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Surface current data from drifting buoys and remotely sensed wind data recorded over the continental shelf in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico during the passage of tropical storm Josephine in October 1996 are examined. Drifter data show the existence of a strong surface jet (velocities reaching 1 m s−1) that moves up the west Florida shelf and westward along the Louisiana–Texas shelf, and lasts for nearly 1 week. The coastal jet occurs during an intense synoptic scale wind event where wind speeds reach 15 m s−1. A simple force balance and statistical analysis are performed to assess the role of strong wind forcing. The primary balance shows an Ekman-type current. The role of local acceleration is greatest when winds are directed along bathymetry. A simple two-dimensional strongly forced shelf response model developed from the linear steady-state momentum equations also indicates larger along-shore currents due to both Ekman-type forcing by cross-shore winds and a cross-shore pressure gradient arising from conservation of mass. Model parameters fit empirically are within 15% of theoretical values. The simple model explains 30% and 46% of the variance in the observed along-shore and cross-shore surface currents, respectively.  相似文献   

A physical and numerical study is made of the processes governing the stratification and circulation in ROFIs (Regions of Freshwater Influence) where there is an important impact of wind and tides. Observations in the Rhine ROFI showed that the salinity field consists of a mean and a tidally oscillating part. The physical processes are first analysed using the analytical solutions from a one-dimensional two-layer model. A justification is given for the neglection of non-linear advective terms in the equations of momentum and salinity. The dimensionless forms of the solutions can be expressed in terms of a series of dimensionless numbers. It is shown in particular that stratification and cross-shore circulation largely depend on the balance between rotation and turbulent diffusion, which depends in turn on parameters such as the Ekman number, the bottom friction coefficient, the eddy viscosity ratio and the depth of the layer interface. Surface winds either enhance or destroy stratification depending on the wind angle. The response to wind forcing is discussed using classical Ekman theory. To verify the analytical theory numerical tests are performed with a point model including an advanced turbulence closure scheme. Differences arise due to the non-linear interaction between turbulence on the one hand and current shear and stratification on the other hand. It is shown in particular that the amplitude of the tidal forcing and the off-shore horizontal salinity gradient strongly affect the semi-diurnal and semi-monthly variation of stratification. The effect of the wind is found to be in good agreement with the analysis of the two-layer model. Finally, the numerical model is compared with existing observational data in the Rhine ROFI for October 1990.  相似文献   

Variability of river plumes off Northwest Iberia in response to wind events   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Western Iberian Buoyant Plume (WIBP) is a low-salinity lens formed by river discharge and continental run-off extending along the shelf off Northwest Iberia. The variability of this structure is evaluated with a numerical model forced by real meteorological data and climatologic river discharge during late 2002, when conditions were those of a typical autumn. The direction and intensity of the wind-induced Ekman transport, but also the previous conditions and the duration of the event are found to determine plume behavior. We have identified three characteristic situations: a) confinement of the plume to the coast during downwelling — southerly-winds, b) expansion of the plume during the declining phase of the downwelling event by relaxation of the wind, and c) expansion of the plume by upwelling — northerly-winds. The short time scale of the response of the plume (1–3 h) adds timing between wind events and the phase of the tide as an additional source of variability. In all cases the Iberian Poleward Current (IPC), a saltier and warmer poleward current flowing over the slope, responds as well to wind changes. Furthermore, our simulations illustrate how topography and differences in the river discharge induce local differences in dynamics. Comparisons to available observations show a reasonable model skill. Differences between wind measurements and wind forcing applied to the model appear to be a major source of uncertainty in model results.  相似文献   

Satellite images of surface chlorophyll-a concentration measured by the sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor (SeaWiFS) and of sea surface temperature derived from advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) measurements, combined with in-situ drifter measurements of surface currents, and ancillary wind, Po River discharge and surface salinity data, are used to describe the surface dynamics in the northern Adriatic during the period September–October 1997.The satellite observations revealed very complex mesoscale dynamics, with time scales of a day or two and length scales of about 10 km, including the meandering and instability of basin-scale currents (e.g., the western coastal layer), jets/filaments and eddies. In addition, the two typical patterns of the Po River plume are observed and qualitatively explained in terms of wind forcing. A basin-wide double gyre pattern spreads the rich runoff water across most of the northern Adriatic from mid-September to early October, following Bora wind events and under stratified sea conditions. In contrast, in late October the Po plume is confined to the coast due to weaker winds and de-stratified conditions. This variability in the Po River plume extension is also confirmed by in-situ salinity measurements.  相似文献   

