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The increasing trend of charging for aircraft noise nuisance to encourage the sustainable development of the air transport industry has resulted in a need to evaluate the real social costs of such externalities for the formulation of effective charge mechanisms. After comparing the current charge mechanisms at world airports as well as reviewing existing externality measurements, mathematical models are developed to calculate the noise social cost in monetary terms, and noise charge mechanisms are subsequently established. The hedonic price method is applied to calculate the annual social cost of aircraft noise during the landing and take-off stages of the flight. This is done by estimating the implicit costs of aircraft noise imposed through a decline in property values in the vicinity of the airport. The empirical results, using Amsterdam Airport Schiphol as the case study, show that the current noise charge level imposed by the Dutch Government is lower than the actual noise social cost resulting from aircraft movements. Several noise charge mechanism scenarios are derived according to the modelling results, as well as the environmental objectives of the airport related authorities.  相似文献   

EFECT is a generalised methodological framework for evaluating the impacts resulting from transportation projects with a specific orientation to environmental impacts. The innovative aspect of the methodological framework is the combination of Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) with Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) methods to come up with an overall assessment of transport initiatives’ impacts over different geographical regions and time periods. Thus, it addresses both spatial and time impacts of transportation networks for all modes. The framework comprises four steps: structuring, weighting, rating, and exploring. Uncertainty is explicitly treated in the framework through fuzzy sets or, indirectly, through sensitivity testing. EFECT, using an additive function combining MCA and CBA methods, provides simplicity and intuitive understanding of results. This allows the use of either a core approach with a basic set of criteria and weights, or the application of a more detailed evaluation, when needed. The way EFECT is applied and the results produced are presented through a case-study example.  相似文献   

Level 3 of the ERTMS/ETCS improves the capacity of railways by replacing fixed-block signalling, which prevents a train to enter a block occupied by another train, with moving block signalling, which allows a train to proceed as long as it receives radio messages ensuring that the track ahead is clear of other trains. If messages are lost, a train must stop for safety reasons within a given deadline, even though the track ahead is clear, making the availability of the communication link crucial for successful operation.We combine analytic evaluation of failures due to burst noise and connection losses with numerical solution of a non-Markovian model representing also failures due to handovers between radio stations. In so doing, we show that handovers experienced by a pair of chasing trains periodically affect the availability of the radio link, making behavior of the overall communication system recurrent over the hyper-period of periodic message releases and periodic arrivals at cell borders. As a notable aspect, non-Markovian transient analysis within two hyper-periods is sufficient to derive an upper bound on the first-passage time distribution to an emergency brake, permitting to achieve a trade-off between railway throughput and stop probability. A sensitivity analysis is performed with respect to train speed and headway distance, permitting to gain insight into the consequences of system-level design choices.  相似文献   

The article describes a criterion based on functional, environmental and economic aspects for comparing conventional roundabouts with innovative one- or two-level roundabouts. We compared the performances of eight roundabout types, differing in geometric layout, number of lanes and traffic flow regulation from each other, with regard to vehicle delays and CO2, NOx, PM2.5 and PM10 pollutant emissions. Recently-designed roundabouts – target roundabouts and flyover roundabouts – have also been studied for their undoubted practical interest. By means of closed-form capacity models and CORINAIR methodology, several traffic simulations were carried out to examine a typical annual traffic demand curve in a suburban context, three different distribution test matrices for traffic flows (ρ1, ρ2, ρ3) and maximum annual traffic flow values Qmax ranging between 1300 and 3300 veh/h.Estimating vehicle delays and annual pollutant emissions, along with construction and management costs, allowed obtaining overall costs for each roundabout examined, in function of traffic demand and several other parameters. Thanks to these analyses, we identified the roundabout types which best suit to each traffic condition.  相似文献   

