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To more accurately predict hourly running stabilized link volumes for emissions modeling, a new method was recently developed that disaggregates the period-based model link volumes into hourly volumes using observed traffic count data and multivariate multiple regression (MMR). This paper extends the MMR methodology with clustering and classification analyses to account for spatial variability and to accommodate model links that do not have matching observed traffic count data. The methodology was applied to data collected in the South Air Basin. The spatial analysis resulted in identifying five clusters (or 24-h profiles) for San Diego and two clusters for Los Angeles. The MMR models were then estimated with and without clustering. For San Diego, the disaggregated model volumes with clustering were much closer to the observed volumes than those without clustering, with the exception of the a.m. period. For most hours in Los Angeles, the predicted volumes with clustering were only slightly closer to the observed volumes than those predicted without clustering, suggesting that spatial effects are minimal in Los Angeles (i.e., that 24-h volume profiles are fairly similar throughout the region) and clustering is not necessary. Finally, two classification models, one for San Diego and one for Los Angeles were developed and tested for network link data that does not have matching observed count data. The results indicate the procedure is relatively good at predicting a cluster assignment for the unmatched location for Los Angeles but less accurate for San Diego.  相似文献   

Vehicle routing problems (VRPs) whose typical objective is to minimise total travel costs over a tour have evolved over the years with objectives ranging from minimising travel times and distances to minimising pollution and fuel consumption. However, driver behaviour continues to be neglected while planning for vehicle routes. Factors such as traffic congestion levels, monotonous drives and fatigue have an impact on the behaviour of drivers, which in turn might affect their speed-choice and route-choice behaviours. The behaviour of drivers and their subsequent decision-making owing to these factors impact the revenue of transport companies and could lead to huge losses in extreme cases. There have been studies on the behaviour of drivers in isolation, without inclusion of the objectives and constraints of the traditional routing problem. This paper presents a review of existing models of VRP, planner behaviour models in the VRP context and driver behaviour models and provides a motivation to integrate these models in a stochastic traffic environment to produce practical, economic and driver-friendly logistics solutions. The paper provides valuable insights on the relevance of behavioural issues in logistics and highlights the modelling implications of incorporating planner and driver behaviour in the framework of routing problems.  相似文献   

We estimate hourly truck traffic using period-based car volumes that are usually available from travel demand models. Due to the lack of local or regional data, default vehicle-miles traveled mix by vehicle class in mobile emission inventory models is usually used in transportation emissions inventory estimates. Results from such practice, however, are often far from accurate. Heavy-duty trucks generate orders of magnitudes higher emission rates than light duty vehicles. Vehicle classification data collected from weigh-in-motion stations in California are used to examine the performance of various forms of the method across days of week and geographic areas. We find that the models identified provide satisfactory and statistically robust estimates of truck traffic.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increased interest in using completely anonymized data from smart card collection systems to better understand the behavioural habits of public transport passengers. Such an understanding can benefit urban transport planners as well as urban modelling by providing simulation models with realistic mobility patterns of transit networks. In particular, the study of temporal activities has elicited substantial interest. In this regard, a number of methods have been developed in the literature for this type of analysis, most using clustering approaches. This paper presents a two-level generative model that applies the Gaussian mixture model to regroup passengers based on their temporal habits in their public transportation usage. The strength of the proposed methodology is that it can model a continuous representation of time instead of having to employ discrete time bins. For each cluster, the approach provides typical temporal patterns that enable easy interpretation. The experiments are performed on five years of data collected by the Société de transport de l’Outaouais. The results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach in identifying a reduced set of passenger clusters linked to their fare types. A five-year longitudinal analysis also shows the relative stability of public transport usage.  相似文献   

Inductive charging, a form of wireless charging, uses an electromagnetic field to transfer energy between two objects. This emerging technology offers an alternative solution to users having to physically plug in their electric vehicle (EV) to charge. Whilst manufacturers claim inductive charging technology is market ready, the efficiency of transfer of electrical energy is highly reliant on the accurate alignment of the coils involved. Therefore understanding the issue of parking misalignment and driver behaviour is an important human factors question, and the focus of this paper. Two studies were conducted, one a retrospective analysis of 100 pre-parked vehicles, the second a dynamic study where 10 participants parked an EV aiming to align with a charging pad with no bay markings as guidance. Results from both studies suggest that drivers are more accurate at parking laterally than in the longitudinal direction, with a mean lateral distance from the centre of the bay being 12.12 and 9.57 cm (retrospective and dynamic studies respectively) compared to longitudinally 23.73 and 73.48 cm. With current inductive charging systems having typical tolerances of approximately ±10 cm from their centre point, this study has shown that only 5% of vehicles in both studies would be aligned sufficiently accurately to allow efficient transfer of electrical energy through induction.  相似文献   

