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Information and communication technologies used for on-board vehicle monitoring have been adopted as an additional tool to characterize mobility flows. Furthermore, traffic volumes are traditionally measured to understand cities traffic dynamics. This paper presents an innovative methodology that uses an extensive and complementary real-world dataset to make a scenario-based analysis allowing assessing energy consumption impacts of shifting traffic from peak to off-peak hours. In the specific case of the city of Lisbon, a sample of 40 drivers was monitored for a period of six months. The obtained data allowed testing the impacts of increasing the percentage of traffic shifting from peak to off-peak hours in energy consumption. Both average speed and energy consumption variations were quantified for each of the tested percentages, allowing concluding that for traffic shifts of up to 30% a positive impact in consumption can be observed. In terms of potential gains associated to shifting traffic from peak hours, reductions in energy consumption from 0.1% to 0.4% can be obtained for traffic volumes shifts from 5 to 30%. Overall, the maximum reduction in energy consumption is achieved for a 20% traffic shift. Average speed variation follows the same trend as energy consumption, but in the opposite direction, i.e. instead of decreasing, average speed increases. For the best case scenario, considering only the sections of roads with traffic sensors, a 1.4% reduction in trip time may be achieved, as well as savings of up to 6 l of fuel and 14.5 kg of avoided CO2 emissions per day.  相似文献   

The discussion of whether, and to what extent, telecommuting can curb congestion in urban areas has spanned more than three decades. This study develops an integrated framework to provide the empirical evidence of the potential impacts of home-based telecommuting on travel behavior, network congestion, and air quality. In the first step, we estimate a telecommuting adoption model using a zero-inflated hierarchical ordered probit model to determine the factors associated with workers’ propensity to adopt telecommuting. Second, we implement the estimated model in the POLARIS activity-based framework to simulate the potential changes in workers’ activity-travel patterns and network congestion. Third, the MOVES mobile source emission simulator and Autonomie vehicle energy simulator are used to estimate the potential changes in vehicular emissions and fuel use in the network as a result of this policy. Different policy adoption scenarios are then tested in the proposed integrated platform. We found that compared to the current baseline situation where almost 12% of workers in Chicago region have flexible working time schedule, in the case when 50% of workers have flexible working time, telecommuting can reduce total daily vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and vehicle hours traveled (VHT) up to 0.69% and 2.09%, respectively. Considering the same comparison settings, this policy has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas and particulate matter emissions by up to 0.71% and 1.14%, respectively. In summary, our results endorse the fact that telecommuting policy has the potential to reduce network congestion and vehicular emissions specifically during rush hours.  相似文献   

This paper presents a recent research work on socio-economic impacts of convoy driving on motorways. Two different methods have been employed for the assessment. The cost–benefit analysis method has been found to be very efficient where costs and benefits can be valued monetarily, while data envelopment analysis can deal with discretionary or intangible impacts that cannot reasonably be expressed in monetary units.The results from both assessment methods have shown that motorway convoy driving may have significant socio-economic benefits when the convoy lane is properly fed with convoy traffic.  相似文献   

Assessing the impact of characteristics of the built environment on travel behavior can yield valuable tools for land use and transportation planning. Of particular interest are planning models that can estimate the effects of ‘smart growth’ planning. In this paper, a post-processor method of quantifying and searching for relationships among many aspects of travel behavior and the built environment is developed and applied to the Buffalo, NY area. A wide scope of travel behavior is examined, and over 50 variables, many of which are based on high-detail data sources, are examined for potentially quantifying the built environment. Linear modeling is then used to relate travel behavior and the built environment, and the resulting models may be applied in a post-processor fashion to travel models to provide some measure of sensitivity to built environment modifications. The study’s findings demonstrate that mode choice is highly correlated to measures of the built environment, and that many of the principles of smart growth appear to be a valid way to encourage non-vehicle travel. Home-based VHT and VMT appear to be affected by the built environment to a lesser degree.  相似文献   

Although it is known that driving patterns strongly affect the emission of pollutants from vehicles, existing empirical knowledge about driving patterns is limited. The first-step in this project was to find relevant parameters for describing driving patterns. These served as a basis for investigating variations in such patterns. An experimental study was carried out to compare driving patterns between and within different street-types, drivers and traffic conditions. Data were analysed using general factorial analysis of variance. Driving patterns showed very significant differences between street type and driver, and these factors had significant impact on all the parameters employed. The effect of street type was generally higher than the driver effect. Average speed and deceleration levels were lower at peak hours compared to off-peak hours. Men had higher acceleration levels than women generally and specially on one street type. The study showed no major differences in average speed for gender except for one street type where men drove faster than women. The knowledge attained in this study may be a step towards a better knowledge of driving patterns and their variation, and may provide possibilities of changing driving patterns and thus exhaust emissions from vehicles. Knowledge about driving patterns is also an essential part in efforts to improve models to calculate emission from traffic in urban environment.  相似文献   

