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谢雨蓉 《中国水运》2003,(10):34-35
多元化经营策略是指一个企业的经营向几个行业多种产品方向发展的一种经营战略.它是企业适应外界压力的防御性措施,也是一种在市场经济条件下谋求生存与发展的手段.  相似文献   

徐杏 《水运管理》2002,(10):12-14
一、企业竞争优势的理论演变 最初的企业战略及战略管理理论认为,企业竞争优势的获得以外部环境为重心,强调外部环境对企业长期发展的作用,要求企业必须适应其生存的环境,充分了解并掌握环境变化的特点,从而使企业能在竞争中获得一席之地,并获取进一步的发展。迈克尔·波特在其著作《竞争战略:分析产业与竞争者的技术》中就认为,产业结构决定企业的竞争状态,因此企业战略制定就必须考虑两个方面的因素:一是企业所处行业的结构;二是企业在所在行业中的  相似文献   

1公司概况 深圳市盐田港股份有限公司是经深圳市政府批准,由盐田港集团作为独家发起人,对其部分资产及业务进行改组,以募集方式设立的股份公司.目前盐田港集团持有78.632%的股份.发起人盐田港集团是深圳市属大型国有企业,实力雄厚,受深圳市政府委托,负责统一规划、建设、经营、管理盐田港区及其后方开发区,承担建设盐田国际中转大港和港口配套物流园区的任务.  相似文献   

不少具有创新意识的企业正逐步对传统的矩阵式组织管理结构进行调整,从过去按地区和部门多头管理转变为按业务范围直接进行管理,通过一系列战略人力资源管理手段,不断获得竞争优势,确保企业经营战略得以有效实施。所谓战略性人力资源管理,是指组织为达到战略目标,系统地对人力资源各种部署和活动进行计划和管理的模式,是组织战略不可或缺的有机组成部分。战略人力资源管理有别于传  相似文献   

黄金红 《中国水运》2006,3(1):165-166
我国加入WTO以后,中国企业处于经济全球化的背景之下,竞争日趋激烈.竞争优势是企业在激烈的市场竞争中赖以生存和发展的关键.竞争优势源自于企业内部的产品设计、生产、营销、销售、运输、支援等多项独立的价值活动.本文从价值链理论出发,阐述了价值链与企业竞争优势的关系,最后说明企业如何利用价值链获取竞争优势.  相似文献   

艾菁  袁正明 《中国水运》2006,4(12):114-115
自从加入WTO,我国进出口贸易实现了历史生飞跃,比较优势理论对我国外贸发展起了重要的指导作用.同时,迈克尔·波特提出的鼓励创新、倡导竞争、发展科技的竞争优势理论,更符合当今以科技推动经济增长的新经济时代,对于我国外贸易发展更具现实意义.  相似文献   

"竞争"在市场经济中无处不在.企业参与市场竞争要解决两个战略性的问题. 一是生产率优势,在许多产业里,一个典型的竞争者往往是低成本的生产者,他们通过规模经济效应,使固定成本在更大的产量上分摊.而现代物流管理能够提供多种渠道来提高效率和生产率,从而有助于大规模降低单位成本.  相似文献   

徐思红 《船艇》1999,(12):19-25
营造成本领先的竞争优势,可以使企业在激烈的价格竞争中处于有利的竞争地位,并以自己的低成本赢得高收益;而歧异性则能满足用户的特殊需求,为用户提供独特的价值,以赢得用户的信赖和忠诚,从而争得更多的市场份额并通过品牌溢价而获得高盈利。  相似文献   

接近20世纪尾声,曾经轰轰烈烈为船东带来无限商机的集装箱班轮运输业,在历经八九十年代的蓬勃发展之后,如今已显示出运力相对过剩的疲态。各班轮公司为争夺货源,展开了价格大战,一些航线甚至出现运价低于运输成本的现象。从长期而言,这种无序竞争无论对船公司还是对货主都是极为不利的。  相似文献   

电子商务对企业竞争的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈丽 《中国水运》2007,7(5):194-195
电子商务(E-Business)是利用现代计算机通信网络提供的信息网络平台在网上进行的商务活动。电子商务作为网络经济时代适应网络虚拟市场发展的企业经营管理新模式,带来了商机是巨大而深远的。所以,电子商务给企业的发展带来了新的活力,特别是对企业竞争带来了深远的影响。  相似文献   

As a high-cost country, it is believed that Norway has to build its competitiveness in most industries on innovation and knowledge-intensive products. The shipping industry is no exception. It has to be innovative in order to prosper. This unison conclusion, which has been drawn in several research projects during the last 10–20 years, is probably also applicable for companies in other high cost countries. A major issue in this research is how the industry can develop and maintain innovativeness and international competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to discuss the conclusion drawn in previous research concerning how the shipping industry can be innovative. It concludes that shipping companies have to improve their skills and competencies in a stronger interplay between organizations within and without the maritime cluster. This may increase their total capability and innovativeness and create distinctive competitive advantages that are difficult to imitate.  相似文献   