The integration of electric vehicles (EVs) will affect both electricity and transport systems and research is needed on finding possible ways to make a smooth transition to the electrification of the road transport. To fully understand the EV integration consequences, the behaviour of the EV drivers and its impact on these two systems should be studied. This paper describes an integrated simulation-based approach, modelling the EV and its interactions in both road transport and electric power systems. The main components of both systems have been considered, and the EV driver behaviour was modelled using a multi-agent simulation platform. Considering a fleet of 1000 EV agents, two behavioural profiles were studied (Unaware/Aware) to model EV driver behaviour. The two behavioural profiles represent the EV driver in different stages of EV adoption starting with Unaware EV drivers when the public acceptance of EVs is limited, and developing to Aware EV drivers as the electrification of road transport is promoted in an overall context. The EV agents were modelled to follow a realistic activity-based trip pattern, and the impact of EV driver behaviour was simulated on a road transport and electricity grid. It was found that the EV agents’ behaviour has direct and indirect impact on both the road transport network and the electricity grid, affecting the traffic of the roads, the stress of the distribution network and the utilization of the charging infrastructure.  相似文献   

Nowadays, more than half of the world’s web traffic comes from mobile phones, and by 2020 approximately 70 percent of the world’s population will be using smartphones. The unprecedented market penetration of smartphones combined with the connectivity and embedded sensing capability of smartphones is an enabler for the large-scale deployment of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). On the downside, smartphones have inherent limitations such as relatively limited energy capacity, processing power, and accuracy. These shortcomings may potentially limit their role as an integrated platform for monitoring driver behaviour in the context of ITS. This study examines this hypothesis by reviewing recent scientific contributions. The Cybernetics theoretical framework was employed to allow a systematic comparison. First, only a few studies consider the smartphone as an integrated platform. Second, a lack of consistency between the approaches and metrics used in the literature is noted. Last but not least, areas such as fusion of heterogeneous information sources, Deep Learning and sparse crowd-sensing are identified as relatively unexplored, and future research in these directions is suggested.  相似文献   

This paper explores how we can use smart card data for bus passengers to reveal individual and aggregate travel behaviour. More specifically, we measure the extent to which both individual and bus routes exhibit habitual behaviour. To achieve this, we introduce a metric called Stickiness Index to quantify the range of preferences of users that always select to travel on the same route (high stickiness) to those with a more varied patterns of route selection (low stickiness). Adopting a visual analytic and modelling approach using a suite of regression models we find evidence to suggest that stickiness varies across the metropolitan area and over a 24-h period wherein higher stickiness is associated with high frequency users where there is substantial variability of route travel times across all alternatives. We argue that our findings are important in their capacity to contribute to a new evidence base with the potential to inform the (re)-design and scheduling of a public transit systems through unveiling the complexities of transit behaviour.  相似文献   

Recently, tracking-type travel data collection methods using mobile communication instruments have developed rapidly. The detailed and accurate travel data are useful for understanding travel behaviour and evaluating the actual effects of transport policy such as traffic demand management. This paper studies a simple index of a tourist behaviour using tracking data collected with a mobile instrument. Based on the proposed index and actual data collected in Kobe, cluster analysis is applied to find the topological characteristics of tourist behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a number of issues relating to the pre-analysis and cleaning of stated choice data, where we look specifically at the problems caused by non-trading, lexicographic and inconsistent response patterns. We argue that this process is considerably more complex and challenging than many in the field have hitherto acknowledged, with the standard practice being the use of rather ad hoc procedures for the identification of these phenomena. A detailed analysis on four different stated choice datasets highlights the potential impacts of these methods on model estimation results.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates how recent developments in the econometrics of panel data analysis can be implemented in the study of the dynamics of continuous choice. Adopting the household's annual use of automobiles as the empirical setting with the data defined as a four-wave panel, we outline alternative assumptions for representing the role of unobserved heterogeneity, in particular the initial conditions, and the correlational structure between the observed and unobserved influences on choice. We show the importance of treating the initial conditions as endogenous. With the growing interest in integrating discrete and continuous choice models, typically through the application of the idea of selectivity, more thought has to be given to the error structure of the continuous choice module when the panel is short, as is so often the empirical reality. The simple application of econometric methods developed for long time series can be quite misleading.  相似文献   