This paper develops, implements and tests a framework for driving behavior modeling that integrates the various decisions, such as acceleration, lane changing and gap acceptance. Furthermore, the proposed framework is based on the concepts of short-term goal and short-term plan. Drivers are assumed to conceive and perform short-term plans in order to accomplish short-term goals. This behavioral framework supports a more realistic representation of the driving task, since it captures drivers’ planning capabilities and allows decisions to be based on anticipated future conditions.An integrated driving behavior model, which utilizes these concepts, is developed. The model captures both lane changing and acceleration behaviors. The driver’s short-term goal is defined by the target lane. Drivers who wish to change lanes but cannot change lanes immediately, select a short-term plan to perform the desired lane change. Short-term plans are defined by the various gaps in traffic in the target lane. Drivers adapt their acceleration behavior to facilitate the lane change using the target gap. Hence, inter-dependencies between lane changing and acceleration behaviors are captured.  相似文献   

The use of mobile phones while driving—one of the most common driver distractions—has been a significant research interest during the most recent decade. While there has been a considerable amount research and excellent reviews on how mobile phone distractions influence various aspects of driving performance, the mechanisms by which the interactions with mobile phone affect driver performance is relatively unexamined. As such, the aim of this study is to examine the mechanisms involved with mobile phone distractions such as conversing, texting, and reading and the driving task, and subsequent outcomes. A novel human-machine framework is proposed to isolate the components and various interactions associated with mobile phone distracted driving. The proposed framework specifies the impacts of mobile phone distraction as an inter-related system of outcomes such as speed selection, lane deviations and crashes; human-car controls such as steering control and brake pedal use and human-environment interactions such as visual scanning and navigation. Eleven literature-review/meta-analyses papers and 62 recent research articles from 2005 to 2015 are critically reviewed and synthesised following a systematic classification scheme derived from the human-machine system framework. The analysis shows that while many studies have attempted to measure system outcomes or driving performance, research on how drivers interactively manage in-vehicle secondary tasks and adapt their driving behaviour while distracted is scant. A systematic approach may bolster efforts to examine comprehensively the performance of distracted drivers and their impact over the transportation system by considering all system components and interactions of drivers with mobile phones and vehicles. The proposed human-machine framework not only contributes to the literature on mobile phone distraction and safety, but also assists in identifying the research needs and promising strategies for mitigating mobile phone-related safety issues. Technology based countermeasures that can provide real-time feedback or alerts to drivers based on eye/head movements in conjunction with vehicle dynamics should be an important research direction.  相似文献   

As one of the devastating natural disasters, landslide may induce significant losses of properties and lives area-wide, and generate dramatic damages to transportation network infrastructure. Accessing the impacts of landslide-induced disruptions to roadway infrastructure can be extremely difficult due to the complexity of involved impact factors and uncertainties of vulnerability related events. In this study, a data-driven approach is developed to assess landslide-induced transportation roadway network vulnerability and accessibility. The vulnerability analysis is conducted by integrating a series of static and dynamic factors to reflect the landslide likelihood and the consequences of network accessibility disruptions. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) model was developed to assess and map the landslide likelihood. A generic vulnerability index (VI) was calculated for each roadway link in the network to identify critical links. Spatial distributions of landslide likelihood, consequences of network disruptions, and network vulnerability degrees were fused and analyzed. The roadway network on Oahu Island in Hawaii is utilized to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach with all the geo-coded information for its network vulnerability analysis induced by area-wide landslides. Specifically, the study area was classified into five categories of landslide likelihood: very high, high, moderate, low, and stable. About 34% of the study area was assigned as the high or very high categories. The results of network vulnerability analyses highlighted the importance of three highway segments tunnel through the Ko‘olau Range from leeward to windward, connecting Honolulu to the windward coast including the Pali highway segment, Likelike highway segment, and Interstate H-3 highway segment. The proposed network vulnerability analysis method provides a new perspective to examine the vulnerability and accessibility of the roadway network impacted by landslides.  相似文献   

