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本篇依托"西部地区公路快速客运系统关键技术研究"项目,介绍了公路快速客运的概念、构成要素、服务对象、特征、发展现状及存在的主要问题,指出了公路快速客运系统的车辆、站场、服务、管理、信息等方面的关键技术,形成了公路快速客运系统评价模型,并提出了相应的快速客运发展对策及建议,为我国西部地区的公路快速客运系统建设与发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive comparison of well-to-wheel (WTW) energy demand, WTW GHG emissions, and costs for conventional ICE and alternative passenger car powertrains, including full electric, hybrid, and fuel cell powertrains. Vehicle production, operation, maintenance, and disposal are considered, along with a range of hydrogen production processes, electricity mixes, ICE fuels, and battery types. Results are determined based on a reference vehicle, powertrain efficiencies, life cycle inventory data, and cost estimations. Powertrain performance is measured against a gasoline ICE vehicle. Energy carrier and battery production are found to be the largest contributors to WTW energy demand, GHG emissions, and costs; however, electric powertrain performance is highly sensitive to battery specific energy. ICE and full hybrid vehicles using alternative fuels to gasoline, and fuel cell vehicles using natural gas hydrogen production pathways, are the only powertrains which demonstrate reductions in all three evaluation categories simultaneously (i.e., WTW energy demand, emissions, and costs). Overall, however, WTW emission reductions depend more on the energy carrier production pathway than on the powertrain; hence, alternative energy carriers to gasoline for an ICE-based fleet (including hybrids) should be emphasized from a policy perspective in the short-term. This will ease the transition towards a low-emission fleet in Switzerland.  相似文献   

This paper presents in-service data collected from over 300 alternative fuel vehicles and over 80 fueling stations to help fleets determine what types of applications and alternative fuels may help them reduce their environmental impacts and fuel costs. The data were compiled in 2011 by over 30 organizations in New York State using a wide variety of commercial vehicle types and technologies. Fuel economy, incremental vehicle purchase cost, fueling station purchase cost, greenhouse gas reductions, and fuel cost savings data clarifies the performance of alternative fuel vehicles and fuel stations. Data were collected from a range of vehicle types, including school buses, delivery trucks, utility vans, street sweepers, snow plows, street pavers, bucket trucks, paratransit vans, and sedans. CNG, hybrid, LPG, and electric vehicles were tracked.  相似文献   

选取环境空气中PM2.5、PM10、CO、NO2、O3污染物及空气质量指数(AQI)分析乌鲁木齐市疫情期间交通流量对空气质量的影响。结果表明,在乌鲁木齐市两次疫情交通管制期间,交通流量显著降低,环境空气中PM2.5、PM10、CO、NO2、O3污染物浓度及AQI随之降低,尤其是PM10、CO和NO2浓度下降较为显著。自乌鲁木齐市解除交通管制,车辆恢复正常通行后,PM10、CO及NO2浓度逐渐增加甚至反超同期。鉴于PM、CO及NO2是汽车尾气的主要污染物,因此可推测交通流量增加或降低,环境空气质量也会随之发生变化,尤其是空气中PM10、CO及NO2污染物浓度呈正相关变化。  相似文献   

This study looks at the impacts of timber skidding in a pure fir plantation forest. It compares properties of herbaceous cover, organic layer and surface soil on the skid road and on adjacent undisturbed area. N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu are quantified and the mass of herbaceous cover and organic layer, and sand, silt, clay rates, bulk density, compaction and pH of soils were assessed. Both the herbaceous cover and organic layer mass on the skid road were significantly lower than the undisturbed area. The soil of the skid road also had higher bulk density and compaction, and lower organic carbon rates producing much denser and compacted soils. Only P concentration in herbaceous cover samples from skid road was significantly higher, while Ca and Mg contents were considerably lower than undisturbed area. There were no significantly differences in N, K, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn concentrations of herbaceous cover. Compared to the undisturbed area, the organic layer of the skid road had particularly low K, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn contents. At 0–5 cm soil depth, P and Fe contents were significantly lower than for undisturbed area but there were no major differences at depth of 5–10 cm.  相似文献   


This paper empirically evaluates key resources and capabilities in the liner shipping context. Based on a factor analysis, three resource dimensions are identified: marine equipment, information equipment, and corporate image; whereas seven capability dimensions are identified: purchasing, operation, human resource management, customer service, information integration, pricing, and financial management. The findings suggest that operation capability is perceived as the most important dimension, followed by customer service, human resource management, information integration, pricing purchasing, and financial management. Results indicate that four dimensions are found that significantly differ between shipping companies and agencies: marine equipment, information equipment, operation, and information integration. The theoretical and managerial implications of the research findings are discussed.  相似文献   

