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This paper describes a logit model of route choice for urban public transport and explains how the archived data from a smart card-based fare payment system can be used for the choice set generation and model estimation. It demonstrates the feasibility and simplicity of applying a trip-chaining method to infer passenger journeys from smart card transactions data. Not only origins and destinations of passenger journeys can be inferred but also the interchanges between the segments of a linked journey can be recognised. The attributes of the corresponding routes, such as in-vehicle travel time, transfer walking time and to get from alighting stop to trip destination, the need to change, and the time headway of the first transportation line, can be determined by the combination of smart card data with other data sources, such as a street map and timetable. The smart card data represent a large volume of revealed preference data that allows travellers' behaviour to be modelled with higher accuracy than by using traditional survey data. A multinomial route choice model is proposed and estimated by the maximum likelihood method, using urban public transport in ?ilina, the Slovak Republic, as a case study  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increased interest in using completely anonymized data from smart card collection systems to better understand the behavioural habits of public transport passengers. Such an understanding can benefit urban transport planners as well as urban modelling by providing simulation models with realistic mobility patterns of transit networks. In particular, the study of temporal activities has elicited substantial interest. In this regard, a number of methods have been developed in the literature for this type of analysis, most using clustering approaches. This paper presents a two-level generative model that applies the Gaussian mixture model to regroup passengers based on their temporal habits in their public transportation usage. The strength of the proposed methodology is that it can model a continuous representation of time instead of having to employ discrete time bins. For each cluster, the approach provides typical temporal patterns that enable easy interpretation. The experiments are performed on five years of data collected by the Société de transport de l’Outaouais. The results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach in identifying a reduced set of passenger clusters linked to their fare types. A five-year longitudinal analysis also shows the relative stability of public transport usage.  相似文献   

This paper explores how we can use smart card data for bus passengers to reveal individual and aggregate travel behaviour. More specifically, we measure the extent to which both individual and bus routes exhibit habitual behaviour. To achieve this, we introduce a metric called Stickiness Index to quantify the range of preferences of users that always select to travel on the same route (high stickiness) to those with a more varied patterns of route selection (low stickiness). Adopting a visual analytic and modelling approach using a suite of regression models we find evidence to suggest that stickiness varies across the metropolitan area and over a 24-h period wherein higher stickiness is associated with high frequency users where there is substantial variability of route travel times across all alternatives. We argue that our findings are important in their capacity to contribute to a new evidence base with the potential to inform the (re)-design and scheduling of a public transit systems through unveiling the complexities of transit behaviour.  相似文献   

全国公共交通一卡通互联互通工作正不断推进,但不同地区使用的终端机具存在着一定的差异,这已成为互联互通工作的一大阻碍。因此,本文设计了公共交通一卡通终端机具的升级方案,升级改造后的终端机具实现了不同地区交通卡的兼容,在性能、可靠性等方面也得到了改进和提升,有效地整合了现有资源,实现了资源的充分利用。  相似文献   

Fixed-rail metro (or ‘subway’) infrastructure is generally unable to provide access to all parts of the city grid. Consequently, feeder bus lines are an integral component of urban mass transit systems. While passengers prefer a seamless transfer between these two distinct transportation services, each service’s operations are subject to a different set of factors that contribute to metro-bus transfer delay. Previous attempts to understand transfer delay were limited by the availability of tools to measure the time and cost associated with passengers’ transfer experience. This paper uses data from smart card systems, an emerging technology that automatically collects passenger trip data, to understand transfer delay. The primary objective of this study is to use smart card data to derive a reproducible methodology that isolates high priority transfer points between the metro system and its feeder-bus systems. The paper outlines a methodology to identify transfer transactions in the smart card dataset, estimate bus headways without the aid of geographic location information, estimate three components of the total transfer time (walking time, waiting time, and delay time), and isolate high-priority transfer pairs. The paper uses smart card data from Nanjing, China as a case study. The results isolate eight high priority metro-bus transfer pairs in the Nanjing metro system and finally, offers several targeted measures to improve transfer efficiency.  相似文献   

Tavassoli  Ahmad  Mesbah  Mahmoud  Hickman  Mark 《Transportation》2020,47(5):2133-2156