Air quality (CO, NO, NO2, NOX, PM10 and C2–C6 hydrocarbons) was assessed in the Irish town of Monasterevin, before and after the location was by-passed with a new national motorway (M7). Prior to the opening of the motorway, transport between the cities of Dublin and Cork was facilitated by the N7 which ran through Monasterevin, leading to frequent congestion. Weekday air quality improved in the town following the opening of the M7 by-pass, with a reduction in ambient concentrations observed for all compounds except ethane and propane. Slight decreases in average weekend concentrations were observed for CO, NOX, NO, and NO2.  相似文献   

This study develops a gradient-sensitive driving cycle for vehicles in military areas with paved and unpaved roads over steep and undulating terrain. The methodology develops the driving cycle using micro-trips extracted from real-world data taking into account factors that affect fuel consumption. The accuracy of cycle depended on the root mean square error and information value.  相似文献   

This paper presents the methodology and results of estimation of an integrated driving behavior model that attempts to integrate various driving decisions. The model explains lane changing and acceleration decisions jointly and so, captures inter-dependencies between these behaviors and represents drivers’ planning capabilities. It introduces new models that capture drivers’ choice of a target gap that they intend to use in order to change lanes, and acceleration models that capture drivers’ behavior to facilitate the completion of a desired lane change using the target gap.The parameters of all components of the model are estimated simultaneously with the maximum likelihood method and using detailed vehicle trajectory data collected in a freeway section in Arlington, Virginia. The estimation results are presented and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Driving behavior models that capture drivers’ tactical maneuvering decisions in different traffic conditions are essential to microscopic traffic simulation systems. This paper focuses on a parameter that has a great impact on road users’ aggressive overtaking maneuvers and directly affects lane-changing models (an integral part of microscopic traffic simulation models), namely, speed deviation. The objective of this research is to investigate the impacts of speed deviation in terms of performance measures (delay time, network mean speed, and travel time duration) and the number of lane-change maneuvers using the Aimsun traffic simulator. Following calibration of the model for a section of urban highway in Tehran, this paper explores the sensitivity of lane-changing maneuvers during different speed deviations by conducting two types of test. Simulation results show that, by decreasing speed deviation, the number of lane changes reduces remarkably and so network safety increases, thus reducing travel time due to an increase in network mean speed.  相似文献   

Among the most important trade-related issues currently confronting the UK are the environmental implications of very large volumes of containerised freight being handled at a small number of ports while there appears to be significant potential for using other ports and water-rail intermodal connections. Six UK ports are selected for the analysis: Hull/Immingham, Liverpool, Felixstowe, Southampton, Dover and Bristol. Through an origin-destination analysis, the cost and CO2e impacts of UK port trade patterns are compared using the actual situation against three proposed Scenarios: (1) the re-direction of containers by a combined expansion of Hull and Immingham; Liverpool; and Bristol, (2) moving containers by rail facilitated via expanded capacity at Southampton, and (3) moving containers by rail through expanded capacity at Felixstowe. The research found that transporting containers from Felixstowe and Southampton to the northern regions by rail has the lowest CO2e impact, and is the most feasible option, although constraints exist in terms of infrastructure provision, water depth and rail network capacity.  相似文献   


The built environment (BE) is widely accepted to influence transit use (TU). Evidence to date suggests the relationship is dependent on many factors which can be difficult to account for in quantitative studies. This creates barriers to transferring research into practice. Considering many studies together can be useful for accounting for more of the factors impacting transit use. Yet, meta-analysis of research measuring these influences was last undertaken in 2010 based on 18 studies. Since then 90 new quantitative studies have been published. These recent studies use improved methodologies and are conducted in more diverse geographies. This paper reports an improved and updated meta-analysis of built environment impacts on transit use. It compares elasticity estimates from research published pre-and post-2010 and explores the impact of new methods and a more diverse geographical representation on findings. Updated meta-elasticities range from <0.01 to 0.26; a similar range to the 2010 study. However, at the individual indicator levels, more recent results are different. Elasticities for urban density, including population, employment and commercial density, have increased significantly in studies published since 2010, as did that of land use mix. However, measures of local access, design and jobs-housing balance decreased in post-2010 studies. These results confirm the small but imprecise relationship between the BE and TU. Results also suggest that while the range of elasticity impacts is relatively consistent, new study methodologies, notably those that control for regional accessibility and self-selection, and the increasing geographical diversity in study applications, is acting to change BE-TU findings at the indicator level. Research setting and context are important to consider when using empirical results to design BE strategies to promote transit use.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between urban form and walking for transport in Brisbane, Australia based on both panel and cross-sectional data. Cross-sectional data are used to determine whether urban form was associated with walking for transport in 2011. Panel data are used to evaluate whether changes in the built environment altered walking behaviour between 2009 and 2011. Results from the cross-sectional data suggest that individuals are significantly more likely to be walkers if they live in an area with a well-connected street network and an accessible train station. The longitudinal analysis confirms these relationships; there also was however, a significant impact of travel attitudes and perceptions on walking behaviour. The findings suggest that the built environment continues to be an important factor to encourage walking; however, interventions are also required to change social norms in order to increase the receptiveness for and participation in walking.  相似文献   

