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《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》2000,8(1-6):205-229
Suburban sprawl, population growth, and automobile dependency contribute directly to air pollution problems in US metropolitan areas. As metropolitan regions attempt to mitigate these problems, they are faced with the difficult task of balancing the mobility needs of a growing population and economy, while simultaneously lowering or maintaining levels of ambient pollutants. Although ambient air quality can be directly monitored, predicting the amount and fraction of the mobile source components presents special challenges. A modeling framework that can correlate spatial and temporal emission-specific vehicle activities is required for the complex photochemical models used to predict pollutant concentrations. This paper discusses the GIS-based modeling approach called the Mobile Emission Assessment System for Urban and Regional Evaluation (MEASURE). MEASURE provides researchers and planners with a means of assessing motor vehicle emission reduction strategies. Estimates of spatially resolved fleet composition and activity are combined with activity-specific emission rates to predict engine start and running exhaust emissions. Engine start emissions are estimated using aggregate zonal information. Running exhaust emissions are predicted using road segment specific information and aggregate zonal information. The paper discusses the benefits and challenges related to mobile source emissions modeling in a GIS framework and identifies future GIS mobile emissions modeling research needs. 相似文献
This paper presents a multi-modal freight transportation model based on a digitized geographic network. A systematic analysis and decomposition of all the transport operations i.e. moving, loading and unloading, transshipping and transiting, leads to the development of a virtual network where each virtual link corresponds to a specific operation, and all transportation modes and means are inter-linked. Software, called NODUS, automatically generates the virtual network so that the model can be conveniently applied to large networks. The analytical structure of the links notation makes it easy to attach specific cost functions to each virtual link. The model is applied to the trans-European freight network of roads, railways and inland waterways for the transportation of wood. Cost functions are built up for each operation by each mode/means combination. A detailed point-to-point origin-destination matrix, calibrated on Eurostat statistics, is generated by a Monte-Carlo technique. Then, the total transportation cost is minimized with respect to the choices of routes, modes and means. This provides estimations of transportation services demands as well as modal splits, to the extent that the two hypotheses of demand based on generalized cost minimization and market contestability are accepted. A sensitivity analysis on the relative road cost is made, which provides measures of arc-elasticities. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》2000,8(1-6):13-36
This paper develops a framework and principles for sharing transportation data. The framework is intended to clarify roles among participants, data producers, data integrators, and data users. The principles are intended to provide guidance for the participants. Both the framework and the principles are based on an enterprise geographic information systems-transportation (GIS-T) data model that defines relations among transportation data elements. The data model guards against ambiguities and provides a basis for the development of the framework and principles for sharing transportation data.There are two central principles. First is the uncoupling of graphics, topology, position, and characteristics. Second is the establishment of a schema for transportation features and their identifiers. An underlying principle is the need for a common data model that holds transportation features, not their graphical representations, as the objects of interest. Attributes of transportation features are represented as linear and point events. These are located along the feature using linear referencing. Sharing of transportation data involves exchange of relevant transportation features and events, not links and nodes of application-specific databases. Strategies for sharing transportation features follow from this approach. The key strategy is to identify features in the database to facilitate a transactional update system, one that does not require rebuilding the entire database anew. This feature-oriented enterprise GIS-T database becomes the basis for building separate application-specific network databases. 相似文献
