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The scattering problem involving water waves by small undulation on the porous ocean-bed in a two-layer fluid,is investigated within the framework of the two-dimensional linear water wave theory where the upper layer is covered by a thin uniform sheet of ice modeled as a thin elastic plate.In such a two-layer fluid there exist waves with two different modes,one with a lower wave number propagate along the ice-cover whilst those with a higher wave number propagate along the interface.An incident wave of a particular wave number gets reflected and transmitted over the bottom undulation into waves of both modes.Perturbation analysis in conjunction with the Fourier transform technique is used to derive the first-order corrections of reflection and transmission coefficients for both the modes due to incident waves of two different modes.One special type of bottom topography is considered as an example to evaluate the related coefficients in detail.These coefficients are depicted in graphical forms to demonstrate the transformation of wave energy between the two modes and also to illustrate the effects of the ice sheet and the porosity of the undulating bed.  相似文献   

近年来,受各种因素的影响,海峡东岸高雄港的国际集装箱中转港和世界大港地位受到挑战,尤其是来自西岸厦门港的威胁。本文从高雄和厦门两港的地理位置出发,对两港的港航条件、外部环境和吞吐量格局进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

学习贯彻十七大精神,对于动员拿党全国各族人民,存以胡锦涛同忠为总书记的党中央坚强领导下,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,奋力夺取全面建没小埭社会新胜利、圩创中国特色礼会主义事业新局而,具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义。长汀航道各级党组织要把组织学习和贯彻落实十七大精神作为当前和今后一个时期的首要政治任务,迅速把干部职工的思想和行动统一到全会精神上来,  相似文献   

海一鸥游艇有限公司是代理销售国外知名船艇并提供相关服务及设施的专营公司.海一鸥游艇有限公司注册于上海,分别在北京、大连、青岛、深圳设有分公司,在广州设有分销商.  相似文献   

由国家自然科学基金、王宽诚基金、美国电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)和日本香川大学等资助,哈尔滨工程大学承办的"2007IEEE机电一体化及自动化国际会议"8月6日在哈尔滨市香格里拉饭店开幕.来自中、美、日、韩、加等27个国家和地区的500余名代表出席会议,其中有近200名国外代表,国防科工委副主任金壮龙,黑龙江省委常委、省科技厅厅长孙尧出席大会并致辞.会议共收到来自33个国家和地区的投稿论文1861篇.经过国内外专家的严格审阅和定稿,最终录用701篇,采用率不到37%.  相似文献   

<正>众所周知,三一重工股份有限公司是一家享有盛誉的上市公司,曾连续4年上榜中国最具价值品牌,是工程机械行业内的标志性企业之一。作为中国最具科研实力的工程机械制造商,三一重工拥有国家级技术中心、博士后工作站,并承接有国家863课题,取得专利400多项。三一重  相似文献   

张成  袁兵 《集装箱化》2008,19(2):24-27
0引言近年来全球集装箱运量的年增长率基本维持在10%以上,据初步统计2007年全球集装箱运量达1.3亿TEU,港口吞吐量达4.7亿TEU。随着集装箱制造、装卸工艺的改进,适箱货物的范围也在不断扩大。20世纪90年代,美国就开始采用集装箱运  相似文献   

美国海岸警备队港口长官(COTP)或口岸当局(OCMI)对存在缺陷的船舶,根据缺陷的严重性,决定对这些船舶采取控制行动来保证船舶、港口和环境的安全,至于控制的程度、范围以及当局的执行力则和这些缺陷的本性一致.  相似文献   

Global strength is a significant item for floatingproduction storage and offloading (FPSO) design, and steel weightplays an important role in the building costs of FPSO. It is the maintask to consider and combine these two aspects by optimizing hulldimensions. There are many optional methods for the globalstrength analysis. A common method is to use the ABS FPSOEagle software to analyze the global strength including the rulecheck and direct strength analysis. And the same method can beadopted for the FPSO hull optimization by changing the depth.After calculation and optimization, the results are compared andanalyzed. The results can be used as a reference for the futuredesign or quotation purpose.  相似文献   

