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Despite the importance of assessing the reliability of transport networks in general there is a paucity of suitable techniques. In part this is due to the fact that network performance depends both on the state of the infrastructure and on the behaviour of network users, where user behaviour is governed by expectations about the state of the network. An approach based on game theory is proposed whereby the performance of the network is estimated for the case where network users are extremely pessimistic about the state of the network. Where the routes are prespecified and route utilities depend only on exogenously given scenarios, the estimation problem may be formulated as a linear program. A reformulation of the problem as a non-linear program allows the impact of the degree of user pessimism on expected network utility to be studied. The problems of implementing the method for large networks with multiple origins and destinations is discussed and an algorithm is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the multimodal network design problem (MMNDP) that optimizes the auto network expansion scheme and bus network design scheme in an integrated manner. The problem is formulated as a single-level mathematical program with complementarity constraints (MPCC). The decision variables, including the expanded capacity of auto links, the layout of bus routes, the fare levels and the route frequencies, are transformed into multiple sets of binary variables. The layout of transit routes is explicitly modeled using an alternative approach by introducing a set of complementarity constraints. The congestion interaction among different travel modes is captured by an asymmetric multimodal user equilibrium problem (MUE). An active-set algorithm is employed to deal with the MPCC, by sequentially solving a relaxed MMNDP and a scheme updating problem. Numerical tests on nine-node and Sioux Falls networks are performed to demonstrate the proposed model and algorithm.  相似文献   


Particular safety problems relate to traffic on local streets. Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) schemes are often implemented with the objective of counteracting these safety problems. One analytical difficulty in appraising the effectiveness of LATM in dealing with safety problems has been the ‘footloose’ nature of accident locations in a local street network. Seldom are there distinct ‘blackspot’ locations. An area‐wide approach is needed and the interaction between the system and arterial road network must be considered. The paper describes the development of a Safety Evaluation Method for Local Area Traffic Management (termed SELATM). It is a GIS‐based program for analysing accident patterns over time and the evaluation of the safety benefits of LATM schemes. The evaluation is perform at different network levels for various accident variables. The thrust of the program involved the integration of network data with data on accidents and the installed devices to generate summary accident statistics for the various network levels allowing for before and after comparison with a control area. This program as developed is applied to a LATM scheme at Enfield, a suburb in metropolitan Adelaide.  相似文献   

With the ability to accurately forecast road traffic conditions several hours, days and even months ahead of time, both travellers and network managers can take pro-active measures to minimise congestion, saving time, money and emissions. This study evaluates a previously developed random forest algorithm, RoadCast, which was designed to achieve this task. RoadCast incorporates contexts using machine learning to forecast more accurately contexts such as public holidays, sporting events and school term dates. This paper evaluates the potential of RoadCast as a traffic forecasting algorithm for use in Intelligent Transport System applications. Tests are undertaken using a number of different forecast horizons and varying amounts of training data, and an implementation procedure is recommended.  相似文献   

The Equilibrium Network Traffic Signal Setting problem is an open research area. It can be approached using global optimization models or iterative procedures. In this paper, after a brief review of the state of the art, the main characteristics of the iterative procedure ENETS are described. In this procedure, traffic signal setting is performed in two successive steps: green timing and scheduling at each junction, and signal coordination on the network. Green timing and scheduling at a single junction is based on a mixed-binary linear program with capacity factor maximization. Signal coordination for the whole network is performed by solving a discrete programming model with total delay minimization. The flow assignment stage refers to the separable user equilibrium model with fixed demand, and uses a feasible direction algorithm, which can also be adopted to cover the cases of elastic demand and/or asymmetric equilibrium. An experimental test of ENETS on a small network and a graphical explanation of the procedure are described and discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the potential of nonlinear time series analysis based methods in predicting the carbon monoxide concentration in an urban area. To establish the functional relationship between current and future observations, two models based on local approximations and neural network approximations are used. To compare the performance of the models, an autoregressive integrated moving average model is also applied. The multi-step forecasting capabilities of the models are evaluated.  相似文献   

