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This paper proposes a Continuum Approximation (CA) model for design of a one-way Electrical Vehicle (EV) sharing system that serves a metropolitan area. This model determines the optimal EV sharing station locations and the corresponding EV fleet sizes to minimize the comprehensive system cost, including station construction investment, vehicle charging, transportation and vehicle balancing, under stochastic and dynamic trip demands. This is a very complex problem due to the NP-hard nature of location design, the large number of individual users, and the stochasticity and dynamics of generated trips. Further, the considerable charging time required by EVs distinguishes this problem from traditional car sharing problems where a vehicle is immediately available for pickup after being dropped at a station. We find that the CA approach can overcome these modeling challenges by decomposing the studied area into a number of small neighborhoods that each can be approximated by an Infinite Homogeneous Plane (IHP). We find that the system cost of an IHP is a unimodal function of the station service area size and can be efficiently solved in a sub-linear time by the bisection algorithm. Then integrating the solutions of all IHPs yields an approximate solution to the original heterogeneous area. With numerical experiments, we show that the CA solution is able to estimate the total system cost of the discrete counterpart solution efficiently with good accuracy, even for large-scale heterogeneous problems. This implies that the proposed CA approach is capable of providing a near-optimum solution to the comprehensive design of a practical large-scale EV sharing system. With this model, we also conduct sensitivity analysis to reveal insights into how cost components and system design vary with key parameter values. As far as the author’s knowledge, this study is the first work that addresses design of an EV sharing system considering both longer-term location and fleet size planning and daily vehicle operations. The proposed CA model also extends the CA methodology literature from traditional location problems with stationary demand, single-facility based service to EV sharing problems considering dynamic demands, OD trips, and nonlinear vehicle charging times.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a bi-level model for traffic network signal control, which is formulated as a dynamic Stackelberg game and solved as a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC). The lower-level problem is a dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) with embedded dynamic network loading (DNL) sub-problem based on the LWR model (Lighthill and Whitham, 1955; Richards, 1956). The upper-level decision variables are (time-varying) signal green splits with the objective of minimizing network-wide travel cost. Unlike most existing literature which mainly use an on-and-off (binary) representation of the signal controls, we employ a continuum signal model recently proposed and analyzed in Han et al. (2014), which aims at describing and predicting the aggregate behavior that exists at signalized intersections without relying on distinct signal phases. Advantages of this continuum signal model include fewer integer variables, less restrictive constraints on the time steps, and higher decision resolution. It simplifies the modeling representation of large-scale urban traffic networks with the benefit of improved computational efficiency in simulation or optimization. We present, for the LWR-based DNL model that explicitly captures vehicle spillback, an in-depth study on the implementation of the continuum signal model, as its approximation accuracy depends on a number of factors and may deteriorate greatly under certain conditions. The proposed MPEC is solved on two test networks with three metaheuristic methods. Parallel computing is employed to significantly accelerate the solution procedure.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of automobile choice by single vehicle households. This effort is distinguished from previous disaggregate automobile holdings models primarily by the use of the nested logit model rather than the more restrictive multinomial logit model. We present a 2-step estimation technique that provides consistent and asymptotically efficient parameter estimates, yet is tractable for very large choice sets. Using disaggregate data on 237 one-vehicle households we estimate the unknown parameters on an automobile choice model containing 785 individual makes, models and vintages of passenger vehicles.  相似文献   

In Germany, market penetration by alternative powertrains has been generally processing at a slow pace. Therefore, reaching the 2020 target of one million registered electric vehicles (EVs) is a major challenge. We analyze the German market by advancing and refining existing consumer-oriented total cost of ownership (TCOC) models and demonstrate the validity of our model by comparing the cost-efficiency of EVs and internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) including the battery resale value for second use and second life. The TCOC model was calculated for the ten most frequently registered battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and compared with ICEVs in the same vehicle segments. The results are further validated through applying three typical annual mileage driver profiles and by Monte Carlo simulations under various scenarios. Results reveal that only a few BEVs and HEVs are economical without subsidies when compared with ICEVs in all considered scenarios. The subsidies only barely change the results. The mini and the medium vehicle segment remain uneconomical in all tested scenarios. Overall, we conclude that subsidies support the competitiveness of BEVs, but fail to lead to favorable TCOC within several vehicle segments and several tested annual mileages.  相似文献   