海上风电场风机桩基局部冲刷计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设海上风电场时,风机所处的环境十分复杂,在风、浪、流等要素的影响下,风机桩基周围会出现冲刷坑,而风机桩基的局部冲刷深度是工程设计的重要参数.采用胜利埕岛油田海洋平台桩基局部冲刷现场观测资料,对常用的两个桩基局部冲刷经验公式进行验证,并对拟建的风电场工程风机桩基的局部冲刷深度进行计算,计算结果具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

We present hydrographic data for several sections located along the African coastline and off Cape Ghir, carried out at times of weak surface winds (October 1995 and September 1997). The main sections are near the continental slope, at mean distances between 100 and 150 km from the coastline. North of Cape Ghir (31°N) the geostrophic transport (referenced to 650 m) of North Atlantic Central Water through these sections is 3.7 and 2.0 Sv for 1995 and 1997, respectively. This confirms that a major fraction of the water transport by the Canary Current flows east, into the continental slope off northwest Africa, at latitudes above Cape Ghir. Most of this flow continues south past Cape Ghir, along the coast and probably through the eastern passages of the Canary Archipelago. A significant fraction, however, may escape through surface Ekman transport (0.3–0.5 Sv during the early fall season) and by offshore flow at Cape Ghir (1.1 Sv in September 1997, referenced to 650 m). Despite the weak winds the Cape Ghir filament was clearly visible, characterized by localized coastal upwelling associated to a cyclonic shallow structure and cold (and fresh) waters stretching offshore as a very shallow feature (50–100 m deep). The satellite images show that the surface temperature field is highly variable, in rapid response to the surface winds, always with a core region of relatively cold water and commonly with one or two associated eddies. Our results support the existence of two recirculation cells in the area: a horizontal one that connects the interior eastern boundary currents with the coastal region and a vertical one related to both wind-induced and filament upwelling. The data also show a salinity subsurface maximum at the root of the filament, linked to water inflow from northern latitudes, and a subsurface anticyclonic eddy over the Agadir canyon, likely related to the poleward slope undercurrent.  相似文献   

The key features of the western Galician shelf hydrography and dynamics are analyzed on a solid statistical and experimental basis. The results allowed us to gather together information dispersed in previous oceanographic works of the region. Empirical orthogonal functions analysis and a canonical correlation analysis were applied to a high-resolution dataset collected from 47 surveys done on a weekly frequency from May 2001 to May 2002. The main results of these analyses are summarized bellow. Salinity, temperature and the meridional component of the residual current are correlated with the relevant local forcings (the meridional coastal wind component and the continental run-off) and with a remote forcing (the meridional temperature gradient at latitude 37°N). About 80% of the salinity and temperature total variability over the shelf, and 37% of the residual meridional current total variability are explained by two EOFs for each variable. Up to 22% of the temperature total variability and 14% of the residual meridional current total variability is devoted to the set up of cross-shore gradients of the thermohaline properties caused by the wind-induced Ekman transport. Up to 11% and 10%, respectively, is related to the variability of the meridional temperature gradient at the Western Iberian Winter Front. About 30% of the temperature total variability can be explained by the development and erosion of the seasonal thermocline and by the seasonal variability of the thermohaline properties of the central waters. This thermocline presented unexpected low salinity values due to the trapping during spring and summer of the high continental inputs from the River Miño recorded in 2001. The low salinity plumes can be traced on the Galician shelf during almost all the annual cycle; they tend to be extended throughout the entire water column under downwelling conditions and concentrate in the surface layer when upwelling favourable winds blow. Our evidences point to the meridional temperature gradient acting as an important controlling factor of the central waters thermohaline properties and in the development and decay of the Iberian Poleward Current.  相似文献   

