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Fixed-rail metro (or ‘subway’) infrastructure is generally unable to provide access to all parts of the city grid. Consequently, feeder bus lines are an integral component of urban mass transit systems. While passengers prefer a seamless transfer between these two distinct transportation services, each service’s operations are subject to a different set of factors that contribute to metro-bus transfer delay. Previous attempts to understand transfer delay were limited by the availability of tools to measure the time and cost associated with passengers’ transfer experience. This paper uses data from smart card systems, an emerging technology that automatically collects passenger trip data, to understand transfer delay. The primary objective of this study is to use smart card data to derive a reproducible methodology that isolates high priority transfer points between the metro system and its feeder-bus systems. The paper outlines a methodology to identify transfer transactions in the smart card dataset, estimate bus headways without the aid of geographic location information, estimate three components of the total transfer time (walking time, waiting time, and delay time), and isolate high-priority transfer pairs. The paper uses smart card data from Nanjing, China as a case study. The results isolate eight high priority metro-bus transfer pairs in the Nanjing metro system and finally, offers several targeted measures to improve transfer efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper describes a logit model of route choice for urban public transport and explains how the archived data from a smart card-based fare payment system can be used for the choice set generation and model estimation. It demonstrates the feasibility and simplicity of applying a trip-chaining method to infer passenger journeys from smart card transactions data. Not only origins and destinations of passenger journeys can be inferred but also the interchanges between the segments of a linked journey can be recognised. The attributes of the corresponding routes, such as in-vehicle travel time, transfer walking time and to get from alighting stop to trip destination, the need to change, and the time headway of the first transportation line, can be determined by the combination of smart card data with other data sources, such as a street map and timetable. The smart card data represent a large volume of revealed preference data that allows travellers' behaviour to be modelled with higher accuracy than by using traditional survey data. A multinomial route choice model is proposed and estimated by the maximum likelihood method, using urban public transport in ?ilina, the Slovak Republic, as a case study  相似文献   

Zhu  Yi 《Transportation》2020,47(6):2703-2730
Transportation - Understanding individual daily activity patterns is essential for travel demand management and urban planning. This research introduces a new method to infer transit riders’...  相似文献   

全国公共交通一卡通互联互通工作正不断推进,但不同地区使用的终端机具存在着一定的差异,这已成为互联互通工作的一大阻碍。因此,本文设计了公共交通一卡通终端机具的升级方案,升级改造后的终端机具实现了不同地区交通卡的兼容,在性能、可靠性等方面也得到了改进和提升,有效地整合了现有资源,实现了资源的充分利用。  相似文献   

This paper explores how we can use smart card data for bus passengers to reveal individual and aggregate travel behaviour. More specifically, we measure the extent to which both individual and bus routes exhibit habitual behaviour. To achieve this, we introduce a metric called Stickiness Index to quantify the range of preferences of users that always select to travel on the same route (high stickiness) to those with a more varied patterns of route selection (low stickiness). Adopting a visual analytic and modelling approach using a suite of regression models we find evidence to suggest that stickiness varies across the metropolitan area and over a 24-h period wherein higher stickiness is associated with high frequency users where there is substantial variability of route travel times across all alternatives. We argue that our findings are important in their capacity to contribute to a new evidence base with the potential to inform the (re)-design and scheduling of a public transit systems through unveiling the complexities of transit behaviour.  相似文献   

Halvorsen  Anne  Koutsopoulos  Haris N.  Ma  Zhenliang  Zhao  Jinhua 《Transportation》2020,47(5):2337-2365
Transportation - Transportation demand management, long used to reduce car traffic, is receiving attention among public transport operators as a means to reduce congestion in crowded public...  相似文献   

地铁隧道施工对地表沉降影响的优化控制分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于控制理论,建立了城市地铁隧道工程地表沉降的理论控制模型;结合动态规划原理,提出了城市地铁隧道工程地表沉降动态最优控制策略制定程序.文章对深圳地铁大剧院站~科学馆站区间三连拱隧道工程地表沉降的控制问题进行了理论探索,取得一些有意义的成果,为该工程的顺利实施提供了重要的依据并具有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

Transit fares are an effective tool for demand management. Transit agencies can raise revenue or relieve overcrowding via fare increases, but they are always confronted with the possibility of heavy ridership losses. Therefore, the outcome of fare changes should be evaluated before implementation. In this work, a methodology was formulated based on elasticity and exhaustive transit card data, and a network approach was proposed to assess the influence of distance-based fare increases on ridership and revenue. The approach was applied to a fare change plan for Beijing Metro. The price elasticities of demand for Beijing Metro at various fare levels and trip distances were tabulated from a stated preference survey. Trip data recorded by an automatic fare collection system was used alongside the topology of the Beijing Metro system to calculate the shortest path lengths between all station pairs, the origin–destination matrix, and trip lengths. Finally, three fare increase alternatives (high, medium, and low) were evaluated in terms of their impact on ridership and revenue. The results demonstrated that smart card data have great potential with regard to fare change evaluation. According to smart card data for a large transit network, the statistical frequency of trip lengths is more highly concentrated than that of the shortest path length. Moreover, the majority of the total trips have a length of around 15 km, and these are the most sensitive to fare increases. Specific attention should be paid to this characteristic when developing fare change plans to manage demand or raise revenue.  相似文献   