绿色出行发展的根本目的是为了实现城市交通可持续发展,实现出行"安全、畅通、高效、舒适、环保、节能",从而实现社会、经济、交通和环境的协调发展。本文通过对绿色出行的概念、内涵、特征和实现途径等相关理论进行解读,确定绿色出行系统的主要构成;采用计划行为理论、交通需求管理理论等多视角,对影响和制约城市绿色出行发展的关键因素进行分析和识别,并研究提出围绕保障能力、基础设施、运输装备、运营服务等方面的绿色出行评价指标体系框架。  相似文献   

A life cycle assessment model is built to estimate the environmental implications of pavements using material, distribution, construction, congestion, usage, and end of life modules. A case study of three overlay systems, Portland cement concrete overlay, hot mixture asphalt overlay, and crack, seat, and overlay, is presented. The case leads to the following conclusions. It is reasonable to expect less environmental burdens from the Portland cement concrete and crack, seat, and overlay options as opposed to hot mixture asphalt while although the results have a high degree uncertainties. The material, congestion, and particularly usage modules contribute most to energy consumption and air pollutant. Traffic related energy consumption and greenhouse gases are sensitive to traffic growth and fuel economy improvement. Uncertainties exist in the usage module, especially for the pavement structure effect.  相似文献   

Longitudinal analysis should be developed with the prime objective of discovering the characteristics of dynamic, disequilibrium processes. This will require a range of different research methods, including qualitative social research, repeated cross-section surveys, panel surveys, aggregate time series analysis, and simulation models. In each case it is essential that models should be formulated in a dynamic way (e.g. with lags, inertia and asymmetry). Examples are given of work using each of these methods, applied to the analysis of habit, aging, market volatility, turnover, long-term demand elasticities, and forecasting using demographic information.  相似文献   

When compared with existing urban modes, Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) offers compelling advantages in every important respect. The desirable attributes of any urban mobility mode are well documented, such as minimal travel time, safety, comfort, low cost, and minimal impacts. These attributes are used to define a hypothetical, ideal urban mode. The ideal mode would possess characteristics such as no waiting, no stops, from anywhere to anywhere service, risk-free, non-polluting, and accessible to everyone at any time. Although not attainable in the real world, the ideal provides a model and benchmark for design much as the Carnot thermodynamic cycle guides the development of internal combustion engines, or ideal gases and perfect fluids are postulated in physics. A matrix format is used to present the characteristics of various modes against the desirable attributes of any mode. Modes presented are the ideal, walking, bicycles, motorcycles, automobiles, taxis, buses, rail transit, Automated Guideway Transit (AGT), and PRT. In all respects, PRT is shown to approach the ideal much more closely than competing modes.  相似文献   

基于GIS的输油管道泄漏诊断系统,充分利用GIS平台,并结合现有管道泄漏定位理论,具有地理信息在线显示、定位准确、响应迅速、声光报警、无极缩放等优点,具有广阔开发和应用价值。文中在分析国内输油管道泄漏诊断面临诸多问题的同时,提出应用GIS进行泄漏诊断系统开发,并通过模拟仿真试验进行论证,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

Although several activity-based models made the transition to practice in recent years, modeling dynamic activity generation and especially, the mechanisms underlying activity generation are not well incorporated in the current activity-based models. For instance, current models assume that activities are independent, but to the extent that different activities fulfill the same underlying needs and act as partial substitutes, their interactions/dependencies should be taken into account. For example, recreational, leisure, and social activities tend to be partly substitutable since they satisfy a common need of relaxation, and when undertaken together with others, social needs will be satisfied as well. This paper describes the parameter estimation of a need-based activity generation model, which includes the representation of possible interaction effects between activities. A survey was carried out to collect activity data for a typical week and a specific day among a sample of individuals. The diary data contain detailed information on activity history and future planning. Estimation of the model involves a range of shopping, social, leisure, and sports activities, as dependent variables, and socioeconomic, day preference, and interaction variables, as explanatory variables. The results show that several person, household, and dwelling attributes influence activity-episode timing decisions in a longitudinal time frame and, thus, the frequency and day choice of conducting the social, leisure, and sports activities. Furthermore, interactions were found in the sense that several activities influence the need for other activities and some activities affect the utility of conducting another activity on the same day.  相似文献   

While connected, highly automated, and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) will eventually hit the roads, their success and market penetration rates depend largely on public opinions regarding benefits, concerns, and adoption of these technologies. Additionally, the introduction of these technologies is accompanied by uncertainties in their effects on the carsharing market and land use patterns, and raises the need for tolling policies to appease the travel demand induced due to the increased convenience. To these ends, this study surveyed 1088 respondents across Texas to understand their opinions about smart vehicle technologies and related decisions. The key summary statistics indicate that Texans are willing to pay (WTP) $2910, $4607, $7589, and $127 for Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 automation and connectivity, respectively, on average. Moreover, affordability and equipment failure are Texans’ top two concerns regarding AVs. This study also estimates interval regression and ordered probit models to understand the multivariate correlation between explanatory variables, such as demographics, built-environment attributes, travel patterns, and crash histories, and response variables, including willingness to pay for CAV technologies, adoption rates of shared AVs at different pricing points, home location shift decisions, adoption timing of automation technologies, and opinions about various tolling policies. The practically significant relationships indicate that more experienced licensed drivers and older people associate lower WTP values with all new vehicle technologies. Such parameter estimates help not only in forecasting long-term adoption of CAV technologies, but also help transportation planners in understanding the characteristics of regions with high or low future-year CAV adoption levels, and subsequently, develop smart strategies in respective regions.  相似文献   