This paper describes a practical automated procedure to calibrate and validate a transit assignment model. An optimization method based on particle swarm algorithm is adopted to minimize a defined error term. This error term which is based on the percentage of root mean square error and the mean absolute percent error encompasses deviation of model outputs from observations considering both segment level as well as the mode level and can be applied to a large scale network. This study is based on the frequency-based assignment model using the concept of optimal strategy while any transit assignment model can be used in the proposed methodological framework. Lastly, the model is validated using another weekday data. The proposed methodology uses automatic fare collection (AFC) data to estimate the origin–destination matrix. This study combines data from three sources: the general transit feed specification, AFC, and a strategic transport model from a large-scale multimodal public transport network. The South-East Queensland (SEQ) network in Australia is used as a case study. The AFC system in SEQ has voluminous and high quality data on passenger boardings and alightings across bus, rail and ferry modes. The results indicate that the proposed procedure can successfully develop a multi-modal transit assignment model at a large scale. Higher dispersions are seen for the bus mode, in contrast to rail and ferry modes. Furthermore, a comparison is made between the strategies used by passengers and the generated strategies by the model between each origin and destination to get more insights about the detailed behaviour of the model. Overall, the analysis indicates that the AFC data is a valuable and rich source in calibrating and validating a transit assignment model.


Zhu  Yi 《Transportation》2020,47(6):2703-2730
Transportation - Understanding individual daily activity patterns is essential for travel demand management and urban planning. This research introduces a new method to infer transit riders’...  相似文献   

The LITRES-2 modelling system provides a framework for investigating the performance of urban passenger transport systems, with particular attention to demand-responsive transport modes and traveller information technologies. The modes covered include conventional timetabled services (buses, trains etc.), taxis (both single- and multiple-hire), and other demand-responsive services. Tables of estimated aggregate demand are disaggregated so as to produce a stream of fully-articulated travel-requests. Individual requests are resolved as single- or multiple-leg journeys, through the use of request-broking and journey-planning modules that seek to minimise travellers' generalised costs. Journey-legs allocated to demand-responsive modes are handled by a fleet-scheduling module which includes provision for “instantaneous” as well as advance-notice bookings, and for contingent situations such as breakdowns and passenger no-shows. The fleet-scheduling and journey-planning modules are designed as embedded control systems and are intended for use in real-time as well as modelling applications. The paper describes the main analytical and procedural components of LITRES-2, and assesses some methodological issues arising from experience in recent planning studies. The system appears to be well suited for use in modelling situations where the critical issues are concerned with the supply rather than demand side of transportation activity.  相似文献   

Public Transport (PT) systems rely more and more on online information extracted from both operator’s intelligent equipment and user’s smartphone applications. This allows for a better fit between supply and demand of the multimodal PT system, especially through the use of PT real-time control actions/tactics. In doing so there is also an opportunity to consider environmental-related issues to approach energy saving and reduced pollution. This study investigates and analyses the benefits of using real-time PT operational tactics in reducing the undesirable environmental impacts. A tactic-based control (TBC) optimization model is used to minimize total passenger travel time and maximize direct transfers (without waiting). The model consists of a control policy built upon a combination of three tactics: holding, skip-stops, and boarding limit. The environmental-related measure is the global warming potential (GWP) using the life cycle assessment technique. The methodology developed is applied to a real life case study in Auckland, New Zealand. Results show that TBC could reduce the GWP by means of reduction of total passenger travel times and vehicle travel cycle time. That is, the TBC model results in a 5.6% reduction in total GWP per day compared with an existing no-tactic scenario. This study supports the use of real-time control actions to maintain a reliable PT service, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and subsequently moving towards greener PT systems.  相似文献   

Transit fares are an effective tool for demand management. Transit agencies can raise revenue or relieve overcrowding via fare increases, but they are always confronted with the possibility of heavy ridership losses. Therefore, the outcome of fare changes should be evaluated before implementation. In this work, a methodology was formulated based on elasticity and exhaustive transit card data, and a network approach was proposed to assess the influence of distance-based fare increases on ridership and revenue. The approach was applied to a fare change plan for Beijing Metro. The price elasticities of demand for Beijing Metro at various fare levels and trip distances were tabulated from a stated preference survey. Trip data recorded by an automatic fare collection system was used alongside the topology of the Beijing Metro system to calculate the shortest path lengths between all station pairs, the origin–destination matrix, and trip lengths. Finally, three fare increase alternatives (high, medium, and low) were evaluated in terms of their impact on ridership and revenue. The results demonstrated that smart card data have great potential with regard to fare change evaluation. According to smart card data for a large transit network, the statistical frequency of trip lengths is more highly concentrated than that of the shortest path length. Moreover, the majority of the total trips have a length of around 15 km, and these are the most sensitive to fare increases. Specific attention should be paid to this characteristic when developing fare change plans to manage demand or raise revenue.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a method to evaluate scheduled, fixed-route public transport. One major evaluation criterion in the method is total travel time, subdivided into walking time, waiting time, time on vehicle, transfer time, and concealed waiting time. The other major criterion is costs incurred by a given supply of transport. In contrast with conventional methods, this method operates with real measures, i.e. real location (instead of traffic zones), real time (instead of average travel time), and real costs (instead of proxy-costs). The purpose is to produce relevant and easily understandable results suitable to open planning, for instance planning with citizen participation. Five examples of application of the method are given: (1) evaluation of changes in suburban bus services; (2) evaluation of geographical localities as regards public transport; (3) evaluation of circular bus routes; (4) evaluation of flexible work hours versus fixed work hours and, finally; (5) production of user information on transport service.The research on evaluation of public transport was carried out in collaboration between Aalborg Municipality and the University of Aalborg 1980–1981. It was funded by the Department of Education, the University of Aarhus, Aalborg Municipality, the University of Aalborg's Data Centre and the University of Aalborg. The translation of this summary paper from Danish into English was funded and carried out by the Transport and Road Research Laboratories, Crowthorne, England.The paper summarizes: Bent Flyvbjerg, Kjeld Kahr, Peter Bo Petersen and Johs. Vibe-Petersen (1981).Evaluation of Public Transport — Method for Application in Open Planning. Vol. I & II. Aalborg University Press, Aalborg, 402 pp. In Danish.  相似文献   

