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近日,以小载质量产品为主的江铃轻卡将推出第一款宽体轻卡产品,该款名为"凯锐"的产品表明江铃轻卡将向大规格以及完善产品线方向发展.  相似文献   

近日,以小载质量产品为主的江铃轻卡将推出第一款宽体轻卡产品,该款名为“凯锐”的产品表明江铃轻卡将向大规格以及完善产品线方向发展。  相似文献   

王晓勇 《驾驶园》2010,(9):16-17
小档案:车主:赵杰购买车型:江铃凯锐轻卡"JX5046XXYXGA2"1台购车日期:2010年8月货箱尺寸:4020×1900×1930发动机型号:江铃JX493ZLQ3发动机功率:85KW(116马力)使用地区:北京地区基本用途:商场日用品配送发稿时行驶里程:800公里  相似文献   

在本次展会上,江铃携旗下江铃域虎、江铃宝典(右舵)、江铃凯锐窄体版轻卡(右舵)、以及江铃凯锐轻卡等多款商用车亮相。  相似文献   

赵杰  王晓勇 《驾驶园》2010,(12):16-17
当记者再次见到赵杰师傅的时候,北京前一天夜里刚刚刮过一场大风,气温骤降,树上叶子纷纷掉落,停在院子一角的江铃凯锐也蒙上一层灰尘。江铃凯锐卡车跟踪,经历3个季节,从盛夏跨越秋季步入冬天,记录了赵杰买车和初用车的点点滴滴。遗憾的是,本与读者相约报道江铃凯锐首保的全过程,因赵师傅在一次出远门之前,匆匆做了首保,记者没法及时赶到而作罢,只好有机会时再补上。  相似文献   

<正>江铃汽车股份有限公司是国家高新技术企业、国家知识产权示范企业、国家认定企业技术中心。江铃汽车凭借品牌优势和信誉碑,成为中国轻型商用车劲旅。1995年与福特汽车结成战略合作伙伴,福特品牌和JMC品牌比翼齐飞。在转型创新的新时代,江铃汽车坚定高举商乘并举战略大旗。在商用车领域,福特全顺、JMC特顺轻客在中国轻客市场独树一帜,凯锐、凯运、顺达轻卡系列产品、域虎皮卡系列产品、成为中国轻型商用车的  相似文献   

用户需求始终引领着中国轻卡的技术走向.从前些年超载车大行其道,"高承载"革命席卷整个轻卡行业,到近几年货运升级,以卧铺和内饰轿车化为标志的"舒适升级"成为市场主流.今天,随着高速、高效的城市物流兴起,以及对驾驶员人文关怀的重视,"安全"正成为用户选车关注的新焦点. 安全是高效之本 环顾当今国内轻卡市场,不少品牌都相继推出高端轻卡,而时尚的外观、高端配置更成为高端化的重点,不仅南汽超越、江铃凯锐800,就连重汽HOWO轻卡、时代H2、唐骏T3,也都纷纷开发出外形更为时尚的驾驶室.再配上更好的发动机、更好的变速器,一个个高端轻卡就打造出来了.高端轻卡真的就这么简单吗?  相似文献   

2004年4月11日,东风汽车在深圳推出了与日产全面合作后的第一款商用车——“东风之星”高端轻卡;4月28日,江淮汽车在北京宣布“江淮帅铃”国际版轻卡正式上市;5月18日,江铃汽车在深圳正式推出一款高档轻卡——江铃凯运。国内轻卡三剑客如此高集中度地推出新车型,而且都主打高端  相似文献   

赵杰  王晓勇 《驾驶园》2010,(10):16-17
小档案:车主:赵杰购买车型:江铃凯锐轻卡"JX5046XXYXGA2"1台购车日期:2010年8月货箱尺寸(mm):4020×1900×1930发动机型号:江铃JX493ZLQ3发动机功率:85kW(116马力)使用地区:北京地区基本用途:商场日用品配送发稿时行驶里程:1100公里原本与赵杰师傅约定好采访他的首次保养,可因营运证还未办下来,至今只跑了很少的公里数。  相似文献   