结合G205、G312等沥青路面不同程度出现的沉陷、接缝台阶、波浪、车辙、桥涵与路面接茬不平、跳车等路面不平整现象,分析、探讨造成沥青路面平整度差的路基、桥涵、路面基层施工方面、材料方面以及路面摊铺、碾压等主要原因,并提出相应对策措施。  相似文献   

Logit模型是一种较为成熟的旅客运输分担率分析方法,它在旅客运输领领域有着广泛的应用。参照绿色经济的定义,首先,本文分析各运输方式的安全性效用、经济性效用、时效性效用、准时性效用、方便性效用、舒适性效用和绿色性效用7个服务特征属性并建立广义效用函数;其次,研究高速铁路客流分担率模型;再次,运用相关数据及最大似然估计法来确定模型的参数;最后,以武汉~广州间各运输方式的客流分担率来研究该模型的应用。  相似文献   

陈姗姗 《综合运输》2021,(3):19-22,95
推进长三角交通一体化规划落地是实施国家长三角一体化发展战略的重要基础。通过系统梳理上海多年空间规划实践经验,遵循城市群、机场群、近沪地区、全球城市多机场体系的逻辑思路,基于问题导向和目标导向,提出优先实现近沪地区民航紧密联系的规划突破点。临近地区民航协同,需要实现发展目标、通道枢纽、飞行保障、运输服务、货运物流、设施建设、重大项目、进度时序等多方面系统协同,建立契约关系,以市场化方式实践区域民航协同发展。  相似文献   

A detailed investigation was conducted to study the sources of particulate matter in the vicinity of an urban road in Žilina. To determine the amount of particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1) present in the ambient air, a reference gravimetric method was used. The main objective of this contribution was to identify the sources of these particles by means of statistical methods, specifically principal component analysis (PCA), factor analysis (FA), and absolute principal component scores (APCS), as well as using the presence of 17 metals in the particulate matter (Na, Mg, Al, Ca, V, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Sb, Cd, Ba, Pb). To identify the metals in the particulate matter samples and to determine their abundances, spectroscopic methods were used, specifically inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Each of these metals may come from a specific source, such as the burning of fossil fuels in fossil fuel power plants; local heating of households; the burning of liquefied fossil fuels in the combustion engines of vehicles; the burning of coal and wood; non-combustion related emissions resulting from vehicular traffic; resuspension of traffic-related dust; and industry. Diesel vehicles and non-combustion emissions from road traffic have been identified as two key sources of the particulate matter. The results reveal that non-combustion emissions, which are associated with the elements Na, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn, Mo, Sb, Cd, and Pb, are the major contributors, followed by combustion emissions from diesel vehicles, which are associated with the elements Mg, Ca, and Ba.  相似文献   


Automated, connected, electrified, and shared mobility will be cornerstones of the transportation future. Research to quantify the potential benefits and drawbacks of practice, and to identify barriers to adoption, is the first step in any strategic plan for their adoption. However, uncertainties, complexity, interdependence, and the multidisciplinary nature of emerging transportation technologies make it difficult to organize and identify focused research. The contribution of this work is a cognitive framework to help planners and policymakers organize broad topics, reveal challenges, discover ideas for solutions, quantify potential impacts, and identify implications to guide preparation strategies. The authors provide example cognitive frameworks for connected, automated, and electrified vehicles.  相似文献   

系统基于三层体系结构设计,采用分布式数据库技术实现海量数据的存储。主要包括:用户权限管理子系统、组织关系管理子系统、系统基础设置子系统、数据采集子系统、管理基础设施子系统、数据采集子系统、数据归档审核子系统、用户注册子系统、评估体系及决策分析子系统等,目前系统已经在交通行业推广应用。  相似文献   

In a case study of a Norwegian heavy-duty truck transport company, we analyzed data generated by the online fleet management system Dynafleet. The objective was to find out what influenced fuel consumption. We used a set of driving indicators as explanatory variables: load weight, trailer type, route, brake horsepower, average speed, automatic gearshift use, cruise-control use, use of more than 90% of maximum torque, a dummy variable for seasonal variation, use of running idle, use of driving in highest gear, brake applications, number of stops and rolling without engine load. We found, via multivariate regression analysis and corresponding mean elasticity analysis, that with driving on narrow mountainous roads, variables associated with infrastructure and vehicle properties have a larger influence than driver-influenced variables do. However, we found that even under these challenging infrastructure conditions, driving behavior matters. Our findings and analysis could help transport companies decide how to use fleet management data to reduce fuel consumption by choosing the right vehicle for each transportation task and identifying environmentally and economically benign ways of driving.  相似文献   

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