渤海湾是我国的海洋石油生产基地,频繁发生的海洋灾害对石油钻采运输造成极大的影响。在粉砂质浅海区域,大风往往引发严重的淤积现象。以沧州浅海区域为例,考虑能量平衡,建立了粉砂骤淤的经验计算公式;收集1991年-2002年期间的大风数据,后报了大风在外航道产生的粉砂淤积量;选择单因素复合统计模式,对骤淤量的重现值进行了估计,为沧州港外航道的防淤减淤工程提供设计参数。  相似文献   

Using current meters and systematically repeated vessel mounted ADCP data legs, we describe the role of the semidiurnal and diurnal constituents in the tidal currents and investigate the mesoscale variability of the M2 tidal currents field along three cross-shelf legs over the Galician shelf. We found that the estimated values of the semi-major axes of the main semidiurnal tidal constituents are closely related to those obtained in previous research and that the tidal currents are predominantly semidiurnal. Amplitudes of the M2 and S2 semi-major axes constituents are comparable, and important fortnightly variability should thus be expected in the amplitude of the semidiurnal tidal currents. Vertical profiles of the semi-major axes of the main tidal constituents reveal that, in the absence of stratification, and far from the bottom frictional effects, the tidal currents are mostly barotropic. Over the slope, the tidal ellipses tilt from a north–south orientation toward the northeast–southwest direction and, as we go further into the shelf, their amplitude is increased, a feature that is reasonably explained by the transition from the dynamics of a Poincaré wave offshore to the dynamics of a northward alongshore propagating Kelvin wave over the shelf. The Ría de Vigo exerts a notable influence over the tidal currents, acting as an extension of the shelf and introducing a meridional variation in the orientation of the ellipses from the alongshore direction in the southern straight coast toward the northeast–southwest direction at the latitude of the Rías. Finally, the spatial fitting methods we tried have proved to be successful in VMADCP data detiding in this region.  相似文献   

海上风力机安装技术研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wind power has made rapid progress and should gain significance as an energy resource, given growing interest in renewable energy and clean energy. Offshore wind energy resources have attracted significant attention, as, compared with land-based wind energy resources, offshore wind energy resources are more promising candidates for development. Sea winds are generally stronger and more reliable and with improvements in technology, the sea has become a hot spot for new designs and installation methods for wind turbines. In the present paper, based on experience building offshore wind farms, recommended foundation styles have been examined. Furthermore, wave effects have been investigated. The split installation and overall installation have been illustrated. Methods appropriate when installing a small number of turbines as well as those useful when installing large numbers of turbines were analyzed. This investigation of installation methods for wind turbines should provide practical technical guidance for their installation.  相似文献   

近年来海上浮式风机的研究备受关注,安全可靠的系泊系统将保证风机在风、浪、流等复杂环境荷载作用下稳定运行,准确合理地描述风机运动将为评估风机发电效率提供支持。以半潜型浮式风机的系泊系统为研究对象,基于经典悬链线理论,采用准静态分析法提出一套系泊系统的设计方法。通过坐标变换,得到风轮真实的俯仰运动用于计算风机的动力效应及评定其发电效率。采用动力法分析了系泊系统锚链的导缆孔位置、预张力大小、锚链间夹角等参数对风机系统发电效率、浮式平台运动性能和系泊锚链张力的影响,得到了浮式平台迎风面俯仰倾角、水平偏移及锚链张力随参数的变化规律,为半潜型浮式风机系泊系统的设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

综合国内外人工岛现状和相关研究,初步探讨分析了滩海工程环境因子与滩海工程的相互作用,结果提出了与滩海构筑物相互作用的关键环境因素为风浪、强潮流、海冰、海底地质灾害4个因子,并最终以泥沙迁移和海床失稳两种方式与构筑物相互影响。  相似文献   