文章介绍了青岛地铁试验段的工程地质和水文地质特征、地下水主要类型及相应处理对策,就青岛地铁隧道的防水原则进行了分析和探讨,对类似地质条件下地下工程防排水设计和施工具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Public service fleets offer an attractive option for introducing new renewable fuels on a large scale, which allow for the reduction of both greenhouse gas emissions and exhaust air pollutants. This study examines the use of biomethane (bio-CNG) and compressed natural gas for part of the bus fleet in Dublin, Ireland. The emissions produced from the 2008 fleet based at one of the city’s seven bus depots are compared to use of new diesel and bio-CNG buses. The optimum feedstock for bio-CNG production in Ireland was then investigated, as well as the quantity of feedstock needed to produce the required bio-CNG to fuel the bus fleet examined. As expected the results showed a substantial decrease in all exhaust emissions from the use of bio-CNG buses compared the 2008 fleet. Grass silage was chosen as the optimum feedstock for production of bio-CNG in Ireland.  相似文献   

在城市地铁暗挖隧道矿山法施工中,如何控制工程质量,确保隧道施工及其周围环境的安全,目前尚存在一定的难度.文章根据笔者从业主的角度,结合广州地铁一、二号线矿山法隧道工程中所遇到的问题,阐明了矿山法施工中的控制要点.  相似文献   

Numerous recent studies have investigated the relationship between the location of jobs and housing in urban areas and how this relates to urban commuting patterns. Few have utilised the dual of the transportation problem of linear programming (TPLP) to provide insights into these relationships Accordingly, this analysis utilises the TPLP to determine dual variable values (shadow prices) for a study area in Dublin, Ireland. The approach determines the pattern of relative location advantage for the peak and off-peak travel periods and for public and private transport for 1991 and 2001. The results are set against the expected results for hypothetical urban structures. The results show that the pattern of relative location advantage has altered sharply over the study period for off-peak trip-making but has remained more or less the same for trip-making in the peak period. For the off-peak period, the pattern of relative location advantage has shifted from the central area to the periphery specifically for private transport trips; for public transport, the pattern has remained focused on the city centre. This indicates that private transport users can react more quickly to changes in the distribution of land-use activities than their public transport counterparts due to the relatively fixed nature of the latter mode. This implies that the public transport network needs to be reorganized to better reflect the revised pattern of trip-making specifically for the off-peak period. The results demonstrate the value of using the approach for providing information about the spatial organisation of land uses within cities and where future development may be targeted.  相似文献   

Janke  Julia  Thigpen  Calvin G.  Handy  Susan 《Transportation》2021,48(2):1089-1124
Transportation - Previous research has demonstrated the relevance of life events to explain changes in travel behavior. Less clear is the moderating role played by life stages on the relationship...  相似文献   

开展降低地铁造价的讨论具有重大的现实意义,文章以提倡建设节约型沈阳地铁为背景,对如何切实有效地降低地铁造价的总体思路进行了研究和分析,指出树立科学发展观、充分地开展项目前期研究策划工作、合理确定投资规模、加强规划控制、采用先进设计理念、设备立足国产化及地产化、加强地铁建设项目管理等是降低地铁造价的有效措施。  相似文献   

浅议地铁施工对北京市环境的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
北京地铁四号、五号、十号线及奥运支线总长近100km的地铁线路均要求在2008年前建成通车,多条地铁线路同期施工必然会对城市环境和居民生活等造成较大的影响.文章根据地铁工程的施工特点,对此进行了初步分析探讨,并提出了有关应对措施的建议.  相似文献   

地铁重叠隧道施工顺序研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章以深圳地铁三号线老-东区间盾构隧道工程为背景,采用有限元数值模拟研究方法,对地铁重叠隧道段在地表无任何建筑物和地表有房屋基础两种工程条件下,采用先上洞后下洞和先下洞后上洞两种施工顺序的盾构区间隧道施工全过程的力学行为进行了分析对比。通过分析,揭示出了相关的研究成果与实际施工顺序不同的关键所在,可为今后类似工程的设计与施工提供参考。  相似文献   

地铁盾构隧道施工对近接桩基的影响研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用三维有限元方法对盾构隧道近接桩基施工进行模拟,分析盾构机动态掘进时既有桩基位移的变化规律.模型中实现了盾构施工过程的步步掘进模拟,采用了接触单元来模拟桩基与土体的相互作用,并考虑了注浆层硬化的时间过程.计算结果表明,盾构隧道修建时,既有桩基将产生沉降和倾斜,桩基与土体的沉降差导致它们的接触面在地表处产生滑移,桩基顶部向隧道侧挤压,而在另一侧与土体脱离.施工参数的敏感性分析表明,增大顶进力会增大施工期间的桩基倾斜率,但对最终倾斜率影响不大;增大注浆压力则将增大桩基的最终倾斜率.该工作可为类似工程的施工提供参考.  相似文献   

Bike-sharing provides a convenient feeder mode for connecting to a metro and is believed to be an efficient way to solve the first- and last-mile problem. Despite the increasing attention paid on the use of bike-sharing, few studies have investigated how built environment factors affect the integrated use of dockless bike-sharing (DBS) and the metro. Using data from one of the largest DBS operators in China (Ofo), this paper employed a series of negative binomial regressions to examine the effect of the built environment on the integrated use of DBS and the metro, using Shenzhen as a case study. The findings show that mixed land use is positively related to integrated use. Residential areas have higher access-integrated rates during the morning peak hours, while industrial areas are associated with more integrated uses, connecting factories and metro stations. Furthermore, parks and public squares encourage both access- and egress-integrated use during peak times. Transportation facility features, including bus stops and dedicated bike lanes, are positively related to integrated use, while areas with dense metro distribution and main streets with many intersections are negatively related. Transfer distance also plays a crucial and negative role in integrated use. In addition, metro stations that are closer to the city center with a higher number of passengers are more likely to be integrated with bike-sharing. These findings can be used to collectively facilitate a connection between cycling and metro transit by creating a bicycle-friendly environment.  相似文献   

文章介绍了在花岗岩和花岗岩破碎带的地质条件下,施工地铁车站围护结构对周边建筑物的影响和控制方法,可供类似工程借鉴.  相似文献   

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