In the past few years, the social science literature has shown significance attention to extracting information from social media to track and analyse human movements. In this paper the transportation aspect of social media is investigated and reviewed. A detailed discussion is provided about how social media data from different sources can be used to indirectly and with minimal cost extract travel attributes such as trip purpose, mode of transport, activity duration and destination choice, as well as land use variables such as home, job and school location and socio-demographic attributes including gender, age and income. The evolution of the field of transport and travel behaviour around applications of social media over the last few years is studied. Further, this paper presents results of a qualitative survey from travel demand modelling experts around the world on applicability of social media data for modelling daily travel behaviour. The result of the survey reveals positive view of the experts about usefulness of such data sources.  相似文献   


In this paper we study the effects of using ruin and recreate methods in a replanning phase of a dynamic dial-a-ride problem. Several such methods are proposed, and a modeling system is used to evaluate how they improve the quality of the solutions. We show that simple changes to existing planning methods can increase the efficiency of the service. Two cases, with different forms of costs inflicted on the vehicles, are evaluated and significant improvements are found in both cases. The best results of our study are found with ruin methods based on removal of sequences of requests.  相似文献   

Developing a valid measurement of mental fatigue remains a big challenge and would be beneficial for various application areas, such as the improvement of road traffic safety. In the present study we examined influences of mental fatigue on the dynamics of saccadic eye movements. Based on previous findings, we propose that among amplitude and duration of saccades, the peak velocity of saccadic eye movements is particularly sensitive to changes in mental fatigue. Ten participants completed a fixation task before and after 2 h of driving in a virtual simulation environment as well as after a rest break of fifteen minutes. Driving and rest break were assumed to directly influence the level of mental fatigue and were evaluated using subjective ratings and eye movement indices. According to the subjective ratings, mental fatigue was highest after driving but decreased after the rest break. The peak velocity of saccadic eye movements decreased after driving while the duration of saccades increased, but no effects of the rest break were observed in the saccade parameters. We conclude that saccadic eye movement parameters—particularly the peak velocity—are sensitive indicators for mental fatigue. According to these findings, the peak velocity analysis represents a valid on-line measure for the detection of mental fatigue, providing the basis for the development of new vigilance screening tools to prevent accidents in several application domains.  相似文献   

It is known that adverse weather conditions can affect driver performance due to reduction in visibility and slippery surface conditions. Lane keeping is one of the main factors that might be affected by weather conditions. Most of the previous studies on lane keeping have investigated driver lane-keeping performance from driver inattention perspective. In addition, the majority of previous lane-keeping studies have been conducted in controlled environments such as driving simulators. Therefore, there is a lack of studies that investigate driver lane-keeping ability considering adverse weather conditions in naturalistic settings. In this study, the relationship between weather conditions and driver lane-keeping performance was investigated using the SHRP2 naturalistic driving data for 141 drivers between 19 and 89 years of age. Moreover, a threshold was introduced to differentiate lane keeping and lane changing in naturalistic driving data. Two lane-keeping models were developed using the logistic regression and multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) to better understand factors affecting driver lane-keeping ability considering adverse weather conditions. The results revealed that heavy rain can significantly increase the standard deviation of lane position (SDLP), which is a very widely used method for analyzing lane-keeping ability. It was also found that traffic conditions, driver age and experience, and posted speed limits have significant effects on driver lane-keeping ability. An interesting finding of this study is that drivers have a better lane-keeping ability in roadways with higher posted speed limits. The results from this study might provide better insights into understanding the complex effect of adverse weather conditions on driver behavior.  相似文献   

In the vicinity of ramps, drivers make route choices, change lanes and in most cases also adjust their speeds. This can trigger anticipatory behaviour by the surrounding vehicles, which are also reflected in lane changes and/or changes in speed. This phenomenon is called turbulence and is widely recognised by the scientific literature and various design guidelines. However the knowledge about the characteristics of turbulence is limited. This study investigates the microscopic characteristics of driving behaviour around 14 different on-ramps (3), off-ramps (3) and weaving segments (8) in The Netherlands, based on unique empirical trajectory data collected from a video camera mounted underneath a hovering helicopter. The data analysis reveals that lane changes caused by merging and diverging vehicles create most turbulence, that an increase in the amount of traffic results in a higher level of turbulence and that an increase in the available length for merging and diverging results in a lower level of turbulence. The results of this study are useful for improving the road design guidelines and for modelling driving behaviour more realistically.  相似文献   

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