The growth in popularity of microcomputers has reemphasized the need for simplified transit-planning techniques. This paper describes and evaluates a single-route ridership forecasting model which is designed to fit within a modest-sized microcomputer. The model is based upon the traditional four-step urban transportation modeling process, but it is simplified by removing the possibility of multiple transfers and by eliminating the highway network. An analysis of model error shows that these simplifications do not appreciably affect the accuracy of the forecasts. A particular advantage of implementing the model on a microcomputer is the user-friendliness that can be achieved by employing interactive color graphics for data input.  相似文献   

This study evaluates an existing bus network from the perspectives of passengers, operators, and overall system efficiency using the output of a previously developed transportation network optimisation model. This model is formulated as a bi-level optimisation problem with a transit assignment model as the lower problem. The upper problem is also formulated as bi-level optimisation problem to minimise costs for both passengers and operators, making it possible to evaluate the effects of reducing operator cost against passenger cost. A case study based on demand data for Hiroshima City confirms that the current bus network is close to the Pareto front, if the total costs to both passengers and operators are adopted as objective functions. However, the sensitivity analysis with regard to the OD pattern fluctuation indicates that passenger and operator costs in the current network are not always close to the Pareto front. Finally, the results suggests that, regardless of OD pattern fluctuation, reducing operator costs will increase passenger cost and increase inequity in service levels among passengers.  相似文献   

This paper provides a novel practical method for analyzing an anti-seismic reinforcement (ASR) problem involving hundreds of transportation facilities on an urban road network subject to multiple earthquake risks. The relevant properties of the present method are: (i) it evaluates the performance of an ASR strategy, taking into account traffic congestion and travelers’ trip-making or route-choice behavior; (ii) it estimates the realistic damage patterns on the road network and their occurrence probabilities on the basis of recent advances in structural and earthquake engineering; (iii) it has clear, sensible logic and includes neither a black-box nor a “lottery” in the necessary procedures. We examine the computational efficiency and whether the present method is reasonable by applying it to a test scenario of the Kobe urban and suburban area.  相似文献   

An access control policy that eliminates all queues beyond the entry points to a network has obvious benefits, which include smooth travel and predictable travel times inside the network. Yet it has never been proven, to the best of our knowledge, whether excluding inside queues yields sub-optimal network performance or, in other words, allowing inside queues can actually further reduce the system travel cost. Moreover, it is not clear whether an optimal control policy derived from efficiency considerations can also be a fair policy to all road users. This paper provide answers to these questions in the context of a monocentric network. By analyzing the structure of the access control problem considering all feasible policies (with/without inside queues), we show that the minimal system cost realizable by access control can be obtained without directly solving a non-convex optimization program, and can indeed always be achieved by a control policy excluding all of the inside queues. These optimal policies are defined by a polyhedral set and a Finite Generation Algorithm can be applied to derive the analytical form of this set. The optimal policies are not unique in general, thus making it possible to achieve both minimal system cost and fairness simultaneously.  相似文献   

This paper presents a reliability‐based network design problem. A network reliability concept is embedded into the continuous network design problem in which travelers' route choice behavior follows the stochastic user equilibrium assumption. A new capacity‐reliability index is introduced to measure the probability that all of the network links are operated below their capacities when serving different traffic patterns deviating from the average condition. The reliability‐based network design problem is formulated as a bi‐level program in which the lower level sub‐program is the probit‐based stochastic user equilibrium problem and the upper level sub‐program is the maximization of the new capacity reliability index. The lower level sub‐program is solved by a variant of the method of successive averages using the exponential average to represent the learning process of network users on a daily basis that results in the daily variation of traffic‐flow pattern, and Monte Carlo stochastic loading. The upper level sub‐program is tackled by means of genetic algorithms. A numerical example is used to demonstrate the concept of the proposed framework.  相似文献   

文章以重庆开县龙安隧道为例,分析了该隧道塌方的原因,提出了长短大管棚处置方案,并详细阐述了长短大管棚法处理隧道塌方的施工技术,指出了施工注意事项,评述了采用该方法进行隧道塌方处置的效果。  相似文献   