Increasing concerns on environment and natural resources, coupled with increasing demand for transport, put lots of pressure for improved efficiency and performance on transport systems worldwide. New technology nowadays enables fast innovation in transport, but it is the policy for deployment and operation with a systems perspective that often determines success. Smart traffic management has played important roles for continuous development of traffic systems especially in urban areas. There is, however, still lack of effort in current traffic management and planning practice prioritizing policy goals in environment and energy. This paper presents an application of a model-based framework to quantify environmental impacts and fuel efficiency of road traffic, and to evaluate optimal signal plans with respect not only to traffic mobility performance but also other important measures for sustainability. Microscopic traffic simulator is integrated with micro-scale emission model for estimation of emissions and fuel consumption at high resolution. A stochastic optimization engine is implemented to facilitate optimal signal planning for different policy goals, including delay, stop-and-goes, fuel economy etc. In order to enhance the validity of the modeling framework, both traffic and emission models are fine-tuned using data collected in a Chinese city. In addition, two microscopic traffic models are applied, and lead to consistent results for signal optimization. Two control schemes, fixed time and vehicle actuated, are optimized while multiple performance indexes are analyzed and compared for corresponding objectives. Solutions, representing compromise between different policies, are also obtained in the case study by optimizing an integrated performance index. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》2000,8(1-6):427-444
This paper is concerned with the development of an Internet-based geographic information system (GIS) that brings together spatio-temporal data, models and users in a single efficient framework to be used for a wide range of transportation applications – planning, engineering and operational. The functional requirements of the system are outlined taking into consideration the various enabling technologies, such as Internet tools, large-scale databases and distributed computing systems. Implementation issues as well as the necessary models needed to support the system are briefly discussed. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》2000,8(1-6):167-184
Current geographical information systems (GIS) are not well adapted to the management of very dynamic geographical phenomena. This is due to the lack of conceptual and physical interoperability with real-time computing facilities. The research described in this paper is oriented towards the identification and experimentation of a new methodological and applied framework for the real-time integration, manipulation and visualisation of urban traffic data. It is based on proactive interaction between the spatio-temporal database and visualisation levels, and between the visualisation and end-user levels. The proposed framework integrates different spatial and temporal levels of granularity during the analysis of urban traffic data. Urban traffic behaviours are analysed either by observation of the movements of several vehicles in space, or by changes in urban network properties (i.e., micro- versus macro-modelling). Visualisation and interaction tools together constitute a flexible interface environment for the visualisation of urban traffic data within GIS. These concepts provide a relevant support for the visual analysis of urban traffic patterns in the thematic, spatial and temporal dimensions. This integrated framework is illustrated by an experimental prototype developed in a large town in the UK. 相似文献
This paper investigates the feasibility of a self-organizing, completely distributed traffic information system based upon vehicle-to-vehicle communication technologies. Unlike centralized traffic information systems, the proposed system does not need public infrastructure investment as a prerequisite for implementation. Due to the complexity of the proposed system, simulation is selected as the primary approach in the feasibility studies. A simulation framework is built based on an existing microscopic traffic simulation model for the simulation studies. The critical questions for building the proposed market-driven system are examined both from communication requirements and traffic engineering points of view. Traffic information propagation both in freeway and arterial networks via information exchange among IVC-equipped vehicles is tested within the simulation framework. Results on the probability of successful IVC and traffic information propagation distance obtained from the simulation studies are generated and analyzed under incident-free and incident conditions for various roadway formats and parameter combinations. Comparisons between the speed of the incident information wave and the speed of the corresponding traffic shock wave due to the incident are analyzed for different scenarios as the most crucial aspect of the information propagation as a potential foundation for application in such a decentralized traffic information system. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part A: General》1991,25(2-3):71-78
This paper presents the results of a large sample survey designed to investigate the response of commuters to the delivery of traffic information. The main purpose of the survey was to investigate the impact of traffic information on commuters route choices, mode choices, and departure times in order to provide functional requirements for the design of a real-time motorist information system. The surveyed population consisted of 3,893 freeway motorists who routinely commuted to a central business district. The results of the survey indicated that four distinct commuter subgroups existed with respect to their traffic information needs: These groups were: (1) route changers, those willing to change route, or mode before entering the freeway (20.6%), (2) nonchangers, those unwilling to change time, route, or mode (23.4%), (3) time and route changers, (40.1%), and (4) pretrip changers, those willing to change time, mode, or route before leaving the house (15.9%). In terms of receiving traffic information, commercial radio was rated as the most useful and preferred medium both before and while driving. However, only a small, discrete group of commuters were likely to be influenced to change transportation mode. Implication of the survey results for the design of a real-time motorist information system are discussed. 相似文献