An increasing number of legislative efforts have been undertaken to prohibit the use of hand-held wireless devices while driving. As of July 2012, ten states and the District of Columbia enforce laws banning the use of hand-held cell phones while driving. Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia have banned text messaging while driving. Recent studies of driver behavior suggest that hand-held wireless device usage negatively impacts driver performance. However few studies at the aggregate level address the plausible link between the use of hand-held wireless devices while driving, increased risk of automobile accidents, and government legislative efforts to reduce such risk. This paper analyzes data at the aggregate level and builds a regression model to estimate the long term accident rate reduction due to a hand-held ban. This model differs from previous studies, which consider short term accident rate reduction, by considering time trends in the accident rate due to the ban. Additionally, counties considered in this analysis are placed into groups based on driver density, defined by the number of licensed drivers per centerline mile of roadway, and a separate analysis is performed within these groups. This approach allows one to better quantify the effect of hand-held bans in counties of different driver densities. Results from this paper suggest that bans on hand-held wireless device use while driving reduce the rate of personal injury accidents in counties with high levels of driver density, but may increase accident rates in counties with low driver density levels. These results can inform transportation policymakers interested in reducing automobile-accident-risk attributable to the use of hand-held wireless devices while driving.  相似文献   

We evaluate the implications of a range of driving patterns on the tank-to-wheel energy use of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. The driving patterns, which reflect short distance, low speed, and congested city driving to long distance, high speed, and uncongested highway driving, are estimated using an approach that involves linked traffic assignment and vehicle motion models. We find substantial variation in tank-to-wheel energy use of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles across driving patterns. Tank-to-wheel petroleum energy use on a per kilometer basis is lowest for the city and highest for the highway driving, with the opposite holding for a conventional internal combustion engine vehicle.  相似文献   

针对车辆驾驶员普遍存在盲目换挡、急加速等不良驾驶行为的现象,研究采用发动机台架试验和道路试验相结合的方法,对汽车起步、换挡时机的选择、加速、减速、车速控制等典型的驾驶操作行为展开研究,通过对不同驾驶操作行为燃油消耗的分析,规范了汽车驾驶操作行为。  相似文献   

Concerns over transportation energy consumption and emissions have prompted more studies into the impacts of built environment on driving-related behavior, especially on car ownership and travel mode choice. This study contributes to examine the impacts of the built environment on commuter’s driving behavior at both spatial zone and individual levels. The aim of this study is threefold. First, a multilevel integrated multinomial logit (MNL) and structural equation model (SEM) approach was employed to jointly explore the impacts of the built environment on car ownership and travel mode choice. Second, the spatial context in which individuals make the travel decisions was accommodated, and spatial heterogeneities of car ownership and travel mode choice across traffic analysis zones (TAZs) were recognized. Third, the indirect effects of the built environment on travel mode choice through the mediating variable car ownership were calculated, in other words, the intermediary nature of car ownership was considered. Using the Washington metropolitan area as the study case, the built environment measures were calculated for each TAZ, and the commuting trips were drawn from the household travel survey in this area. To estimate the model parameters, the robust maximum likelihood (MLR) method was used. Meanwhile, a comparison among different model structures was conducted. The model results suggest that application of the multilevel integrated MNL and SEM approach obtains significant improvements over other models. This study give transportation planners a better understanding on how the built environment influences car ownership and commuting mode choice, and consequently develop effective and targeted countermeasures.  相似文献   

This paper presents a self-learning Support Vector Regression (SVR) approach to investigate the asymmetric characteristic in car-following and its impacts on traffic flow evolution. At the microscopic level, we find that the intensity difference between acceleration and deceleration will lead to a ‘neutral line’, which separates the speed-space diagram into acceleration and deceleration dominant areas. This property is then used to discuss the characteristics and magnitudes of microscopic hysteresis in stop-and-go traffic. At the macroscopic level, according to the distribution of neutral lines for heterogeneous drivers, different congestion propagation patterns are reproduced and found to be consistent with Newell’s car following theory. The connection between the asymmetric driving behavior and macroscopic hysteresis in the flow-density diagram is also analyzed and their magnitudes are shown to be positively related.  相似文献   

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