For a large floating vessel in waves,radiation damping is not an accurate prediction of the degree of roll unlike other degrees of freedom motion.Therefore,to get the knowledge of roll motion performance of deepwater pipelay crane vessels and to keep the vessel working safety,the paper presents the relationship between a series of dimensionless roll damping coefficients and the roll response amplitude operator(RAO).By using two kinds of empirical data,the roll damping is estimated in the calculation flow.After getting the roll damping coefficient from the model test,a prediction of roll motion in regular waves is evaluated.According to the wave condition in the working region,short term statistics of roll motion are presented under different wave parameters.Moreover,the relationship between the maximal roll response level to peak spectral wave period and the roll damping coefficient is investigated.Results may provide some reference to design and improve this kind of vessel.  相似文献   

Many marine protected areas (MPAs) face a multitude of threats to the ecosystems that they have been established to conserve. This study is based on 111 interviews conducted in 2013–2014 designed to discover the perceptions of stakeholders about the threats, the causes of the threats, and their responses to the threats, to a well-established MPA – Cabo de Palos - Islas Hormigas (CPH-MPA). This MPA was created to safeguard fisheries and the associated artisanal fishers, but over time it has become a tourism “hotspot.” Resilience theory, which incorporates ecological resilience, social resilience, and individual resilience, helps us to analyze stakeholders' responses to threats by categorizing them into passive, adaptive, and transformative responses. We found respondents identified four main threats – over-fishing, excessive scuba diving, pollution, and invasive species; attributed the threats to three main causes – ineffective management, poor environmental stewardship, and climate change; and expressed three kinds of responses – do nothing, adapt, or transform – with a preference for adaptation and (especially) transformation. The lesson of this study is that it shows how, unless drastic action is taken to curb recreational diving activities, the CPH-MPA is in danger of changing from a fishing reserve to a largely unregulated leisure diving venue, which is unlikely to fulfill the requirements of resilience; ecological, social, or individual.  相似文献   

由于中、日、韩航线及海峡两岸的航运市场不断发展,为了船舶的安全及经济效益,到我国台湾地区的船舶缩短在石垣港的换单时间及操船,关系到船舶的安全营运,抓好这一环节十分重要。  相似文献   

马誉贤 《船海工程》2012,41(3):128-130
结合企业计算机应用的实际,以及造船生产劳动强度大、劳动环境恶劣、船用配件和材料种类繁多等特点,介绍在造船工业中,将设计、制造、管理等集为一体纳入计算机综合管理的集成系统,目的在于寻求一种采用计算机技术挖掘企业内部潜力,提高工作效率、推进企业信息化、加快企业生产和管理现代化、提升企业综合竞争力的新途径。  相似文献   

Associated with the rapid increase in the production of cultured marine shrimp has been large‐scale conversion of mangroves to shrimp ponds. Production in many regions has proved to be unsustainable, largely due to inappropriate construction methods, poor environmental conditions, overstocking, and disease. A number of shrimp ponds consequently are unproductive and lie idle. Accurate assessments of pond disuse are difficult to obtain; however, unofficial estimates have suggested that as many as 70% of ponds may be disused after a period in production. Pond construction, shrimp culture, and pond disuse lead to alterations to the physical and chemical properties of soil, hydrological conditions, and the flora and fauna composition of the pond area. The case for restoration, or rehabilitation to a sustainable use, is strong. Consideration must be given to the causes of production failure, the environmental conditions remaining following disuse, the needs and preferences of pond owners and coastal managers, and technical constraints.  相似文献   