Waiting time at public transport stops is perceived by passengers to be more onerous than in-vehicle time, hence it strongly influences the attractiveness and use of public transport. Transport models traditionally assume that average waiting times are half the service headway by assuming random passenger arrivals. However, research agree that two distinct passenger behaviour types exist: one group arrives randomly, whereas another group actively tries to minimise their waiting time by arriving in a timely manner at the scheduled departure time. This study proposes a general framework for estimating passenger waiting times which incorporates the arrival patterns of these two groups explicitly, namely by using a mixture distribution consisting of a uniform and a beta distribution. The framework is empirically validated using a large-scale automatic fare collection system from the Greater Copenhagen Area covering metro, suburban, and regional rail stations thereby giving a range of service headways from 2 to 60 min. It was shown that the proposed mixture distribution is superior to other distributions proposed in the literature. This can improve waiting time estimations in public transport models. The results show that even at 5-min headways 43% of passengers arrive in a timely manner to stations when timetables are available. The results bear important policy implications in terms of providing actual timetables, even at high service frequencies, in order for passengers to be able to minimise their waiting times.  相似文献   

Most major cities across the world today are facing an intractable challenge of financing public transport. In Kuala Lumpur for example, public transport services are somewhat poor in part because of the failure of major operators to secure ample funding. Previous funding programs implemented in the city have failed to produce a replicable model for financing public transport. Due to numerous financial problems and the dismal performance of privately owned transport firms, the State has in the recent past emerged as a key source of funding for the public transport sector in Kuala Lumpur. This article argues that, despite the insuperable challenges, prospects for the future funding of public transport in Kuala Lumpur appears to be good. The article also draws lessons from both Tokyo and Hong Kong. In order to address the funding deficit facing the public transport industry in the city it is crucial that more viable strategies and policies such as value capture and public–private sector partnerships are adopted by the urban authorities.
Amin T. KiggunduEmail:

The existing studies concerning the influence of weather on public transport have mainly focused on the impacts of average weather conditions on the aggregate ridership of public transit. Not much research has examined these impacts at disaggregate levels. This study aims to fill this gap by accounting for intra-day variations in weather as well as public transport ridership and investigating the effect of weather on the travel behavior of individual public transit users. We have collected smart card data for public transit and meteorological records from Shenzhen, China for the entire month of September 2014. The data allow us to establish association between the system-wide public transit ridership and weather condition on not only daily, but also hourly basis and for each metro station. In addition, with the detailed trip records of individual card holders, the travel pattern by public transit are constructed for card holders and this pattern is linked to the weather conditions he/she has experienced. Multivariate modeling approach is applied to analyze the influence of weather on public transit ridership and the travel behavior of regular transit users. Results show that some weather elements have more influence than others on public transportation. Metro stations located in urban areas are more vulnerable to outdoor weather in regard to ridership. Regular transit users are found to be rather resilient to changes in weather conditions. Findings contribute to a more in-depth understanding of the relationship between everyday weather and public transit travels and also provide valuable information for short-term scheduling in transit management.  相似文献   

This study analyses the impacts of changes in fares, service supply, income and other factors on the demand for public transport on the basis of panels of English counties and French urban areas. The analysis is based on dynamic econometric models, so that both short- and long-run elasticities are estimated. Conventional approaches (i.e. fixed- and random-effect models) rely on the hypothesis that elasticities are the same for all areas. Having shown that this hypothesis is not valid for these data sets, the heterogeneity amongst areas is accounted for using a random-coefficients approach, and Bayesian shrinkage estimators.Estimated elasticities for France and England are compared, by using a common set of variables, similar time period and a common methodology. The results show a considerable variation in elasticities among areas within each country. The major conclusion is that public transport demand is relatively sensitive to fare changes, so that policy measures aimed at fare reduction (subsidisation) can play a substantial role in encouraging the use of public transport, thus reducing the use of private cars.  相似文献   