Karthikgeyan Sivakumaran Yuwei LiMichael J. Cassidy Samer Madanat 《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2012,46(1):131-139
The paper explores how the coordination of vehicle schedules in a public transit system affects generalized costs. We consider an idealized system that delivers its users to a common destination by requiring each to transfer from a feeder- to a trunk-line vehicle. Continuum models are used first to analyze cases in which the trunk-line vehicle schedule is given exogenously. We find that when feeder vehicles are dispatched in coordination with this exogenous trunk-line schedule, the reduction in user cost often outweighs the added cost to the feeder operation. In cases when the frequencies of trunk and feeder services can be established jointly, the models show that coordination can be Pareto improving, meaning that operator and user costs both diminish. Conditions that give rise to these cost savings are specified. Practical implications are discussed. 相似文献
The use of high-technology systems in the transport sector has increased steadily over recent years. This paper outlines the development of vehicle monitoring and control systems and their use in the public transport arena. The paper shows how one such system, that operated by Datatrak Ltd., has been adapted to provide a real time passenger information system for the RiverBus Partnership in London. 1 The RiverBus service described in this article ceased operation in August 1993. The collapse of the RiverBus Partnership followed the financial difficulties surrounding Olympia and York, developers of Canary Wharf in London Docklands. Passenger use and perception of the system is evaluated, based on surveys of RiverBus users. This provides an evaluation of the system, and highlights the importance of introducing such systems based on user information needs and as part of the total marketing package. 相似文献
Despite recent interest in work related road safety, relatively little research has been conducted to examine the effects of institutional factors on fleet safety. This paper conceptualized an evaluation framework and utilized it to assess fleet coordinators' attitudes toward and the usage of a fleet safety management system. First, focus group interviews revealed that monitoring fleet safety was not considered an important task within the government agencies participating in the research. Second, similar results were obtained in a survey of the fleet coordinators, which showed that most fleet coordinators were not utilising the full diagnostic capabilities of the management information system. In particular, fleet coordinators reported significantly higher competence, usage and importance on the coordination of fleet vehicle efficiency than on the coordination of fleet safety. These results were supported by the finding that fleet coordinators were required to report more on fleet efficiency than on fleet safety. 相似文献
A driver is one of the main components in a transportation system that influences the effectiveness of any active demand management (ADM) strategies. As such, the understanding on driver behavior and their travel choice is crucial to ensure the successful implementation of ADM strategies in alleviating traffic congestion, especially in city centres. This study aims to investigate the impact of traffic information dissemination via traffic images on driver travel choice and decision. A relationship of driver travel choice with respect to their perceived congestion level is developed by an integrated framework of genetic algorithm–fuzzy logic, being a new attempt in driver behavior modeling. Results show that drivers consider changing their travel choice when the perceived congestion level is medium, in which changing departure time and diverting to alternative roads are two popular choices. If traffic congestion escalates further, drivers are likely to cancel their trip. Shifting to public transport system is the least likely choice for drivers in an auto-dependent city. These findings are important and useful to engineers as they are required to fully understand driver (user) sensitivity to traffic conditions so that relevant active travel demand management strategies could be implemented successfully. In addition, engineers could use the relationships established in this study to predict drivers’ response under various traffic conditions when carrying out modeling and impact studies. 相似文献