Connected Vehicle Technology (CVT) requires wireless data transmission between vehicles (V2V), and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I). Evaluating the performance of different network options for V2V and V2I communication that ensure optimal utilization of resources is a prerequisite when designing and developing robust wireless networks for CVT applications. Though dedicated short range communication (DSRC) has been considered as the primary communication option for CVT safety applications, the use of other wireless technologies (e.g., Wi-Fi, LTE, WiMAX) allow longer range communications and throughput requirements that could not be supported by DSRC alone. Further, the use of other wireless technology potentially reduces the need for costly DSRC infrastructure. In this research, the authors evaluated the performance of Het-Net consisting of Wi-Fi, DSRC and LTE technologies for V2V and V2I communications. An application layer handoff method was developed to enable Het-Net communication for two CVT applications: traffic data collection, and forward collision warning. The handoff method ensures the optimal utilization of available communication options (i.e., eliminate the need of using multiple communication options at the same time) and corresponding backhaul communication infrastructure depending on the connected vehicle application requirements. Field studies conducted in this research demonstrated that the use of Het-Net broadened the range and coverage of V2V and V2I communications. The use of the application layer handoff technique to maintain seamless connectivity for CVT applications was also successfully demonstrated and can be adopted in future Het-Net supported connected vehicle applications. A long handoff time was observed when the application switches from LTE to Wi-Fi. The delay is largely due to the time required to activate the 802.11 link and the time required for the vehicle to associate with the RSU (i.e., access point). Modifying the application to implement a soft handoff where a new network is seamlessly connected before breaking from the existing network can greatly reduce (or eliminate) the interruption of network service observed by the application. However, the use of a Het-Net did not compromise the performance of the traffic data collection application as this application does not require very low latency, unlike connected vehicle safety applications. Field tests revealed that the handoff between networks in Het-Net required several seconds (i.e., higher than 200 ms required for safety applications). Thus, Het-Net could not be used to support safety applications that require communication latency less than 200 ms. However, Het-Net could provide additional/supplementary connectivity for safety applications to warn vehicles upstream to take proactive actions to avoid problem locations. To validate and establish the findings from field tests that included a limited number of connected vehicles, ns-3 simulation experiments with a larger number of connected vehicles were conducted involving a DSRC and LTE Het-Net scenario. The latency and packet delivery error trend obtained from ns-3 simulation were found to be similar to the field experiment results.  相似文献   


US airports negotiate legally binding contracts with airlines and finance large investment projects with revenue bonds. Applying insights from transaction cost economics, we argue that the observed variation in contractual and financing arrangements at US airports corresponds to the parties' needs for safeguarding and coordination. The case evidence presented reveals that public owners set the framework for private investments and contracting. We suggest that airline contracts and capital market control result in comparative efficient investments and act as a check on the cost inefficiency typically linked to public ownership.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to implement an efficient method for GIS‐based traffic analysis zone (TAZ) design in order to evaluate and validate such a method. The method was developed by the authors.

Moran's I spatial autocorrelation coefficient and sample variance are used for evaluating the generated TAZs using the Champaign‐Urbana, IL region as a case study. Sensitivity analysis is also conducted to explore the fluctuations in TAZ generation outcomes. The evaluation, the validation as well as the TAZ design have been implemented with ARC/INFO GIS software on a UNIX workstation platform.  相似文献   

A number of highly cited papers by Flyvbjerg and associates have shown that ex ante infrastructure appraisals tend to be overly optimistic. Ex post evaluations indicate a bias where investment costs are higher and benefits lower on average than predicted ex ante. These authors argue that the bias must be attributed to intentional misrepresentation by project developers. This paper shows that the bias may arise simply as a selection bias, without there being any bias at all in predictions ex ante, and that such a bias is bound to arise whenever ex ante predictions are related to the decisions whether to implement projects. Using a database of projects we present examples indicating that the selection bias may be substantial. The examples also indicate that benefit–cost ratios remain a useful selection criterion even when cost and benefits are highly uncertain, gainsaying the argument that such uncertainties render cost-benefit analyses useless.  相似文献   

Le Vine  Scott  Kong  You  Liu  Xiaobo  Polak  John 《Transportation》2019,46(4):1215-1244
Transportation - The study evaluates, in the context of freeway segments, the interaction between automated cars’ kinematic capabilities and the standard legal requirement for the operator of...  相似文献   

