress the importance of future ancillary fees in their investor reports, our assessment suggests that these fees will be more broadly adopted by low cost carriers. We anticipate that many network carriers will eliminate ancillary fees, particularly as they begin to recognize how these fees can impact other system performance objectives such as minimizing the number of misconnecting passengers. We estimate that the debundling phenomenon has diluted revenues to the US Airport and Airways Trust Fund by at least 5%.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes strategic interaction between intercontinental airport regulators, each of which levies airport charges paid by airlines and chooses its airport capacity under conditions of congestion. Congestion from intercontinental flights is common across intercontinental airports since departure and arrival airports are linked one to one, while purely domestic traffic also uses each airport. The paper focuses on two questions. First, if both continents can strategically set separate airport charges for domestic and intercontinental flights, how will the outcome differ from the first-best solution? Second, how is strategic airport behavior affected by the extent of market power of the airlines serving the intercontinental market? We see that strategic airport pricing and capacity choices by regulators lead to a welfare loss: the regulators both behave as monopolists in the market for intercontinental flights, charging a mark-up and decreasing capacity. This welfare loss even overshadows possible negative effects from imperfect competition within the intercontinental airline market. We further discuss how the presence of multiple regulators on one continent or a simple pricing rule might constrain the welfare loss created by strategic airport regulation.  相似文献   

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is one of the most important instruments for making relevant decisions on the basis of which spatial planning is aligned with the tenets and principles of sustainable spatial development. Its primary application is in spatial (strategic) and urban planning, as well as in the planning and design of sectoral policies in the areas of energy, water management, waste management, transport, etc. The implementation of SEA allows developers to establish the benefits and implications of the proposed spatial changes, taking into account the capacity of the space to sustain the planned development, and to determine the degree of acceptability of the proposed spatial changes. This paper presents a specific method of assessing the impact of airport noise as part of a particular SEA. The particularity of this method is that it integrates the objectives, indicators and criteria for assessing the impact of airport noise on the population using the method of multi-criteria evaluation, applied in the preparation of the SEA for the Urban development plan regarding the expansion of Tivat Airport, Montenegro. The changes in noise intensity within the planning horizon to 2030 were predicted taking into account the following factors: physical, geographic and demographic characteristics of the space, the projected increase in the number and nature of the flights operated within the planning period, as well as the types of aircraft. On the basis of these data noise dispersion modelling was carried out using the IMMI model, and the results obtained were used in a multi-criteria evaluation as part of the SEA. The results of the research do not indicate any significant increase in noise intensity within the planning period to 2030 and they represent a good basis for making relevant decisions regarding the future development of Tivat Airport.  相似文献   

Airports need to manage corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies for sustainable development. This paper develops a new structured approach for airports to evaluate, prioritize and categorize CSR strategies, using Taiwan’s Taoyuan International Airport Corporation (TIAC) as an example. Based on TIAC’s CSR-related activities, 18 CSR strategies grouped into 5 CSR goals (corporate governance and finance, green airport and environmental management, service quality and social relationship, employee and work environment management, and safety and security) are identified using the CSR value chain and diamond framework. The pairwise comparison method used in analytic hierarchy process and the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory method are used respectively to evaluate the relative importance, feasibility and achievability of these 18 strategies and to analyze their causal relationships via expert questionnaire surveys. A new method is developed to plan and manage the implementation of CSR strategies by incorporating the viewpoints of both internal and external stakeholders, thus reflecting the practical effects and strategic implications of the CSR implementation. The result suggests that TIAC’s CSR strategies in relation to airport safety and security, service quality and corporate governance are most significant and have a high implementation priority. This paper contributes to the airport industry and CSR research by proposing a proactive mechanism for quantitatively evaluating, prioritizing and categorizing CSR strategies.  相似文献   

陈姗姗 《综合运输》2021,(3):19-22,95
推进长三角交通一体化规划落地是实施国家长三角一体化发展战略的重要基础。通过系统梳理上海多年空间规划实践经验,遵循城市群、机场群、近沪地区、全球城市多机场体系的逻辑思路,基于问题导向和目标导向,提出优先实现近沪地区民航紧密联系的规划突破点。临近地区民航协同,需要实现发展目标、通道枢纽、飞行保障、运输服务、货运物流、设施建设、重大项目、进度时序等多方面系统协同,建立契约关系,以市场化方式实践区域民航协同发展。  相似文献   

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