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从国内远洋渔业现状出发,提出一个不同于国内外现有远洋渔业捕捞的技术体系想法——液氮远洋渔业综合体,详细介绍其构成、存在问题及解决方案等技术要点,为国内远洋渔业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

黄勇民 《世界海运》2014,37(10):16-18
为了进一步做大做强福建远洋渔业,促进渔业转型升级,针对福建省远洋渔业存在的装备水平相对滞后、经济效益不高、远洋渔业船员缺乏、部分资金扶持政策落实不到位、企业违规操作等远洋渔业发展过程中暴露出的问题,提出相应的对策建议,为有关部门有的放矢解决远洋渔业发展中的问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

张铮铮 《船舶工程》2015,37(6):6-10
远洋渔业是关乎国计民生的战略性、资源性产业,其发展直接依赖于远洋渔业装备的发展。首先分析了我国远洋渔业装备发展的重要意义,接着通过国内外远洋渔业装备发展现状的对比,提出了我国远洋渔业装备发展的总体思路,并指出我国远洋渔业装备发展的重点领域及重点方向。  相似文献   

远洋渔业是我国海洋渔业的重要组成部分,远洋渔船的装备水平、技术含量是一个国家远洋渔业发展水平的集中体现。介绍了目前我国远洋渔业几种主要渔船装备的发展过程和现状,对比国外先进渔业装备自动化、信息化和专业化的特点,分析世界渔业装备科技发展趋势。从渔业船舶设计、捕捞装备和助渔仪器研发等方面重点梳理了“十二·五”以来我国渔业装备研究进展和存在的差距。围绕我国现代渔业建设发展要求,对我国远洋渔船装备发展趋势进行了探讨,指出远洋渔业装备发展的重点方向,为我国远洋渔业相关发展提供参考。  相似文献   

中国远洋渔业直面海洋寒冰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着经济和科学技术的不断发展,世界渔船性能不断增强,捕捞技术显著提高,加之污染的日益加剧,使世界海洋渔业资源日趋枯竭。对此,渔民们期望有一种新的捕捞方式来创造新的经济来源。一部分弃船登岸转产转业,一部分发展远洋捕捞,这是他们必须面临的抉择。中国远洋渔业近年来取得了长足发展,2004年总产量达125万吨,产值近百亿元,前景广阔。但是,中国也面临一些制约远洋渔业发展的现实问题,比如渔船落后、船员素质低下、国家扶持政策不够、缺乏科技投入等。这一系列问题如不尽快解决,中国远洋渔业的发展将看不到光明。  相似文献   

为了进一步做大做强福建远洋渔业,促进渔业转型升级,针对福建省远洋渔业存在的装备水平相对滞后、经济效益不高、远洋渔业船员缺乏、部分资金扶持政策落实不到位、企业违规操作等远洋渔业发展过程中暴露出的问题,提出相应的对策建议,为有关部门有的放矢解决远洋渔业发展中的问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

正近日,中国船级社(CCS)渔业船舶业务处拜访了中国远洋渔业协会,并开展了业务交流。中国远洋渔业协会会长黄宝善对CCS渔船处的到访表示了欢迎,介绍了协会的概况和目前我国远洋渔船船队的情况。CCS渔船处向协会介绍了远洋渔船转隶以来CCS开展的相关工作,并通报了转隶以来CCS完成的远洋渔船检验方面主要成果,同时针对渔业企业重点关注的问题进行了解答,介绍了CCS相关技术服务和下一步的工作计划。会上,双方就诸多事项达成了共识,表示为服务好远洋渔业企业,双方需进一步加强沟通与合作,促进建立远洋  相似文献   

我国的远洋渔业和渔船   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、远洋渔业发展的背景 1.向远洋进军,拓展渔业生产领域是我国水产工作者多年的愿望,但由于诸多主客观原因,长期未能如愿,错过了发展的机会。党的十一届三中全会迎来改革开放的新时代。历史的经验教训使举国上下形成共识:只有坚持改革开放才能赶上世界发展的步伐。随着中国经济发展战略的重大调整,外向型经济受到重视,利用国际市场,参与国际分工与竞争,促进国民经济更快发展。我国远洋渔业起步的环境条件日趋成熟,加上我国海洋渔业所具备的基础条件和面临的困难,促使主管部门尽快下决心发展远洋渔业。  相似文献   