Given that severe weather conditions are becoming more frequent, it is important to understand the influence of weather on an individual’s daily activity-travel pattern. While some previously rare events are becoming more common, such as heavy rain, unpredicted snow, higher temperatures, it is still largely unknown how individuals will change and adapt their travel patterns in future climate conditions. Because of this concern, the number of research studies on weather and travel behaviour has increased in recent decades. Most of these empirical studies, however, have not used a cost–benefit analysis (CBA) framework, which serves as the the main tool for policy evaluation and project selection by stakeholders. This study summarises the existing findings regarding relationships between weather variability and travel behaviour, and critically assesses the methodological issues in these studies. Several further research directions are suggested to bridge the gap between empirical evidence and current practices in CBA.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles are seen as a future mobility option to respond to long term energy and environmental problems. The 2050 Swiss energy strategy envisages 30–75% introduction of electric cars by 2050, which is designed to support the goal of decarbonising the energy sector. While the Swiss government has decided to phase out nuclear electricity, deployment of electric cars can affect electricity supply and emission trajectories. Therefore, potential interactions between the electricity and transport sectors must be considered in assessing the future role of electric mobility. We analyse a set of scenarios using the Swiss TIMES energy system model with high temporal resolution. We generate insights into cross-sectoral trade-offs between electricity supply and electrification/decarbonisation of car fleets. E-mobility supports decarbonisation of car fleet even if electricity is supplied from large gas power plants or relatively low cost sources of imported electricity. However, domestic renewable based electricity generation is expected to be too limited to support e-mobility. Stringent abatement targets without centralised gas power plants render e-mobility less attractive, with natural gas hybrids becoming cost effective. Thus the cost effectiveness of electric mobility depends on policy decisions in the electricity sector. The substitution of fossil fuels with electricity in transport has the potential to reduce revenues from fuel taxation. Therefore it is necessary to ensure consistency between electricity sector and transport energy policies.  相似文献   

There is considerable research on the climate effects of daily travel, including research on the spatio-temporal and socioeconomic impact factors of daily travel and associated climate change effects. However, this is less true with respect to long-distance trips. This paper uses national transport survey data from Germany to point out differences in GHG emissions related to demographic, socioeconomic and spatial characteristics for daily and long-distance travel. Daily travel and long-distance travel are investigated simultaneously and separately using Logit and OLS regressions. The results show that transport-related GHG emissions from long-distance trips and daily trips are affected by sociodemographics in largely the same direction. In contrast, spatial attributes, like municipality size or density grade of the region, show a different picture. Per capita emissions in rural and suburban areas are higher for daily trips, but lower for long-distance trips than emissions caused by urban residents. While we cannot rule out the possibility of residential self-selection, our findings challenge the idea that compact urban development may help reduce CO2 emissions once long-distance trips are taken into account.  相似文献   

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) can play an important role in reducing risks and increasing traffic safety. Discussion as to whether a technological approach or a behavioral approach is the right way to achieve a safer traffic environment forms a point of departure for this paper. On the one hand, there are the technicians who emphasize technology as the way towards safer traffic. Behaviorists, on the other hand, view the drivers’ behavior as fundamental and argue that education and incentive-oriented policies are essential in order to influence the driver and therefore increase traffic safety. Independent of the approach advocated a successful outcome of either a technological improvement, or an information campaign, has to be based on a high level of acceptance among potential users. In order to increase traffic safety, it is therefore essential to recognize driver motivation and attitudes. In this paper we focus on drivers’ attitudes towards risk, traffic safety and safety measures. A study of drivers’ attitudes and acceptance of an electronic device for speed checking (which the drivers tested for nine months) indicated a high acceptance level. The drivers perceived that they had both become more aware of traffic regulations and behaved in accordance with safety regulations.  相似文献   

It is often argued lately that the private sector should be allowed to build and operate roads in a transportation network at its own expense, in return it should receive the revenue from road toll charge within some years, and then these roads will be transferred to the government. This type of build–operate–transfer (B–O–T) projects is currently fashionable worldwide, especially for developing countries short of funds for road construction. One of the important issues concerning a highway B–O–T project is the selection of the capacity and toll charge of the new road and the evaluation of the relevant benefits to the private investor, the road users and the whole society under various market conditions. This paper deals with the selection and evaluation of a highway project under such a B–O–T scheme. For a given road network with elastic demand, mathematical models are proposed to investigate the feasibility of a candidate project and ascertain the optimal capacity and level of toll charge of the new highway. The response of road users to the new B–O–T project is explicitly considered. The characteristic of the problem is illustrated graphically with a numerical example.  相似文献   