This paper formulates a generalized heterogeneous data model (GHDM) that jointly handles mixed types of dependent variables—including multiple nominal outcomes, multiple ordinal variables, and multiple count variables, as well as multiple continuous variables—by representing the covariance relationships among them through a reduced number of latent factors. Sufficiency conditions for identification of the GHDM parameters are presented. The maximum approximate composite marginal likelihood (MACML) method is proposed to estimate this jointly mixed model system. This estimation method provides computational time advantages since the dimensionality of integration in the likelihood function is independent of the number of latent factors. The study undertakes a simulation experiment within the virtual context of integrating residential location choice and travel behavior to evaluate the ability of the MACML approach to recover parameters. The simulation results show that the MACML approach effectively recovers underlying parameters, and also that ignoring the multi-dimensional nature of the relationship among mixed types of dependent variables can lead not only to inconsistent parameter estimation, but also have important implications for policy analysis.  相似文献   

Vehicle-use modelling at the household level has taken on new importance with the pressures on governments to encourage more efficient utilisation of increasingly scarce nonreplenishible liquid fuels. The fundamental energy equation recognizes two direct influences on consumption—the fuel efficiency of the vehicle and the amount of use. Until recently, the interrelationship between vehicle choice and vehicle utilisation at the household level was acknowledged but ignored. The availability of reliable vehicle-use data at the household level now enables a more serious effort at amending the imbalance of research effort where the reliance has been predominantly on vehicle choice modelling and gross (exogenous) assumptions on utilisation as a basis for predicting fuel consumption. This paper proposes an econometric method for identifying the influences on household vehicle use. It differs from previous empirical work in that vehicle kilometers, fuel cost per kilometer and vehicle fuel efficiency are endogenous, with utilisation of each vehicle endogeneously dependent on the utilisation of each and every household vehicle. The data are drawn from wave 1 of a four-wave panel of 1436 households in the Sydney metropolitan area. The empirical findings expose a set of influences on use hitherto not considered. The model specification provides an appropriate module for integration with household-based discrete choice models of vehicle choice.  相似文献   

When analysing the effects of transport policies it is important to adequately control for heterogeneity: previous studies note that ignoring heterogeneity biases the estimated welfare effects of tolling. This paper examines the effects of tolling, in a bottleneck model, with a continuously distributed value of time. With homogeneous users, first-best public tolling has no effect on prices. With heterogeneity it does: low values of time lose, and high values of time gain. The average congestion externality decreases with the heterogeneity in the value of time. Consequently, the welfare gain of first-best tolling also decreases. The more heterogeneous the value of time is, the lower the relative efficiency of a public pay-lane. This finding contrasts with the previous literature. Earlier studies, using static flow congestion, conclude that the relative efficiency increases with this type of heterogeneity. With more heterogeneity in the value of time, the relative efficiency of a private pay-lane is also lower, while that of a public time-invariant toll is higher. Our results suggest that the welfare gains of different tolling schemes are affected differently by heterogeneity. Further, the impact of heterogeneity on the effects of a policy also depends on the type of congestion considered.  相似文献   

A multi-period multipath refueling location model is developed to expand public electric vehicle (EV) charging network to dynamically satisfy origin–destination (O–D) trips with the growth of EV market. The model captures the dynamics in the topological structure of network and determines the cost-effective station rollout scheme on both spatial and temporal dimensions. The multi-period location problem is formulated as a mixed integer linear program and solved by a heuristic based on genetic algorithm. The model and heuristic are justified using the benchmark Sioux Falls road network and implemented in a case study of South Carolina. The results indicate that the charging station rollout scheme is subject to a number of major factors, including geographic distributions of cities, vehicle range, and deviation choice, and is sensitive to the types of charging station sites.  相似文献   

This paper describes the nature of the impacts of walking distances and waiting time on transit use. The relative trade‐offs of walking and transfer components with other transit service attributes are also discussed. A total of 449 completed stated‐preference interviews were collected; with six observations from each respondent, the total number of observations was 2694. This data set was used to estimate the coefficients in different utility functions using a random parameters logit model. The results demonstrated that walking distances to and from transit stops have important and significant nonlinear negative influences on the attractiveness of transit. Transfer waiting time was also shown to have a significant nonlinear negative impact on transit attractiveness. The random parameters logit model had a better model fit than the standard logit model. Some of the findings obtained here are novel, while others are consistent with previous works. These findings have implications for both theory and practice. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Local density, which is an indicator for comfortable moving of a pedestrian, is rarely considered in traditional force based and heuristics based pedestrian flow models. However, comfortable moving is surely a demand of pedestrian in normal situations. Recently, Voronoi diagram had been successfully adopted to obtain the local density of a pedestrian in empirical studies. In this paper, Voronoi diagram is introduced into the heuristics based pedestrian flow model. It provides not only local density but also other information for determining moving velocity and direction. Those information include personal space, safe distance, neighbors, and three elementary characteristics directions. Several typical scenarios are set up to verify the proposed model. The simulation results show that the velocity-density relations and capacities of bottleneck are consistent with the empirical data, and many self-organization phenomena, i.e., arching phenomenon and lane formation, are also reproduced. The pedestrians are likely to be homogeneously distributed when they are sensitive to local density, otherwise pedestrians are non-uniformly distributed and the stop-and-go waves are likely to be reproduced. Such results indicate that the Voronoi diagram is a promising tool in modeling pedestrian dynamics.  相似文献   