As a high-cost country, it is believed that Norway has to build its competitiveness in most industries on innovation and knowledge-intensive products. The shipping industry is no exception. It has to be innovative in order to prosper. This unison conclusion, which has been drawn in several research projects during the last 10-20 years, is probably also applicable for companies in other high cost countries. A major issue in this research is how the industry can develop and maintain innovativeness and international competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to discuss the conclusion drawn in previous research concerning how the shipping industry can be innovative. It concludes that shipping companies have to improve their skills and competencies in a stronger interplay between organizations within and without the maritime cluster. This may increase their total capability and innovativeness and create distinctive competitive advantages that are difficult to imitate.  相似文献   

Intense competition in many sectors across the maritime industry and in professional ship management in particular, means that the quest for achieving competitiveness will continue and intensify. A review of the current strategies across many sectors of the industry indicates the importance of forging stable partnerships for the achievement of competitiveness. Considering that the capability to form a relationship is an intangible resource (as depicted in resource-advantage theory), an empirical assessment in the context of ship management was undertaken. The assessment aimed to identify the type of relationships present in ship management, and succeeded in classifying those relationships into four distinct groups. The central thesis of the paper is that maritime organizations in general, and ship management companies in particular, may utilize their intangible relational resources in order to achieve competitive advantage. Based on the classification of ship management relationships, implications for managers are discussed.  相似文献   

Intense competition in many sectors across the maritime industry and in professional ship management in particular, means that the quest for achieving competitiveness will continue and intensify. A review of the current strategies across many sectors of the industry indicates the importance of forging stable partnerships for the achievement of competitiveness. Considering that the capability to form a relationship is an intangible resource (as depicted in resource-advantage theory), an empirical assessment in the context of ship management was undertaken. The assessment aimed to identify the type of relationships present in ship management, and succeeded in classifying those relationships into four distinct groups. The central thesis of the paper is that maritime organizations in general, and ship management companies in particular, may utilize their intangible relational resources in order to achieve competitive advantage. Based on the classification of ship management relationships, implications for managers are discussed.  相似文献   

文章在对修船企业目前质量管理现状和服务品质现状简要分析的基础上,提出了改善企业服务品质的一些具体措施,包括倡导服务文化、建立完善的服务品质管理体系、加强接触点管理、注重口碑效应和及时补救过失等具体措施,意在改善修船企业的服务品质,提高修船企业的市场竞争优势。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the creation of international ship registries by traditional maritime countries will not sufficient to halt the decline of their fleets. Over the last two decades shipping has undergone profound restructuring, characterized by a trend towards globalization and a search for a more efficient factor input combination. While shipowners from OECD countries have relied increasingly on flags of convenience, new maritime countries, particularly from Pacific Asia, have emerged, taking advantage of low-cost inputs and supportive national national environments. In the late 1980s the traditional maritime countries responded to the challenge by introducing international ship resistries. The Norwegian International Ship Registry is the most liberal and has the greatest success. Other new registries have limited impact. It appears that an international ship registry per seis not sufficient to reverse declining national fleets.  相似文献   

In the context of increased scale of carriers and vessel sizes, stakeholder opposition to port expansion, and heavy regulation, ports prepare their strategic response. A port’s competitive strength strongly depends on its capability of developing or retaining competitive advantages. Ports consider options such as strategic partnerships, or any form of collaboration, which could help them to create more or alternative combinations of unique resources as sources of competitive advantage. Taking an extended resource base perspective, the competitive advantages of the Antwerp port cluster are analyzed, using both linear regression and factor analysis, for its integrated hinterland network area, on data of 59 port experts. The results of our analysis show that the port’s hinterland extension did not (yet) result in new sources of competitive advantages. This leads us to the reflection that we cannot assume integrated port clusters always lead to projected positive strategic outcomes.  相似文献   

在分析船舶产业集群内的造船供应链结构的基础上,指出造船供应链同时具有网状和链状结构、链上节点企业地理分布高度集中且竞争激烈等特点;论证了集群内造船供应链具有提高节点企业间文化认同、有益于对败德风险和脆性风险的规避,以及能实现JIT供应等竞争优势。  相似文献   

To determine the competitive advantage of the national merchant fleet, based on the resource-based view, we collect competitive advantage assessment factors from literature, and use the analytic hierarchy process methodology to compare the importance of assessment dimensions and variables. The article's conclusions include a recommendation that the government review the current allocation of resources and implement measures to reinforce the national merchant fleet. This study's findings can be summarized as follows: (1) Criteria dimensions are ranked in the order of competitive strength, organizational capability, tangible assets, and intangible assets. (2) Criteria variables can be ranked in the order of freight revenue, cargo loading ratio, accuracy of shipping schedule, dead weight tonnage, number of vessels, standard of customer service, reputation of shipping company, cargo transportation volume, gross tonnage, sailing frequency, shipping knowledge, fleet specialization, number of crewmen, and fleet technological level. (3) The government should review existing maritime regulations and measures in order to formulate specific and transparent policies, and seek to adopt optimal alternatives from other countries concerning such issues as tonnage tax, bilateral income tax reduction or exemption agreements, second-registration mechanisms and shipbuilding basis, etc.  相似文献   

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