江铃4JB1发动机已生产10年,不一能满足中国整车更高的国Ⅳ排放法规及动力性能要求,且江铃发动机品种单一。江铃把商用车柴油发动机作为核心竞争力,Puma发动机作为江铃升级换代产品(排放技术达到国Ⅳ和国Ⅴ潜力),并通过发动机的装配及4C自制能使江铃保持发动机技术领先地位。  相似文献   

This paper presents preliminary control system simulation results in a urea-selective catalytic reduction (SCR) aftertreatment system based on NH3 sensor feedback. A four-state control-oriented lumped parameter model is used to analyze the controllability and observability properties of the urea-SCR plant. A model-based estimator is designed via simulation and a control system is developed with design based on a sliding mode control framework. The control system based on NH3 sensor feedback is analyzed via simulation by comparing it to a control system developed based on NOx sensor feedback. Simulation results show that the NH3 sensor-based strategy performs very similarly in comparison to a NOx sensor-based strategy. The control system performance metrics for NOx index, urea index, urea usage, and NH3 slip suggest that the NOx sensor can be a potential alternative to a NOx sensor for urea-SCR control applications.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of hydrothermal aging over a commercial diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) on deterioration in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) production activity has been experimentally investigated based on a micro-reactor DOC experiment. Through this experimental result, the NO2 to nitrogen oxides (NOx) ratio at DOC outlet has been mathematically expressed as a function of DOC temperature according to various aging conditions. The current study reveals that the catalyst aging temperature is a more dominant factor than the aging duration in terms of the decrease in NO2 production performance through DOC. The DOC sample hydrothermally aged for 25 h at 750 °C has displayed the lowest NO2 to NOx ratio compared to the samples aged for 25 ~ 100 h at 650 °C. Also, in this study, the impact of hydrothermal aging of a DOC on the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) efficiency in a ‘DOC + SCR’ aftertreatment system was predicted by using transient SCR simulations. To validate the SCR simulation, this study has conducted a dynamometer test of a non-road heavy-duty diesel engine with employing a commercial ‘DOC + SCR’ system on the exhaust line. The current study has quantitatively estimated the effect of the variation in NO2 to NOx ratio due to the hydrothermal aging of DOC on the NOx removal efficiency of SCR.  相似文献   

This work presents an experiment on the relationships between subjective and objective evaluations of vehicle handling. Ten cars were examined objectively in several open-loop driving dynamics manoeuvres and subjectively by test persons in typical traffic situations. Results are extracted from a stationary test (the Slowly Increasing Steer Test), and a dynamical test (the Frequency Response Test). The subjective measurements are obtained from drivers on a rural road course via a questionnaire, which was developed to separately investigate the quantity level perception, the so-called “Niveau”, and the more qualitative “Liking”. These subjective “measurements” are embedded into a two-channel definition of “Steering Comfort” as a genus for “Steering Discomfort” and “Character”. The article concentrates on developing a statistical method for the consideration of correlations amongst the subjective/objective data. In doing so, the variance in example subjective Niveau ratings can be significantly explained by several objective quantities. Indicators for co-domains of validated discomfort characteristics and hints for endeavouring character Liking ranges are detected.  相似文献   