There exist systems which can be usefully described by a network containingarcs through which a commodity of one type flows. This paper is concerned with finding a solution procedure for a particular multi-commodity flow network design problem. The problem is to identify a set of arcs in the network such that if travel is prohibited in them all flow travels by feasible paths and its total cost is minimal. The total flow in each arc may not exced its capacity, which is a known constant. Each arc and each node of the network has a non-negative constant unit traversal cost. Between each pair of distinct nodes there is a given non-negative rate of flow from the first vertex to the second which may be split up among a number of paths according to some constant traversal cost flow assignment process. The optimality criterion is the total traversal cost of all flow, which is to be minimized. Previous work on network design problems of this type is surveyed. The principal contribution of this paper is the presentation of a solution procedure for the above problem based on branch and bound enumeration. An illustrative numerical example is included. Computational experience gained in using the procedure with a FORTRAN IV program on an IBM 370 is favourable.  相似文献   

杨新湦  屈琮博 《综合运输》2021,(2):66-72,83
针对我国国际枢纽机场未按照设计之初功能定位发展的现状,运用AHP法构建国际枢纽机场综合评价指标体系,将国际航空运输规模指标、国际节点网络连通度指标、枢纽功能指标、综合交通指标纳入体系当中。首先对国内外大型国际枢纽机场进行评价,其次对我国机场布局规划中的10个国际枢纽机场进行评价。结果表明我国国际枢纽机场国际业务发展、航空枢纽建设与国外对标机场有一定差距,与自身战略规划有所偏差,针对薄弱指标项基于自身优势给出发展建议。最后基于一市两场与机场群的视角,分析了如何根据自身功能定位进行协同发展问题。  相似文献   

With the recent advances in communications and information technology, real-time traffic routing has emerged as a promising approach to alleviating congestion. Existing approaches to developing real-time routing strategies, however, have limitations. This study examines the potential for using case-based reasoning (CBR), an emerging artificial intelligence paradigm, to overcome such limitations. CBR solves new problems by reusing solutions of similar past problems. To illustrate the feasibility of the approach, the study develops and evaluates a prototype CBR routing system for the interstate network in Hampton Roads, Virginia. Cases for building the system’s case-base are generated using a heuristic dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model designed for the region. Using a second set of cases, the study evaluates the performance of the prototype system by comparing its solutions to those of the DTA model. The evaluation results demonstrate that the prototype system is capable of running in real-time, and of producing high quality solutions using case-bases of reasonable size.  相似文献   

The network design problem is usually formulated as a bi-level program, assuming the user equilibrium is attained in the lower level program. Given boundedly rational route choice behavior, the lower-level program is replaced with the boundedly rational user equilibria (BRUE). The network design problem with boundedly rational route choice behavior is understudied due to non-uniqueness of the BRUE. In this study, thus, we mainly focus on boundedly rational toll pricing (BR-TP) with affine link cost functions. The topological properties of the lower level BRUE set are first explored. As the BRUE solution is generally non-unique, urban planners cannot predict exactly which equilibrium flow pattern the transportation network will operate after a planning strategy is implemented. Due to the risk caused by uncertainty of people’s reaction, two extreme scenarios are considered: the traffic flow patterns with either the minimum system travel cost or the maximum, which is the “risk-prone” (BR-TP-RP) or the “risk-averse” (BR-TP-RA) scenario respectively. The upper level BR-TP is to find an optimal toll minimizing the total system travel cost, while the lower level is to find the best or the worst scenario. Accordingly BR-TP can be formulated as either a min –min or a min –max program. Solution existence is discussed based on the topological properties of the BRUE and algorithms are proposed. Two examples are accompanied to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

As demand increases over time, new links or improvements in existing links may be considered for increasing a network's capacity. The selection and timing of improvement projects is an especially challenging problem when the benefits or costs of those projects are interdependent. Most existing models neglect the interdependence of projects and their impacts during intermediate periods of a planning horizon, thus failing to identify the optimal improvement program. A multiperiod network design model is proposed to select the best combination of improvement projects and schedules. This model requires the evaluation of numerous network improvement alternatives in several time periods. To facilitate efficient solution methods for the network design model, an artificial neural network approach is proposed for estimating total travel times corresponding to various project selection and scheduling decisions. Efficient procedures for preparing an appropriate training data set and an artificial neural network for this application are discussed. The Calvert County highway system in southern Maryland is used to illustrate these procedures and the resulting performance.  相似文献   