The winter St. Helena climate index and extreme Benguela upwelling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate changes in the subtropical South-east Atlantic turn out to be well described by the St. Helena Island Climate Index (HIX) and observed fluctuations are in good agreement with inter-decadal variability of the entire South Atlantic Ocean. Year-to-year variations of the averaged austral winter HIX (July–September), representative of the main upwelling season, were compared with (i) corresponding averages of the geostrophic alongshore component of the south-east trade wind (SET) between St. Helena Island in the south-west and Luanda/Angola in the north-east, (ii) the meridional distribution of surface waters colder than 13 °C to characterise intense Benguela upwelling (IBU), and (iii) the meridional position of the Angola-Benguela Frontal Zone (ABFZ) determined by means of sea surface temperature images for offshore distances between 50 and 400 km. Temporal changes of these parameters were investigated and showed that the frequency of consecutive years of strong and relaxed Benguela upwelling is characterised by a quasi-cycle of about 11–14 years. It is proposed that the index of the winter HIX may be used as a ‘surveyor’s rod' to describe interannual changes in the Benguela upwelling regime as well as those of the embedded marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

In recent years, demands for car transportation by a ship have been increasing with favorable economic conditions in auto sector, and the need of a pure car carrier (PCC) has grown quickly. A PCC needs huge parking space but smaller displacement since a car is comparatively light for its volume. As a result, almost all PCCs have wide breadth, shallow draft and huge structure above the water surface. These features cause some technical issues of a PCC, like lack of stability, effect of strong winds on its resistance, difficulty of course keeping in rough seas, difficulty of berthing in strong winds, and so on. To overcome these technical issues, one of the authors has proposed a new concept for a PCC. This is a trimaran PCC which has very limited transverse bulkheads in the center hull by using two side hulls as fenders. In the present research, wind forces acting on a scale model of the trimaran PCC were measured in the towing tank with a wind generator at Osaka Prefecture University. Furthermore, in order to clarify the characteristics of wind pressure on the trimaran, height and width of tunnels which are between a main hull and side hulls were changed. And then, in order to imitate a real ship, we used wind reduction technology of corner-cut design for accommodation house of the ship. Moreover, the wind pressure acting on the trimaran was compared with that on a mono-hull PCC. Using these experimental and theoretical results, an estimation method of wind pressure acting on the trimaran PCC is deduced.  相似文献   

Oceanographic studies were carried out from August 1994 to March 1995 on the intrusion of the Fly River plume in Torres Strait. Measurements at offshore coral reefs revealed an event of decreased salinity (≈24) while salinity of the water over the reefs fluctuated between 30–34 the rest of the time. Modelling suggests that this event resulted from the reversal of longshore currents advecting old river plume water back past the river mouth. There the new river water mixed with the old river plume water generating a patch of low-salinity water. While such events may be infrequent, they have the potential to leave a terrestrial signature on offshore coral reefs, in terms of (1) an input of terrigenous sediment and (2) the possible incorporation of riverine particulate metal into the food chain. The impact during an intrusion event may be significant. In the long term the riverine material is diluted in calcareous sediment produced throughout the year by bio-erosion of coral reefs.  相似文献   

A full-spectral third-generation ocean wind–wave model (Wavewatch-III) implemented in the South China Sea is used to investigate the effects of the wave boundary layer on the drag coefficient and the sea-to-air transfer velocity of dimethylsulfide (DMS) during passage of Typhoon Wukong (September 5–11, 2000) with a maximum sustained wind speed of 38 m s− 1. The model is driven by the reanalyzed surface winds (1° × 1°, four times daily) from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction. It is found that the wave boundary layer evidently enhances (16.5%) the drag coefficient (in turn increases the momentum flux across the air–sea interface), and reduces (13.1%) the sea-to-air DMS transfer velocity (in turn decreases the sea-to-air DMS flux). This indicates the possibility of important roles of wave boundary layer in atmospheric DMS contents and global climate system.  相似文献   

Warmer than average sea surface temperatures were observed by the Tropical Rainfall Mission Microwave Imager in the Angola Benguela Current system in late austral summer 2001 and persisted for about three months. These coastal anomalies extended offshore by 1 to 4° longitude and were not due to local ocean atmosphere interaction or relaxation of the upwelling favorable southerly winds. Instead, they were remotely forced by ocean atmosphere interaction in the Tropical Atlantic. Satellite remote sensing and a linear ocean model suggest that relaxation of trade winds along the equator triggered Kelvin waves that crossed the basin within a month in early 2001. Westerly wind anomalies were also observed in December 2000 and January 2001 over most of the Tropical Atlantic contributing to a warm preconditioning due to an enhancement of the oceanic annual cycle. This led to abnormal sea level heights near equatorial Africa that propagated southwards along the coast towards the Angola Benguela Frontal zone. This process increased the seasonal penetration of warm and salty water of tropical origin into the Angola Benguela upwelling system.  相似文献   