Consumer 3D printing is on the rise and has the potential to significantly change the transport and logistics sector. Current literature on 3D printing and transport studies does not provide a systematic model of the impact of 3D printing on transport and related (policy relevant) areas, such as traffic safety, location decisions, accessibility and environmental effects. Based on a literature review and two rounds of expert consultation, we propose and refine a conceptual model as a way to approach this gap in the literature. The expert consultation yields that the conceptual model comprises the relevant and important elements for assessing the impact of 3D printing on transport and transport-related challenges. Location, needs and transport resistance are important: (a) city-level hubs are the most likely locations for 3D printers because they can coordinate material flows and gather expertise; (b) mass-individualisation and personification dictates the needs for 3D printers; (c) distribution networks will be organised more efficiently, less empty vehicles, but raw materials still need shipping. However, experts’ opinions diverged on the impact of 3D printing on transport volumes and environmental impacts.  相似文献   

The effects of high passenger density at bus stops, at rail stations, inside buses and trains are diverse. This paper examines the multiple dimensions of passenger crowding related to public transport demand, supply and operations, including effects on operating speed, waiting time, travel time reliability, passengers’ wellbeing, valuation of waiting and in-vehicle time savings, route and bus choice, and optimal levels of frequency, vehicle size and fare. Secondly, crowding externalities are estimated for rail and bus services in Sydney, in order to show the impact of crowding on the estimated value of in-vehicle time savings and demand prediction. Using Multinomial Logit (MNL) and Error Components (EC) models, we show that alternative assumptions concerning the threshold load factor that triggers a crowding externality effect do have an influence on the value of travel time (VTTS) for low occupancy levels (all passengers sitting); however, for high occupancy levels, alternative crowding models estimate similar VTTS. Importantly, if demand for a public transport service is estimated without explicit consideration of crowding as a source of disutility for passengers, demand will be overestimated if the service is designed to have a number of standees beyond a threshold, as analytically shown using a MNL choice model. More research is needed to explore if these findings hold with more complex choice models and in other contexts.  相似文献   


The collection of big data, as an alternative to traditional resource-intensive manual data collection approaches, has become significantly more feasible over the past decade. The availability of such data, coupled with more sophisticated predictive statistical techniques, has contributed to an increase in attention towards the application of these data, particularly for transportation analysis. Within the transportation literature, there is a growing emphasis on developing sources of commonly collected public transportation data into more powerful analytical tools. A commonly held belief is that application of big data to transportation problems will yield new insights previously unattainable through traditional transportation data sets. However, there exist many ambiguities related to what constitutes big data, the ethical implications of big data collection and application, and how to best utilize the emerging data sets. The existing literature exploring big data provides no clear and consistent definition. While the collection of big data has grown and its application in both research and practice continues to expand, there is a significant disparity between methods of analysis applied to such data. This paper summarizes the recent literature on sources of big data and commonly applied methods used in its application to public transportation problems. We assess predominant big data sources, most frequently studied topics, and methodologies employed. The literature suggests smart card and automated data are the two big data sources most frequently used by researchers to conduct public transit analyses. The studies reviewed indicate that big data has largely been used to understand transit users’ travel behavior and to assess public transit service quality. The techniques reported in the literature largely mirror those used with smaller data sets. The application of more advanced statistical methods, commonly associated with big data, has been limited to a small number of studies. In order to fully capture the value of big data, new approaches to analysis will be necessary.  相似文献   

Recent efforts to emphasize social equity in transportation are emerging as local, regional and national governments have set initiatives to identify, existing and potential, disproportionate impacts to low-income and minority populations, also referred to as transportation justice (TJ). Currently, there are suggested methods for identifying transportation justice areas; however, there is no streamlined method instituted across transportation agencies. Each jurisdiction identifies transportation justice (or environmental justice) areas based on their own methodology, typically based on either average regional thresholds, graduated thresholds, or a more unique in-house index methodology. This research explores and evaluates existing methods and develops a rigorous and comprehensive method called the Transportation Justice Threshold Index Framework (TJTIF) using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as well as factors based on demographics, socio-economics, and transportation/land use. The framework is applied to a case study region in Pennsylvania reflective of the Marcellus Shale impact area, highlighting Sullivan County, PA. The methodology and the case study application serve as an example for how transportation agencies throughout the country can promote social sustainability and enhance transportation equity.  相似文献   

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