A cell-based variant of the Merchant-Nemhauser (M-N) model is proposed for the system optimum (SO) dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) problem. Once linearized and augmented with additional constraints to capture cross-cell interactions, the model becomes a linear program that embeds a relaxed cell transmission model (CTM) to propagate traffic. As a result, we show that CTM-type traffic dynamics can be derived from the original M-N model, when the exit-flow function is properly selected and discretized. The proposed cell-based M-N model has a simple constraint structure and cell network representation because all intersections and cells are treated uniformly. Path marginal costs are defined using a recursive formula that involves a subset of multipliers from the linear program. This definition is then employed to interpret the necessary condition, which is a dynamic extension of the Wardrop’s second principle. An algorithm is presented to solve the flow holding back problem that is known to exist in many discrete SO-DTA models. A numerical experiment is conducted to verify the proposed model and algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper is about distance and time as factors of competitiveness of intermodal transport. It reviews the relevance of the factors, evaluates time models in practice, compares network distances and times in alternative bundling networks with geometrically varied layouts, and points out how these networks perform in terms of vehicle scale, frequency and door-to-door time. The analysis focuses on intermodal transport in Europe, especially intermodal rail transport, but is in search for generic conclusions. The paper does not incorporate the distance and time results in cost models, and draws conclusions for transport innovation, wherever this is possible without cost modelling. For instance, the feature vehicle scale, an important factor of transport costs, is analysed and discussed.Distance and time are important factors of competitiveness of intermodal transport. They generate (direct) vehicle costs and – via transport quality – indirect costs to the customers. Clearly direct costs/prices are the most important performance of the intermodal transport system. The relevance of quality performances is less clarified. Customers emphasise the importance of a good match between the transport and the logistic system. In this framework (time) reliability is valued high. Often transport time, arrival and departure times, and frequency have a lower priority. But such conclusions can hardy be generalised. The range of valuations reflects the heterogeneity of situations. Some lack of clarity is obviously due to overlapping definitions of different performance types.The following parts of the paper are about two central fields of network design, which have a large impact on transport costs and quality, namely the design of vehicle roundtrips (and acceleration of transport speed) and the choice of bundling type: do vehicles provide direct services or run in what we call complex bundling networks? An example is the hub-and-spoke network. The objective of complex bundling is to increase vehicle scale and/or transport frequency even if network volumes are restricted. Complex bundling requires intermediate nodes for the exchange of load units. Examples of complex bundling networks are the hub-and-spoke network or the line network.Roundtrip and bundling design are interrelated policy fields: an acceleration of the roundtrip speed, often desirable from the cost point of view, can often only be carried out customer friendly, if the transport frequency is increased. But often the flow size is not sufficient for a higher frequency. Then a change of bundling model can be an outcome.Complex bundling networks are known to have longer average distances and times, the latter also due to the presence of additional intermediate exchange nodes. However, this disadvantage is – inside the limits of maximal vehicle sizes – overruled by the advantage of a restricted number of network links. Therefore generally, complex bundling networks have shorter total vehicle distances and times. This expression of economies of scale implies lower vehicle costs per load unit.The last part of the paper presents door-to-door times of load units of complex bundling networks and compares them with unimodal road transport. The times of complex bundling networks are larger than that of networks with direct connections, but nevertheless competitive with unimodal road transport, except for short distances.  相似文献   

Traffic metering offers great potential to reduce congestion and enhance network performance in oversaturated urban street networks. This paper presents an optimization program for dynamic traffic metering in urban street networks based on the Cell Transmission Model (CTM). We have formulated the problem as a Mixed-Integer Linear Program (MILP) capable of metering traffic at network gates with given signal timing parameters at signalized intersections. Due to the complexities of the MILP model, we have developed a novel and efficient solution approach that solves the problem by converting the MILP to a linear program and several CTM simulation runs. The solution algorithm is applied to two case studies under different conditions. The proposed solution technique finds solutions that have a maximum gap of 1% of the true optimal solution and guarantee the maximum throughput by keeping some vehicles at network gates and only allowing enough vehicles to enter the network to prevent gridlocks. This is confirmed by comparing the case studies with and without traffic metering. The results in an adapted real-world case study network show that traffic metering can increase network throughput by 4.9–38.9% and enhance network performance.  相似文献   

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