Modeling the interaction between the built environment and travel behavior is of much interest to transportation planning professionals due to the desire to curb vehicular travel demand through modifications to built environment attributes. However, such models need to take into account self-selection effects in residential location choice, wherein households choose to reside in neighborhoods and built environments that are conducive to their lifestyle preferences and attitudes. This phenomenon, well-recognized in the literature, calls for the specification and estimation of joint models of multi-dimensional land use and travel choice processes. However, the estimation of such model systems that explicitly account for the presence of unobserved factors that jointly impact multiple choice dimensions is extremely complex and computationally intensive. This paper presents a joint GEV-based logit regression model of residential location choice, vehicle count by type choice, and vehicle usage (vehicle miles of travel) using a copula-based framework that facilitates the estimation of joint equations systems with error dependence structures within a simple and flexible closed-form analytic framework. The model system is estimated on a sample derived from the 2000 San Francisco Bay Area Household Travel Survey. Estimation results show that there is significant dependency among the choice dimensions and that self-selection effects cannot be ignored when modeling land use-travel behavior interactions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the pricing strategies in the discrete time single bottleneck model with general heterogeneous commuters. We first prove that in the system optimal assignment, the queue time must be zero for all the departures. Based on this result, the system optimal problem is formulated as a linear program. The solution existence and uniqueness are discussed. Applying linear programming duality, we then prove that the optimal dual variable values provide an optimal toll with which the system optimal solution is also an equilibrium solution. Extensive computational results are reported to demonstrate the insights gained from the formulations in this paper. These results confirm that a system optimal equilibrium can be found using the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The paper presents a modeling framework for dynamic activity scheduling. The modeling framework considers random utility maximization (RUM) assumption for its components in order to capture the joint activity type, location and continuous time expenditure choice tradeoffs over the course of the day. The dynamics of activity scheduling process are modeled by considering the history of activity participation as well as changes in time budget availability over the day. For empirical application, the model is estimated for weekend activity scheduling using a dataset (CHASE) collected in Toronto in 2002–2003. The data set classifies activities into nine general categories. For the empirical model of a 24-h weekend activity scheduling, only activity type and time expenditure choices are considered. The estimated empirical model captures many behavioral details and gives a high degree of fit to the observed weekend scheduling patterns. Some examples of such behavioral details are the effects of time of the day on activity type choice for scheduling and on the corresponding time expenditure; the effects of travel time requirements on activity type choice for scheduling and on the corresponding time expenditure, etc. Among many other findings, the empirical model reveals that on the weekend the utility of scheduling Recreational activities for later in the day and over a longer duration of time is high. It also reveals that on the weekend, Social activity scheduling is not affected by travel time requirements, but longer travel time requirements typically lead to longer-duration social activities.  相似文献   

Research on connected vehicle environment has been growing rapidly to investigate the effects of real-time exchange of kinetic information between vehicles and road condition information from the infrastructure through radio communication technologies. A fully connected vehicle environment can substantially reduce the latency in response caused by human perception-reaction time with the prospect of improving both safety and comfort. This study presents a dynamical model of route choice under a connected vehicle environment. We analyze the stability of headways by perturbing various factors in the microscopic traffic flow model and traffic flow dynamics in the car-following model and dynamical model of route choice. The advantage of this approach is that it complements the macroscopic traffic assignment model of route choice with microscopic elements that represent the important features of connected vehicles. The gaps between cars can be decreased and stabilized even in the presence of perturbations caused by incidents. The reduction in gaps will be helpful to optimize the traffic flow dynamics more easily with safe and stable conditions. The results show that the dynamics under the connected vehicle environment have equilibria. The approach presented in this study will be helpful to identify the important properties of a connected vehicle environment and to evaluate its benefits.  相似文献   


Due to the interaction among different planning levels and various travel demands during a day, the transit network planning is of great importance. In this paper, a bi-objective multi-period planning model is proposed for the synchronization of timetabling and vehicle scheduling. The main aim of the problem is to minimize the weighted transfer waiting time in the interchange stations along with the operational costs of vehicles. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed integrated model, a real case study of Tehran subway is considered. The proposed model is solved by the ε-constraint method and some outstanding results are achieved.