正2020年8月25日,中国船级社(CCS)副总裁钟小金出席"上海开创远洋渔业有限公司远洋渔业企业安全管理体系符合证明颁发仪式"。仪式上,CCS向上海开创远洋渔业有限公司颁发了首张《远洋渔业企业安全管理体系符合证明》。上海开创远洋渔业有限公司领导介绍了自2019年12月以来公司建设远洋渔业企业安全质量体系的全过程,对CCS在体系建立、文件编写、人员培训、体系运行以及评定过程中给予的精心指导和大力支持表示衷心感谢。  相似文献   

<正>据报道,2015年4月15日下午,舟山市定海区惠群远洋渔业冷链物流基地5 000 t级的3号泊位全新亮相,等待竣工验收。作为舟山国家远洋渔业基地建设的重要组成部分,惠群远洋渔业冷链物流基地已拥有两个万吨级码头及一个5 000 t级码头,年卸货量将达30万~40万t,不但能满足全市远洋渔船的卸货需求,  相似文献   

我国海洋渔业装备亟待升级   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王传荣 《中国船检》2012,(10):57-59,134
海洋渔业装备作为渔业生产的重要载体.是渔业和船舶科技发展水平的集中体现。我国是世界第一渔业大国也是第一渔船大国,但渔业装备整体水平落后。这不仅严重影响我国海洋渔业的发展,也使我国的海洋权益受到威胁。对此,业内专家强烈呼吁.大力发展远洋渔业是解决我国资源日益短缺、保障我国可持续发展的重要战略措施。  相似文献   

倪锦 《船舶工程》2020,42(S1):365-369
发展海洋渔业可以缓解国家粮食安全压力,拓宽中国海洋渔业发展空间,维护国家海洋权益。专业化渔业物流船队是保障和支撑海洋渔业发展的重要组成部分,文章从不同的服务对象角度对渔业物流船队进行了划分,详细介绍了各类型渔业物流船队的发展历程、主要做法和取得的成效,指出了我国的渔业物流船船龄大,装备陈旧,自动化程度低和信息化水平弱等严重制约我国渔业物流船队发展的问题,提出了全面推进渔业物流船队的专业化建设、推动渔业物流船装备自动化革新、提升渔业物流船的信息化水平等实现渔业现代化的经验启示。  相似文献   

An exploited ecosystem from the continental shelf and upper slope of the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea was described by means of an Ecopath mass-balance model with the aim of characterising its functioning and structure and describing the ecosystem impacts of fishing. This application included some complexities added to the general modelling methodology due to the high biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea and the multispecific nature of the fishery, and to the difficulties of working with fishing data which are usually irregularly or imprecisely collected. The model comprised 40 functional groups including primary producers, the main species of benthic, demersal and pelagic invertebrates, fishes and non-fish vertebrates and three detritus groups. In addition, trawling, purse seine, longline and troll bait fishing fleets were included.Results showed that the functional groups were organized into four trophic levels with the highest levels corresponding to anglerfish, dolphins, large pelagic fishes and adult hake. The system was dominated by the pelagic fraction, where sardine and anchovy prevailed in terms of fish biomasses and catches. Detritus and detritivorous groups also played key roles in the ecosystem and important coupled pelagic-demersal interactions were described. Considering Odum's theory of ecosystem development, the ecosystem was placed on an intermediate-low developmental stage due, at least partially, to the impact of fishing activity. This highlighted the high intensity of fishing in the ecosystem, in accordance with the general assessment of western Mediterranean marine resources, and fishing fleets were ranked as top predators of the system. The low trophic level of the catch was in line with the long history of exploitation in the area. However, the steady decline of pelagic landings between 1994 and 2003, coupled with a decrease of the pelagic biomass within the system, underlined the low resistance of the system in front of perturbations. This decline was reproduced under Ecosim dynamic simulations combining different scenarios of moderate increase of fishing effort and an environmental forcing affecting the availability of preys to small and medium-sized pelagic fishes under wasp-waist flow control.  相似文献   

The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Management and Conservation Act, enacted in 1974, is the primary federal fishery management legislation in the United States. The political impetus that led to enactment was the extensive foreign fish off U.S. shores that expanded following World War II and the failure of international negotiations to prevent the decline in many fisheries relied upon by domestic fishers. In Congress, there was uncertainty as to whether a comprehensive management program would be created along with a unilateral extension of fishery management jurisdiction out to 200 nautical miles. The delay in agreement over a new United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty and resolution of the extent of coastal nation jurisdiction over fisheries culminated in enactment of the legislation sponsored by Senator Warren Magnuson, a Democrat from Washington State, and Senator Ted Stevens, a Republican from the State of Alaska.  相似文献   