A three dimensional hydrodynamic model of the Malin-Hebrides shelf region is used to investigate the spatial variability of the wind and tidally induced residual flow in the region and the influence of flow from the Irish Sea and along the shelf edge. By this means it is possible to understand the spatial variability in the long term observed flow fields in the region and the range of driving forces producing this flow. The model uses a sigma coordinate grid in the vertical with a finer grid in the near surface and near bed shear layers. The vertical diffusion of momentum in the model is parameterised using an eddy viscosity coefficient which is derived from turbulence energy closure models. Two different turbulence models are used to compute the eddy viscosity, namely a two-equation (itq2−q2ℓ) model which has prognostic equations for both turbulence energy and mixing length and a simpler model in which the mixing length is a specified algebraic function of the water depth.The wind induced response to spatially and temporally constant orthogonal wind stresses, namely westerly and southerly winds of 1 N m−2, are derived from the model. By using orthogonal winds and assuming linearity, then to first order the response to any wind direction can be derived. Computed flows show a uniform wind driven surface layer of magnitude about 3% of the wind speed and direction 15 ° to the right of the wind, in deep water. Currents at depth particularly in the shelf edge and near coastal region show significant spatial variability which is related to variations in bottom topography and the coastline.Calculations show that tidal residual flows are only significant in the near coastal regions where the tidal current is strong and exhibits spatial variability. Flow into the region from the Irish Sea through the North Channel although having its greatest influence in the near coastal region, does affect currents near the shelf edge region. Again the spatial variability of the flow is influenced by topographic effects.A detailed examination of wind induced current profiles together with turbulence, mixing length and viscosity, at a number of locations in the model from deep ocean to shallow near coastal, shows that both turbulence models yield comparable results, with the mixing length in the two equation model showing a similar dependence to that specified in the simpler turbulence model.Calculations clearly show that flow along the shelf edge area to the west of Ireland and from the Irish Sea entering the region, together with local wind forcing can have a major effect upon currents along the Malin-Hebrides shelf. The flow fields show significant spatial variability in the region, comparable to those deduced from long term tracer measurements. The spatial variability found in the calculations suggests that a very intense measurement programme together with inflow measurements into the area is required to understand the circulation in the region, and provide data sets suitable for a rigorous model validation.  相似文献   

A data and dynamics driven approach to estimate, decompose, organize and analyze the evolving three-dimensional variability of ocean fields is outlined. Variability refers here to the statistics of the differences between ocean states and a reference state. In general, these statistics evolve in time and space. For a first endeavor, the variability subspace defined by the dominant eigendecomposition of a normalized form of the variability covariance is evolved. A multiscale methodology for its initialization and forecast is outlined. It combines data and primitive equation dynamics within a Monte-Carlo approach.The methodology is applied to part of a multidisciplinary experiment that occurred in Massachusetts Bay in late summer and early fall of 1998. For a 4-day time period, the three-dimensional and multivariate properties of the variability standard deviations and dominant eigenvectors are studied. Two variability patterns are discussed in detail. One relates to a displacement of the Gulf of Maine coastal current offshore from Cape Ann, with the creation of adjacent mesoscale recirculation cells. The other relates to a Bay-wide coastal upwelling mode from Barnstable Harbor to Gloucester in response to strong southerly winds. Snapshots and tendencies of physical fields and trajectories of simulated Lagrangian drifters are employed to diagnose and illustrate the use of the dominant variability covariance. The variability subspace is shown to guide the dynamical analysis of the physical fields. For the stratified conditions, it is found that strong wind events can alter the structures of the buoyancy flow and that circulation features are more variable than previously described, on multiple scales. In several locations, the factors estimated to be important include some or all of the atmospheric and surface pressure forcings, and associated Ekman transports and downwelling/upwelling processes, the Coriolis force, the pressure force, inertia and mixing.  相似文献   

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