Safety warning systems generally operate based on information from sensors attached to individual vehicles. Various types of data used for collision risk calculation can be categorized into two types, microscopic or macroscopic, depending on how the sensors collect the information of traffic state. Most collision warning systems use only either of these types of data, but they all have limitations imposed by the data, such as requirement of high installation cost and high market penetration rate of devices. In order to overcome these limits, we propose a collision warning system that utilizes the integrated information of macroscopic data and microscopic data, from loop detectors and smartphones respectively. The proposed system is evaluated by simulating a real vehicle trip based on the NGSIM data. We compare the results against collision warning systems based on macroscopic data from infrastructure and microscopic data from Vehicle-to-Vehicle information. The analysis of three systems shows two findings that (a) ICWS (Infrastructure-based Collision Warning System) is inadequate for immediate collision warning system and (b) VCWS (V2V communication based Collision Warning System) and HCWS (Hybrid Collision Warning System) produce collision warning at very similar timing, even with different behavior of individual drivers. Advantages of HCWS are that it can be directly applied to existing system with small additional cost, because data of loop detector are already available to be used in Korea and smartphones are widely spread. Also, the computation power distributed to each individual smartphone greatly increases the efficiency of the system by distributing the computation resources and load. 相似文献
Actuated traffic signal control logic has many advantages because of its responsiveness to traffic demands, short cycles, effective use of capacity leading to and recovering from oversaturation, and amenability to aggressive transit priority. Its main drawback has been its inability to provide good progression along arterials. However, the traditional way of providing progression along arterials, coordinated–actuated control with a common, fixed cycle length, has many drawbacks stemming from its long cycle lengths, inflexibility in recovering from priority interruptions, and ineffective use of capacity during periods of oversaturation. This research explores a new paradigm for traffic signal control, “self-organizing signals,” based on local actuated control but with some additional rules that create coordination mechanisms. The primary new rules proposed are for secondary extensions, in which the green may be held to serve an imminently arriving platoon, and dynamic coordination, in which small groups of closely spaced signals communicate with one another to cycle synchronously with the group’s critical intersection. Simulation tests in VISSIM performed on arterial corridors in Massachusetts and Arizona show overall delay reductions of up to 14% compared to an optimized coordinated–actuated scheme where there is no transit priority, and more than 30% in scenarios with temporary oversaturation. Tests also show that with self-organizing control, transit signal priority can be more effective than with coordinated–actuated control, reducing transit delay by about 60%, or 12 to 14 s per intersection with little impact on traffic delay. 相似文献
Lack of detailed land use (LU) information and of efficient data gathering methods have made modeling of urban systems difficult. This study aims to develop a hierarchical rule-based LU extraction system using very high resolution (VHR) remotely sensed imagery and geographic vector data. Land cover information extracted from remote sensing and several types of geographic data from the study area, City of Fredericton, Canada, are fused into a comprehensive database, in order to develop a sophisticated LU Extraction Expert System (LUEES). This paper illustrates how the proposed LUEES though a case study for residential uses in the study area. Morphological (individual-based) analysis at the building-level is carried out through a step-wise binary logistic regression model, which differentiates residential and non-residential buildings and results in an overall accuracy of 93.1%. The results derived from morphological analysis are then subject to a post-correction process using a spatial arrangement analysis, in order to further mitigate the misclassification issues arising from the morphological analysis. In this regard, Gabriel Graph connectivity examines the spatial structure and arrangements of urban features concerning different LU types. It is found that the spatial arrangement analysis further enhances the residential LU classification accuracy, which gives rise to an overall accuracy of 97.4%. It is believed that, equipped with such a powerful LU data collection tool and resulting detailed/accurate LU data, urban planners/modelers should be able to more reliably and precisely represent/predict economic interactions, activity locations, space and housing developments, business expansion, and trip patterns. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2000,34(2):125-136
This study demonstrates the sequential linking of two types of models to permit the comprehensive evaluation of regional transportation and land use policies. First, we operate an integrated urban model (TRANUS), which represents both land and travel markets with zones and networks. The travel and land use projections from TRANUS are outlined, to demonstrate the general reasonableness of the results, as this is the first application of a market-based urban model in the US. Second, the land use projections for each of the 58 zones in the urban model were fed into a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based land allocation model, which spatially allocates the several land uses within each zone according to simple accessibility rules. While neither model is new, this is one of the first attempts to link these two types of models for regional policy assessments. Other integrated urban models may be linked to other GIS land allocation models in this fashion. Pairing these two types of models allows the user to gain the advantages of the urban models, which represent spatial competition across a region and produce measures of user welfare (traveler and locator surplus), and the advantages of the GIS land allocation models, which produce detailed land use maps that can then be used for environmental impact assessment. 相似文献