Despite increasing focus on sustainable aquaculture investment in the U.S. coastal zones, the aquaculture industry continues to face skepticism among consumers due to perceived negative environmental impacts, and health and food safety concerns. Partnering with culinary tourism and local food promotion efforts has potential for improving public outreach about the benefits of aquaculture, especially in coastal destinations where sustainable marine aquaculture and tourism are both occurring. Culinary tourism implies that local foods reflect the local livelihood and culture, and may be important to the tourist's experience. Aquaculture is becoming increasingly valuable to coastal destinations for assuring the steady availability of local seafood to meet demand and retaining commercial fisheries as a means to differentiate themselves to tourists. This study examined the role of subjective knowledge and attitude about aquaculture, and their effect on intention to participate in value-added culinary aquaculture tourism experiences. The study found that tourists' subjective knowledge and attitude about aquaculture influenced intentions to participate in culinary aquaculture tourism. In order for farmers or tour operators to be successful in diversifying with value-added culinary aquaculture, attention needs to be paid to educating consumers, which may be possible through strategic partnerships with tourism organizations, chefs, and restaurants.  相似文献   

针对集装箱港区陆域土地集约化利用问题,结合行业规范、相关规划布置理论,采用数值计算、估算、统计相结合的方法,提出了一种用于港区陆域面积估算的公式。选取国内部分港区进行验证,基于假设的计算结果与实际用地面积相比偏差在-19. 63%~24. 08%,其中总偏差在15%、10%、5%以内的数量分别占样本总数量的80%、71%和43%,验证了公式的有效性。基于公式参数讨论和典型港区共性因素分析,认为港区陆域土地集约利用可采取以下措施:提高设备覆盖率,提高水-水中转比例,布置自动化堆场,采用新一代信息技术提高货物周转速度,布置集约化辅助生产设施,优化道路系统减少道路面积占比等。  相似文献   

Marine ecosystem models are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated, and are being used to estimate the effects of future changes in the earth system with a view to informing important policy decisions. Despite their potential importance, far too little attention has been, and is generally, paid to model errors and the extent to which model outputs actually relate to real-world processes. With the increasing complexity of the models themselves comes an increasing complexity among model results. If we are to develop useful modelling tools for the marine environment we need to be able to understand and quantify the uncertainties inherent in the simulations. Analysing errors within highly multivariate model outputs, and relating them to even more complex and multivariate observational data, are not trivial tasks. Here we describe the application of a series of techniques, including a 2-stage self-organising map (SOM), non-parametric multivariate analysis, and error statistics, to a complex spatio-temporal model run for the period 1988–1989 in the Southern North Sea, coinciding with the North Sea Project which collected a wealth of observational data. We use model output, large spatio-temporally resolved data sets and a combination of methodologies (SOM, MDS, uncertainty metrics) to simplify the problem and to provide tractable information on model performance. The use of a SOM as a clustering tool allows us to simplify the dimensions of the problem while the use of MDS on independent data grouped according to the SOM classification allows us to validate the SOM. The combination of classification and uncertainty metrics allows us to pinpoint the variables and associated processes which require attention in each region. We recommend the use of this combination of techniques for simplifying complex comparisons of model outputs with real data, and analysis of error distributions.  相似文献   

为了提高造船效率、降低造船成本、提高造船质量,造船行业需要引入先进的智能制造理念。船舶制造作为典型的离散型制造行业,其传统的船舶设计、制造模式在一定程度上限制了智能制造技术的大范围推广应用,从船体零部件标准化设计角度,研究如何利用标准化设计手段来扩大船厂智能制造应用范围和场景。形成船体零部件标准化、批量化设计原则和标准,达到降低船舶智能制造技术难度,最终实现船舶制造向连续型生产模式转变的目的。  相似文献   

液化蒸气爆炸——火球对人体的伤害评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭海鹏  李浩 《世界海运》2002,25(5):17-18
为了使操作及管理人员对液化蒸气爆炸所产生的火球对人体所造成的伤害有一个具体的评判标准,本文通过数学公式及计算,结合图表,将液化气体容量与伤害范围以及对人体的伤害程度联系起来。通过此评价方法,人们可以方便地了解到爆炸火球与人体伤害程度的关系,以求更好地避免人体伤亡。实验结果证明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对大型船舶舱室结构复杂的特点,采取先整体后局部、由外到内的分割策略,利用三种不同的方法对船舱内外点云进行分割,并进一步提取点云特征,再根据不同的船舱内部部件设计出区域生长曲面重建流程,并将曲面块拼接为实体,实现大型船舶舱室曲面模型的重构。  相似文献   

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