水下捕捞机器人的研究现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文介绍了国内外水下机器人研究现状和研究技术。基于现有水下机器人的技术水平和水下捕捞的具体环境,讨论了水下捕捞机器人机、电、流体、智能识别等关键技术,并对比了各项技术之间的优缺点。展望了未来水下捕捞机器人的发展趋势。  相似文献   

A new coupled ice–ocean ecosystem model that links the pelagic and ice ecosystems was used to clarify the role of ice algae in ice-covered ocean ecosystems. The model was applied to Lake Saroma (Hokkaido, Japan) in 1992. Comparison of the model's results with observational data confirmed that the model reproduced the behavior of the ecosystem with acceptable accuracy during the period from winter to spring. The primary production of the ice algae is effectively transported into the pelagic system by means of physical releasing effects: brine convection, ice melting and freezing, and diffusion generated at the bottom of the ice. Ice algae released from the ice are rapidly exported because of their high sinking speed and the shallow depth of Lake Saroma. For this reason, the zooplankton in Lake Saroma cannot graze these released algae. However, zooplankton actively graze the ice algae living along the bottom of the ice. These results show that, before their release, ice algae play an important role as a food source for overwintering zooplankton. A sensitivity analysis revealed a positive correlation between the sinking speed of the released ice algae and the magnitude of the spring bloom by pelagic phytoplankton, and that the time when secondary production becomes active is an important factor in the linkage between these two algal populations.  相似文献   

Parasitic copepods belonging to two orders, Siphonostomatoida and Poecilostomatoida, are frequently reported from fish hosts in the deep sea. Three families of copepods are most commonly encountered, Sphyriidae, Lernaeopodidae and Chondracanthidae, but members of another four families, Hatschekiidae, Pennellidae, Philichthyidae and Hyponeoidae, are occasionally recorded. These parasites utilise various deep demersal fishes as hosts, especially species of the most abundant families, Macrouridae, Moridae, Synaphobranchidae and Alepocephalidae. Host specificity levels are variable, as for shallow-water fishes. In contrast, few parasites are regularly reported from fishes inhabiting the pelagic water column away from the bottom and away from the near-surface zone. Only the pennellids Sarcotretes scopeli and Cardiodectes medusaeus appear common on pelagic fishes, in the Atlantic and Pacific respectively. Host specificity levels in these two pennellid species are relatively low. It is speculated that the difficulty of encountering a host in the vast pelagic biome has restricted the diversity of parasitic copepods that have successfully colonized pelagic fishes.  相似文献   

叶俊 《中国海事》2021,(4):47-50
该文结合新发布的《内河船舶法定检验技术法规(2019)》等法规内容,就内河船舶生活污水对水域环境的影响,对目前生活污水处理所使用的技术和方法进行简单分析,指出现实存在的一些问题,并针对性地提出了防治建议。  相似文献   

Key to the predictive understanding of many nearshore marine ecosystems is the transport of larvae by ocean circulation processes. Many species release thousands to billions of larvae to develop in pelagic waters, but only a few lucky ones successfully settle to suitable habitat and recruit to adult life stages. Methodologies for predicting the larval dispersal are still primitive, and simple diffusive analyses are still used for many important applications. In this study, we investigate mechanisms of larval dispersal using idealized simulations of time-evolving coastal circulations in the California Current system with Lagrangian particles as models for planktonic larvae. Connectivity matrices, which describe the source-to-destination relationships for larval dispersal for a given larval development time course, are used to diagnose the time–space dynamics of larval settlement. The resulting connectivity matrices are shown to be a function of several important time scales, such as the planktonic larval duration, the frequency and duration of larval release events and inherent time scales for the coastal circulations. Many important fishery management applications require knowledge of fish stocks on a year-to-year or generation-to-generation basis. For these short time scales (typically less than 1 year), larval dispersal is generally far from a simple diffusive process and the consideration of the stochastic and episodic nature of larval dispersal is required. This work provides new insights into the spatial–temporal dynamics of nearshore fish stocks.  相似文献   

为了满足国家"提高船舶自主创新能力","发展远洋渔业和海上贮藏加工技术与设备","重点研究开发大型远洋渔业船舶"的发展规划,完成国家863项目目标,根据金枪鱼的习性特点,借鉴国际上已有的金枪鱼围网船,开发出符合中国国情、具有自主知识产权的大型金枪鱼围网渔船。同时完成了捕捞设备的研究与应用,填补了国内在此领域的空白。本文详细介绍了围网作业流程,围网设备及系统的形式、布置、性能参数、控制方式及在围网作业中的作用。  相似文献   

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