In this paper we argue that visualization, data management and computational capabilities of geographic information systems (GIS) can assist transportation stated preference research in capturing the contextual complexity of many transportation decision environments by providing respondents with maps and other spatial and non-spatial information in graphical form that enhance respondents' understanding of decision scenarios. We explore the multiple inherent contributions of GIS to transportation stated preference data collection and propose a framework for a GIS-based stated preference survey instrument. We also present the design concepts of two survey prototypes and their GIS implementation for a sample travel mode choice problem. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》2002,10(5-6):399-417
Since advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) have been introduced, their potential benefits as well as their drawbacks have been discussed controversially. This will continue as long as the drivers’ reactions upon current or even predictive information about the traffic situation are not known. Thus, traffic models that also consider this feedback are necessary. In this paper, we address a basic two-route scenario with different types of information and study the impact of it using simulations. The road users are modeled as agents, a natural and promising approach to describe them. Different ways of generating current information are tested. It is pointed out that the nature of the information very much influences the potential benefits of the ATIS. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》2010,18(6):879-895
This work focuses on improving transit-service reliability by optimally reducing the transfer time required in the operations of transit networks. Service reliability of public-transit operations is receiving increased attention as agencies are faced with immediate problems of proving credible service while attempting to reduce operating cost. Unreliable service has also been cited as the major deterrent to existing and potential passengers. Due to the fact that most of the public transit attributes are stochastic: travel time, dwell time, demand, etc., the passenger is likely to experience unplanned waiting times and ride times. One of the main components of service reliability is the use of transfers. Transfers have the advantages of reducing operational costs and introducing more flexible and efficient route planning. However its main drawback is the inconvenience of traveling multi-legged trips. This work introduces synchronized (timed) time-tables to diminish the waiting time caused by transfers. Their use, however, suffers from uncertainty about the simultaneous arrival of two (or more) vehicles at an existing stop. In order to alleviate the uncertainty of simultaneous arrivals, operational tactics such as hold, skip stop and short-turn can be deployed considering the positive and negative effects, of each tactic, on the total travel time. A dynamic programming model was developed for minimizing the total travel time resulting with a set of preferred tactics to be deployed. This work describes the optimization model using simulation for validation of the results attained. The results confirm the benefits of the model with 10% reduction of total travel time and more than 200% increase of direct transfers (transfers in which both vehicles arrive simultaneously to the transfer point). 相似文献
Before the implementation of a parking information system, it is necessary to evaluate the parking difficulty, technology choice, and system costs. In this study, the parking problem was quantified by asking parkers to express their parking difficulties in five scaled levels from the least to the most difficult. An ordered Probit model was developed to identify the factors that influence a parker to feel the parking difficulty. The results indicate that the amount of parking information parkers had before their trips was directly related to their parking search time, which in turn, influenced their perceptions of parking difficulty. Parkers' preferences to parking information technologies were identified based on developing binary and multinomial probit models. The results indicate that personal business trips and older persons would like to use the kiosk, while the more educated and males would not. Trips with shopping and social/recreation purposes and the drivers who had visited the destination areas frequently would like to choose roadside display. Drivers who had planned their parking and had Internet access would use in‐vehicle device. The system cost was estimated based on the cost for each component of the system. The results show that providing en‐route parking search information through roadside displays is more expensive than providing pre‐trip information through a web site. 相似文献