The wide adoption of location-enabled devices, together with the acceptance of services that leverage (personal) data as payment, allows scientists to push through some of the previous barriers imposed by data insufficiency, ethics and privacy skepticism. The research problems whose study require hard-to-obtain data (e.g. transportation mode detection, service contextualisation, etc.) have now become more accessible to scientists because of the availability of data collecting outlets. One such problem is the detection of a user's transportation mode. Different fields have approached the problem of transportation mode detection with different aims: Location-Based Services (LBS) is a field that focuses on understanding the transportation mode in real-time, Transportation Science is a field that focuses on measuring the daily travel patterns of individuals or groups of individuals, and Human Geography is a field that focuses on enriching a trajectory by adding domain-specific semantics. While different fields providing solutions to the same problem could be viewed as a positive outcome, it is difficult to compare these solutions because the reported performance indicators depend on the type of approach and its aim (e.g. the real-time availability of LBS requires the performance to be computed on each classified location). The contributions of this paper are three fold. First, the paper reviews the critical aspects desired by each research field when providing solutions to the transportation mode detection problem. Second, it proposes three dimensions that separate three branches of science based on their main interest. Finally, it identifies important gaps in research and future directions, that is, proposing: widely accepted error measures meaningful for all disciplines, methods robust to new data sets and a benchmark data set for performance validation.  相似文献   

This note rectifies an error in the paper by Yang and Meng (2000) on highway pricing and capacity choice, and shows that under essentially the same assumptions as for Mohring and Harwitz (1962) and Strotz (1964), self-financing applies to a general network.  相似文献   

The transport system is critical to the welfare of modern societies. This article provides an overview of recent research on vulnerability and resilience of transport systems. Definitions of vulnerability and resilience are formulated and discussed together with related concepts. In the increasing and extensive literature of transport vulnerability studies, two distinct traditions are identified. One tradition with roots in graph theory studies the vulnerability of transport networks based on their topological properties. The other tradition also represents the demand and supply side of the transport systems to allow for a more complete assessment of the consequences of disruptions or disasters for the users and society. The merits and drawbacks of the approaches are discussed. The concept of resilience offers a broader socio-technical perspective on the transport system’s capacity to maintain or quickly recover its function after a disruption or a disaster. The transport resilience literature is less abundant, especially concerning the post-disaster phases of response and recovery. The research on transport system vulnerability and resilience is now a mature field with a developed methodology and a large amount of research findings with large potential practical usefulness. The authors argue that more cross-disciplinary collaborations between authorities, operators and researchers would be desirable to transform this knowledge into practical strategies to strengthen the resilience of the transport system.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the pros and the cons of installing batteries on offshore support vessels. These vessels are specially designed to provide services to oil and gas operations, such as anchor handling, supply and subsea operations. They have multiple engines and advanced dynamic positioning systems to ensure that they can perform their duties with high reliability at nearly any sea state. Combined with high safety requirements, this has resulted in general operational patterns with vessels running multiple combustion engines even at calm water conditions. For emissions, low engine loads yield high emissions of exhaust gases such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and aerosols such as black carbon (BC), due to less favorable combustion conditions. The high span for these vessels between low loads and high, and their great need for potential power at short notice, motivate our examination of hybrid setups with electric: the vessel segment should be more favorable than many. We find that combining batteries with combustion engines reduces local pollution and climate impact, while the economics with current battery cost and fuel prices is good enough for new vessels, but not good enough for retrofits.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the operation of electric vehicles in urban car sharing networks. After surveying strategic and operational differences and comparing them to gasoline-fueled cars, a simulation study was carried out. The proposed discrete event simulation tool covered important operational characteristics of electric vehicles, including realistic charging routines. Different vehicle types were compared under various conditions and on multiple markets to determine their performance. The data obtained indicated the competitiveness of electric vehicles in car sharing networks. Key success factors included advantageous relations between the market environment (e.g. electricity and fuel prices) and important characteristics of electric cars (e.g. price and range).  相似文献   

This paper examines air traffic patterns among China’s scheduled airlines in January 2006 and January 2011, using Official Airline Guide data on carrier schedules. The author classifies Chinese carriers into one of four classes. Airports are also organized into a classification scheme based on several criteria related to the total volume of traffic, the carriers serving the airports and the nature of the airports to which they are connected. Counts, sums, percentage shares and changes in these calculations between 2006 and 2011 are presented in tabular form. Inferences about the fundamental structure and future patterns of capacity growth for the yet not fully emerged Chinese air traffic system can be drawn.  相似文献   

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