The well-to-wheel emissions associated with plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) depend on the source of electricity and the current non-vehicle demand on the grid, thus must be evaluated via an integrated systems approach. We present a network-based dispatch model for the California electricity grid consisting of interconnected sub-regions to evaluate the impact of growing PEV demand on the existing power grid infrastructure system and energy resources. This model, built on a linear optimization framework, simultaneously considers spatiality and temporal dynamics of energy demand and supply. It was successfully benchmarked against historical data, and used to determine the regional impacts of several PEV charging profiles on the current electricity network. Average electricity carbon intensities for PEV charging range from 244 to 391 gCO2e/kW h and marginal values range from 418 to 499 gCO2e/kW h.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the impact of using a new intelligent vehicle technology on the performance and total cost of a European port, in comparison with existing vehicle systems like trucks. Intelligent autonomous vehicles (IAVs) are a new type of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) with better maneuverability and a special ability to pick up/drop off containers by themselves. To identify the most economical fleet size for each type of vehicle to satisfy the port’s performance target, and also to compare their impact on the performance/cost of container terminals, we developed a discrete-event simulation model to simulate all port activities in micro-level (low-level) details. We also developed a cost model to investigate the present values of using two types of vehicle, given the identified fleet size. Results of using the different types of vehicles are then compared based on the given performance measures such as the quay crane net moves per hour and average total discharging/loading time at berth. Besides successfully identifying the optimal fleet size for each type of vehicle, simulation results reveal two findings: first, even when not utilising their ability to pick up/drop off containers, the IAVs still have similar efficacy to regular trucks thanks to their better maneuverability. Second, enabling IAVs’ ability to pick up/drop off containers significantly improves the port performance. Given the best configuration and fleet size as identified by the simulation, we use the developed cost model to estimate the total cost needed for each type of vehicle to meet the performance target. Finally, we study the performance of the case study port with advanced real-time vehicle dispatching/scheduling and container placement strategies. This study reveals that the case study port can greatly benefit from upgrading its current vehicle dispatching/scheduling strategy to a more advanced one.  相似文献   

As a result of the liberalisation of airline markets; the strong growth of low cost carriers; the high volatility in fuel prices; and the recent global financial crisis, the cost pressure that airlines face is very substantial. In order to survive in these very competitive environments, information on what factors impact on costs and efficiency of airlines is crucial in guiding strategic change. To evaluate key determinants of 58 passenger airlines’ efficiency, this paper applies a two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach, with partially bootstrapped random effects Tobit regressions in the second stage. Our results suggest that the effects of route optimisation, in the sense of average stage length of the fleet, are limited to airline technical efficiency. We show that airline size and key fleet mix characteristics, such as aircraft size and number of different aircraft families in the fleet, are more relevant to successful cost management of airlines since they have significant impacts on all three types of airline efficiency: technical, allocative and, ultimately, cost efficiency. Our results also show that despite the fuel saving benefits of younger aircraft, the age of an airline’s fleet has no significant impact on its technical efficiency, but does have a positive impact on its allocative and cost efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new method to solve multivariate discrete–continuous problems and applies the model to measure the influence of residential density on households’ vehicle fuel efficiency and usage choices. Traditional discrete–continuous modelling of vehicle holding choice and vehicle usage becomes unwieldy with large numbers of vehicles and vehicle categories. I propose a more flexible method of modelling vehicle holdings in terms of number of vehicles in each category, using a Bayesian multivariate ordinal response system. I also combine the multivariate ordered equations with Tobit equations to jointly estimate vehicle type/usage demand in a reduced form, offering a simpler alternative to the traditional discrete/continuous analysis. Using the 2001 National Household Travel Survey data, I find that increasing residential density reduces households’ truck holdings and utilization in a statistically significant but economically insignificant way. The results are broadly consistent with those from a model derived from random utility maximization. The method developed above can be applied to other discrete–continuous problems.  相似文献   

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