Being a continuous subject of research, this study presents new aspects regarding the relevance of underbody diffusers in road vehicle aerodynamics. Using a generic car model on wheels as a reference, the effect of the wheels on the body fitted with an underbody diffuser was studied, where the diffuser length and angle were varied within ranges which are applicable for hatchback passenger cars. The results show that the vortices which originate from the rear wheelhouses have a major impact on the aerodynamics of the underbody diffuser, which results in increasing of drag and lift of the body. For cases studied, the average drag and lift increment due to the addition of wheels were (ΔcD)mean = 0.058, respectively (ΔcL)mean = 0.243. The lift of the body on wheels decreases with both diffuser length and diffuser angle, and there are situations when it may become negative as for a body without wheels. The results show also the possibility to reach a minimum drag according with normalised diffuser length.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to assess the relation between socio-cognitive factors and unsafe traffic behaviour in different national settings. The study is based on the results of the second edition of ESRA (E-Survey of Road users' Attitudes), which was conducted in 32 countries in 2018 (ESRA2). The investigation focuses on the topic driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medication (DUI) and related socio-cognitive constructs, i.e., attitudes, norms, perceived behaviour control, intention, and habits, and risk perception. Cross-national differences are assessed upon the example of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, Japan, Nigeria, and Slovenia. In the analysis, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to test the dimensions of the underlying socio-cognitive constructs and to define composite scores for further analysis. Linear regression models were fitted to investigate the association between these socio-cognitive factors and self-reported DUI. The same set of variables was used for all the linear regression models, i.e., the cross-national model (32 countries), and the seven national models. In total, 25,459 car drivers (at least a few days a month), were included in this analysis. The results show that: (i) the considered socio-cognitive factors are able to predict self-reported DUI across the different countries; (ii) these socio-cognitive factors are also able to predict DUI on a national level; (iii) the impact of socio-cognitive factors on DUI differs across countries. The strongest predictor in all countries was the construct habits, followed by norms and, to a lesser extent, attitudes and intention. Perceived behaviour control and risk perception only showed a significant effect on reported DUI in a few countries. In conclusion, the ESRA2 data offer a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into cross-national differences in traffic safety. Future research will focus on a more in- depth analysis of cross-national differences to other road safety topics.  相似文献   

不确定条件下的汽车产品开发投资评价模型构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张夕勇 《汽车工程》2005,27(2):257-263,208
主要提出了在不确定条件下汽车开发投资的评价模型。首先对汽车开发投资的不确定性进行了分析,然后根据总结的汽车行业不确定的特征,构建了汽车产品投资的评价模型体系,包括实物期权思想下的汽车产品开发决策模型、在专家评价模型基础上构建的汽车产品立项评价模型和在过程评价模型基础上构建的汽车产品开发过程评价模型。  相似文献   


The idea of a passive safety belt operated solely by the motor car's door has been rigorously analysed on a mathematical model. By calculation methods, an optimal configuration of the device was produced and a working model built, based on the analytically obtained design specifications. The model proved the feasibility and advantages of the proposed system, which is based on the conventional 3-point safety-belt design and utilises existing car structures.  相似文献   

Based on the test results, a study on the scattering of the standard coefficients c dyn and δ within the test cycles on a standard testing machine as well as within the samples of a batch of hydraulic engine mounts is performed; furthermore, an estimate for the systematic error caused by the testing machine is given. By a simulated example, the pronounced sensitivity of the response of the engine to the scattering of c dyn and δ as well as to even small deviations of the hysteresis curves for otherwise identical values of the standard coefficients is demonstrated. As a main result, it is found that the most important source of uncertainty is scattering within the batch, which, in conjunction with the observed sensitivity of the response of the engine, raises the question for the meaningful level of sophistication of a model for predictive purposes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on switched control of vehicle suspension based on motion-mode detection. This control strategy can be potentially implemented via the interconnected suspension such as hydraulically interconnected suspension by actively switching its interconnection configuration in terms of the dominant vehicle body motion-mode. The design of the switched control law is developed focusing on three vehicle body motion-modes: bounce, pitch, and roll. At first, an H optimal controller will be designed for each motion-mode with the use of a common quadratic Lyapunov function, which guarantees the stability of the switched system under arbitrary switching functions. Then, a motion-mode detection method based on the calculation of the motion-mode energy is introduced. And then, the possible implementation of the control system in practice is discussed. Finally, numerical simulations are used to validate the proposed study.  相似文献   

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